February 2012
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Day February 28, 2012

M7’s presidential jet should have a room for journalists and Kayihura should be dropped immediately

Basil Bataringaya (RIP) was a thorn in the past governments of Uganda

I noticed that Somalia and the success of AMISON/Ugandan/Burundi is hardly newsworthy in Ugandan papers. Why? The papers are full of garbage and petty stories but cannot find room in their pages for serious stories like Somalia. When history about Somalia is written AMISON /Uganda/Burundi will figure highly. The rest of the world including the Muslim world, shame on them stood by and did nothing. Now they are landing in Somali to open embassies and distribute cash. But who secured that damn country? It was the blood of Ugandans and Burundians and much later Kenyans and Ethiopians. I do not want to mice my words, the Muslim world did nothing o help Somalia.

But they were quick to go and destabilize Libya so much so that Qatar’s flag is the one flying in Tripoli. Of course Libya is in total mess, not to mention the tons of depleted uranium dumped in that country. May be it was a good thing the Muslim/Arab countries are out of Somalia given their lack of clarity on anything

Where is leadership from the Muslim world. None. Why? Egypt used to lead the Muslim/Arab world but is now on the verge of total chaos. The Muslim/Arab world has no leader anymore.

To go back to the inability to cover stories abroad, why can’t the presidential jet have room for at least pool reporters? If they were open, which they are not, they would have accommodated Ugandan journalist on every trip. May be parliament can pass such law mandating openness by including journalist,

But the media too can send a message. Stop or refuse to print the lies fed to you by Mirundi. Of course the New Vision cannot dare given that t is led by a cheer leader in the name of Robert Kabushenga.

Tell us something: why have Ugandan papers collectively under covered the Somali success story? Your papers are full of naked pictures and phone numbers of women looking for sex. Shame. In plain English the press in Ugandan is more like tabloid. Nothing serious. Again why given that Mass Communication graduates who now populate the press were among the top performers. What is the matter with the Ugandan press?

Because you have done such a terrible job, the Kenyan pres is giving their forces all the credit. How many journalists are in Somalia from Uganda? From New Vision, Bukedde or Monitor?


Yesterday , one of the UAH members posted the picture of former minister of Internal affairs, the late Basil Bataringaya (RIP) being taken by Amin’s soldiers to be killed. Kayihura should look at that picture over and over and then reflect on his actions. Ugandans including the media have treated Kayihura with kid gloves when he is the MOST dangerous man in uniform in Uganda. Kayihura has his own team of the equivalent of Amin’s Safety unit which includes the likes of Turyagumanawe who shows up to cause trouble and shoot at people everywhere including Amuru. The other members include the police officer who shot at Dr Besigye recently at Namasuba.

Kayihura may be educated but he is worse, far worse than Iddil Amin’s Kassim Obura or Ali Towilli. In fact he is the worst monster-read murderer- to ever wear a police uniform.

It is hard to believe what the so called Uganda police is doing. YKM may have promoted General Kayihura but he is doing his regime the most damage internationally. The sooner he realizes that the better.

Some fellow called Giles Muhame said without even blinking or thinking through that YKM’s plane is monitored by USA and Israel radar. Hmm. What to make of such revelation by a journalist who is supposedly friendly to the regime? In any case why reveal the obvious?

Funny thing Kayihura’s late father was progressive but the son is now worse than Towilli or Kassim Obura. That is scary.


General David Sejusa formerly David Balyejjusa Tinyefuza is an interesting personality. At least some people knew that his other name was Balyejjusa or Sejusa. YKM will keep General Sejusa for as long as he is in office because the general is one of the Generals in favor of Obugabe. The other Generals for are Salim Saleh and Elly Tumwine.

General David Sejusa is also fairly disciplined. For starters he is not a womanizer. He is happily married to his Nyakasura kyana with whom they joined Makerere together.

The Monitor journalists missed a real opportunity to tell their readers about General David Sejusa. For example, David Sejusa was an active student leader at Makerere university who scaled the ranks of hall governance. General Sejusa then joined the police.

I compare General David Sejusa to Prof Khiddu Makubuya in some aspects. They are bright people who had to play second fiddle to survive the system where there is only one Ssebagabe. I have a feeling that the YKM cabinet is anti-intellectual . He prefers yes men and women and of course crooks.

Land Evictions

How come some ‘land owners’ are allowed to evict so many people from their land and not others? I mean how come Mr Imodot get permission to evict 3000 people who have lived on that land well before the land Act came into effect? If Mr Imodot lived in Kayunga , would he have been issued with that eviction order. Yes I am talking about double standards by the NRM regime. Could Mr. Imodot be an NRM supporter?

The other interesting story is that the order is signed by the Soroti magistrate/commissioner for oaths? What is wrong with that statement by the New Vision? Could it really be true that a sitting magistrate in Soroti swore Mr Imodot in his or her capacity as commissioner for oaths? If that is true the JSC should move in and summarily dismiss that magistrate. The New Vision and those evicted should first take their case to the JSC because the order was obtained in funny ways.

Can those in Ugandan tell us” can a sitting a magistrate do what is alleged in the Newvision story? Are magistrates now also serving s commissioner for oaths? I know anything is possible in YKM’s Uganda, but that story has several strange things.

Listen to Mr Imodot that he was given 20 acres by Mr Mutaliya Asuman in 1969 and bought the rest in 1988.

Mr Denis Obbo of lands Ministry if you are reading, can you clarify for us. Why is Mr Imodot allowed to evict 3000 tenants -same with Madhavani in Amuru-on his alleged land but people in Buganda in particular cannot do the same? Does the law discriminate on the basis of location? That is if you own land in Soroti, you can do what someone who owns land in Kayunag or Siingo cannot do. What is the truth?

The evictions in Buganda are by those with connections to NRM especially senior UPDF officers who are the largest land grabbers in Uganda today. The land holders CANNOT do what Mr Imodit is doing in Soroti. He claims he went and swore an affidavit before the magistrate/commissioner for oaths. I know some people with land titles but cannot do anything about their land.


Mutebile, corrupt ministers, MPs and Bassajabalaba have a symbiotic relationship with M7


Some should warn Karoro Okurut and Margaret Muhanga (Andrew Mwenda’s sister)that once Yoweri Kaguta Museveni(YKM) is out of office they will lose all the illegally acquired land without any compensation. Title deeds will be nullified the way it has been done and is still being done in Kenya. The good thing is that land is not a movable property. And even the buyers better be aware. The excuse that they bought from Karooro or Muhanga will not fly. And if you dig deeper where those women got their chits to go and lot public land, you will find that they got them from State House. Surprise!

And estates build on stolen or illegally acquired land will be torn down the way it has been done in Kenya where mansions were destroyed. Yes it is painful but for the sake of sanity it will have to be done. And it will be done

According to Daily Monitor, “Fr Lokodo told Saturday Monitor that the position of Cabinet is that Prof Emmanuel Tumusiime Mutebile (Governor Bank of Uganda), Billy Kainamura (former Solicitor General), and Harriet Lwabi (acting Solicitor General) will be forced to resign to ensure transparency during investigations over the case and thereafter prosecuted”

Why should Ms Hariet Lwabi resign whens he came in long after the swindle? I believe she was parlimentary counsel or something like that at the time.

With all due respect to Fr Lokodo, he is engaged in window dressing and he knows it.

Basajjabalaba and his shs.169b

Ugandans are funny people. Even the chairman of PAC Hon Wadri said that he believed YKM on Basajabalaba. In the story in the DAILY MONITOR, YKM says he ordered Ms Muloni to sign the papers. In a story published in one of the papers, the journalist said he believes that Basajabalaba did not carry away all the 169 billion and that Minister Bbumba, Prof Khidu Makubuya and Governor Mutebile took some. But what about YKM? The big question is this: how much of the money paid to Basajabalaba ended up in YKM’s pockets or in the pockets of his cronies? Did PAC ask YKM to go on record on that issue? There are signs everywhere that Basajabalaba is a front for YKM. He uses him to steal public monies. Then we have PAC which says they believe in YKM. What is it they believe?

PAC is one of the most important committees of the house and members should not compromise. That is not the case with the current PAC. Why has PAC not ordered for the arrest of the crook if as YKM claims he was wrongly paid? Why can’t the state recover the monies? Can those in the press help us out here? How many billions has Basajabalaba returned since beyond what YKM called “fair”. What is fair about paying crook public money apparently for business lost for taking over markets? Think about it, markets that were meant for the peasants have turned out to be the cash cow for YKM’s sidekicks. Col Mugyenyi not sure whether he won the Nyabushozi seat is the other crook being compensated for taking over markets. And who gave them those markets in the first place. Was it not YKM?

The issue is not whether YKM knew. I was even surprised by Hon Semujju’s article in the OBSERVER. The truth of the matter is that it was President Yoweri Museveni who originated the scheme that would allow that crook scumbag to rip off the country. YKM not only knew, but he must have signed off whatever the crook presented. So Hon Semujju, stop trying to sanitize YKM’s actions. How can the president originate the scheme and not know what was going on? How can the scheme that was plotted in state House take place without YKM- the Ssebaggabe’s knowledge? Who else has the guts to plot theft of such public funds from State House? What is the matter?

I bet you YKM met with those crooks in state house not once but severally. Yes, Let Mirundi deny this. And how many times did YKM use that red/hot line to call the ministers ordering them to just pay the crooks? This issue is bigger than Watergate.

For the avoidance of doubt, President Yoweri Museveni was an active participant in the Basajabalaba schemes to defraud Ugandans public money. Whether YKM personally benefited, I live that to your judgment. But I hope UAH is not a forum for dummies.

Well, what more to say about Ugandan MPs? 28 billion as emoluments- I guess this is the money paid to MPs for sitting in endless committees. Now think about it. If you let hyenas decide how much to get paid, how many committees do you think they will attend and for how long, just to take home more money?

So the big question is this: what is Uganda foregoing to pay MPs 28 billion on top of shs.103 million each for cars? That is, what can 28 billion do elsewhere in a productive way? Nodding disease needs 7 billion to fight, yet MPs and MOF are telling health to find the money from its budget. In the meantime MPs are finding money for their tumbo and petty projects. Notice that 7 billion is a mere quarter of 28 billion! If you still had doubt about the symbiotic relationship between YKM and MPs, there you have it.

Pioneer Buses

Now the news about the Buses is that they are owned by among others one Muganga who is described a son in law to Mr Sam Kutesa. Other shareholders include Mr Mathew Rukikaire, father in law to Ms Nina Mbabazi, and a few others. That tells you one thing: The buses will ply Kampala. If not, expect YKM to approve several billions for businesses lost! YKM determines and decides everything.

On that score he is like Mr Moi. I do not know how crowded YKM’s state house is, but it seems to be crowded with crooks and thieves that he favors the way Moi’s state house was. It was not unusual for the crooks to fight each other in Moi’s state house. Yes within state house!