Banyankole aren’t to blame for M7’s dictatorship

Good People,
Let us know our enemies! The worst traitors to Baganda are right in our midst. It is not, and it was not the Anyanyas (that is if such an ethnic entity exists); it was the Nsaba Buturos of this world who oversaw Panda Gali! As then, Today it is not the Banyankore, it is ALL people who are supporting and encouraging the rabid behavior of Museveni who we should redlist.
I appeal to all not to attack anyone because of where they come from. The current leader of Banyala was a proud Muganda NRA (UPDF if you want) officer until he was bribed (ordered) to take on the rank of Sabanyala, which has never existed in the history of Uganda.
The group which emboldened General Museveni to insult us the way he did Thursday night was composed of mainly Baganda MPs. These dishonorable lot of Museveni’s chorus singers should top the list of those we quiz when time and circumstances allow.
Ssemagulu Lawrence Mukasa
An Uncompromisingly Proud Muganda who loves Uganda


5 Comments so far. Leave a comment below.
  1. roy,

    You are ALL missing the point.

    This is not a Baganda V any other tribe. This should be a grave concern to all ugandans, East Africans and Africans . The issue is about this Dangerous dictatorship by someone who came in by bloodshed, through the good will of most ugandans at great cost to Buganda(LUWERO) AND UGANDANS in particular, in blood and treasure.

    No one has a right to tell any law abiding Ugandan where to go and not to go,leave alone an important cultural and respected institution that has been there for hundreds of years. Irrespective of their tribe!!.

    It is VERY DANGEROUS when people start tribal mongering and hatred. It can only lead to one thing only. Remember Rwanda!!!!!

    So all law abiding Ugandans should firmly and squarely support all democrats to stop the politics of impunity, destruction, tribalism, election rigging,corruption, arbitray arrests without trial, safe houses,militrization,cronysm, violence, mambas, abuse and disrespect for the courts and the rule of law,plundering of national resources and over staying in power with no agenda or political programme, and extreme poverty for the majority, un-paid doctors, teachers and hospittals with no medicine!!!

    These are the issues that affect everyone, all ugandans and that is something we should be talking about,not banyala etc….That is a distraction and division to keep staying in power and lead to innocent and un-neccessary bloodshed!!!!!!!!

    So all hands on deck and to peacefully deal with this insane, dangerous and nearnderthalic(extreme backwardness) leadership!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Jerome,

    I agree! I have so many friends who are Banyankore who have nothing to do with M7’s quest for power. As a matter of fact I strongly disagree with all the violence, all our youths must be educated that we do not have to be violent to bring M7 down. Stop going to his functions, stop attending functions organised by his ministers, walk away when they rise up to speak. This man is so power hungry, I cant believe his blaming his failures on Gadaffi and the NV was bold enough to carry this nonsense in its editorial.

  3. Michael Kayongo,

    well well you righ but M7 has driven to to a point of no return and he should know that capability is within feels like we need so SB to deal with him and theya re on their way

  4. Rachel,

    How come no one is talking about the economic cost of the thugs that run riots with police. how come it does not matter that the National security council were quick to bring the army to contain robbers and thieves using buganda as an excuse to riot and burn up people and force people to sing an anthem for a kingdom to which they pay not any allegiance. Wasn’t that a good thing?

    I have noticed that Ugandans like to play the blame game. The police knows that civilians know best there fellow civilians and now use the kampala traders association and Uganda taxi operators association to put things right using their kiboko squad. these people holding sticks are civilians like us. the difference is they are fed up of making loses because useless thugs want to have a field day. Utoda for example makes millions perday, some of these people have loans. so when you see them beat up people who burn their property like rats, they are only doing what you would do to a thief in your home. Simple.

    I think the situation was handled right and i commend our king for not going ahead. he showed that he had brains enough not to go against an executive order and that at the end of the day. normal life is what matters. not who is king or president.

  5. Kimomera Matigga,

    Yiwe Laakeri, I have no comment to your contribution.

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