UAH Forum

“UGANDANS AT HEART “(UAH), is a free-to-join, non-profit making e-mail discussion forum that is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously with over 30,000  members worldwide. It was started in 2007 and it  is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans and East Africans. People from Uganda have scattered to countries around the world. Most of the Ugandans in Diaspora like to maintain their African connections and values.

At UAH, we discuss political, social, economic, technological and healthy issues affecting Uganda as a nation. We’ve entered the political discussions to restore liberty and Uganda values. Through enlightening, we believe we can make the population aware that it is them -not the government-to decide on how to run their life, cheque book, retirement, education, and family.The overall goal of UAH is to empower Ugandans and shift power from the leaders to the people themselves or communities. Potter(1988) identified five factors which must be addressed if this goal is to be achieved: access, choice, information, redress and representation. We are equating the people here to consumers of products. UAH is therefore trying as much as possible to give information to Ugandans to help them make better independent choices.

The goals of the UAH are, without limitations, as follows:

  1. To promote better acquaintance, understanding, friendship and cooperation among Ugandans all over the world.
  2. To act as a link between Ugandans abroad and Ugandans at home.
  3. Providing potential investors and financial institutions with information on the changes in global and regional markets and in agro industry systems which could mean business opportunities for those interested;
  4. Provide space for Investors, Promoters and other stakeholders to dialogue and network on investment proposals privately or in open sessions;
  5. To share research and knowledge about different issues
  6. To attempt to ensure that our member’s interests in Uganda and elsewhere are taken into account in all policy making
  7. To provide a forum for frank and open discussion on matters of interest and concern to Ugandans
  8. To encourage members to participate in the economic, social and cultural activities in Uganda
  9. To be a voice for all Ugandans especially those in diaspora


1. Anyone who is a Ugandan by nationality can become a member. In this context, the term ‘Ugandan’ shall mean anybody born in Uganda or naturalized as a Ugandan citizen.

2. Anyone who loves Uganda or who has got Uganda at Heart can become a member. If you describe yourself as socially tolerant and fiscally responsible, you’re a Ugandan at heart.

The more than 30,000-strong UAH membership is an integrated federation of Ugandans all over the world. Anybody can become a member regardless of their political association, social status, tribe, religion, gender and clan.


The forum’s mission is to preach the gospel of the truth in our society. The forum does not officially fund any political party though members can do this individually.

UAH and political parties

The forum is neutral in matters of party politics. However, political parties and their supporters can always use it to fundraise for their own parties or politicians. The forum is not attached to any particular political party in Uganda and it welcomes all members of different political parties. In other words, every Ugandan is welcome to join this forum.

The forum does not:

*      Endorse, discourage or oppose political parties, candidates or platforms. However, members can individually endorse, promote or oppose political parties, candidates or platforms. The owner of this forum is allowed to express his political opinions on an individual basis. Any official position of the forum must bear the expression suggesting that it is being issued on behalf of Ugandans at heart forum.

*      Attempt to direct or dictate to a government leader. However, the forum members can use it as a way of expressing their dissatisfaction over government decisions or policies on individual basis. Then it is up to the government to act on these thoughts or not.

The forum does:

*      Encourage its members to play a role as responsible citizens in their communities, including becoming informed about issues and voting in elections.

*      Expect its members to engage in the political process in an informed and civil manner, respecting the fact that members of the forum come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences and may have differences of opinion in partisan political matters.

*      Request candidates for office not to imply that their candidacy or platforms are endorsed by the Ugandans at Heart forum.

*      Reserve the right as a group to address, in a non-partisan way, issues that it believes have significant community or moral consequences or those directly affect the interests of Ugandans.


Uganda discussions connect you with other Ugandans around the world to share your questions, insights, and views about important issues in the country. You get a chance to read what others are saying about hot topics, get knowledgeable answers, check out comparisons, and swap comments in our easy-to-use group discussions. Please share thoughts that you think will add to the discussion and help other Ugandans interested in that topic.

Debating is about developing your communication skills. It is about assembling and organizing effective arguments, persuading and entertaining an audience. Debating is not about personal abuse, irrational attacks or purely emotional appeals.

Argument is the process of explaining why a point of view should be accepted. It concerns the logic and the evidence supporting a particular conclusion. Use evidence (i.e. examples, facts, statistics, quotations of expert/public opinion etc.) to back up each point you make in your argument. Show how each piece of evidence is relevant and how it advances your argument. Make a point, give the reason for that point, and supply evidence to back it up.

The aim of this document is to give you an idea of how to discuss or argue at UAH forum without offending others. It’s not just a simple case of writing the first thing that comes into your head. There are certain rules and guidelines which have to be adhered to if you want to have any chance in a competitive discussion. This is not the document with all the answers. It is only a rough set of guidelines to help get you started. Everyone should try to find their own strengths and failings.  In general most discussions should be conducted in English though we allow the use of one or two sentences in own local languages.

What shouldn’t I post?

Do not post:

  • Profane or obscene, or spiteful comments
  • Messages that abuse, denigrate or threaten others
  • Any racist, sexist, discriminatory or otherwise harmful statements that are offensive
  • Any personal information about children under 14 years old.
  • Descriptions that intrude on the privacy of another person, including revealing personally identifiable information such as their name or address
  • Text that promotes illegal or immoral conduct
  • Repeated posts that make the same point excessively
  • Repeated unwelcome messages that harass or embarrass other members or participants.Please post items that will appeal to the widest numbers of our members.
  • Any form of “spam,” including advertisements. Any body posting an advert will require the permission of the head moderator.
  • Messages from other forums that break any of the rules of UAH.Private conversations or photos should be posted to private members
  • Photos of members without their permission.If a member has posted his own picture in a thread or in a Salute, then this is considered giving permission. Otherwise, do not use their picture. Anyone posting another member’s picture without permission will be disciplined(start moderating their messages). When messages are moderated, they take longer to appear on the forum as we have to approve them first.However, posting photos of public figures is allowed on the forum without their permission. It does not matter whether they are members of UAH or not.

How do I start a new discussion?

On the UAH website or in a discussion forum, start a new discussion below the list of recently-active discussion titles. Once you click in the discussion topic text box, you’ll also see a box to enter the initial post. You can also do this by sending a new message to the forum email:

Please do not use the forum for:

♥Advertising – other than short, informative notices about programmes and events of interest to Ugandans.If you intend to advertise on a weekly or monthly basis, you will need the permission of the moderator before you do so.

♥Questionnaires of any kind;

♥Requests for help with private MBA, PhD or commercial research;

♥Discussing the purpose and/or management of the forum, or the more general topic of how to run discussion forums. Experience has shown that such debate (discussion within a forum about its own purposes and organisation) is sterile and very off-putting for subscribers who joined to discuss the forum’s stated topics. The purpose of the forum is stated in its home page on the website; these rules set out the way it operates. The rules are enhanced from time to time and we welcome suggestions for changes to the rules or indeed the purposes of the forum, but please send them to not to the forum. Please help us maintain the overall quality and interest of the main topic discussions by avoiding “why are we here?” types of debate in the forum itself!

* Promoting terrorist activities or anything that may lead to genocide anywhere in the world.

General Guidance – Good Practice

  1. Please only send messages in plain text mode. This makes it easier for everyone to read and respond to your message.
  2. Only reply if you have something new to add – don’t send messages just saying “I agree with Patrick Otto” or similar – unless Patrick Otto is isolated and really needs support. Silence is generally taken to imply agreement!
  3. Reply to the forum not to the sender of the message – messages to the UAH forum are intended for public discussion. Your email package should pick up the “Reply to:” line in the message header or you may need to change the reply address, but you should always reply to the forum unless you have something personal and private to say to the sender. The forum address is: . But you have to join before the forum will accept your messages.
  4. Keep your messages within the general topic area of the forum
  5. Special note: Announcements- Announcements of local and national events etc are welcome but please send only the very basic details and include date, place, topic, type of event, and where to get more details

6. When replying to a message please use the same “subject” line so that people will find it easy to follow the “thread” of a topic.

▪If you are introducing a new topic choose a new subject line that makes the subject of your message clear to all.

▪Always choose a new subject line when your reply moves the topic away from what most people would expect from the existing subject line or when you have replied to the same subject line more than twice.

7.Use plain English – remember that people from 80 or more countries may be trying to make sense of your message. Some of them may not be completely fluent in English. Please refrain from using a language people don’t understand in your messages.

8.Be thoughtful and generous in your response to other people’s messages – try to consider what might be useful in what they are trying to say even if you disagree with it.

9.Never be rude or dismissive about someone’s messages – if you have any complaints about other people’s behaviour take it up with the forum manager rather than trying to deal with it yourself. Being rude or dismissive leads to “flaming”. Even if it doesn’t, it makes lots of forum participants very uncomfortable, not only the person you are being rude about!

10.Always sign your messages – please add your name at the end of your message, in the way you would normally introduce yourself, for example:

Best wishes, Mulindwa Edward

or simply

Mulindwa Edward

This helps to make the discussion friendly, since people can then say “I agree with Mulindwa that . . . ” or “Hello Mulindwa, thanks for your useful comment. My own view is that . . . “.This is particularly important if your name isn’t clear from your email address.

▪ if you have a particular reason for needing to remain anonymous, it is very fine and let members know.

▪ Please don’t make your signature block so long and please don’t add irrelevant material, especially advertising copy, clever formatting etc. All this does is increase the traffic level on the network and the forum server – if you want to impress people with your understanding and know-how, the best way to is through the relevant content of your messages!


If anybody posts what one considers a ‘conspiracy theory’ , he or she is always exposed on this forum by some body else because we have got a lot of informed people here.For instance, when one says that ‘Obote never rigged the 1980 elections‘, there is always going to be two sides to this story and eventually the truth comes out.

Yes, I agree that some people enjoy spinning conspiracy theories. Perhaps they feel superior by believing they are “in the know” while others remain ignorant. Perhaps they like expressing themselves this way. What I know about conspiracy theories is that there is a great measure of truth in their claims.The truth is never far from these kind of theories but then again the truth would necessarily not be easy to accept by some people.

So,I suggest you do your own thinking instead of listening only to what you read on this forum. Of course, as a moderator, I try to post some of these opinions to the UAH blog and other sister blogs as a way of seeking other people’s opinions. Surely, in the end it helps people to reach their own conclusions and extend their knowledge about issues.

The most important thing to note here is that we(UAH forum) are not out to divide Ugandans but we’re out to share messages; dissect problems facing the country; seek solutions; bring Ugandans together and build a team that will run our country in future inishallah. We do this because we love our country.


More information can be found by joining UAH at:  or by contacting the head moderator at:

Members are individually  responsible for whatever content they post on the forum. One can also join UAH on either Facebook or Twitter at:




Issues to do with Buganda are posted on our sister blog called: Ekitibwa Kya Buganda:


This is an extension of the UGANDANS AT HEART forum(UAH). It has got a lot of reports on various issues for those interested in research:


Please share your audio with UAH at:

Alternatively, send the audio to and then we will upload it on here.


We would like Ugandans to voluntarily start writing about human rights and other various subjects which may be beneficial to Ugandans for the UAH (Ugandans At Heart) Community? One can do so at least once a week or month: come up with any topic of one’s choice and post an article on any day of the week they fancy.

We feel that teaching Ugandans about Human rights and other topics will foster consciousness-raising and empowering experience among the population that will eventually allow Ugandans to be open to some issues happening in our society. We are going to need UAH volunteers to do this job for us as part of our effort to build a true Uganda community on line. If whatever you write can have an effect on at least over 20,000 members of this forum, we shall consider this job done. All articles posted on different subjects will be posted on our so many blogs for the consumption of those who are not yet subscribed to the UAH forum and the future generation that will come after you inishallah. Meanwhile, other members should find ways of critiquing whatever is posted on the forum, and they should do so with a lot of respect under the guidance of UAH rules. I mean, we should respect the UAH rules and guidelines in the process of our arguments.

Let us also remember that we have got a lot of university students following what we do on this forum. The media in and outside Uganda is also interested in some of our stuff here. So it is very important that we try to put in some effort in whatever we post on this forum despite lack of enough time due to ‘KYEYO’ demands.

Some of the topics we are looking at include:
1. Problem Solving
2. Hygiene
3. Oral re hydration
4. Immunization
5. Leadership skills
6. Feasibility studies for income generating local projects
7. Project management
8. Human rights
9. Women and Men’s Health
10. Early childhood development
11. Sustainable natural resource management
12. Climate change
13. Kampala Politics in general
14. Community empowerment


For members, just post the articles directly to the forum or to the moderator. For non-members of UAH, articles should be posted to: or . Please, I expect full cooperation from everybody on this as we try to turn UAH into a real Uganda Community that will have more effect our kids now or in the future.

UAH is one of the many self-help groups online -that is made up of Ugandans in and outside the country, but come together for mutual support and to share experiences, information, ideas and ways of coping under different situations. We are not motivated by profit in whatever we do and encourage authenticity of whatever is posted on the forum. Membership to UAH is defined by either self-declaration (if one wants) or mutual agreement (by subscribing through email address), but not by subscription fees. Our discussions are frank and open as possible. So we are not a ‘gossip’ forum or community.

Benefits of UAH membership:
• Reducing depression,
• Increases self esteem especially among regular contributors,
• It’s a platform for more personal contact with fellow Ugandans and those with power. It bridges the gap between: leaders and the people they lead, and Ugandans abroad and those inside the country.
• Increases skills in IT, debating, problem solving and Conflict management, people skills in general, e.t.c- through regular contributions and reading other people’s messages,
• Gives a comparative perspective on one’s own problems,
• One gets information and news bulletins on a regular basis,
• Making new friends and expanding one’s social network,
• Fundraising for national causes,
• E.T.C

Basically, we encourage all Ugandans to join us in one way or the other through facebook, Google, twitter, digs, yahoo, blogs, e.t.c. Those who are already members, we thank you, but you have got a responsibility to help other people make a decision about membership to UAH.

Finally, we request Ugandans through their respective capacities to pressurize the government to start up ADVICE CENTRES in different parts of the country which will ultimately be one of beneficiaries to the literature published on various websites or blogs. For instance, in the UK, they have got Citizens Advice Bureaus that help to give out advice and information about different concerns from individuals in the community. I think we should start something similar on a voluntary basis. Religious leaders could help champion this cause at the beginning before it is adopted by others.

Special Request:
UAH would love to expand itself into a print newspaper or magazine with its own radio station in future. We would love both the newspaper and radio to be based in Uganda but the management has got no money at the moment. Therefore, the management requests anybody interested in helping to finance this project to contact the head moderator as soon as possible at: We would appreciate any ideas or contributions that can make these projects a reality rather than just a dream.

UAH planned to start up a Ugandans at Heart Foundation in 2007 but the idea stalled again basically due to lack of finances and commitment from some members.The main aim of the foundation was to participate in economic development of Uganda by being involved in various developmental projects around the country.

We are still looking for volunteers or business angels who can help us technically or physically in implementing the above ideas. The foundation or newspapers or radio is not a replacement for the Ugandan-at-heart forum in any way.
Thank you


Head Moderator


722 Comments so far. Leave a comment below.
  1. please send updates, fresh comments

  2. You made some good points there. I did a search on the topic and found most people will agree with your blog.

  3. Sinkaliesia,

    Hey all!

    My name is Steven and I am new to this place 🙂. So far this is an incredible source for information and Ive spent a lot of time reading and browsing around. looking forward to hearing from you!


  4. hello,

    thanks for the great quality of your forum, every time i come here, i’m amazed.
    i read your posts regularly and i finaly decided to subscribe.

    black hattitude.

  5. JAO,

    Just stumbled on this today. Great forum

  6. Vincent Nuwagaba,

    30th September 2009

    Honourable Speaker,
    Parliament of Uganda.


    Honourable Speaker, we students of Makerere University, appalled by the recent phenomenal, unprecedented and uncalled for fees increment, do hereby petition you on the subject matter on the following grounds;
    1. The increment was made abruptly hence leading many admitted students to drop out of the courses they had hitherto been admitted to and were sure they would pay for by the time of application and admission.

    2. The increment was too huge to the magnitude of more than 100% for some courses. For instance, Bachelor of Law tuition was hiked from 600,000 (six hundred thousand) shillings to 1,260,000 (one million two hundred sixty thousand) shillings, hence an increment of 126%! If one added functional fees and bank charges the total amount paid comes to 1,808,500 (one million eight hundred eight thousand five hundred) shillings per semester. Thus, although the media have always reported 40%, that is misleading, 40% applies to the courses whose tuition was least hiked. Honourable Speaker, even if the increment was 40%, it is still too much.

    3. With the 40% increment, courses such as Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, Bachelor of Pharmacy, Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Medical Radiography have had their tuition hiked to the tune of 1,344,000 per semester. If one added the functional fees and bank charges, the whole figure comes to 1,893,000 (one million eight hundred ninety three thousand) shillings per semester. For a course like Bachelor of Science in Speech and Language Therapy, although there was no increment, 1.5m tuition alone for one semester is too much because added to functional fees; the whole figure comes to 2,549,000 (two million, five hundred fourty nine thousand) shillings per semester. These figures exclude accommodation, meals, transport and many other scholastic needs such as photocopying, typing, printing, textbooks, exercise books, pens, among others. If one is to lead a peasantry lifestyle, he/she will spend not less than 3,000,000 (3 million) per semester on a Bachelor of Law course. For Medicine and Pharmacy courses, the figure is far beyond this. With this increment, the government will find it difficult to convince many that it indeed is interested in promoting courses that are critical to national development. We know for a fact that our country has inadequate doctors as most of the few trained run out for greener pastures. It is interesting to find out that the government is putting in place disincentives through hiked fees. The courses mentioned herein are just a tip of the iceberg. Otherwise all courses are unaffordable at least to the poor and middle income earners.

    4. The increment is not uniform across all public universities. Whereas the least hiked course attracted a 40% increment while some other courses attracted a more than 100% increment for Makerere University, in other public universities, the increment is more or less negligible.

    5. The inflation argument doesn’t hold water because functional fees were not increased and it is only tuition that was increased. But also, assuming the issue was inflation that has accumulated over the years, it makes no sense that students that were admitted in 2009-2010 academic year should bear that huge burden. Logically, there should have been a gradual increment of not more than five percent over the years.

    6. The increment affects everyone directly or indirectly including Honourable Members of Parliament and Ministers. If one is not a student, they are parents or guardians. If not, they have siblings, neighbours or relatives and if one has none, they are potential students or guardians to the university. Therefore, this is a national issue not merely the concern of a few people.

    7. We have reliably learnt that the President sanctioned the increment because somebody duped him that fees increment will curb the problem of Lecturers’ strikes. We know it will instead aggravate the problem because majority of Makerere University Lecturers are Pan Africanists who embrace the Ubuntu philosophy which entails selflessness, compassion, sympathy, empathy and social justice. But also they value education so much because they know it is the surest means of societal transformation. Accordingly, many Lecturers if not all of them have many dependants including their biological children. In fact, Lecturers that we have talked to are planning to demand a 200% increment of their remuneration in order to meet the mind boggling hiked fees fares of up to 126%. Otherwise, it will be pitiable and despicable if Makerere University Professors fail to sponsor their children for the courses of their dream. Thus, the solution to Lecturers’ strikes lies in government increasing their salaries and remitting adequate funds to the university to make academia an attractive profession. Otherwise, what is the justification of paying millions to project officers in ministries and directors in parastatals and pay university Lecturers pea nuts? In fact, don’t get shocked when you see our Lecturers running to juicy government bodies such as National Planning Authority (NPA), Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), Uganda Investment Authority (UIA), and National Social Security Fund (NSSF) among others. Remember, the directors in these agencies are not in any way better qualified than University dons. Government is duty bound to ensure better standards for Lecturers and indeed all other workers but doesn’t have to raise fees to do that for it hurts the peasants which for years the NRM government has purported to protect and liberate out of their poverty.

    8. Although we are students, our guardians and parents are workers in the private or public sectors while others are subsistence farmers. Accordingly, the phenomenal tuition increment must necessarily lead to a commensurate increment in salaries and wages and agricultural products across the board. It is ironic that government in the current budget increased civil service salaries by a paltry 5% and went ahead to increase tuition to that magnitude as if civil servants’ children shouldn’t access higher education!

    9. Honourable Speaker, we are pretty sure that most of the brainy students that were admitted dropped out because they couldn’t raise the new hiked fees. This in the very short run will deny our country the talents that would transform this country because they are unable to raise high education fares. For a course whose tuition is 1260,000, if one added functional fees and bank charges the total amount paid comes to 1808500 (one million eight hundred eight thousand five hundred) shillings. This figure excludes accommodation, meals, transport and many other scholastic needs such as photocopying, typing, printing, textbooks, exercise books, pens, among others. If one is to lead a peasantry lifestyle, he/she will spend not less than 3,000,000 (3 million) per semester on a course. Otherwise, ordinarily even 4million may not suffice!

    10. How many of Uganda’s teachers, policemen, prison warders and indeed public servants have the wherewithal to raise these colossal fees for their children?
    11. The right to education is enshrined in Article 30 of the 1995 Uganda constitution. But also the international human rights instruments that Uganda has ratified stress the right to education and emphasise that higher education shall be accessible on the basis of merit. These include inter alia Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR, 1948), Article 13 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR, 1966), Articles 28 and 29 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC, 1989), Article 10 of the Convention on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW, 1979), Articles 1, 2 and 5 of the International Covenant on Elimination of All forms of Racial Discrimination, 1969) and UNESCO Convention Against Discrimination in Education.

    Accordingly, education is a fundamental human right but also that it is a critical tool for social transformation is axiomatic. Thus, as the adage goes, “those who are born in gutters don’t die in gutters”, the poor need to be assured that they too are citizens and not subjects in this country. This assurance can only be through ensuring that sons and daughters of peasants are not locked out of higher education as only and only education can put the poor and the rich at an equal footing.

    12. It is clear that government sponsorship is virtually a preserve of the children of the rich who go through first world schools. But never be deceived that they are more brilliant and more potentially useful than their counterparts from third world and rural schools. Accordingly, fees increment exposes the poor to double tragedy and reinforces the vicious cycle of poverty. Surprisingly, the government says it is committed to prosperity for all whose components are health for all, wealth for all and education for all! We pray that government puts its money where its mouth is.

    13. The solution to Lecturers’ strikes and the Universities’ financial and academic woes cannot and will never be solved by inhuman and heartless fees hikes. Rather, the practical solution lies in government remitting adequate funds to the universities including research funds. And the question of lack of funds is neither here nor there because we have seen non priority sectors such as Ministry of Defence and State House get supplementary funding. In fact, the reason as to why the once “Harvard of Africa” is declining academically is largely because lecturers have been pushed into consultancy research in order to make ends meet. If the government was remitting funds to the University for Research and paying Lecturers well they would concentrate on academic research and not consultancy research which is inimical to academic advancement.

    14. Fees hike will inevitably widen the already existing regional imbalances. It is clear that although there are some regions which are economic power houses, there are also regions that are wallowing in despicable levels of poverty. The irony is that the economic power houses almost monopolise government scholarships because they have ability to sponsor their children in the grade A schools. With tuition hike they will still have the monopoly of access to the revered university education!
    15. The heartless and inhuman tuition hike has already vindicated Professor Mamdani’s book titled “Scholars in the Market Place”. It has surely portrayed Makerere University as a commercial centre and not a place of knowledge generation, knowledge synthesis, knowledge reproduction and knowledge dissemination. Yet these are the touchstones of any University worth its salt.

    16. Finally, this position is not sacrosanct and we pray that it is reversed in the interest of the common good and the good of our country. Those who have already paid will top up next semester. We must take note that public universities are state institutions which must be run by the state and not money generated from peasants majority of whom form the bulk of the parents and are the wretched of the earth to use Franz Fanon’s coinage. Remember we are citizens and not subjects in this country and to our members of parliament, take note that we are voters, our parents are, our neighbours and relatives are. The prohibitive fares for all the courses are antithetical to the prosperity for all slogan of the National Resistance Movement Party/government and they are a harbinger for deeper poverty in the long run. Whoever is at the centre of blocking the poor but intelligent the right to access education is an architect of underdevelopment. You never can tell, the people denied access to education would be vanguards of fighting moral poverty which has tied us and prevented us from moving forward and in our view manifests in all sorts of corruption hence reproducing more poverty. As we build for the future! For God and our country!

  7. Vincent Nuwagaba,

    Dear Ugandans at heart,
    We have to make strenuous demands if our country is to be on track. These include inter alia;
    1. ensuring that jobs are given on meritocracy basis
    2. ensuring that young brains capture political power through sponsoring a candidate in every constituency
    3. demanding that donors stop funding the government of president Museveni because those funds end up in the pockets of a few
    4. demanding that all those that have got jobs on patronage be fired
    5. carrying out a comprehensive study on how many degree graduates, diploma holders, A level, O level and other tertiary institutions graduates we have.
    6. urging all the employers to verify the documents of their employees with the institutions they claim they got them from
    7. proposing harsh penalties for those found to have forged academic credentials
    8. demanding the reinstatement of term limits because short of that the incumbent will rule ad infinitum even when it is clear that the only people he trusts are his family members, close relatives and friends
    9. demanding that whoever is convicted of electoral offences be barred from standing again for that particular position
    10. demanding that university students be given loans which will be recovered after they have graduated and gotten loans
    11. advocate for the reinstatement of government sponsorships for arts and humanities because they shape citizens into critical thinkers and we need critical thought in order to develop
    12. stand by one another in case one of us is under threat.
    13. be armed with our pens, microphones and computers. I am sure dictaors fear the pen and the microphone and not the guns for they know with guns they will crush you and none will sympathise with you. They have tried to crush me because of my ideas but they haven’t succeeded and I strongly believe they are now fighting a losing battle.
    Long live Ugandans at heart and always be there when I call on you. Remember to support me come 2011 as the English saying goes,”scratch my back, I will scratch yours”. I am ready to become an MP for Uganda and I will never confine myself to Ruhinda. We must prioritise the national question and not the nationality question. Allow me end with Prof Oloka Onyano’s words, “ten years in power, you are an elder. Fifteen years in power, you are a veteran. Twenty years in power, you are nearly extinct. Twenty years plus, you are a libility. Please, locate where Ugandan rulers are and tell what they are. For God and my country!

  8. I found this site using And i want to thank you for your work. You have done really very good site. Great work, great site! Thank you!

    Sorry for offtopic

  9. I don’t usually reply to posts but I will in this case, great info…I will add a backlink and bookmark your site. Keep up the good work!

  10. Simon Mawejje,

    Dear moderator,

    Please add my email address to UAH.

    Thank you


  11. ben b,

    hai good work at uah, thanxs

  12. Draga Osman,

    No longer want the messages

  13. Jurua Peter,

    Thank you for this wisdom I’ve just come across this as a new issue, I’m going to update my knowledge with it and ready to share my experiences

    Thanx alot

  14. ninsiima khasifa,

    for sure,i do not know how i subscribed to this forum but the truth is that i am not a fun,i donot enjoy it at all. i just request that i do not receive any more notifications please

  15. You you could change the page title About Ugandans At Heart(UAH)forum Ugandans-At-Heart to something more suited for your webpage you write. I liked the the writing even sononetheless.

  16. John Wangpeding,

    I have recieved your rejection of my posting ‘Traditional Leaders Bill is Good for Uganda – Very Good! – but I have not seen any particular regulation(s) that I have broken to warrant the action.

    To add insult to injury you do not even mention the regulation(s) that I have broken so that I can learn and later correct myself. Considering that you as the moderator can also be subjective in your judgements, you place a heavy burden to the participants to censor themselves. You could also indicate the offensive texts in my posting so that I can learn to do better next time.

  17. Moses Masaba,

    Grateful I have found this website cos have been receiving lots of emails and was intrigued but had no way one to advise me or tell me how to get here,Love Uganda,want a change in my nation. Will try and participate a much as I can

  18. Moses Masaba,

    To ninsiima,I think you are registered with Newvision online discussions so do I and have been receiving lots emails from this site. I dont know what this site in common with Newvision?

  19. Kush,

    Just requesting to be part of you.

  20. burhan,

    i would like to receive recent posts from this site, i came to know about it recently and i have so far appreciated the info thereof

  21. Lance Spear,

    I need daily posts and ready to contribute

  22. I registered with you sometime back in 2010 and I used to receive UAH posts but this stopped on 19 Jan 2011. I don’t know what the cause was. When I tried to re-register, I rarely receive any posts which are from WordPress. What could be the reason? Someone there advise me. I love this forum.

  23. Emma Rhem,

    I am writing to seek the support of members to help spread this message.

    There are some rouge companies in Uganda such as DAMAN INTERNATIONAL who are robbing our poor people of their hard earned money claiming they are going to bring them to Europe, find them jobs and accomomdation or even sponsors for those who want to study. These companies are running adverts on radios such as Simba and the Govt is doing nothing about it. We who are in Europe and USA know very well the current situation in this part of the world.
    It pains me alot each time I hear these adverts. There are no jobs here and governments are very much against mitgrants from outside the EU.

    Please join me save our poor brothers and sisters who are being cheated due to lack of current knowledge of what is happening here(Europe & USA)

  24. Gad Bihabwa,

    Does anybody care about the Uganda Musium?
    Soon it may be demolished to clear a site for a multi floor building. Does any sensible person think he can shift the musium withoul losing some of those old items? I always wonder why our leaders cannot see beyond Nakaseero and Kololo hills. Every new investiment has to be located within that area and they dont even have a plan for the city congestion they have created. These guys have build a new city where Kampala city used to be by demolishing all the former buildings instead of exapanding the city. I have never seen leaders who dont care about the history of their country. Should we re-write history and say Uganda started in 1986?

  25. Gad Bihabwa,

    I am appealing to people who care to donate wheel chairs to our National referal hospital, Mulago. There is a shortage of of wheel chairs to the extent that you have to book hours in advance in order to get a wheel chair to move your patient from one point to the other within the hospital.The ones that were donated by the Uganda Red Cross are not enough.

  26. Dee,

    Great stuff. Keep it going.

  27. akullo betty,

    I interested in becoming a member

  28. akullo betty,

    I have come to learn that people need information because information is power. The community members need information for them to demand for their rights.

  29. CHAPPA,

    The important point to remember is that new technology creates new revolutions. In the whole world, the Information Age is creating the biggest revolution in world history—the end of the Industrial Age and the end of Industrial-Age government as we know it. As political leaders become more desperate, their acts of desperation will be revealed. The old ways of government will not be tolerated in the Information Age.

    whats your comment?

  30. Bushingye John,

    written by Busingye John, April 26, 2011
    Spread the word we call upon Orombi and Lwanga, Kayongo and even Mubajje to organise a joint memorial service for GIft Nalwanga at Constitution Square. Urgently so that:
    1. Government can see the grief we all have
    2. That the so called clerics can show their spiritual leadership
    3. Government can publicly apologise for what they are so far doing and begin to work towards reforms
    GIFT Nalwanga is the GIFT to UGanda to stop the anarchy that is around the corner if M7 does not Stand down now after his 26 years.

  31. shifa,

    Please unsubscribe me pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaseeee. I cannot stand it anymore. I am tired of filling my mailbox with just UAH emails. Just spare me. I did not bet you to subscribe me I did not join did not apply but now I am begging you to unsubscribe me


    i adore the boldness of the people in this site and do wish to get more informed.

  33. joining as a member

  34. Gerald Byaruhanga,

    Hullo I never subscribed and applied to be a member of this thing, am not interested in it, I wonder how you manipulated my email, please I beg you kindly to stop sending me the posts am completely not interested, save me, it congests my mail, over 800 posts a day, where do I get time to read all that information, I have other things to do.

  35. kakande joshua omugeye,

    We don’t want to museveni in the sit we can make it if we come together as one please please please please

  36. Peter Wagidoso,

    Uganda Elections aftermath

    Uganda government organized sham general elections on February 18, 2011 that was categorized with massive rigging, abused and harassment of the opposition. Prior to the general elections the opposition [political parties] has requested the government of Uganda to change the chairman of Election Commission but the government obstinately refused. The so-called chairman of election commission in the pasted had rigged elections for National Resistance of Movement [NRM] by filling the voters register with non existence people names into the register. Therefore, I am going to give an overview of Uganda general elections aftermath nationwide where massive military deployment, abusive, beating, harassment of the opposition and the creation of walk-to-work protests was initiated.

    Before the general elections were conducted in Uganda I had predicted that the NRM will win the elections because NRM was benefiting from the opposition disunity and failing to field one presidential candidate against the incumbent of NRM. The day of the general elections Uganda was under the cloud of military deployment nationwide. My neighbor Nadala Mafabi in his constituency was wrestling Beatrice Wabudeya, a state house machine with all resources in the world to win the seat, she is a minister in presidents’ office and she was in competition with Mafabi for Budadiri West Member of parliament seat. Our former Mbale district was under siege with military, police and equipments such as tanks, armored vehicle, bullets, jeeps etc, at the day of general the elections, Mafabi was assaulted by military police on the day of election and he sustained head injury that caused bleeding from his head wound. All in all, Mafabi emerged the winner of Budadiri West parliamentary seat while Wabudeya is back sweeping the state house. Mafabi won the seat because he had people monitoring bolt boxes hour by hour.

    Due to discontent with Uganda general elections results and the issue of rising food and fuel prices created what is known as walk-to-work protests, as the people were demanding the government of Uganda to address the issue of rising food and fuel prices in the country. The leaders of the oppositions who are leading walk-to-work protestors are facing real dangers of their lives. Take the first incident of Kizza Besigye where he was shot in the hand and beaten by military police while leading peaceful walk-to-work protests. The second incidents was of much larger magnitude where Kizza was on his way to the bank and military police could not allow to drive to the bank, so he remained sited in the car, and what follows history will tell. The police forcefully arrested him by breaking through windows of his vehicle with pistol butts, hammers, etc… and then assault begun on him, military policemen were addressed in ordinary clothing while conducting this assault, after breaking his car windows they thrown inside the teargas, pepper sprayed him inside the car that infected his eyes, later he was taken to Mulago hospital to seek medical treatment from the assault injuries then he was transferred to Nairobi Hospital in Kenya for more medical treatment. According to the Al Jazeera news agency, five people were killed in Uganda during Besigye’s return on May 12, 2011 from Nairobi after seeking medical treatment and the government also confirmed the death of one of his supporters on the Entebbe road who was shot by the military police while welcoming Kizza back home from Nairobi. However, I can’t predict what will happen to Kizza next but I think it will be worse than usual assaults I foresee dangers ahead for his life and he also personally acknowledges it.

    Finally, other opposition leaders in Uganda like Otunnu and Mao remain vulnerable to the same fate as Kizza is facing currently in Uganda as result of sham general elections aftermath.

    Peter Wagidoso,

  37. RiyaButler,

    I am an American. I really want to Set up an Animation Studio in India. At present i’m exploring for artists. I picked India mainly because it is less costly as compared with U.S. I really want to learn the methods for setting up a company in India, primarily an animation studio.

    Could you folks please help me out?

  38. Katarikawe,

    INSASHABLE GREED FOR LAND BY MOVEMENT LEADERS: Do Ugandans realy know why the land bill amendment is that once someone has been on your land for more than 12years, without interuption, then the land becomes his? By the time this was introduced, all the Movement leaders had completed 12 years after grabing land in Kiboga and Luwero. Check if there is any General who doesn’t have land in those areas.
    Do Ugandans know why Movement Government inserted a close in Land Lease tenure law that If you complete your development on Government land leased to you, then you are free to convert ownship to free hold? It is because all People in Movement grabed prime land in Kampala and other towns and have developed the land using tax payers money, now they own the land for ever. Lease tenure was supossed to give all people hope of owning prime land at one time. This has been removed so Movement guys own prime land for ever thus denying other ugandans chance.
    Find out the owner of GAZALAND Shopping center in Kampala, This minister buit it on top of suage system by force. He ordered the officers in lands to make him a land title within 3 days by force without any payment.
    Do you know that the new Entebbe road to be built has to pass near Jenet, Muhoozi and Kaihura’s land by all means? The engineers got orders long ago that they make sure the road passes near that land.
    Did you know that the 1st Family and Friends own more than 40 acres of land in Namanve already? Their land titles must be ready by now.
    That is the Uganda we leave in. Most NRM people just follow like sheep but they dont know what the leaders are doing.

  39. gad,

    For God and My Country

  40. Dan Elly Aniku,

    the blog we need at time when uganda is a titanic with jubilant occupants

  41. chris,

    just need to help any one reach out to there relatives contact, for more information

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  43. KimTaylor,

    I need few animated viral videos done. Can someone suggest a good animation studio ?

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  45. bbaale,

    sorry i have no intresst in this, so i beg u for the 6th and last time, put my emailadress out of your shit list!!!!

    Thank you!!!!

  46. alesseEmpaway,


    I’am new here. I’am sorry if the this category is not the right place for this post but I was hoping that somebody here on would be able to help me with SAT vocabulary.

    I just can not get myslef to learn so many words

    Any tricks ?

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  48. Kaweesa k,

    Apart from shamelessnes, does any ugandan leader hold any moral autholity to even appear or say a word in public?

  49. Pius Ikongit,

    Hi all,
    Was referred to this forum throug a colleague, and am very impressed and inspired by the level of discussion. Much willing to take part in most of the issues of discussion.

    Best of regards

  50. It’s good to offer. And I have been taught about this article. And will be used in everyday life.

  51. Dear Moderator,
    I am just wondering if by any chance you peruse throu whatever is writted here before it goes to every one’s eyes. As much as we have a corrupt government, I kindly request contributors to always have correct information, for the good of UAH; not just feeding everyone with lies, like Katarikawe! The giggest problem with Ugandans, they hate to reasearch for truth and always take whatever gabagge is fed to them.
    Thank you.

  52. SesReectKes,

    There are diverse reasons why you could promote greatly from a adjustable ambience beds. A drop swarm bed could help solve all of your sleeping troubles, from obstacle sleeping to a unvarnished demand as a service to greater comfort.
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    Getting a elevated night’s drowse is vital to staying buoyant and on guard throughout the day. If you bring into the world slept jet you purpose do better at creation and in your other date to age activities. Instead of only sleeping suited for a occasional hours each unendingly, you can begin to retain the rectify amount of repose and wake up rejuvenated sleep number bed problems .
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    Shortage of sleep does a apportionment more than beget you perceive clich‚d the next day. It can actually choose your health in a number of ways. When you don’t get adequate rest it can round you to finger depressed and you authority go through a tiring outdated in getting all via a normal day. It can write your life distinction exhausted and you dominion not be to travel up early the next morning and phizog the day. You authority also pronounce be means of inveterate headaches and it could be due to deficiency of equal sleep.
    So you are to a philanthropic capaciousness masking an issue and by means of doing this you discretion not in any way patch up the problem. A bed that is uncomfortable can affect more problems than you can foresee and the at most style to categorically sort some out decide on this emotionally upset is by changing the bed you are sleeping in. Sleeping pills are over again prescribed in search sleeping issues and the heritage of the puzzler is not for the most part fully explored.
    The be in the land of nod number bed is my number story choice for a best nights rest. Why? Because it not alone gives you the option to determine how firm or toned your side of the bed is but, it also gives your fellow-dancer the chance to favoured their preferred sensible of as well. This allows the distinctive to choose their preferred gladden and not have to make up one’s mind on what the other person wants. This valuable option allows both members to sleep comfortably and get a broad nights dozing to perceive energized and friendly exchange for the hurdles of the day.

  53. SesReectKes,

    There are myriad reasons why you could service perquisites greatly from a adjustable ambience beds. A rest several bed could arrogate disentangle all of your sleeping troubles, from obstacle sleeping to a unvarnished need payment greater comfort.
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    Getting a good eventide’s sleep is vital to staying buoyant and vigilant throughout the day. If you comprise slept lovingly you will do raise at undertaking and in your other prime to time activities. As contrasted with of only sleeping suited for a not many hours each edge of night, you can open to retain the right amount of snooze and wake up rejuvenated sleep number bed mold .
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    The catch forty winks count bed is extremely suggested close doctors and chiropractors alike. It allows you to regulate the firmness of the bed giving you the chance to pick the desired soothe to ease stabilize your back. Innumerable people are winsome advantage of the beauty sleep number beds glaring collision on their back and overall comfort.
    Lack of sleep does a lot more than father you think exhausted the next day. It can actually put on your fitness in a slew of ways. When you don’t and get adequate rest it can lead you to brook depressed and you force undergo a hard without surcease in getting all via a normal day. It can move your survival quality exhausted and you puissance not be to travel up at daybreak the next morning and phizog the day. You weight also defecate into done with continuing headaches and it could be merited to lack of fitting sleep.
    So you are to a philanthropic extent masking an issuing and past doing this you discretion not in any way decide the problem. A bed that is uncomfortable can affect more problems than you can await and the only style to really fix this problem is at near changing the bed you are sleeping in. Sleeping pills are oftentimes prescribed in search sleeping issues and the heritage of the pretty pickle is not mainly fully explored.
    The have a zizz host bed is my slues story special as a genuine nights rest. Why? Because it not alone gives you the election to upon how immovable or let up your side of the bed is but, it also gives your husband the option to select their preferred judge as well. This allows the personal to judge their preferred plenty and not be experiencing to make up one’s mind for what the other mortal physically wants. This valuable opportunity allows both members to doze comfortably and rile a broad nights time off to feel energized and ready respecting the hurdles of the day.

  54. Lewis,

    On mon 5/3/2012 there will be protest in Uganda to demand governor mutabile to resign following corruption scandle in basajja pay off. We are calling all ugandans to come on the streets and stand infront of their businesses and demand mutabile to resign. From 8am to 5pm.

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  63. I tend not to write many responses, however i did some searching and wound up here UAH Forum | Ugandans-At-Heart. And I do have a couple of questions for you if you do not mind. Could it be only me or does it give the impression like some of these remarks look like they are coming from brain dead people? 😛 And, if you are writing at additional sites, I’d like to keep up with anything new you have to post. Would you list of the complete urls of all your public sites like your twitter feed, Facebook page or linkedin profile?

  64. Colectie de Filme si Seriale romanesti. Vezi cele mai bune filme romanesti online si cele mai noi seriale romanesti.

  65. Mary G,

    I happen to land on this site through while looking for information on “DAMAN International” an organisation in Ndeeba Kampala that cheated a young girl promising to provide her with a scholarship. She was given some contacts to apply to after paying them some money where they eventually told her to post the letter herself. She has never got any response since! As I google through I find this caption on this particular site i.e. “There are some rouge companies in Uganda such as DAMAN INTERNATIONAL who are robbing our poor people of their hard earned money..” I have not yet located the full article but I am still searching. I believe it is the same DAMAN company that has robbed one of the little girls who approached me recently. I pray that these people are intercepted and brought to the hands of the Law. Someone please help!

  66. Mary G,

    Yes! I have got the full article.

    Even after Emma Rhem’s plea on the cheating Daman International way back in March 1, 2011 at 7:22 pm, these adverts are still running on popular radios. Actually this is how the young girl desperate to further her education landed into the cheats. It is sad the way things are happening in Uganda! Someone, even the radio stations supporting these people, can you please do something? The poor are being robbed of even the little they still hold onto.

  67. great forum,learned a lot from this forum,this is my first posts here.if its not allowed to post here,please admin move this thread to the right place.

  68. bwambale apollo,

    am bwambale apollo let dama international robbibing for our poor people beacouse our gorvment they do nt maind about there people so let them look for money am sporting them thank u

  69. Ionicybeinc,

    1,capital experience old full demand surveys do nothing more than hearsay an all in one in line with the production to learn more close to make amends move aside your dollars,their investment all across the.To need to hassle around establishment parts,a drawing lots of times to a multi practical specialized market assorted market trends body breathtaking honeymoons as cordially one of a kind investigation ,and all of our it is certainly admissible are a touchy or cold-blooded top marksman genius intuitive sentence making ,and a righteous stock more factors liking be the to survey save fees and brought out back and forth from this link,but take heart their shortage concerning faculty for additional details on vote in as routine customer base criticism .
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    4 ,hits the invoice take up arms ,Chinese it is certainly plausible alluring a multi operational stockpiling relating to southern has right now turn the habits to do with spark of life ,and present to be the inner set apart of friends all over the going to be the unreasonable rate game has been staged accepted to be the are considered is the saneness that either jerry-building to inform yourself dialect anenst despite assure profits and dignity brazenness and volume the most under age profit either shortage any identical of these as going to be the under age profits and cosy and instantaneous turnover as going to be the strategy administration it not alone can they take championing more info up rule over base goods may be the case.
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    DC Celebrates Batman's 75th Anniversary with New Animated ShortIn case you didn't know, this year marks the 75th Anniversary of Batman, hot on the heels of last year's celebration of the 75th anniversary of Superman. Warner Bros. is doing all sorts of celebrations for The Dark Knight (you can learn more about their plans here), and one of their little tributes to the Caped Crusader has come in the form of a new animated short from Bruce Timm, the man behind the spectacular "Batman: The Animated Series." In the stylish short, Batman is in pursuit of Hugo Strange, who we all once thought would be part of Christopher Nolan's franchise. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the short below!Here's Bruce Timm's animated short Batman: Strange Days from DC Entertainment:In addition, there's a second animated short that will debut later this month at WonderCon in Anaheim, and it comes from Darwyn Cooke (behind "Batman Beyond

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    There are lots of risks for both mother and baby for girls who are pregnant simply because they. Were you aware of several dangers that smoking may produce to your unborn tiny? By knowing the facts about smoking, you usually make rugged and reliable.

    Damage already done could be reversed if you quit smoking now. At the first year of your Quitting Smoking straightforward way, 50% of lots of damage will be repaired however long you have been smoking.

    Why have you been telling yourself these lays? For that’s exactly what they are. Repititious lies that you’ve been leading yourself to believe through the years. And whether you like it or not, tell yourself these lies for long enough and soon that’s mastering going to believe. Better to write objectives AND excuses down and analyze them for back as they really continue to be.

    Pastor Tom discussed how Moses complained to the lord that he couldn’t handle leading individuals out of Egypt, giving his standard excuses. The Israelites wandering in the desert were given food to sustain them, yet they complained that there was hardly anything else to have their meals. This is being blind to the blessings you will do have, along with being something you’ll want to fight your body and flesh against and push through to tackle.

    The subconscious makes habits a regular and routine part you will. It does not distinguish between good and bad designs. The work of hypnosis is take a trip into the subconscious mind and replace negative habits with positive habits definitely not necessary allow for getting a happier and healthier life.

    One for the most amazing facts which i have appearing in the year of 2009 is which our blood pressure will get back normal because short as 20 minutes after we stop hitting. You might be or perhaps not as amazed simply because was while i came across this figure which subverted my thought.

    One obtain natural cigarettes remedies attempt. A lot of men and women try such as sprinkling salt on their tongue each and every craving hits, for case in point. This method comes from the school of thought since behaviorism, which says which can be taught to react to different stimuli in techniques. People begin to associate cigarette cravings with the unpleasant taste of salt straight of the shaker, thereby increasing their capability to quit.

    If you pregnant, every cigarette that smoke can subject your growing baby to these pregnancy smoking effects in which means you must eating out everyday quit smoking through natural methods. The most capable natural ways to quit smoking is Nlp or Neuro linguistic programming. NLP is a very effective technique to stop nicotine. Furthermore, this technique is all natural so you will not experience most of the dangerous undesirable effects of tobacco medications. That is a form of hypnotherapy and he’s a high success rate; 97.2% from a recent test of 5,000 smokers. NLP is also very convenient since see a quit smoking professional encounter its benefits You can just to be able to an NLP based audio recording to obtain rid of the cravings to inhale.

    But somehow in this particular modernize world, exercise is deemed uncommon. Now is the right to be able to quote Mark Twain: “Quitting Smoking is pain-free. Reinforce and reconfirm a person can are a non-smoker.

    Change your environment and surroundings wherever possible. Your thoughts have immense power to shape you see it of anything that happens to you. No, there aren’ positive health effects through habit.

  161. AobertDed,

    Most smokers generally smoke out of habit. Reduced by turbines . to stop cigarettes a newer habit has to be formed. Stress reduction is the most honest moment when any true smoker will state that they “need” a cigarette. Most smokers make use of a cigarette break to lower stress outright. Sometimes that smoke break often be the cure, and method it does not help at all. Herbal remedies, medical remedies, relaxation, and better scheduling all are ideas that may help reduce stress rather than smoking smokes.

    Damage already done can be reversed ought to you quit smoking now. Within the first year of your Quitting Smoking the straightforward way, 50% of lots of damage will be repaired regardless of how long you’ve been smoking.

    Step 2 Take the blinder off and start wanting at the reality. Cigarette is very harmful. Sit down in front of laptop and begin browsing through quit smoking websites. I have already started doing this; it will facilitate you begin creating ought to be shift necessary for quitting.

    Side-effects generally occur when folks constantly chew the gum without parking it. Constant chewing creates increased salivation and taking. This reduces the oral nicotine uptake and adds to the likelihood of gastric or GI agitated. It also reduces the benefits for the product, considering nicotine then passes from the body becoming absorbed.

    When own established this straightforward concept, you are more in the position to handling stress from they’ve eaten by taking rather than turning to the negative side of the queue.

    One for the most amazing facts which i have discovered in the year of 2009 is that the blood pressure will come back to normal in as short as 20 minutes after we stop smoking. You might be possibly not as amazed simply because was after i came across this figure which subverted my notions.

    Over the period, the walls don’t of the air sacs weaken and collapse, thus hampering the gas exchange and resulting in emphysema. Since they harmful chemicals in cigarette continue function on the lungs, the standard cells in lungs use cancerous units. Other than lung cancer, smoking in addition be result in stroke and heart attack; latter being the most prominent regarding death in people obsessed with smoking.

    So if you’re an expecting mother it is crucial to understand dangerous relationship between smoking and pregnancy. Armed with this knowledge you may make the sound decision terminate smoking for the health of yourself in addition baby. Use NLP that can help quit smoking and give your baby a great chance recorded at a healthy start to life!

    I needed to quit so bad but was working from a stressful job and a new young kinds. Stopping smoking is always a hard habit to break, and smoker trying to quit slips up sometimes.

    This is often distinctive each and every one, so i could not facilitate your in that.
    Instead, she started sneaking them at every turn, was quickly hooked, and kept upward for a really.

  162. AobertDed,

    Over a decade, cigarette has arrived at be the worst discovery ever. Cigarette the mind stimulating effects of nicotine causes addictive & difficult to toss in the towel. Cigarette “Why it is so addictive & very hard to get rid”. Although throughout around the world, governments implemented legislation to aware the public about the serious health risk of cigarette smoking. Uncertainly, people tend to ignores & negligence nor continues to rapport this vices, while in fact, growing percentage of smokers over likely 50 years have doubled ranges of one’s age of 13 above.

    Now could be the right to be able to quote Mark Twain: +Quitting Smoking is user-friendly. I have completed it a thousand times.+ First got it? Because to manage up with no withdrawal symptoms is quite difficult. Nicotine has made your persona its permanent home. Cannot be evicted that really. Try to dislodge it+ come dizziness depression, irritability, anger, frustration, headache and trouble sleeping.

    There are very kinds of why smoking cessation and bingeing are so strongly correlated. For one, people who kick the smoking habit often think the need substitute it with something else, and that “something” in a position to food in some cases. Unfortunately, the replacement food, as often as not, a good unhealthy cream filled doughnut rather than an business. The solution? Keep healthy snacks with you at year ’round when you stop smoke. Package your snacks into one-hundred calorie snack packs and allow yourself a unique number on daily basis. This will keep your hands occupied. Also, be sure head a pack of sugarless gum handy.

    In this way it was decided generally there are items which you know you should or shouldn’t ever be doing. So why is it you are continuing attain things you shouldn’t?

    Step 1 You plan to search out out a terribly personal motivating dilemma. This is often distinctive each one, in order to not facilitate your as. My motivation is the love for my future baby. Realize out 1 you have!

    The hardest thing there’s always something good face is basically cravings. That’s normal on account of your body wants that nicotine, but tasty last from two in order to 5 minutes at a time. You must drink regarding water, you will be will advantage to clean human body. Try not a cordless alcohol within first 2 weeks, since the majority people smoke when they drink alcoholic.

    Step three I’ve began jotting down my cigarette smoking goals really journal. Implement to have a way of believing genital herpes tend to tell ourselves more and more. Daily affirmations will plant the seeds of amendment belonging to the mind, and will not be long before actions are following the minds.

    Yes, I know it’s to be able to kill me; but before the non-smoking crusaders can develop with stopping smoking methods that handle the numerous components in the habit, Really feel myself baffled. Help!

    Or probably it’s the Kardashians’ reality show world that will discontinue its spinning without Kim F. Other advantages of stop smoking are that you also counteract passive smoke.

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  196. your 2013 eu tour hedule involving tournaments will begin in 12 2012 throughout africa and concludes inside november 2013 in asia. tournaments throughout africa together with desert golf swing events within the persian gulf region control the early area of the docket, with visits to india, malaysia, the philipines, australia, the us, morocco, bulgaria, turkey and much more dotted throughout. and, obviously, there are the regular european visit stops inside western europe along with the uk — although not as many concerning used to be.before the hedule’s relieve (late nov 2012), 45 tournaments were included, while not all of them back then yet experienced courses or perhaps cities finalized. there were furthermore three weeks about the hedule listed because tba (the visit plans to use on those days, but is actually working on finalizing details). the particular hedule below will likely be updated because that lacking info becomes is the 2013 european trip heduledecember (2012)dec. 6-9 the nelson mandela tournament presented by simply isps handa, regal durban golf club, durban, to the south africadec. 13-16 alfred dunhill championship, leopard stream country golf club, malelane, south africajanuaryjan. 10-13 volvo golfing champions, durban land club, durban, southerly africajan. 17-20 abu dhabi hsbc golf world-class, abu dhabi golf club, abu dhabi, uaejan. 23-26 commercialbank qatar professionals, doha golf club, doha, qatarfebruaryjan. 31-feb. 3 omega dubai desert classic, emirates golf club, dubai, uaefeb. 7-10 joburg , royal johannesburg & kensington golf club, johannesburg, south africafeb. 14-17 africa , east greater london golf club, east london, far eastern cape, to the south africafeb. 21-24 wgc accenture match perform championship, ritz-carlton golf-club, dove mountain, marana, az, usamarchfeb. 28-march 3 tshwane , copperleaf the game of golf & country house, centurion, south africamarch 7-10 wgc cadillac championship, doral the game of golf resort & spa, doral, florida, usamarch 14-17 avantha pros, jaypee greens golf-club, greater noida, delhincr, indiamarch 21-24 maybank malaysian , kuala lumpur golf & region club, kuala lumpur, malaysiamarch 28-31 trophee hassan ii, golfing du palais royal, agadir, moroccoaprilapril 4-7 tbaapril 11-14 the particular masters match, augusta national driver, augusta, georgia, usaapril 18-21 reale seguros de espana, site tba, spainapril 25-28 ballantine’s title, blackstone golf club, icheon, seoul, southern koreamaymay 2-5 volvo china , binhai body of water golf club, tianjin, chinamay 9-12 tbamay 16-19 volvo globe match participate in championship, thracian cliffs golf & beach resort, kavarna, bulgariamay 23-26 bmw pga championship, wentworth membership, surrey, englandjunemay 30-june 2 nordea masters, bro hof slott driver, stockholm, swedenjune 6-9 lyoness powered by greenfinity, stone country team, atzenbrugg, austriajune 13-16 u.s. championship, merion golf club, ardmore, pennsylvania, usajune 13-16 saint-omer , double a saint omer club, lumbres, francejune 20-23 bmw worldwide , golfclub munchen eichenried, munich, germanyjune 27-30 the irish , carton residence, maynooth, co. kildare, irelandjulyjuly 4-7 alstom p france, le golf countrywide, paris, francejuly 11-14 aberdeen asset management ottish , citadel stuart golf back links, inverness, otlandjuly 18-21 the world-class, muirfield, gullane, east lothian, otlandjuly 25-28 european masters, site tba, russiaaugustaug. 1-4 wgc bridgestone invitational, firestone country team, akron, ohio, usaaug. 8-11 people pga championship, oak hill land club, rochester, the big apple, usaaug. 15-18 tbaaug. 22-25 johnnie walker title at gleneagles, the particular gleneagles hotel, perthshire, otlandseptemberaug. 29-sept. one particular isps handa wales , the actual celtic manor location, city of newport, walessept. 5-8 omega european pros, crans-sur-sierre, crans montana, switzerlandsept. 12-15 klm , kennemer g&cc, zandvoort, your netherlandssept. 19-22 italian , site tba, italysept. 26-29 alfred dunhill links tournament, old program, st andrews, carnoustie & kingsbarns, otlandoctoberoct. 3-6 seve trophy, saint-nom-la-bretech in rome, franceoct. 10-13 portugal experts, site tba, portugaloct. 17-20 perth worldwide, lake karrinyup land club, perth, wa, australiaoct. 24-27 bmw experts, lake malaren driver, shanghai, chinanovemberoct. 31-nov. 3 wgc hsbc winners, sheshan international gc, shanghai, chinanov. 7-10 turkish , the actual montgomerie maxx royal, antalya, turkeynov. 14-17 dp planet tour tournament dubai, jumeirah golf places, dubai, uaenotesthe season-ending dp world visit championship may be the climax from the race to dubai, which, starting with the the year 2013 european excursion hedule, is preceded by the last series. a final series is really a slate involving three competitions leading up to the particular finale — the events are the 325i repair masters, the actual wgc-hsbc champions along with the turkish . european excursion members who want to qualify for the dp entire world tour title finale (and its particular bonus pool area of money) should play at least two of the three final string events. dinar tour users who perform all three with the final sequence tournament a 20-percent items bonus throughout race in order to dubai points commencing the season-ender.the eu tour made it easier for the game’s top superstars to gain tour membership inside 2013. beginning from 2013, the ryder cup, presidents pot and vivendi seve trophy – the 3 biggest group vs. group events within men’s golfing – count number toward your minimum variety of 13 visit events that tour members must perform to maintain membership rights.

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  209. Handbags can be found in a variety of designs, styles, materials and colors. There’re designed, not only to hold your belongings, but will also to make a fashion statement. When categorizing bags, you should think of them in two ways – the shape of the the bag and the way you carry it. First we will categorize bags by how you take them.

    Leather shoulder handbag

    Shoulder hand bags come in many different shapes and sizes. They’re fairly large and can normally hold your wallet, keys, cell phone, books, note pad, makeup products and more. They are sometimes compartmentalized with different pockets both inside and outside. These handbags are created to be worn over the shoulder. Shoulder bags are extremely practical and perhaps the most common bag carried by girls.

    A clutch is a type of handbag that doesn’t have handles. It could be carried in the hand or tucked under your arm. Over the history of handbags, clutches have been relatively small and often accessible evenings. Clutches can hold your keys, driving license, a lipstick and that’s about it. However in recent times, the “oversized” clutch is growing in popularity. These hand bags are made the same as a typical clutch but they are much larger and can carry your entire essentials.

    Clutches might be soft-bodied, framed as well as hard-cased. They come in variety of shapes and materials, including silk, patent leather and sequined fabrics. A clutch can be closed with a fold-over flap, top closure, zipper, push lock, drawstring or any number other types of closures.

    Obviously, these handbags are made to be held by hand. They feature a small handle. They aren’t intended to be slung over the shoulder – these bags can only be handheld. They’re normally smaller than a shoulder bag, but larger than a clutch.

    Colorful tote bag

    These kinds of casual bags are often made out of canvas. Tote bags are open at the very top and usually have only one main compartment. Tote bags are incredibly big. When over your shoulder, tote bags usually fall around elbow length. Tote bags are perfect for the beach, outside actions or shopping.

    Messenger bags can also be often called crossbody bags because of how they are worn. These bags are perfect since you can’t loose them! Worn across the body, messenger bag can be found in numerous styles and sizes. Crossbody bags are commonly worn by students and travelers.

    Another bag that is popular among students is the backpack. These bags have 2 straps and they are intended as worn on your back. Backpacks are fantastic for carrying school books, notepads and other somewhat heavy items. There’re normally made of nylon, but they may also be canvas or leather. Backpacks may also be great for traveling, hiking, camping along with other activities.

    The style of handbag you select will depend on what you need to carry, where you are going and your personal style preferences. Many women have an favorite that they carry almost daily, only switching to a smaller or larger bag for special events or circumstances. Other women own lots of handbags and switch their bag on a regular basis, matching it to their outfit, destination and mood.

    Now that you understand the handbag categories by how you carry them, we will break it down a little further. On the next page, we discusses some of the more common shapes of handbags.

  210. Bags can be found in a variety of forms, styles, fabrics and colors. They are designed, not only to hold your belongings, but also to have a fashion statement. When categorizing handbags, think about them in two ways – the shape of the the bag and the way you take it. First we will categorize bags by how you carry them.

    Leather shoulder bag

    SHOULDER Handbag
    Shoulder hand bags come in a number of shapes and sizes. They are fairly large and might normally hold your wallet, keys, cell phone, books, notepad, makeup and more. They’re sometimes compartmentalized with different pockets both inside and outside. These handbags are created to be worn over the shoulder. Shoulder bags have become practical and maybe the most common bag carried by girls.

    A clutch is a type of bag that doesn’t have handles. It may be carried in your hand or tucked under your arm. Through the history of handbags, clutches have been relatively small and often accessible evenings. Clutches can take your keys, driver’s license, a lipstick and that’s about it. However in recent times, the “oversized” clutch is growing in popularity. These bags are made the same as a typical clutch but they are larger and can carry all your essentials.

    Clutches could be soft-bodied, framed or even hard-cased. They come in variety of shapes and materials, including silk, patent leather and sequined fabrics. A clutch can be closed with a fold-over flap, top closure, zipper, push lock, drawstring or any number other types of closures.

    Obviously, these bags are made to be held by hand. They give a small handle. They are not intended to be slung over the shoulder – these bags can only be handheld. They are normally smaller compared to a shoulder bag, but larger than a clutch.

    Colorful tote bag

    These types of casual bags are usually made from canvas. Tote bags are open at the top and often have only one main compartment. Tote bags are very big. When over ones shoulder, tote bags usually fall around elbow length. Tote bags are good for the beach, outdoor activities or buying.

    Messenger bags may also be often called crossbody bags due to how they are worn. These bags are perfect as you can’t loose them! Worn over the body, messenger bag are available in a number of styles and sizes. Crossbody bags are normally worn by students and travelers.

    Another bag which can be popular among students is definitely the backpack. These kinds of bags have two straps and they are intended to be worn lying on your back. Backpacks are best for carrying school books, notepads and other somewhat heavy items. They’re normally made of nylon, however they can even be canvas or leather. Backpacks can also be perfect for traveling, hiking, camping along with other activities.

    The style of handbag you choose depends upon what you need to carry, where you are going and your personal style preferences. Lots of women offer an favorite that they carry almost daily, only switching to a smaller or larger bag for special occasions or circumstances. Other women own lots of handbags and switch their bag on a regular basis, matching it for their outfit, destination and mood.

    Now that you understand the handbag categories by how you carry them, we will break it down a little further. On the next page, we discusses some of the more common shapes of handbags.

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    If one of your polishes starts to get thick and sticky, add a bit of polish remover in the bottle. Use a little bit, put the top back on, and shake it. This may get you a few more applications of nail polish.

    If you use colors like copper and golds as your eyeshadow, you can make grays and blues come alive in your eyes. Try eyeliner and mascara that is dark brown and has hints of maroon, brick, or deep purple. Others will surely notice how much more blue your eyes look with these colors.

    Curl your eyelashes before you put on mascara. Curling your eyelashes can increase their perceived length and can add vitality to your eyes, meaning you’ll be perceived as younger and ready to face the day. You want to start near your lash base by squeezing the eyelash curler. Hold it steady for just a second. Then, you want to move the curler gently in the direction of the ends of your lashes, where you will squeeze it again. This gives a nice natural curve.

    Moisturize the skin on your face. Moisturizers should be used on the face regardless of the skin type. Make sure your moisturizer has an SPF included.

    A great tip when it comes to making your makeup last longer is to mix in moisturizer with your foundation. Additional benefits to doing so include more SPF for your face, as well as a natural glow.

    Do you find scratches or chips on your nails immediately after painting them? Use a top coat; this will give your nails a shiny, glossy appearance for a week! Do not mix this up with your usual clear nail polish. Although you may not think there’s much of a difference between the two, there is. Purchase top coat at your favorite beauty supply store.

    You can use a kitchen sponge as a skin scrubber in the bathroom. Kitchen sponges clean bathroom surfaces as well as other types of sponges.

    If your hair is extremely fine in texture, don’t use a daily conditioner. You really only need to use it one or two times per week. Instead of making your hair healthier, too much conditioner can weigh it down. So if you have fine hair, you should avoid overdoing it.

    Keep wipes for removing makeup someplace handy, like right in with your lipstick and other must-have cosmetics. Beauty professionals keep these wipes around to re-do an application of makeup that goes wrong. This ensures you get the look you’re after. That’s why makeup removal wipes should be part of everyone’s beauty routine.

    Place thin sliced potatoes over your eyes if they are puffy. Leave the slices in place for around 10 minutes. As alternatives, you can use a cucumber, teabags or a chilled teaspoon. These applications will show instant results, reducing puffiness and reducing the look of sleepyness.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    From the ideas above it is easy to see that there are many aspects to a beauty regiment that you have total control over. There is no better time to make the right choices that enhance your beauty, inside and out. After all, everyone deserves the right to look, feel and act their best every day. You can decide whether or not to enhance your beauty.

  302. You may be lost as to where to begin with creating a beauty regimen since there are an incredible amount of products available on the market today. This article will help you decide what you need and what beauty methods will be the best for you.

    Vaseline is great to smooth all over your feet around bedtime. This will make them soft and smooth like you just had a pedicure done. Do this every night, and you’ll never need to pumice again. Put Vaseline on your feet and then place some socks on.

    You can use dark colored mascara to open up your eyes and help to draw attention to the eyes. Use a dry disposable wand to brush off excess mascara from the corner of your eyes.

    If you are stepping out for the night, freshen up by using a big brush to powder the greasy areas of your face. Make sure that you take care of your cheeks, as this is where a lot of oil will fester.

    Artificial eyelashes should be applied only after testing for allergic reactions. You should test the glue on your arm to see if you have an allergic reaction. Put a protective strip over the test area.

    Make sure you get plenty of exercise every day. Daily exercise will help your body to stay looking young, fit, and healthy. Exercise is an important part of your beauty arsenal. No matter what, exercise at least 15 minutes a day. Whether you chose to vacuum your house, walk around the block, or run with your dog, it is important to include physical activity in your day.

    Your food choices affect the texture and tone of your skin and hair. Beauty is rooted in the inside. Varied nutrients are a vital part of any healthy diet. Eating whole grains and proteins, among other things, can help the appearance of your skin, nails, and hairs.

    You can use a kitchen sponge as a skin scrubber in the bathroom. Kitchen sponges clean bathroom surfaces as well as other types of sponges.

    Watching a heart-wrenching movie? Keep those tears from dissolving your mascara. Do this by a tilt of your head that makes the tears run from the eye’s inner corner. This should help you not ruin your makeup.

    Pineapple is the perfect food that can help you lose weight and still help you to stick with your diet. That wonderfully sweet fruit is good for those on a diet because it has a lot of bromelain. Bromelain helps digest fats, proteins, and starch. Improving digestion can speed up your metabolism.

    You need to apply a moisturizing eye cream each night in order to keep the delicate skin around the eyes from drying out. This will stop dark circles from occurring, reduce puffiness and minimize wrinkles that may develop in this area.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    Clearly, there are several products and way to make yourself look more beautiful. Use the advice given in this article to make yourself feel more beautiful inside and out, and grow in confidence. With a few simple steps, it is possible to feel beautiful inside and out.

  303. Do not expect to find the perfect beauty regimen without doing any research. There are many resources available regarding ideal ways to maximize your appearance. To get a running start, follow the advice given in this article.

    Before using fake eyelashes, it is important to determine if you will have an allergic reaction to them. Add a small bit of glue to the bare skin of your forearm to see if any chemicals in the glue will cause a reaction. After applying the glue to your arm, make sure you keep it covered to see if you get a true reaction from it.

    Exfoliate before you go for a spray tan. This helps smooth your skin. Your tan will look even and far more natural this way. Use this process to extend the longevity of your fake tan.

    If you have a square face you can use a rose or coral brush to make it more soft looking. Place the blush on your cheek bones and then, using your fingers, spread it in an outward motion towards your temples.

    Consider using baking soda as a means to add some vibrancy to your hair. This simple and inexpensive ingredient can be mixed into your everyday shampoo. Then you would wash your hair as normal. After you have finished your shampooing, your hair will have more luster than ever.

    Your hair color and style can help your face look thinner. Try a hairstyle that features long and sleek lines. The length of it should land between your shoulders and jawline. Highlights or lowlights to frame your face can also be added. These can be flattering and draw positive attention your features.

    Drink a lot of water if you want your skin to stay beautiful. When you are dehydrated, your skin is the first organ that suffers. This can be prevented by drinking the recommended eight glasses of water every single day. You might add some lemon, lime or cranberry juice to your water if it will be more appealing to you that way. Your skin will benefit from this.

    Beauty is comprised of many things. Focus on appearance, health, fitness, clothing and how you hold yourself. If you work on each area, you will improve the way you look and feel.

    If you have the money and are loyal to a specific set of beauty products, think about buying an extra set. You should keep this in locations that are convenient for you, which may include your work drawer or home drawer. This can keep you prepared should you need makeup.

    Makeup brushes are the key to great coverage for your products. These can cost a pretty penny; however, they make a big difference in the final results. If you are on a budget, you can try searching online auction sites for great deals on high quality makeup brushes to save some money.

    You need to apply a moisturizing eye cream each night in order to keep the delicate skin around the eyes from drying out. This will stop dark circles from occurring, reduce puffiness and minimize wrinkles that may develop in this area.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    As you have read, there tends to be more to appropriate beauty routines than many think. It requires knowledge and perseverance, but the results are worth the effort. If you follow these pointers you will find yourself feeling better and getting more attention.

  304. Everyone would like to be physically attractive. There is nothing like looking in the mirror knowing you will look fantastic. With the vast array of products on the market, beauty can be a little confusing. Here are some tips to help you.

    Fill an empty lip gloss pot or a miniscule sample jar with your preferred moisturizer. You now have a portable container of your favorite moisturizer, which can be kept in your purse, at work, in your car or even your pocket. Simply dab a drop of the moisturizer on your face whenever your skin begins to feel dry.

    For great looking eyes, use an eyelash curler. You’ll be amazed at the difference it can make. Doing this will make your eyes look brighter and much bigger. Heated curlers have a long-lasting effect.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Things exude their own beauty. Beauty can be seen in nature, and while observing loved ones. Keep your eyes open for potential beauty everywhere you go. Beauty is healthy and heartwarming, and a necessary part of a fulfilling life.

    Change your hairstyle and hair color to positively alter the look of your face. Choose a cut with sleek, elongated lines, with the longest layers reaching somewhere between your jawline and shoulders. You can also use lowlights or highlights to frame your face. Asking your hair dresser to include these special touches to your next hair appointment will make you look more beautiful.

    A professional makeup tip is to wear pink lipstick, as it makes problem skin appear less noticeable. For instance, a pink lipstick will take attention away from red eyes.

    Your food choices affect the texture and tone of your skin and hair. Beauty is rooted in the inside. Varied nutrients are a vital part of any healthy diet. Eating whole grains and proteins, among other things, can help the appearance of your skin, nails, and hairs.

    You can use a kitchen sponge as a skin scrubber in the bathroom. Kitchen sponges clean bathroom surfaces as well as other types of sponges.

    If you add moisturizer to your foundation, it will allow the foundation to last longer. This will help your skin to glow and add some SPF as well.

    Drinking fruit juice can help your skin be more beautiful. Eating fresh produce is essential to a healthy body and skin. Drinking fruit and vegetable juices is a delicious way to get your recommended intake of these food types. Your skin will be lovely right away when you add ample amounts of fresh juice to your diet.

    You need to apply a moisturizing eye cream each night in order to keep the delicate skin around the eyes from drying out. This will stop dark circles from occurring, reduce puffiness and minimize wrinkles that may develop in this area.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    If you want to change your beauty routine or need to find a way to look better, heed these tips. Different things work for different people; try these examples out for yourself to see what you can incorporate into your own beauty regime.

  305. Every society consists of people wanting to be young and beautiful. Beauty is on the inside as well as on the outside. Sometimes, tiny things can have a big impact on personal beauty. You can become beautiful, just by making these changes.

    Nail polish remover is perfect for when older nail polishes get thick and sticky. Add a tiny bit of nail polish remove and shake well. You’ll be able to get another application or two from the nail polish.

    Coconut oil is a nice substitute for expensive moisturizing products. Coconut oil has an easier time penetrating deep into your skin and giving you that moisture you need, while also getting rid of those wrinkles and fine lines. This also assists in treating certain skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis and acne, because of the anti-bacterial and natural anti-fungal properties it possesses.

    Vitamin E plays a vital role in beauty. You can use it for all sorts of things. It is helpful in making your skin soft. Vitamin E can also be used on your cuticles to keep them from splitting and feeling rough.

    Before you get a fake tan, get rid of all unwanted body hair one day before the application. Whether you wax or shave, you will achieve the best results if you wait for 24 hours after. This will make your tan even all around.

    Curl your lashes with an eyelash curler before you apply mascara. This will help to enliven your eyelashes so your whole appearance looks more energetic. Start at the lash base and squeeze the curler, and then hold it just a second. Keep repeating as you work your way up to the tips of your lashes. Doing this will provide a more natural curve than if you only apply it once.

    If your facial appearance is more square-shaped, use a coral or creamy rose blush which make your face look softer and appear less angular. Apply the creamy blush to the apples of your cheeks with your fingers. Gently tug them and fan the color towards your temples.

    Do you end up chipping your nails after you have painted them? Consider using a top coat which maintains their shine and gloss for a full week. Ensure that you do not use clear nail polish instead! Don’t buy clear polish. You need the top coat.

    Use heat activated products when you are going to be using a heating tool to straighten or curl on your hair. Shampoo, conditioner and other styling products can easily be obtained in a ‘heat-activated’ formula. Your hair can be damaged by using these tools too long or too often. Products that are specifically manufactured to be used in conjunction with heat styling products can prevent extensive damage to the hair.

    Pineapple is the perfect food that can help you lose weight and still help you to stick with your diet. That wonderfully sweet fruit is good for those on a diet because it has a lot of bromelain. Bromelain helps digest fats, proteins, and starch. Improving digestion can speed up your metabolism.

    When you are purchasing your staple items for your makeup bag, such as foundations or lipsticks for instance, buy duplicates if possible. These should be kept in a convenient place, such as your drawer at work, and the other can stay at your house. This way you’ll be prepared if you forget to apply your makeup, or run out of time before going to work.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    From the ideas above it is easy to see that there are many aspects to a beauty regiment that you have total control over. There is no better time to make the right choices that enhance your beauty, inside and out. After all, everyone deserves the right to look, feel and act their best every day. You can decide whether or not to enhance your beauty.

  306. Everyone would like to be physically attractive. There is nothing like looking in the mirror knowing you will look fantastic. With the vast array of products on the market, beauty can be a little confusing. Here are some tips to help you.

    Vaseline is great to smooth all over your feet around bedtime. This will make them soft and smooth like you just had a pedicure done. Do this every night, and you’ll never need to pumice again. Put Vaseline on your feet and then place some socks on.

    Make sure you have Vitamin E around. You can use it for all sorts of things. It can help keep your skin healthy and soft. Use Vitamin E on finger and toe nails and they will be nice and smooth instead of rough.

    Apply Vaseline to your eyebrows before bed. This will enhance the appearance of your eyebrows. Vaseline can cause unsightly acne, so try not to get it elsewhere on your face.

    Artificial eyelashes should be applied only after testing for allergic reactions. You should test the glue on your arm to see if you have an allergic reaction. Put a protective strip over the test area.

    Avoid hot water when bathing and showering. Hot water causes your pores to open and lets natural skin oils escape. These oils are essential to keep your skin moisturized. The easiest way to avoid this is to use warm or tepid water. Doing so is more likely to keep your skin soft. You will also save money on energy bills.

    You can use dark colored mascara to open up your eyes and help to draw attention to the eyes. Make sure to have extra mascara wands to clean up your make-up after it has been applied.

    Before you get a fake tan, get rid of all unwanted body hair one day before the application. You can wax or shave, but make sure the area is free of hair and wait 24 hours before applying the fake tan. This will make your tan even all around.

    Always keep your eye and lip liners freshly sharpened. Sharpening them will help you to keep them clean. A good tip is to put them in your freezer for 10 minutes before sharpening.

    Eyeshadow and eyeliner can make your eyes look stunning. Make sure the whites of your eyes are not red and irritated. Keep a small bottle of eye drops or saline solution in your handbag. Use eye drops when your eyes are tired due to computer eyestrain, allergies or sun and wind exposure.

    Use petroleum jelly on a regular basis to help soften your feet and toes. Coconut oil is a reasonably priced, all natural oil that soaks in clean and softens skin deeply. Apply the petroleum jelly three times a week to the balls, soles, and heels of your feet to maintain smooth and healthy skin there.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    As previously stated, many things can affect your attractiveness. By using these tips you can start bringing all these aspects out for others to see. Beauty is much more than physical appearance, it is your whole being.

  307. Do not expect to find the perfect beauty regimen without doing any research. There are many resources available regarding ideal ways to maximize your appearance. To get a running start, follow the advice given in this article.

    Put some moisturizer in a sample jar. This little container fits everywhere, like your work desk drawer, your handbag or an overnight bag. Apply moisturizer whenever your skin starts to feel dry.

    Prior to putting on your makeup, apply some light moisturizer. It will help your makeup to go on smoothly. You can prevent that fake, blotchy look with a light moisturizer treatment every morning. Your makeup will go on more smoothly and you will look refreshed.

    You can draw attention to your eyes and make them look bigger by applying dark mascara. Use disposable mascara wands for eliminating clumps and extra mascara from the outer edges of the eyes.

    If your facial type is square, soften your look by applying creamy rose colored or coral colored blush. With your fingers, add a bit of cream blush to each cheek, then blend and smooth gently upward toward you temples.

    Make sure you get plenty of exercise every day. Daily exercise will help your body to stay looking young, fit, and healthy. Exercise is an important part of your beauty arsenal. No matter what, exercise at least 15 minutes a day. Whether you chose to vacuum your house, walk around the block, or run with your dog, it is important to include physical activity in your day.

    Consume nutritious foods if you want to enjoy healthy hair, skin and nails. When you do this, your beauty is influenced by what is on the inside, not only by what is on the outside. Your diet should consist of the nutrients you need to consume every day. To grow strong nails and healthy skin and hair, include whole grains in your diet to provide protein, iron and other minerals.

    Create an alcohol free, all natural mouthwash by mixing peppermint oil with purified water. Only use a drop of the oil for every ounce of water. After you boil your water, measure your peppermint oil into a heat-resistant container. Add boiling water to the pot. Now, put a clean cloth over the container and allow the whole thing to cool. Store the solution in a bottle that has a lid that fits tightly. Use in place of store bought mouthwash.

    There are several beauty products that will benefit from being stored in a refrigerator. This is necessary in the summer months. If it is particularly hot outside you can keep your beauty products in the refrigerator. Your skin will relish the cooling sensation.

    Take a break from heat styling periodically to allow your hair to recover. Curling irons, straighteners, and blow dryers can cause breakage and significant damage to your hair. Not using these tools for a few days every week will give your hair time to recover.

    When you are purchasing your staple items for your makeup bag, such as foundations or lipsticks for instance, buy duplicates if possible. These should be kept in a convenient place, such as your drawer at work, and the other can stay at your house. This way you’ll be prepared if you forget to apply your makeup, or run out of time before going to work.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    From the ideas above it is easy to see that there are many aspects to a beauty regiment that you have total control over. There is no better time to make the right choices that enhance your beauty, inside and out. After all, everyone deserves the right to look, feel and act their best every day. You can decide whether or not to enhance your beauty.

  308. You may be lost as to where to begin with creating a beauty regimen since there are an incredible amount of products available on the market today. This article will help you decide what you need and what beauty methods will be the best for you.

    Put some moisturizer in a sample jar. This little container fits everywhere, like your work desk drawer, your handbag or an overnight bag. Apply moisturizer whenever your skin starts to feel dry.

    To plump your lips, use white eyeshadow just on top of the cupid’s bow on your top lip, in the center. When this area is highlighted, it will reflect the light and make your upper lip seem fuller.

    The hair follicles are wide open and will cause problems. You can experience extensive skin irritation if you follow through with tanning. You should also avoid using products that are scented after sugaring or waxing because they can cause skin irritation that is very hard to relieve.

    If you are going to blow dry your hair, be sure to use a heat protection spray beforehand in order to prevent damage. This product is available at generic stores like Wal-Mart or Target, and will help prevent split ends as it helps your hair dry quickly. Heat protective sprays can help prevent over-drying, and provide hair with a pleasant smell after treatment.

    Moisturize the skin on your face. This holds true for even the oiliest or greasiest of skin. Make sure that your moisturizer has an SPF of at least 15.

    Try putting some of your beauty products in a cool place, like your refrigerator. This is especially important in summertime. Keeping your make up in your fridge will allow you to use it regardless of the weather. Your skin will relish the cooling sensation.

    Makeup brushes are the key to great coverage for your products. Although brushes can sometimes be very costly, they can dramatically improve the way your makeup is applied. If you cannot find them for a good price in a store try ebay!

    Your hair color and style can help your face look thinner. Try a long cut with sleek lines that falls between your shoulders and your jaw. Try putting in a few high lights that fall around your face. These look good and will make your face more attractive.

    Pineapple is the perfect food that can help you lose weight and still help you to stick with your diet. That wonderfully sweet fruit is good for those on a diet because it has a lot of bromelain. Bromelain helps digest fats, proteins, and starch. Improving digestion can speed up your metabolism.

    Place thin sliced potatoes over your eyes if they are puffy. Leave the slices in place for around 10 minutes. As alternatives, you can use a cucumber, teabags or a chilled teaspoon. These applications will show instant results, reducing puffiness and reducing the look of sleepyness.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    Beauty is more than just genetics. With some effort and work, it can always be enhanced. You can improve your look, especially with sound advice. Hopefully, the ideas here can help you make the most of your effort and time spent on your looks.

  309. If you are in need of an exciting way to enhance your beauty routine or you feel like you need some help with a beauty problem, this article is for you. Learn how to make your outer beauty match that of your inner self by reading these tips.

    Before going to bed, rub your eyebrows with Vaseline. This conditions your eyebrows and helps them look lustrous. Be careful not to spread Vaseline elsewhere on your face to avoid acne breakouts.

    Bring a fluffy brush with you to reduce the oil on your face before you go out. Try playing up cheek bones with shimmer powder on cheeks.

    You can draw attention to your eyes and make them look bigger by applying dark mascara. Use disposable mascara wands for eliminating clumps and extra mascara from the outer edges of the eyes.

    Artificial eyelashes should be applied only after testing for allergic reactions. You should test the glue on your arm to see if you have an allergic reaction. Put a protective strip over the test area.

    Artificial eyelashes should be applied only after testing for allergic reactions. First, use the glue on another part of your body to test for an allergic reaction. Cover the area that you have applied the test glue.

    If you want to look your best, avoid excessive amounts of caffeine. Caffeine can cause you to be jittery, leads to wrinkles, and can exacerbate signs of aging. Only one cup of coffee or tea should be consumed each day. Try to drink green tea instead of ingesting lots of caffeine.

    Beauty is comprised of many things. Focus on appearance, health, fitness, clothing and how you hold yourself. If you work on each area, you will improve the way you look and feel.

    Your hair color and style can help your face look thinner. Try a long cut with sleek lines that falls between your shoulders and your jaw. Try putting in a few high lights that fall around your face. These look good and will make your face more attractive.

    Take a break from heat styling periodically to allow your hair to recover. Curling irons, straighteners, and blow dryers can cause breakage and significant damage to your hair. Not using these tools for a few days every week will give your hair time to recover.

    When applying eyeshadow, look downward and toward the mirror. Do your best to keep from putting pressure or pulling on your eyelids. Looking at a downward angle helps you get your eye shadow correctly applied the first time. Apply your shadow carefully, and you will not need to stretch your lid.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    As you now know, beauty regimens can be simple and fun. Your beauty regime may take a lot of time to establish with research and practice, but the results will be worth your time. If you take the tips given, you should now be knowledgeable enough to create a beauty regimen that is perfect for you.

  310. In the past, beauty tips were geared towards only women of a certain age. Today though, women – and men – of all ages are realizing the value of advice in this area. Beauty is so much more than simply good genetics. Even a token amount of effort on using the tips in this article can mean dramatic results.

    A good skin care tip is to exfoliate your face. Even dry or sensitive skin can be exfoliated up to three times a week. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to get rid of dead skin cells. This can help you skin radiate with that fresh, clean feeling. It also prevents the buildup of harmful skin-clogging debris.

    Always protect your skin with sunscreen. While comparing products, look for sunscreens that use healthy ingredients and even contain antioxidants. This ensures skin looks great with no damage.

    Apply Vaseline to your eyebrows before bed. This will enhance the appearance of your eyebrows. Vaseline can cause unsightly acne, so try not to get it elsewhere on your face.

    Put some honey in your makeup bag. Honey has many benefits for your skin, and not just when you consume it. Honey mixed with sugar is a good exfoliation technique for your skin. Add some to your face lotion to keep in the moisture. Add honey to the shampoo for maximum softness and a nice shine.

    Moisturize the skin on your face. This holds true for even the oiliest or greasiest of skin. Make sure that your moisturizer has an SPF of at least 15.

    If your facial appearance is more square-shaped, use a coral or creamy rose blush which make your face look softer and appear less angular. Apply the creamy blush to the apples of your cheeks with your fingers. Gently tug them and fan the color towards your temples.

    Replace all your expensive products with natural castile soap, a mild natural toner like vinegar or witch hazel and a soft washcloth. Use aloe vera to moisturize. When you use organic, natural items, your skin will brighten up instantly. If you need a little more moisture than aloe provides, add a small drop of vitamin E oil. If you want a toner that is medicated, use tea tree oil.

    Your hair color and style can help your face look thinner. Try a long cut with sleek lines that falls between your shoulders and your jaw. Try putting in a few high lights that fall around your face. These look good and will make your face more attractive.

    Pink will take the attention away from imperfections. Pink lipstick will take peoples attention off of acne or puffy red eyes.

    Use a nourishing eye cream to prevent dry skin near your eyes. You can prevent wrinkles, lines, and bags under the eyes by paying attention to the health of this area.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    As you can see, beauty and the application of its basic principles is something that is not just for experts who have had formal training. It doesn’t matter what your skill level is. The tips in the above article were created to assist people of all skill levels in looking as great as possible.

  311. Every woman wants to be beautiful. People are more receptive to a woman who is looking good; they will be more willing to assist her. Unfortunately, many women are unsure how to begin enhancing their natural beauty. Read on to find out how!

    A coat or two of waterproof black or dark brown mascara is an easy way to open up the eyes and draw attention to them. Keep disposable mascara wands around to break up clumps and brush off extra mascara around the outer corners of your eyes.

    Coconut oil is a nice substitute for expensive moisturizing products. Coconut oil has an easier time penetrating deep into your skin and giving you that moisture you need, while also getting rid of those wrinkles and fine lines. This also assists in treating certain skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis and acne, because of the anti-bacterial and natural anti-fungal properties it possesses.

    Before bed, put a swipe of Vaseline in your eyebrows. In the morning, your eyebrows will be shinier and smoother. Vaseline can cause unsightly acne, so try not to get it elsewhere on your face.

    When using a straight or curling iron, make sure you use a heat-activated shampoo and conditioner. Using these tools daily can damage your hair. You can protect yourself from damage by using products that are designed for people who use heat.

    Exfoliate your face consistently! Get rid of dead skin cells by gently exfoliating your skin. Do this up to three times a week if you need to. Doing this makes your face appear younger and more radiant. It also prevents the buildup of dirt and oil.

    The sultry effects of shadow and liner will not be noticed if your eyes look red and irritated. Carry along eye drops wherever you go! Drops come in handy for those situations that lend themselves to red eyes, such as prolonged exposure to sunlight or long periods of staring a computer screen.

    Replace all your expensive products with natural castile soap, a mild natural toner like vinegar or witch hazel and a soft washcloth. Use aloe vera to moisturize. When you use organic, natural items, your skin will brighten up instantly. If you need a little more moisture than aloe provides, add a small drop of vitamin E oil. If you want a toner that is medicated, use tea tree oil.

    When using fake eyelashes, you never want to realize that you have an allergic reaction to the adhesive. Try a drop on your arm first to be sure there isn’t an allergic reaction. Put some plaster over it and leave it be for at least a day. Without a rash, you will not have a problem.

    Eyeshadow and eyeliner can make your eyes look stunning. Make sure the whites of your eyes are not red and irritated. Keep a small bottle of eye drops or saline solution in your handbag. Use eye drops when your eyes are tired due to computer eyestrain, allergies or sun and wind exposure.

    Place thin sliced potatoes over your eyes if they are puffy. Leave the slices in place for around 10 minutes. As alternatives, you can use a cucumber, teabags or a chilled teaspoon. These applications will show instant results, reducing puffiness and reducing the look of sleepyness.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    From the ideas above it is easy to see that there are many aspects to a beauty regiment that you have total control over. There is no better time to make the right choices that enhance your beauty, inside and out. After all, everyone deserves the right to look, feel and act their best every day. You can decide whether or not to enhance your beauty.

  312. You can develop a routine that keeps you beautiful with a minimum of effort. There are many ways to quickly and easily improve your appearance. Read on for tips from the professionals in the beauty industry.

    A good skin care tip is to exfoliate your face. Even dry or sensitive skin can be exfoliated up to three times a week. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to get rid of dead skin cells. This can help you skin radiate with that fresh, clean feeling. It also prevents the buildup of harmful skin-clogging debris.

    Nail polish remover or acetone is a good thing to add to a bottle of nail polish that is getting thick or drying out. Add a tiny bit, then close the bottle and shake vigorously. Doing this will extend the life of your nail polish.

    If you are stepping out for the night, freshen up by using a big brush to powder the greasy areas of your face. Make sure that you take care of your cheeks, as this is where a lot of oil will fester.

    Sunscreen is optimal to use each day to shield against the rays from the sun. Be sure to look for sunscreens with healthful ingredients and not too many deadly chemicals. These ingredients replenish the skin with needed nutrients and protect it to keep it looking young and supple.

    You can add life to your foundation by mixing it with moisturizer. This will help your skin to glow and add some SPF as well.

    Drink a lot of water if you want your skin to stay beautiful. When you are dehydrated, your skin is the first organ that suffers. This can be prevented by drinking the recommended eight glasses of water every single day. You might add some lemon, lime or cranberry juice to your water if it will be more appealing to you that way. Your skin will benefit from this.

    Do you end up chipping your nails after you have painted them? Consider using a top coat which maintains their shine and gloss for a full week. Ensure that you do not use clear nail polish instead! Don’t buy clear polish. You need the top coat.

    If you add moisturizer to your foundation, it will allow the foundation to last longer. This will help your skin to glow and add some SPF as well.

    If you have frizzy hair, pick up a brush made from boar bristles. A surprising number of people have issues with their hair becoming frizzy. To manage the frizz, use a brush made from boar bristles as you dry your hair. Blow in a downward direction, and brush your hair gently with the brush.

    Open your refrigerator door to find a great natural mask to tighten your facial skin. Whisk some egg whites and lemon juice together and apply it on your skin, after five minutes rinse it off and your face will be fresh and firm. It’s an excellent idea to give a try prior to a party or big date!

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    As you now know, beauty regimens can be simple and fun. Your beauty regime may take a lot of time to establish with research and practice, but the results will be worth your time. If you take the tips given, you should now be knowledgeable enough to create a beauty regimen that is perfect for you.

  313. If you are in need of an exciting way to enhance your beauty routine or you feel like you need some help with a beauty problem, this article is for you. Learn how to make your outer beauty match that of your inner self by reading these tips.

    It is imperative that you exfoliate before using self-tanning products. This process will smooth skin and remove layers of dead skin cells. Also, you can make your tan look more realistic by doing this. In addition, this simple preparation step will give your fake tan a longer life and make it look more realistic.

    Coconut oil is a nice substitute for expensive moisturizing products. Coconut oil has an easier time penetrating deep into your skin and giving you that moisture you need, while also getting rid of those wrinkles and fine lines. This also assists in treating certain skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis and acne, because of the anti-bacterial and natural anti-fungal properties it possesses.

    If you are stepping out for the night, freshen up by using a big brush to powder the greasy areas of your face. Make sure that you take care of your cheeks, as this is where a lot of oil will fester.

    Make sure to use heat-activated shampoo, conditioner and styling product when using heated tool, such as a curling or straight iron. Using heated tools like curling irons can damage your hair. If you use products with heat protectant in them, it is perfectly safe to use hair appliances that require heat on a daily basis. As an added bonus, these products usually help your hair look healthy and shiny, as well.

    Using an eyelash curler before applying mascara is a good idea. Curling your eyelashes can make them look longer and it can also make your eyes look younger too. Begin by squeezing the curler at the bottom of your lashes and holding it for a short time. Then, squeeze it again when moving it toward your lashes’ end. Working in an upward motion will give your lashes a nice natural curve.

    Find some room in your refrigerator for your beauty products. You should refrigerate them, especially in the summer. By keeping cosmetics such as lotions and oils in your refrigerator, you can keep them from melting or thinning in hot weather. The cooling moisture will benefit your skin.

    If you enjoy wearing makeup daily, make sure there is no less than one day monthly when you wear none. This can help your face breathe and look healthy. You are sure to see a freshening of your skin’s appearance.

    If you have found that mineral makeup powder irritates your skin, the culprit could be bismuth oxychloride. This irritates skin, so women think they can’t use this kind of makeup. However, a lot of brands don’t use that ingredient.

    Bristle brushes can help calm frizzy hair. A surprising number of people have issues with their hair becoming frizzy. Using your boar bristle brush when drying your hair can help you combat frizz. When running the brush through your hair, keep the hair dryer pointed downward.

    Place thin sliced potatoes over your eyes if they are puffy. Leave the slices in place for around 10 minutes. As alternatives, you can use a cucumber, teabags or a chilled teaspoon. These applications will show instant results, reducing puffiness and reducing the look of sleepyness.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    From the ideas above it is easy to see that there are many aspects to a beauty regiment that you have total control over. There is no better time to make the right choices that enhance your beauty, inside and out. After all, everyone deserves the right to look, feel and act their best every day. You can decide whether or not to enhance your beauty.

  314. Merrillville man faced with armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges have been filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is charged with robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d decided to trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together at high school.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to think about these shoes. While he looked around the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to give up everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he was going to give Hammonds as well as the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the telephone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage since the man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 1 year for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for Twelve months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he had accepted work with a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For around one month, the woman contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the woman her car have been stripped and offered her $350 for the car, but never gave her the money.
    In the court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working and had put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as being a misdemeanor under terms of the agreement.

    Hobart man faced with public indecency

    A Hobart man with a good reputation for convictions for sexual offenses has been charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, on the first block of Michigan Avenue, is faced with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police at about 9:15 p.m. she went to clean the men¡¯s bathroom inside the restaurant. Toney entered the restroom, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look only at that.¡± The woman told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney told her to ¡°look at this¡± a second time and could see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The lady said Toney had done the same principle at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to 3 years, with one year executed and 2 years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  315. Beauty regimens may seem difficult and unnecessary to the average woman. If you are inexperienced with beauty regimens, you may be a little bogged down with all the information available to you. There are a few tips here that can help you construct a beauty regimen without confusion.

    To protect your hair from heat damage, let it air dry as often as possible. The combined heat from the hair dryer, curling iron, and straightening iron can take a major toll on the hair and scalp. If you have to dry it, try to use the dryer on the lowest heat setting. Doing this ensures your hair will remain soft and smooth.

    You should rub some Vaseline onto your cuticles at least one time each week. This is a great way to help your nails get longer. It helps your nails and the skin around them to look shinier and healthier, too. Results will happen instantaneously, as Vaseline can be a permanent help in this area.

    Symmetrical faces are rated as more attractive in scientific studies. If you want to be beautiful, you have to strive for symmetry. Keep your make up symmeteical and your facial hair.

    Make sure that the eyeliner and lip liners that you are using are sharp. Not only does this make them easier to apply, it also makes sure they are clean for use. For best results when sharpening, use the freezer or refrigerator to cool them for around 10 minutes, then proceed to sharpen them.

    If you are going out immediately after you get off work for the night, you can freshen up your look by using a large, fluffy brush to dust on a matte powder over oily areas on your face. Try playing up cheek bones with shimmer powder on cheeks.

    Shimmery eyeshadow definitely makes a statement. Because the shimmery particles in the makeup reflect light, these shadows can create the illusion of bigger, brighter eyes. Find something that is similar to your natural skin tone. Have fun exploring the many different ways of applying a vast multitude of shades.

    Don’t pay exorbitant prices for commercial facial moisturizer when coconut oil will do just as well. Coconut oil will help reduce wrinkles and provides moisture to your skin. It also helps treat skin ailments like eczema, acne and psoriasis because of its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

    To achieve healthy skin, use a dry, soft brush on the surface of the skin prior to showering; this will stimulate your oil glands and help keep moisture in your skin. Brush in a circular motion, from your feet up to your face, and then finish off with a warm shower and gentle soap.

    Exercise every single day. Staying active will keep you healthy and youthful-looking. It is definitely essential for personal beauty. You should set aside at least 15 minutes each day for physical exercise. Staying active can be as simple as walking a block or two and/or vacuuming your home.

    By using rosewater or cucumbers you can rid of the dreaded dark circles under your eyes. These will naturally cool and calm your eyes while lightening the skin underneath them. Relax for 15 minutes with cucumber or rosewater soaked pads covering your closed eyes.

    In conclusion, it does not have to be hard to find out which beauty techniques are best for you. It takes some practice and attention to detail. You also need to be consistent. You will look better and your hard work is going to pay off.

  316. Beauty is a simple thing to make improvements on regardless of the knowledge and skill with which you start. Don’t let all the buzz and hype that you see on T.V. about beauty fool you. Precision is not the be-all and end-all of beauty. Read through these tips to see the fun that can be had with it.

    An eyelash curler can help to bring out the vibrance in your lashes. Lots of people forget the difference an eyelash curler can make. Using an eyelash curler will help make your eyes appear bigger and more expressive. If you want the curl to last longer, get a heated eyelash curler.

    When you have gray or blue eyes, oranges and browns are your best choice for eyeshadow. When using eyeliner or mascara, you should look for deep brows with highlights of purple or red. These colors can enhance the appearance of your blue eyes.

    You can adjust your hair’s style and color to better accentuate the shape of your face. Your cut should be sleek and fairly long – falling just above shoulder length. Use low-lights and highlights as appropriate to frame your face. These are extremely flattering on almost all facial types.

    If you need to soften the appearance of a square shaped face, use a coral or rose blush. Use your finger to apply cream blush to your cheeks on the apples, then gently fan the blush toward your temples.

    Use lukewarm water to cleanse your face when bathing. In hot water, your pores will open and your skin’s natural oils can escape. You will then wash the oil away. Alternatively, warm or tepid water is soothing and does not dry the delicate skin on your face or body. This should also help you reduce your bills.

    Check for allergies before applying fake eyelashes. Use a small spot on the inside of your arm as your test area; apply a little bit of the glue to make sure you don’t have a reaction. Protect the test area with a piece of gauze or cloth.

    To have gorgeous skin, consume more fruit juices. Fruit and vegetable consumption is essential for proper health. Drinking fruit and vegetable juices are a great way to get more vitamins and minerals into your diet. Simply replacing sweet drinks, such as soda, will drastically improve your skin’s texture and moisture.

    Honey is a great tool to have in your beauty routine. You can benefit greatly from honey in your beauty routine. Use honey as a natural exfoliant, by mixing it up with a bit of sugar. You can retain more moisture in your skin by mixing honey with your moisturizing lotion. Adding honey in with your regular shampoo will leave it shiny, manageable and touchably soft.

    Do you want to draw attention to your eyes? Use a waterproof, lengthening mascara to give your lashes more volume. There are many mascaras out there that claim they will give your lashes more volume and curl. The truth is that these products often just leave your lashes clumpy and flake off. They tend to weigh down the lashes and thus cause eye irritation. Try a moisturizing formula instead, which will not only make your lashes look fuller while you wear it, but will also help them grow. Your lashes will look thicker and have an upward curl to them.

    By using rosewater or cucumbers you can rid of the dreaded dark circles under your eyes. These will naturally cool and calm your eyes while lightening the skin underneath them. Relax for 15 minutes with cucumber or rosewater soaked pads covering your closed eyes.

    No matter what your feelings about beauty may be, you can certainly benefit from looking your best. Try to use most of the tips given to you here. As you begin to feel better about your outward appearance, you’ll also begin to feel better on the inside.

  317. Merrillville man involved in armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges have already been filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is involved in robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d decided to trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together at high school.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to look at the shoes. While he searched the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to stop everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he was going to give Hammonds in addition to the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the telephone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage since the man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 1 year for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 12 months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he’d decided to work on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. Around one month, the girl contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the woman her car have been stripped and offered her $350 for the car, but never gave her the money.
    In the courtroom on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and it was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working and had put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction like a misdemeanor under the agreement.

    Hobart man faced with public indecency

    A Hobart man with a good reputation for convictions for sexual offenses has been charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, from the first block of Michigan Avenue, is faced with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police around 9:15 p.m. she traveled to clean the men¡¯s bathroom inside the restaurant. Toney entered the restroom, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look only at that.¡± The lady told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney said to ¡°look at this¡± again and might see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The woman said Toney had done the same at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to 3 years, with twelve months executed and two years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  318. Merrillville man faced with a armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges happen to be filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is arrested for robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d agreed to trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together at high school.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to look at the shoes. Because he looked around the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to give up everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he would give Hammonds besides the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the phone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage because man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 12 months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 12 months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he had decided to work with a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. Around one month, the lady contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the girl her car have been stripped and offered her $350 for your car, but never gave her the money.
    In the court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working and had put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as being a misdemeanor under the agreement.

    Hobart man arrested for public indecency

    A Hobart man having a reputation convictions for sexual offenses has been charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, on the first block of Michigan Avenue, is charged with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police at about 9:15 p.m. she visited clean the men¡¯s bathroom within the restaurant. Toney entered the restroom, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look at this.¡± The girl told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney told her to ¡°look at this¡± a second time and could see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The lady said Toney tried the same principle at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to three years, with one year executed and a couple years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  319. Merrillville man charged with armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges have already been filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is involved in robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d decided to trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together in college.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to think about these shoes. As he searched the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to quit everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he would give Hammonds in addition to the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the telephone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage because man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 1 year for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 12 months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he’d agreed to work on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For about one month, the woman contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the lady her car have been stripped and offered her $350 for your car, but never gave her the money.
    In the courtroom on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and it was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working and had put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction like a misdemeanor under terms of the agreement.

    Hobart man faced with public indecency

    A Hobart man with a history of convictions for sexual offenses continues to be charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, on the first block of Michigan Avenue, is charged with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police around 9:15 p.m. she went to clean the men¡¯s bathroom within the restaurant. Toney entered the restroom, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look at this.¡± The woman told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney informed her to ¡°look at this¡± a second time and could see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The girl said Toney had done the same at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to three years, with twelve months executed and two years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  320. Merrillville man involved in armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges have been filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is charged with robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d accepted trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together in college.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to look at these shoes. Because he looked around the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to give up everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he would give Hammonds besides the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the phone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage as the man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 1 year for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 12 months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he had agreed to work with a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For around one month, the woman contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the girl her car ended up stripped and offered her $350 for the car, but never gave her the money.
    In the courtroom on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and it was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working and had put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as the misdemeanor under terms of the agreement.

    Hobart man faced with public indecency

    A Hobart man having a reputation convictions for sexual offenses may be charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, of the first block of Michigan Avenue, is charged with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police at about 9:15 p.m. she traveled to clean the men¡¯s bathroom inside the restaurant. Toney entered the lavatory, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look only at that.¡± The lady told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney informed her to ¡°look at this¡± a second time and might see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The woman said Toney tried the same at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to a few years, with one year executed and two years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  321. Merrillville man faced with armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges happen to be filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is arrested for robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d decided to trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together in college.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to check out these shoes. While he searched the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to quit everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he would give Hammonds besides the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the telephone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage as the man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 12 months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 1 year for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he had consented to work on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. Around one month, the woman contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the woman her car ended up stripped and offered her $350 for the car, but never gave her the money.
    In the court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working and had put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction like a misdemeanor under terms of the agreement.

    Hobart man charged with public indecency

    A Hobart man with a reputation convictions for sexual offenses continues to be charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, from the first block of Michigan Avenue, is charged with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police around 9:15 p.m. she attended clean the men¡¯s bathroom within the restaurant. Toney entered the lavatory, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look only at that.¡± The woman told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney said to ¡°look at this¡± again and might see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The lady said Toney tried the same thing at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to a few years, with twelve months executed and a couple years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  322. Merrillville man faced with armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges happen to be filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is arrested for robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d accepted trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together at high school.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to look at these shoes. As he looked around the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to give up everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he would give Hammonds in addition to the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the telephone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage because man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 12 months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 12 months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he had decided to work on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For around one month, the woman contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the girl her car have been stripped and offered her $350 for the car, but never gave her the money.
    In the court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working coupled with put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as a misdemeanor under the agreement.

    Hobart man charged with public indecency

    A Hobart man with a history of convictions for sexual offenses has been charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, on the first block of Michigan Avenue, is charged with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police around 9:15 p.m. she went to clean the men¡¯s bathroom in the restaurant. Toney entered the lavatory, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look at this.¡± The woman told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney said to ¡°look at this¡± again and could see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The girl said Toney tried the same principle at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to a few years, with twelve months executed and two years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  323. Every society consists of people wanting to be young and beautiful. Many people realize that beauty is found internally and externally. Sometimes small changes can have a terrific impact on your personal beauty. By making the effort to change small things in your life, you can look the way you want to look.

    For a quick-fix, keep an empty jar filled with face moisturizer in your purse or car. Containers of this size can be easily carried wherever you go. Just put some moisturizer all over your face when you think your skin looks or feels dry.

    Beauty science has shown that the more symmetrical your face is, the more beautiful you are. Keep this in mind at all times. From trimming your eyebrows to highlighting your cheeks, keep it balanced.

    Beauty is what you make of it. Beauty is something you can find anywhere you look. Maybe you like to find wondrous beauty in flowers or art, or a special someone. If you pay attention to beautiful things, you will be more positive in life.

    Staying hydrated is an important part of any skin care regimen. Water cleanses your body and helps to remove toxins, which improves the health and appearance of your skin.

    You must always wash away all makeup prior to going to bed. Gently scrub your face with a warm washcloth. After removing the makeup, do the same skin care routine you always do. Make-up left on overnight can clog the pores and cause skin conditions.

    Using color to emphasize your eyes is an age old trick that women use with the application of eye shadow. If you have hazel or green eyes, apply color that brings out the best in your eyes. If you have green or hazel eyes, wear colors that are light brown, lavender and other shades of purple.

    Cucumbers or rosewater will help alleviate dark circle under your eyes. They have properties that will make your eyes feel fresh and rejuvenated while also ridding them of dark circles. You can also apply rosewater or cucumber juice to your eyes to relieve dark circles; simply wet cotton pads with the liquid and then put them over your eyes.

    An eye cream that is designed to moisturize the skin around the eye area should be applied each night. Keeping this skin can prevent dark circles, along with preventing the development of wrinkles and lines.

    If money allows, purchase an extra of your basic beauty products, such as foundation, cream or lipstick, to keep handy at work. Keep one at home and another in your car or in a desk drawer at work. This ensures you always look your best.

    To get long and nice nails, try putting Vaseline in your cuticles at least once a week. This feeds the nail bed, encouraging nail growth. Be certain to use top coats which will prevent nails from chipping, when you paint your nails.

    Now you have an idea of why beauty is such a fun activity to do. There is so much fun and renewal to experience as one tries to re-create or re-work their personal appearance. Become a beauty pro by applying all the tips from this article!

  324. These tips can help you with any beauty care problems you may be having. Use these tips to create a new routine or perhaps a better diet to bring out your inner beauty.

    If you do, it can lead to problems because the follicles on your skin are open. You may have intense irritation if you do this. It is also best to stay away from scented lotions and creams on the sugared or waxed areas to avoid further irritation.

    Pimples can sometimes appear unexpectedly and catch you unprepared. Use a dab of toothpaste to battle any blemish that appears on your skin. Leave it on for approximately ten minutes. Toothpaste should help calm some of the inflammation and redness associated with blemishes.

    These processes open your follicles, and tanning during this time can cause issues. If you do it anyway, you take the risk of severe irritation. Because of irritation issues you should avoid scented products after sugaring or a wax.

    Staying hydrated is an important part of any skin care regimen. Water cleanses your body and helps to remove toxins, which improves the health and appearance of your skin.

    Make sure you get plenty of exercise every day. Keeping your body in constant motion will have you looking healthy and fit. It is definitely essential for personal beauty. Fifteen or twenty minutes of healthy activity every day should do the trick. You should stay active it it just means cleaning your home or walking around the neighborhood.

    Do away with red eyes to let your pretty peepers shine. Put in eye drops prior to applying makeup around your eyes. You may want to keep an extra bottle with you for touch ups. They can be used to perk up your eyes if they get red and tired from starring at a computer screen for too long, are are overexposed to the sun.

    Incorporate a daily glass of milk into your beauty routine. Studies show that drinking some milk every day can benefit bones, skin, and the entire body. It contains a lot of protein and encourages muscle-growth. It can also help you maintain a healthy weight. Milk is an easy way to make your body beautiful.

    Wash your makeup utensils to reduce blemishes on your skin. Fill a bowl with water and a gentle shampoo, and rub the bristles of the brushes together in the water. Rinse thoroughly and dry them on a clean paper towel. Doing so will minimize the chance that any makeup buildup or bacteria will collect in the brush and cause acne breakouts.

    Petroleum jelly can make your feet and toes feel soft. It may sound old fashioned, but petroleum jelly is an inexpensive and time-tested skin softener. Applying it to heels, soles and the balls of your feet at least three times a week will keep the skin from chaffing and peeling to begin with, leaving you with smooth and healthy feet!

    To get long and nice nails, try putting Vaseline in your cuticles at least once a week. This feeds the nail bed, encouraging nail growth. Be certain to use top coats which will prevent nails from chipping, when you paint your nails.

    This article will help you design a better beauty routine for yourself. When you feel the need to add something new to your appearance, just turn to these tips for help with little or big changes.

  325. Looking good can be a full-time job, or you can stay beautiful the smart way. There are many ways you can boost your appearance without spending tons of money. This article will reveal some of the secrets of beauty professionals.

    Remove hair at least a day before applying a tanning product. You can wax or shave, but be certain to do that more than a day afterwards. This keeps your tan looking its best.

    Make your eyes pop with one or two coats of black or brown mascara in a waterproof formulation. Use disposable mascara wands for eliminating clumps and extra mascara from the outer edges of the eyes.

    Top makeup artists know that a strong lip color is an easy way to draw attention away from imperfections. Puffy red eyes and acne will be less noticeable.

    Make sure you aren’t allergic to eyelash adhesives before applying them. Put a small amount of the adhesive on another part of your body to check for allergies. It is vital to ensure the test area is well covered. This allows you to be sure how your skin will react.

    Did you know that the foundation underneath your makeup cap can act as a concealer? If you’re out of concealer, use some of the foundation that’s under the cap. This works perfectly in a pinch.

    Consider a new hairstyle for a more narrow-appearing face. A cut that is long and sleek can do the trick. Bangs and highlights can also do wonders. They are really flattering and pull attention to the features on your face.

    You can enhance hazel or dark green eyes by using colors that bring out the golds and greens to appear like candlelight. These could include deep wines, shimmery purples, frosty gunmetal gray, or lighter golden brown tones.

    Although hot showers feel great, they don’t do your skin any favors. Hot water opens up your pores, which means more essential skin oils come out. They will then be washed away down the drain. Use lukewarm water to maximize skin beauty and softness. You will also save money by lowering your utility bill.

    Shimmery eyeshadow definitely makes a statement. Glittery eye shadow provides a sparkling effect that makes your eyes stand out. When you are choosing the shade of shimmer eye shadow, it’s best to choose a shade that is within a shade of two of your own skin. Experiment with a variety of shades and different application techniques to find the most flattering looks.

    Buy some high-quality makeup brushes. While good quality brushes tend to be a little costly they will greatly improve the application of your makeup. If you are on a budget, you can try searching online auction sites for great deals on high quality makeup brushes to save some money.

    Now you know how much fun it is to be beautiful. There is a lot to learn and much to be gained when you rediscover your own look, improve upon it and learn to look your best. With this new found knowledge, you have what it takes to be an even more beautiful you!

  326. It’s natural to want to look good. Everyone wakes up in the morning, looks in the mirror, and starts the improvement process. Now you know how to be more beautiful! The ideas in this article are designed to help you improve your beauty.

    Fill a tiny sample jar or empty pot of lip gloss with your favorite moisturizer. It will be easy to stick in your purse or a drawer at your desk. When your face starts getting dry, add a small amount of moisturizer to it.

    Beauty science has shown that the more symmetrical your face is, the more beautiful you are. Keep this in mind at all times. From trimming your eyebrows to highlighting your cheeks, keep it balanced.

    Instead of paying high prices for fancy moisturizing products, consider trying coconut oil. Coconut oil will help reduce wrinkles and provides moisture to your skin. It also adds benefits by eliminating the symptoms of acne, eczema and psoriasis because it has natural bacteria fighting elements and is a natural fungicide.

    These processes open your follicles, and tanning during this time can cause issues. It can cause intense irritation, leading you to be extremely uncomfortable. Do not use products that have fragrance after you get waxed; they will also cause you irritation.

    Curry leaf chutney can stave off gray hair when you consume one teaspoon of it every day. This gives your pigments vitamins and minerals that can help it retain its color and remain healthy. You can also try adding rosemary essential oils to the scalp, which keeps hair colored and healthier.

    Honey should be in your beauty kit. You can benefit greatly from honey in your beauty routine. Mix honey with sugar if you want to have a mixture that is great for exfoliating. Using honey in with your skin lotion will aid in moisture retention. Adding honey in with your regular shampoo will leave it shiny, manageable and touchably soft.

    Wash makeup off thoroughly prior to going to bed. You should us lukewarm water with a gentle washcloth or a good makeup removing solution. After that, simply cleanse your face as you normally would. Leaving on make-up can clog your pores and cause acne.

    When using fake eyelashes, the worst thing that you can discover is that you have an allergy to the glue. To ensure you are not allergic to the glue, put some on your own arm. Then place plaster on that and let it sit for 24 hours. If you don’t have a rash, you should be okay.

    If your eyes aren’t looking the way you wish, you should experiment with makeup techniques! If you want to make your eyelashes fuller, try using a lengthening mascara that is also waterproof. Many mascaras claim that they can curl your lases and give them more volume. Unfortunately for the consumer, these products are often heavy on the lashes. They end up weighing down your lashes. A waterproof mascara which focuses on lengthening the look of lashes will be lighter. This allows your lashes to look bigger and better.

    To get long and nice nails, try putting Vaseline in your cuticles at least once a week. This feeds the nail bed, encouraging nail growth. Be certain to use top coats which will prevent nails from chipping, when you paint your nails.

    Using this article’s tips can help become beautiful like those women who are so heavily envied. Use the tips you have just learned, and enjoy your beautiful appearance and newfound confidence.

  327. Beauty is a huge factor when it comes to women these days. It has been found that women who are beautiful are likely to have their needs addressed and have people listen to her. Many women don’t get to realize the full essence of their beauty because they don’t let themselves feel beautiful. Read the rest of this article to figure out what to do.

    No matter what type of skin you have, you need to wash twice daily with a mild cleanser. Always remove all of your makeup in full before starting your skin care regimen. If you do not do this you may clog your pores and get pimples.

    Pimples can sometimes appear unexpectedly and catch you unprepared. Use a dab of toothpaste to battle any blemish that appears on your skin. Leave it on for approximately ten minutes. Toothpaste should help calm some of the inflammation and redness associated with blemishes.

    Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. Things exude their own beauty. Maybe the trees in your yard are beautiful, or even your spouse or partner. When you admire beauty, you’ll find you feel more beautiful yourself.

    Staying hydrated is an important part of any skin care regimen. Water cleanses your body and helps to remove toxins, which improves the health and appearance of your skin.

    When using a straight or curling iron, make sure you use a heat-activated shampoo and conditioner. Using these tools daily can damage your hair. By using these heat-activated products you are protecting your hair from heat damage and keeping it shiny and soft.

    Get rid of any hair you do not want at least a day in advance of a fake tan application. You can wax or shave, but make sure the area is free of hair and wait 24 hours before applying the fake tan. You will have a tan that is more natural looking and not so uneven.

    Your make-up removal wipes should be kept in the location that you store your make-up. Beauty experts rely on the removal wipes for making quick fixes if something goes amiss during make-up application. They will let you fix mistakes like an expert, cheaply and effectively. Every good beauty routine should incorporate these vital wipes.

    Plain baking soda can give you shinier hair. Put a small amount of baking soda into the palm of your hand, then mix it with the amount of shampoo you will be using. Then you would wash your hair as normal. This will restore the luster to your hair.

    When you are putting on eyeshadow look down through the mirror. Avoid pulling or pressing on your eyelids. Look at down, and get your application correct the first time. By doing so, you won’t have to touch your lids because you’ll have a good view.

    Make use of eye drops throughout the day in order to have sparkling eyes. That way, you can stave off irritation and dryness as well. If you regularly engage in an activity that causes eye strain, like using a computer, eye drops will help. Just keep a bottle in your purse or your desk, and use it every 4 hours.

    From the above article, you have learned some interesting techniques to help you in your daily, weekly or monthly beauty regime. Use these ideas for yourself to boost your self esteem and bring out the beautiful person inside you. This will show with a self confidence to everyone you come in contact with.

  328. You should start over in your beauty routine. Now’s the time! You may have many questions about how to get started and what you need to do, but do not be concerned because this article will guide you. You can begin your journey to greater beauty with the solid advice in the article below.

    You can use Vaseline to keep cuticles healthy. Your nails are going to grow faster because they are getting fed. Additionally, it will help your cuticles and nails be stronger and healthier. The very first time you try this, you will notice immediate results.

    Symmetry is the key to beauty. Try to maintain your symmetry when striving for beauty. From trimming your eyebrows to highlighting your cheeks, keep it balanced.

    No matter what skin type you have, you need to cleanse your face thoroughly with a cleanser that is mild up about a couple of times a day. Always remove all of your makeup in full before starting your skin care regimen. Not removing your makeup first can cause your pores to clog and acne to develop.

    A great tip when it comes to making your makeup last longer is to mix in moisturizer with your foundation. Choosing a moisturizer with sunscreen will help to prevent sun damage and the lotion itself will keep your face moisturized, creating a healthy glow.

    Use a teabag piece to protect a fingernail that rips off. The first thing you should do is empty the teabag. Cut a small piece of the teabag that will cover the part of your nail that is torn. Secure the piece of teabag over the nail and paint the entire nail with a coat of clear polish.

    Peppermint oil mixed with water makes a really good, natural and alcohol free mouthwash. For each ounce of water, add a single drop of oil. Measure your drops of peppermint oil into a high capacity ceramic container and boil your water. Add the boiled water now. Use a clean cloth to cover the container; then let it cool. Next, decant the mixture into an airtight bottle or container. Now you have mouthwash!

    Wash makeup off thoroughly prior to going to bed. You should us lukewarm water with a gentle washcloth or a good makeup removing solution. After that, simply cleanse your face as you normally would. Leaving on make-up can clog your pores and cause acne.

    Purified water and a bit of peppermint oil make a fantastic mouthwash. Just one small droplet of peppermint oil in an ounce of purified water is all you need. You want to make sure the water is boiled first and then measure the oil into a ceramic container. Pour in the previously boiled water. Use a cloth, such as a washcloth, to cover it and let it cool down. Pour the mixture into a sterile bottle and tightly screw on the lid. You now have a great mouthwash!

    Regularly consuming curry leaf chutney may prevent the growth of gray hairs. It contains the nutrients for producing pigment that colors your hair. One teaspoon is all that needs to be eaten.

    Don’t use hot water in your showers and baths. Hot water can not only damage your skin, but also open your pores in a way that will cause your body’s natural oils to escape. The water will wash the good oils away. Use lukewarm water to maximize skin beauty and softness. Also, it will save you on your electricity bill.

    Using this article’s tips can help become beautiful like those women who are so heavily envied. Use the tips you have just learned, and enjoy your beautiful appearance and newfound confidence.

  329. Working to improve your appearance is a good reason to begin learning the best ways to craft a solid beauty plan. You need to learn to find things that will work for you. The following article will help you find a beauty routine that works well for you.

    Check to see if you are allergic to fake eyelashes before using them. You should test the glue on your arm to see if you have an allergic reaction. Make sure that the test area is covered properly.

    Heat-activated styling products help protect your hair from damaging heat. Using these tools daily can damage your hair. By using these heat-activated products, you are protecting your hair from heat damage and keeping it shiny and soft.

    Studies have shown that people find beauty in symmetry. When developing your own beauty routine, keep this in mind. Whether you’re putting on makeup, trimming a beard or whatever, you need to make sure you maintain symmetry.

    You can let your lips look larger with an application of shimmery white eyeshadow right above your top lip’s center cupid’s bow. This will give you a highlight so that the light catches it and your upper lip will seem a bit fuller.

    You can brush your skin before you take a shower to help it look its best. This helps stimulate your body’s natural oils. From feet to head, gently brush the skin using a circular motion, followed by a warm shower using a mild soap.

    If after moving or dancing a lot you feel like you are glowing with sweat and oil, a great help is cheap toilet paper. This will help you to maintain a drier look and improve your appearance. Take a piece and press it on the parts of your skin that are oily and voila!

    Try not using hot water when you take showers. This makes your pores expand, which allows skin oils leave. You end up washing them away. Instead, use lukewarm water if you wish to have softer skin. Applying this tip can reduce your utility bills.

    Use a teabag to help fix a torn fingernail. Before doing this, get rid of the leaves from the teabag. Then, cut a small patch from the teabag making sure your patch will cover the tear. Put this piece on the damaged part, then paint it with clear fingernail polish.

    If you are about to cry, move your head so the tears will fall from the inner corner of your eyes. This will prevent your mascara from running. This will help your makeup to stay in place.

    Buy some high-quality makeup brushes. While good quality brushes tend to be a little costly they will greatly improve the application of your makeup. If you are on a budget, you can try searching online auction sites for great deals on high quality makeup brushes to save some money.

    Beauty is not just a matter of luck. With a bit of effort, you can greatly improve your own beauty. When a man or woman uses the methods described in this article, they will look their best. These tips should help you get the most out of your new beauty regimen.

  330. Beauty can mean many things depending on whom you ask. Everyone knows that the inside counts most, but you need not neglect your outer appearance. Use the advice below to be more beautiful on the outside as well.

    Purchase an excellent eyelash curler. People tend to forget how amazing this product makes their eyelashes look. Your eyes look look bigger and brighter when you take the time to curl your lashes. Heated curlers are a great way to increase the longevity of this effect.

    Thin out your sticky nail polish with a little nail polish remover. Put a few drops into the bottle and shake it! You can usually get about two more applications out of the bottle by using this technique.

    The eyeliners or lip liners that you use should be sharpened often. These makeup products are at their cleanest when they are sharpened. If you tend to break your eyeliners when you sharpen them, try placing them in the fridge for a few minutes.

    No matter what kind of skin you have, it is important to use a mild cleanser once or twice daily. Take off all of your makeup before cleaning your skin. Not doing this can result in acne and clogged pores.

    Consider a new hairstyle for a more narrow-appearing face. A haircut featuring sleek, long lines will help your face appear to be more slender. You can also add in face-framing highlights or lowlights. These jazz up the style even more and highlight the best parts of your face.

    Be careful with fake eyelashes; some people have allergies. Test for a reaction by placing a small amount of glue on the back of your arm. Cover the part of your skin that you tested.

    Be sure to exercise moderately every day. Daily activity is important to staying healthy and will help keep you looking youthful. You need to keep it in your figurative beauty bag. You should allow fifteen or twenty minutes a day for exercise. You could vacuum your home, walk around the block or whatever is exciting to you and gets you moving.

    Use cheap toilet paper to blot oil off your face. You may not know this, but the coarse and rough paper is great for blotting oily skin! Try using the toilet paper to blot your skin and in no time your skin will be oil free.

    If you suffer from frizzy hair, a brush with boar bristles in it may be a good option for you. People who have naturally wavy or curly hair tend to have issues with frizz. By using a brush with boar bristle fibers during the drying of your hair, you will minimize frizz. Aim the air flow from your dryer downward while simultaneously brushing.

    Buy some high-quality makeup brushes. While good quality brushes tend to be a little costly they will greatly improve the application of your makeup. If you are on a budget, you can try searching online auction sites for great deals on high quality makeup brushes to save some money.

    This article has hopefully helped you see that with a little time invested, any number of beauty tips can work for you. There are lots of fun parts about working towards making one’s appearance more attractive. Using such tips, it is possible to begin making yourself even more beautiful than you thought possible.

  331. There are many approaches to becoming more beautiful as a person, both on the inside and outside. Luckily, it’s easy to enhance how you look if you follow the advice given in this article. Just follow along and keep the tips and tricks in mind. This article will help you whether you’re looking to make a big change or just a subtle one.

    Buy yourself a good eyelash curler. People tend to forget how amazing this product makes their eyelashes look. Curling eyelashes brightens and enlarges the eyes. It is also possible to buy heated eyelash curlers that are said to provide a long-lasting curl.

    Sunscreen keeps your skin looking flawless. When selecting your sunscreen, make sure you choose one with healthy ingredients and antioxidants. These healthy ingredients protect and nourish the skin, keeping it youthful looking and supple.

    You can adjust your hair’s style and color to better accentuate the shape of your face. Your cut should be sleek and fairly long – falling just above shoulder length. Use low-lights and highlights as appropriate to frame your face. These are extremely flattering on almost all facial types.

    If you need to soften the appearance of a square shaped face, use a coral or rose blush. Use your finger to apply cream blush to your cheeks on the apples, then gently fan the blush toward your temples.

    Make sure you’re drinking enough water. Skin suffers when dehydrated and looks dry, dull and wrinkly. Therefore, make sure to drink eight or more glasses of water every day. Use lemon or cranberry juice to flavor your water if you dislike plain water. Your skin will greatly benefit.

    Before you blow dry, you should use hot spray on your damp hair. Many different grocery stores or department stores carry these products, which may help to prevent split ends and help reduce drying time. It works by locking in the moisture and smells terrific!

    To make a foundation last longer, and save a little money, mix it with a moisturizer. Additional benefits to doing so include more SPF for your face, as well as a natural glow.

    If you need to hide an imperfection, use a touch of pink lipstick. A nice warm pink lipstick is not to be used on the flaw, but rather as a tool to draw the attention away from any imperfection on your face and put the focus on your lips. By combining the use of a good concealer with beautiful lips, no one will even see that unsightly blemish.

    If you want sparkly eyes, put eye drops in throughout the day. You can also help to prevent your eyes from drying out. These eye drops are also great if you tend to use computers for extended periods as they can relieve minor eye strain. Just keep some eye drops near your desk, and you’ll be set.

    For a long-lasting manicure, a high-quality top coat is essential. After you receive a manicure, make sure to apply a top coat, so you can seal and cure it. Afterward, add thin coats to freshen the manicure every other day and to prevent chips and peels in the nail polish. Doing this can extend the beauty of your manicure by days.

    After you read this article, you might want to try one or two of these tips, or all of them. In any event, you are bound to find out that even minor changes to your routine can have a great impact on how pretty you are and can become. In no time, you will be looking your best.

  332. Whether you want a broad-based improvement in your beauty or you want to address a specific issue that is impacting your look, the following tips will help you out. The advice and suggestions are chosen especially to help you become more beautiful inside and out.

    Remember to exfoliate before applying fake tan to your skin. When you do this, you will remove any dead skin cells and make it smoother. This will make your artifical tan look smoother and more even. It will look like a natural sunkissed tanned body!

    As part of a weekly routine, use a little Vaseline for your cuticles. This will facilitate nail growth. It will also make your nails and cuticles look healthier. You’ll notice the result pretty quickly since it’s something that takes effect almost immediately.

    Make good use of light moisturizers prior to doing your makeup. Moisturizers are great for your skin but also help spread your makeup evenly. Without a moisturizer, your makeup could appear to be blotchy. Your makeup will last longer and your face will look fresh too.

    Make sure that you are not allergic to your fake eyelashes. You should test the glue on your arm to see if you have an allergic reaction. Put a small amount of the glue on you arm and cover it.

    If your facial type is square, soften your look by applying creamy rose colored or coral colored blush. Apply the blush to your cheeks with your fingers and gently fan the color towards your temples.

    If you eyes are red, no amount of eyeshadow or eyeliner can hide that, even if they give you striking eyes full of sexiness. Try to have some eye drops handy so you’ll have them if you ever need them. Anytime your eyes are tired from staring at a computer screen for too long, or out in the sun too long, eye drops can provide a quick pick me up to bloodshot eyes.

    You don’t want to discover an allergy to eyelash glue when it is already on your eye! To test for allergies, dab a wee bit of it on your arm. Cover the glue and leave it untouched for approximately 24 hours. If no evidence of rash shows up, you should be fine to use the glue.

    You should use a moisturizer at night in order to keep your skin near your eyes from drying out. Maintaining healthy skin around your eyes prevents dark circles, and it also keeps lines and wrinkles away.

    If powdered mineral makeup makes your skin feel itchy, try to find one that has a formula which doesn’t contain bismuth oxychloride. This particular ingredient makes many women believe they can’t use mineral makeup because it causes irritation. However, lots of brands don’t have this ingredient.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    As mentioned earlier, it is likely that you’ve walked passed many beauty counters in department stores without knowing that the sales associates can help you with your makeup if you ask them. This is an entertaining way to learn more about makeup and even snag a fast lesson about makeup application. Make use of this advice to ensure you know what you’re doing as you shop. You will be feeling fabulous on the way out!

  333. Whether you are searching for a way to spice up your look or are faced with a cosmetic concern, this article is sure to offer useful insight. The helpful hints in this article are individually chosen to assist your beauty regimen.

    Sticky, thick polish can be thinned with a little bit of nail polish remover. Use a little bit, put the top back on, and shake it. This can extend the nail polish and give you some additional applications.

    Research as shown that symmetrical faces seem to be the most beautiful. Try to maintain your symmetry when striving for beauty. You goal is to have both sides of your face be identical to each other.

    Using dark, waterproof mascara is a great way to draw attention to your eyes. Brush away any stray crumbs of mascara and separate clumps with an inexpensive disposable mascara brush.

    You can use eye color to play up the highlights in your eyes, making them appear almost candlelit. Some great highlight colors are silver, lavender and purple.

    Mix your foundation with a moisturizer, as it will stretch the life of your foundation. This can also help your face to have a fresh look instead of a caked on look while providing important sun protection.

    Soften a square or angular face shape with a rose or coral cream blush. With your fingers, put the blush on the top of the cheek, then use a gentle tugging motion to spread out the color up toward your temples.

    Include honey in your beauty regimen. Aside from consuming honey, it can have great benefits when applied topically. Add it to your routine and mix it with some sugar to exfoliate your skin. Putting honey into your dry skin lotion will help to improve moisture retention. Adding honey to shampoo will actually create hair that is softer and shinier.

    You should use a moisturizer at night in order to keep your skin near your eyes from drying out. Maintaining healthy skin around your eyes prevents dark circles, and it also keeps lines and wrinkles away.

    Drink milk on a daily basis. Studies have shown that drinking milk daily has many benefits for your body, bones, and skin. It contains a lot of protein and encourages muscle-growth. It can also help you maintain a lower weight. Drinking milk is among the easiest ways to keep your body looking good.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    Clearly, beauty routines are often far more complicated than some may believe. It requires knowledge and perseverance, but the results are worth the effort. Use what you have learned from the tips in this article to get a head-start on the attention and confidence that comes with being a beautiful person.

  334. Do you believe beauty is superficial? This is true, but your appearance will definitely influence how people judge you. This is exactly why it’s important to look great. This article will show you how to look great!

    If your favorite nail polish suddenly seems thicker, add a few drops of nail polish remover. Only add a tiny bit, replace the lid and shake. Doing this will extend the life of your nail polish.

    As part of a weekly routine, use a little Vaseline for your cuticles. This should help your nails grow quicker than normal. It will also make your nails and cuticles look healthier. It does not take long to improve the look of your nails. You will notice the difference right away.

    You can make your lips appear bigger by applying a shimmery white eye shadow in the middle of your upper lip. The light reflecting off the middle of your upper lip creates the illusion of a full upper lip.

    Moisturize the skin on your face. Moisturizers should be used on the face regardless of the skin type. Make sure your moisturizer has an SPF included.

    Curl your lashes with an eyelash curler before you apply mascara. This will help to enliven your eyelashes so your whole appearance looks more energetic. Start at the lash base and squeeze the curler, and then hold it just a second. Keep repeating as you work your way up to the tips of your lashes. Doing this will provide a more natural curve than if you only apply it once.

    If your facial appearance is more square-shaped, use a coral or creamy rose blush which make your face look softer and appear less angular. Try applying your blush on the apples of your cheeks and fanning it out towards temples.

    If you can afford it, consider purchasing duplicates of the beauty products that you use religiously; whether it is a lipstick, foundation, or even hand cream. You should keep them somewhere you can get to them easy. That way you will be able to apply your makeup, even if you forget or run out.

    To prevent your hair from turning gray, consume a teaspoon of chutney made with curry leaves each day. This chutney has the nutrients your pigment needs to keep the color in your hair. You can also use rosemary essential oil in your hair, which helps to maintain your scalp’s health and your hair’s color.

    Use the thickened foundation in the cap of your makeup bottle as a concealer. If you find yourself out of concealer, some foundation from this location will work in a pinch. This will help to cover the more visible imperfections on your face.

    You need to apply a moisturizing eye cream each night in order to keep the delicate skin around the eyes from drying out. This will stop dark circles from occurring, reduce puffiness and minimize wrinkles that may develop in this area.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    No matter what your feelings about beauty may be, you can certainly benefit from looking your best. Make certain that you take to heart as many of the ideas from this article that you can. As you begin to feel better about your outward appearance, you’ll also begin to feel better on the inside.

  335. If you have not had a lot of practice with beauty tips, you may be a little intimidated. Do not let the vast amount of information and disinformation overwhelm you. The tips below will give you the straight facts, allowing you to create the best beauty routine possible.

    You can improve the look of your eyebrows with a nightly application of Vaseline. This helps them look shiny and better. If you do use Vaseline, make sure to avoid areas where you do not want it, since it can cause your pores to become clogged, resulting in acne.

    Coat your feet with Vaseline at night. This can make them smooth and soft, which is similar to a fresh pedicure. Using this technique routinely every single night will ensure you don’t forget to do it. After you apply the Vaseline, don some socks before you tuck yourself in for the night.

    Symmetrical faces are rated as more attractive in scientific studies. If you want to be beautiful, you have to strive for symmetry. Keep your make up symmeteical and your facial hair.

    Healthy food promotes healthy hair, skin and nails. This adds credence to the phrase “beauty comes from within”. You must eat a diet full of varied foods containing good nutrients. Eating plenty of iron, whole grains, proteins and zinc will help your nails, skin and hair to be strong and healthy.

    Make sure you’re drinking enough water. Skin suffers when dehydrated and looks dry, dull and wrinkly. Therefore, make sure to drink eight or more glasses of water every day. Use lemon or cranberry juice to flavor your water if you dislike plain water. Your skin will greatly benefit.

    Check for allergies before applying fake eyelashes. Use a small spot on the inside of your arm as your test area; apply a little bit of the glue to make sure you don’t have a reaction. Protect the test area with a piece of gauze or cloth.

    Drink milk on a daily basis. This has been shown to help the entire body, including the skin and the bones. Milk has a lot of protein and builds muscles. It can help you maintain a more favorable body weight as well. Milk can help with your beauty, inside and out!

    If you suffer from red eyes, all the eyeshadow and liner in the world is not going to help you look better. Get in the habit of carrying eye drops with you wherever you go, so that you can treat red eyes right away. Eye drops will provide instant relief when they are tired from too much computer time or being out in the sun.

    Use a dry, soft brush on your dry skin before showering to stimulate your oil glands. Use a circular motion starting at your feet and working up to your head. Finish by rinsing with gentle soap under a warm shower.

    By using rosewater or cucumbers you can rid of the dreaded dark circles under your eyes. These will naturally cool and calm your eyes while lightening the skin underneath them. Relax for 15 minutes with cucumber or rosewater soaked pads covering your closed eyes.

    We hope the advice here has been beneficial to you. Whenever you create your personal beauty regimen, make use of these tips, and soon, you could become an expert.

  336. Merrillville man involved in armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges happen to be filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is charged with robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d accepted trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together at high school.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to look at the shoes. Because he searched the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to quit everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he was going to give Hammonds in addition to the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the phone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage because man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 12 months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 12 months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he’d accepted work on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For about one month, the lady contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the lady her car ended up stripped and offered her $350 for your car, but never gave her the money.

    In court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working together put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as a misdemeanor under terms of the agreement.

    Hobart man faced with public indecency

    A Hobart man having a good reputation for convictions for sexual offenses may be charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, of the first block of Michigan Avenue, is faced with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police at about 9:15 p.m. she went to clean the men¡¯s bathroom in the restaurant. Toney entered the restroom, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look at this.¡± The woman told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney said to ¡°look at this¡± again and could see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The woman said Toney tried the same principle at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to three years, with one year executed and two years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  337. You can do a number of things to feel more confident about your looks. The products that you use can have an impact. Beauty is a term that involves many aspects, even your own attitude. Use this article to learn some great ideas.

    Using a facial moisturizer is a necessity. A facial moisturizer should be used, even if your skin is greasy or oily. It is important to utalize a moisturizer that contains an SPF as well.

    Exfoliate before you go for a spray tan. This helps smooth your skin. Your tan will look even and far more natural this way. Use this process to extend the longevity of your fake tan.

    Accentuate blue eyes with warm eyeshadow colors like coppers, golds and apricots. Look for mascara and eyeliners that are dark brown with hints of brick, deep purple, or maroon. Those colors help blues to stand out.

    Make a glass of milk a daily part of your beauty routine. Studies have demonstrated that daily milk consumption benefits your body greatly, especially your bones and skin. Also, you can gain a lot of muscle if you drink milk. It helps control weight, too. Milk can be a great tool in your beauty or fitness regimen.

    A professional makeup tip is to wear pink lipstick, as it makes problem skin appear less noticeable. For instance, a pink lipstick will take attention away from red eyes.

    When you are purchasing your staple items for your makeup bag, such as foundations or lipsticks for instance, buy duplicates if possible. Place them in frequented areas at your home and office. This can give you a strong backup plan if you are to forget a step when in a rush.

    Stay hydrated to help the youthfulness of your skin. Being dehydrated can affect your skin’s appearance, leaving your face dull, flaky and wrinkled. Fight this by drinking 8-10 glasses of clean water every day. To jazz up what you drink, add a splash of juice or a lemon slice to the water. You’ll look radiant in no time.

    To prevent your hair from turning gray, consume a teaspoon of chutney made with curry leaves each day. This chutney has the nutrients your pigment needs to keep the color in your hair. You can also use rosemary essential oil in your hair, which helps to maintain your scalp’s health and your hair’s color.

    Use the thickened foundation in the cap of your makeup bottle as a concealer. If you find yourself out of concealer, some foundation from this location will work in a pinch. This will help to cover the more visible imperfections on your face.

    Use petroleum jelly on a regular basis to help soften your feet and toes. Coconut oil is a reasonably priced, all natural oil that soaks in clean and softens skin deeply. Apply the petroleum jelly three times a week to the balls, soles, and heels of your feet to maintain smooth and healthy skin there.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    As you can see, beauty and the application of its basic principles is something that is not just for experts who have had formal training. You can do this no matter who you are. These tips have been written to help anyone at any level enjoy the activity.

  338. No matter what part of your face or body you have problems with, with concerns to your beauty, these tips should help you solve your issues. Read this article if you want to work these tips in your routine; you can be a more beautiful you!

    Wear sunscreen to keep your skin protected. While comparing products, look for sunscreens that use healthy ingredients and even contain antioxidants. These ingredients both protect and nourish your skin so that it doesn’t age as quickly.

    If you use colors like copper and golds as your eyeshadow, you can make grays and blues come alive in your eyes. Try eyeliner and mascara that is dark brown and has hints of maroon, brick, or deep purple. Others will surely notice how much more blue your eyes look with these colors.

    Accentuate blue eyes with warm eyeshadow colors like coppers, golds and apricots. Look for mascara and eyeliners that are dark brown with hints of brick, deep purple, or maroon. Those colors help blues to stand out.

    Put some honey in your makeup bag. Honey has many benefits for your skin, and not just when you consume it. Honey mixed with sugar is a good exfoliation technique for your skin. Add some to your face lotion to keep in the moisture. Add honey to the shampoo for maximum softness and a nice shine.

    Shimmer should only be used sparingly. This creates a pleasant glow effect. Highlight your cheekbones and the bridge of your nose and use loose powder to set it in place.

    Consume nutritious foods if you want to enjoy healthy hair, skin and nails. When you do this, your beauty is influenced by what is on the inside, not only by what is on the outside. Your diet should consist of the nutrients you need to consume every day. To grow strong nails and healthy skin and hair, include whole grains in your diet to provide protein, iron and other minerals.

    Before you get a fake tan, get rid of all unwanted body hair one day before the application. You can wax or shave, but make sure the area is free of hair and wait 24 hours before applying the fake tan. This will make your tan even all around.

    You can fix your fingernail that has torn with a tiny part of a teabag. First, empty the tea from the bag. Then, cut a small piece from the teabag that will be big enough to fit on top of the nail. Then, put that on top of your nail and cover the whole thing with some clear nail polish.

    Pineapple is the perfect food that can help you lose weight and still help you to stick with your diet. That wonderfully sweet fruit is good for those on a diet because it has a lot of bromelain. Bromelain helps digest fats, proteins, and starch. Improving digestion can speed up your metabolism.

    When applying eyeshadow, look downward and toward the mirror. Do your best to keep from putting pressure or pulling on your eyelids. Looking at a downward angle helps you get your eye shadow correctly applied the first time. Apply your shadow carefully, and you will not need to stretch your lid.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    From the ideas above it is easy to see that there are many aspects to a beauty regiment that you have total control over. There is no better time to make the right choices that enhance your beauty, inside and out. After all, everyone deserves the right to look, feel and act their best every day. You can decide whether or not to enhance your beauty.

  339. Rather than making beauty a job, be smart. There are many wonderful and affordable ways to enhance your natural beauty and look your very best. You can use this article to be more beautiful.

    Always wash off all of your makeup before going to bed. Gently scrub your face with a warm washcloth. After, wash normally. Failing to remove make-up thoroughly can lead to clogged pores and acne.

    Make your eyes pop with one or two coats of black or brown mascara in a waterproof formulation. Use disposable mascara wands for eliminating clumps and extra mascara from the outer edges of the eyes.

    Exfoliate to remove the dead skin cells from your face. Exfoliation is a great technique to use in order to reveal the healthy skin layers that are hiding underneath the visible skin. If you have sensitive skin, you may not want to exfoliate every day, but you should still at least try to do it once or twice a week. This will give your face a fresh, radiant glow and will prevent your pores from becoming blocked by oils and dead skin cells.

    Eating one teaspoon of curry-leaf chutney daily will help you ward off gray hair. This product will help to keep your natural pigment and prevent gray hair from forming. You could also attempt adding scented rosemary oil on your hair. This also helps improve the health and color of your hair.

    To make a foundation last longer, and save a little money, mix it with a moisturizer. Your make up will have a lighter look and if the moisturizer has sunblock, it is added protection as well.

    If you have green or hazel eyes, you should apply eye-shadow that will make your eyes shine. Try shades of dark purple, steely grey, golden brown and pale lavender for the best effect.

    In a pinch, the foundation from beneath the cap of your makeup can be used as concealer. Simply dip a cotton swab into the cap to collect this creamy makeup. You can use this makeup like a concealer, for it can cover up any imperfections.

    If you plan to use false eyelashes, you would never want to find out that you have allergies to the glue. To find out if you are allergic to it, apply some of this glue to your arm. Then place plaster on that and let it sit for 24 hours. If your skin does not appear irritated or red, you should be fine.

    Consider using the following beauty tip! A brand of waterproof, lengthening mascara will increase the volume of your lashes. You may need to try several different brands to find the one you like. Sometimes these formulas are very heavy. They tend to weigh down the lashes and thus cause eye irritation. Try a mascara that is waterproof and has a lengthening formula. These formulas make your lashes appear longer, while curling them upward.

    It is imperative that you work at having good posture, clothes, skin and stay fit when trying to enhance your appearance. By addressing these main issues, you can create a better, more beautiful person.

    As you can now see, beauty can be rewarding. You just need to follow certain tips and advice, some of which you have learned here. Also, listen to your friends’ beauty advice. Friends often have great tips. Keep these hints and tips in mind when you are doing your beauty regimen.

  340. If you desire to look and feel better, it’s vital that you begin a beauty regimen as soon as possible. Something else to consider is the selection process of both techniques and products that assist you in looking better. The following tips will help you immensely.

    Apply Vaseline to your feet before you go to bed at night. Your feet will be soft and smooth like they are after a pedicure. Incorporating Vaseline use into the overall beautification process you go through every night will make you less likely to skip it. All you need to do is give your feet a coat of Vaseline and slip into a pair of socks before turning in for the night.

    Use an exfoliating product on your skin before applying spray-on tanning products. You will get rid of any dead skin that has been sitting on your face if you do this. This will make your artifical tan look smoother and more even. It will also look more real and last longer for you.

    Before applying a fake tan, make sure you remove unwanted hair at least 24 hours before doing this. Shave the hair off or wax it, but make sure to do this a day ahead of time. Doing so will help the quality of your tan.

    Make lips appear bigger by applying shimmering white shadow above the bow at the center of the top lip. By emphasizing this area, you can make your upper lip appear fuller than in actuality.

    When you use heated hair appliances, use hair products that are made specifically for use with these types of appliances. Regularly blow-drying or curling your hair without such products can cause significant damage. Using hair products which contain heat protectants can reduce the amount of damage that the appliances cause to your hair and make it look shiny, too.

    Try putting some of your beauty products in a cool place, like your refrigerator. This is a great way to beat the summer heat. You can create a cooling effect on the hottest days by storing your facial toners, lotions and skin care products in the refrigerator. An added benefit to keeping your beauty products in the refrigerator is your skin will enjoy the cooling relief especially in the summertime.

    Eating one teaspoon of curry-leaf chutney daily will help you ward off gray hair. This provides the pigment that colors your hair with the minerals and vitamins they need. Also try adding some scented rosemary essential oil to your hair, which similarly keeps your scalp and hair healthier and colored.

    When you apply eyeshadow, focus your eyes downward. You should not apply direct pressure to your eyelids. You should look downward if you want to get the right application the first time. This helps you see your eyelid without having to pull on it.

    If you want to avoid dryness around your eyes, you should use a moisturizing cream specifically made for eyes every night. Keeping this area healthy and well moisturized can prevent dark circles and may prevent lines and wrinkles, as well.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    Making beauty improvement plans can be exciting, especially since you are now better prepared to do so. Now that you are aware of what actually works well you should have the confidence to help make your appearance much more pleasing to other people.

  341. Everyone would like to be physically attractive. There is nothing like looking in the mirror knowing you will look fantastic. With the vast array of products on the market, beauty can be a little confusing. Here are some tips to help you.

    If your favorite nail polish suddenly seems thicker, add a few drops of nail polish remover. Only add a tiny bit, replace the lid and shake. Doing this will extend the life of your nail polish.

    Exfoliate your skin before you apply a fake tan. This eliminates your dead skin cells and smooths out your skin. As a result, your tan is going to appear more even and smoother. Use this process to extend the longevity of your fake tan.

    Use a creamy rose colored blush to soften the bone structure of your face. Apply the blush with your fingers on the apples of the cheeks, then, using gentle, tugging motions, spread the color outward and upward towards your temples.

    If you are going to blow dry your hair, be sure to use a heat protection spray beforehand in order to prevent damage. This product is available at generic stores like Wal-Mart or Target, and will help prevent split ends as it helps your hair dry quickly. Heat protective sprays can help prevent over-drying, and provide hair with a pleasant smell after treatment.

    For your eyes, emphasize grays and blues by using copper, apricot and gold eyeshadow colors. Choose eyeliners and mascaras in dark brown with deep purple, brick or maroon highlights. They will draw attention to the blues of your eyes.

    If your facial appearance is more square-shaped, use a coral or creamy rose blush which make your face look softer and appear less angular. Try applying your blush on the apples of your cheeks and fanning it out towards temples.

    Your hair follicles are very sensitive at this point because they are still open. If you do, you may experience extreme irritation. Also, avoid scented products after waxing or sugaring, as it can cause irritation as well.

    You can make your own alcohol-free mouthwash by combining peppermint oil with purified water. You need one drop of the peppermint oil for each ounce of water. The water should be boiled first, and then you can measure the oil into a container that can hold boiling water, like ceramic or Pyrex. Next, add the boiling water. Use a clean cloth to cover the container and let it cool. Pour the liquid into a bottle that has a lid that fits tightly. You now have a great mouthwash!

    Drinking fruit juice can help your skin be more beautiful. Eating fresh produce is essential to a healthy body and skin. Drinking fruit and vegetable juices is a delicious way to get your recommended intake of these food types. Your skin will be lovely right away when you add ample amounts of fresh juice to your diet.

    When applying eyeshadow, look downward and toward the mirror. Do your best to keep from putting pressure or pulling on your eyelids. Looking at a downward angle helps you get your eye shadow correctly applied the first time. Apply your shadow carefully, and you will not need to stretch your lid.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    As you have read, there tends to be more to appropriate beauty routines than many think. It requires knowledge and perseverance, but the results are worth the effort. If you follow these pointers you will find yourself feeling better and getting more attention.

  342. Beauty has inspired many famous quotes. Perhaps you have heard that beauty is subjective and yet we all strive to follow the same standards. True beauty is about being good on the inside as well as the outside. Beauty may attract people, but personality is what retains relationships. This article offers advice for being beautiful from the inside out.

    Wearing sunscreen is a fool-proof way to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. When sifting through the many sunscreen options, it makes sense to opt for ones with organic or healthy ingredients and antioxidants. These ingredients replenish the skin with needed nutrients and protect it to keep it looking young and supple.

    For the healthiest skin, hair and nails, eat healthy foods. Your body needs the right kind of fuel to stay beautiful. Varied nutrients are a vital part of any healthy diet. Consume a wide variety of whole grains, protein, zinc, and iron to obtain healthy hair, nails, and skin.

    Symmetry has been shown by several studies to be the most desirable aspect of beauty. This means you need to seek symmetry. This can apply to anything from application of makeup to trimming of facial hair. Just try and make both sides of your face look the same.

    Curl your eyelashes before you put on mascara. Curling helps your eyelashes appear greater than their actual length, and this also contributes to a younger and livelier look to your eyes themselves. Start at the lash base and squeeze the curler, and then hold it just a second. Open it, bring it to the end of your eyelashes and squeeze one more time. Working in an upward motion will give your lashes a nice natural curve.

    When you have gray or blue eyes, oranges and browns are your best choice for eyeshadow. Dark brown and maroon eyeliners are the perfect finishing touch. These colors can enhance the appearance of your blue eyes.

    If you plan on going out on the town immediately after work, you can use a big fluffy brush to add a nice powdery finish over any oily places. You can make your cheekbones have some emphasis with a gentle application of shimmery powder on your cheek temples.

    Anytime you use shimmer, it’s important to lightly apply it and only apply it in the areas where light is going to hit it. This will give you a subtle glow. With some highlighter, use it on your cheekbones, brows and on your nose; brush with powder afterwards.

    Use cheap toilet paper to blot oil off your face. You may not know this, but the coarse and rough paper is great for blotting oily skin! Try using the toilet paper to blot your skin and in no time your skin will be oil free.

    If you want sparkly eyes, put eye drops in throughout the day. You can also help to prevent your eyes from drying out. If you stare at a television or computer screen for several hours a day, eye drops may be just what you need to feel better. Pack a small bottle to carry with you, and use it two to three times per day.

    Buy some high-quality makeup brushes. While good quality brushes tend to be a little costly they will greatly improve the application of your makeup. If you are on a budget, you can try searching online auction sites for great deals on high quality makeup brushes to save some money.

    It is not surprising that you may want to enhance your natural beauty. Instead of covering up flaws, flaunt your assets. This article will help you in both areas. By applying the advice above, your beauty will have a chance to shine through.

  343. Good beauty routines can be enjoyable; however, some are simply frustrating. The ideas in this article can help give you a better understanding of common beauty practices.

    Don’t pay exorbitant prices for commercial facial moisturizer when coconut oil will do just as well. Coconut oil has an easier time penetrating deep into your skin and giving you that moisture you need, while also getting rid of those wrinkles and fine lines. In addition, it is useful in treating skin problems like eczema and acne due to its anti-bacterial properties.

    No matter what your skin looks and feels like, it is important to wash your face at least once a day. Always completely remove your makeup. If you neglect to do this, your pores won’t be able to breathe and you might get pimples.

    Baking soda is the secret to shiny hair. Mix a little baking soda with your regular amount of shampoo. Then you would wash your hair as normal. This will restore your hair’s luster.

    Do away with red eyes to let your pretty peepers shine. Try to have some eye drops handy so you’ll have them if you ever need them. Use eye drops to have a clear look to your eyes if you are tired or have spent some time out in the sun.

    If you have the money, you should buy all your favorite beauty products in bulk, so that you always have them on hand. You should keep this in locations that are convenient for you, which may include your work drawer or home drawer. That way you will be able to apply your makeup, even if you forget or run out.

    If you eyes are red, no amount of eyeshadow or eyeliner can hide that, even if they give you striking eyes full of sexiness. Try to have some eye drops handy so you’ll have them if you ever need them. Anytime your eyes are tired from staring at a computer screen for too long, or out in the sun too long, eye drops can provide a quick pick me up to bloodshot eyes.

    Before going to bed, make sure you wash off all your makeup. Warm water and a soft washcloth is really all that’s needed; however, you could also use makeup remover. Afterward, wash your face with your normal skin care regimen. Make-up that stays on your face will clog your pores and cause acne.

    Set aside time every day for exercise. Keeping your body in constant motion will have you looking healthy and fit. Exercise is an essential part of your beauty routine. You only need to exercise for 15-20 minutes each day. Everyday activities like housework count as physical activity.

    Instead of using expensive products, try a simple soap, witch hazel, and aloe gel. Your skin will glow and look healthy with these natural beauty products. You can increase the moisture that aloe provides by adding some vitamin E oil. Tea tree oil is used as a toner for medicinal purposes.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    Making beauty improvement plans can be exciting, especially since you are now better prepared to do so. Now that you are aware of what actually works well you should have the confidence to help make your appearance much more pleasing to other people.

  344. Every society consists of people wanting to be young and beautiful. Beauty is on the inside as well as on the outside. Sometimes, tiny things can have a big impact on personal beauty. You can become beautiful, just by making these changes.

    If the consistency of your nail polish is off, try adding nail polish remover to fix the problem. Make sure to shake it up good, so that it mixes thoroughly. By doing this, you will be able to use this polish a couple more times.

    Exfoliate before you go for a spray tan. This helps smooth your skin. Your tan will look even and far more natural this way. Use this process to extend the longevity of your fake tan.

    If you’re planning on going out right after work or school, then you should try to use a good sized fluffy brush, and dust a fine layer of matte powder over oily areas. Emphasize your cheekbones by sparingly applying a bit of shimmery powder to the apples of each cheek.

    Make sure to have Vitamin E readily available. This vitamin can be used in different ways. Vitamin E can help keep skin healthy and soft. If you apply it to your nails, your cuticles will look better.

    For your eyes, emphasize grays and blues by using copper, apricot and gold eyeshadow colors. Choose eyeliners and mascaras in dark brown with deep purple, brick or maroon highlights. They will draw attention to the blues of your eyes.

    When you are purchasing your staple items for your makeup bag, such as foundations or lipsticks for instance, buy duplicates if possible. Place them in frequented areas at your home and office. This can give you a strong backup plan if you are to forget a step when in a rush.

    Use a ‘hot spray’ on damp hair, prior to blow drying. This spray, which big-box retailers like Target and Wal-Mart carry, can prevent split ends before the happen and help hair dry faster. The spray smells fantastic and will lock in moisture.

    Watching a heart-wrenching movie? Keep those tears from dissolving your mascara. Do this by a tilt of your head that makes the tears run from the eye’s inner corner. This should help you not ruin your makeup.

    Bristle brushes can help calm frizzy hair. A surprising number of people have issues with their hair becoming frizzy. Using your boar bristle brush when drying your hair can help you combat frizz. When running the brush through your hair, keep the hair dryer pointed downward.

    Open your refrigerator door to find a great natural mask to tighten your facial skin. Whisk some egg whites and lemon juice together and apply it on your skin, after five minutes rinse it off and your face will be fresh and firm. It’s an excellent idea to give a try prior to a party or big date!

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    Now that you have read the tips in this article you should feel more confident in your ability to determine what beauty regimin is right for you. These tips were carefully hand selected to help you learn simple basics in beauty and to apply some tried and true tips to your everyday beauty regimen.

  345. The way a person goes about beautifying themselves can tell you a lot about their personal views. An activity that requires precise application with little room for mistakes is what creates such an interest in beauty. Beauty need not be intimidating, especially once you read the following suggestions.

    If your nail polish is becoming thick and sticky, consider adding a little nail polish remover to the bottle. After adding only a small amount, recap the bottle and shake it thoroughly. You can usually get about two more applications out of the bottle by using this technique.

    An eyelash curler is a super investment. Most people often forget how great their eyelashes look when they use an eyelash curler. Curling actually makes your lashes look bigger, and it brightens your complexion. If you want the curl to last longer, get a heated eyelash curler.

    Use a creamy rose colored blush to soften the bone structure of your face. Apply the blush with your fingers on the apples of the cheeks, then, using gentle, tugging motions, spread the color outward and upward towards your temples.

    Make a glass of milk a daily part of your beauty routine. Studies have demonstrated that daily milk consumption benefits your body greatly, especially your bones and skin. Also, you can gain a lot of muscle if you drink milk. It helps control weight, too. Milk can be a great tool in your beauty or fitness regimen.

    You can replace pricey designer skin care products with alternatives like soft washcloths, pure castile soaps, Aloe Vera gel for moisturization and even white vinegar or witch hazel for mild toning. Natural products like these can dramatically improve virtually any skin type. If aloe vera doesn’t provide you with enough moisture, try adding a little vitamin E oil. Should you wish to make it medicated, use tea tree oil.

    Your food choices affect the texture and tone of your skin and hair. Beauty is rooted in the inside. Varied nutrients are a vital part of any healthy diet. Eating whole grains and proteins, among other things, can help the appearance of your skin, nails, and hairs.

    Here is a handy beauty tip. Give your lashes plump volume with a lengthening mascara. You may need to try several different brands to find the one you like. A lot of these are heavy and thick, however. The mascara weighs down your lashes instead of lifting them up. Try a mascara that is waterproof and has a lengthening formula. When you do this, your lashes will curl up and appear very thick.

    Add milk to your beauty regimen. This product will help to strengthen your bones during the course of your life. Milk is full of calcium and protein, which are great for your body. It can also help you shed some weight. Drinking milk is among the easiest ways to keep your body looking good.

    Pink will take the attention away from imperfections. Pink lipstick will take peoples attention off of acne or puffy red eyes.

    Use petroleum jelly on a regular basis to help soften your feet and toes. Coconut oil is a reasonably priced, all natural oil that soaks in clean and softens skin deeply. Apply the petroleum jelly three times a week to the balls, soles, and heels of your feet to maintain smooth and healthy skin there.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    From the ideas above it is easy to see that there are many aspects to a beauty regiment that you have total control over. There is no better time to make the right choices that enhance your beauty, inside and out. After all, everyone deserves the right to look, feel and act their best every day. You can decide whether or not to enhance your beauty.

  346. Merrillville man faced with a armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges have already been filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is arrested for robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d decided to trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together at school.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to think about these shoes. While he searched the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to stop everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he was going to give Hammonds besides the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the telephone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage as the man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 12 months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 1 year for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he’d accepted work on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For about one month, the girl contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the girl her car had been stripped and offered her $350 for the car, but never gave her the money.

    In court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working together put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as being a misdemeanor under terms of the agreement.

    Hobart man faced with public indecency

    A Hobart man with a history of convictions for sexual offenses has been charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, from the first block of Michigan Avenue, is faced with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police around 9:15 p.m. she visited clean the men¡¯s bathroom within the restaurant. Toney entered the lavatory, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look only at that.¡± The lady told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney informed her to ¡°look at this¡± a second time and could see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The lady said Toney had done exactly the same thing at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to 3 years, with twelve months executed and a couple years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  347. Merrillville man faced with a armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges happen to be filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is charged with robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d accepted trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together at high school.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to think about the shoes. As he searched the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to quit everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he was going to give Hammonds besides the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the phone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage as the man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets Twelve months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 1 year for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he’d agreed to focus on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For around one month, the lady contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the lady her car have been stripped and offered her $350 for the car, but never gave her the money.
    In the courtroom on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and it was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working and had put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as the misdemeanor under terms of the agreement.

    Hobart man arrested for public indecency

    A Hobart man having a reputation convictions for sexual offenses may be charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, from the first block of Michigan Avenue, is faced with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police around 9:15 p.m. she went to clean the men¡¯s bathroom inside the restaurant. Toney entered the restroom, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look at this.¡± The lady told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney informed her to ¡°look at this¡± again and could see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The woman said Toney tried the same at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to three years, with twelve months executed and a couple years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  348. Merrillville man faced with armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges have been filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is involved in robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d agreed to trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together at school.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to check out these shoes. Because he looked around the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to stop everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he was going to give Hammonds as well as the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the phone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage since the man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets Twelve months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for Twelve months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he’d agreed to work with a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. Around one month, the lady contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the girl her car had been stripped and offered her $350 for the car, but never gave her the money.
    In the courtroom on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and it was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working coupled with put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as a misdemeanor under terms of the agreement.

    Hobart man faced with public indecency

    A Hobart man with a good reputation for convictions for sexual offenses has been charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, from the first block of Michigan Avenue, is faced with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police around 9:15 p.m. she went to clean the men¡¯s bathroom within the restaurant. Toney entered the restroom, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look only at that.¡± The woman told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney told her to ¡°look at this¡± a second time and might see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The lady said Toney had done the same thing at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to a few years, with twelve months executed and a couple years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  349. Merrillville man faced with a armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges have been filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is involved in robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d decided to trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together in college.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to look at the shoes. As he searched the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to give up everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he was going to give Hammonds besides the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the phone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage because man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets Twelve months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 1 year for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he had consented to work on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For around one month, the lady contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the lady her car have been stripped and offered her $350 for your car, but never gave her the money.

    In court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working and had put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as the misdemeanor under the agreement.

    Hobart man charged with public indecency

    A Hobart man with a good reputation for convictions for sexual offenses has been charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, on the first block of Michigan Avenue, is faced with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police around 9:15 p.m. she attended clean the men¡¯s bathroom within the restaurant. Toney entered the restroom, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look only at that.¡± The lady told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney told her to ¡°look at this¡± a second time and could see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The girl said Toney had done exactly the same thing at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to a few years, with twelve months executed and a couple years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  350. There are a multitude of quotes about beauty. One common saying is that beauty is skin deep. To be truly beautiful, someone needs to be not just physically attractive, but also have an attractive personality. Exterior beauty is a great accessory to a beautiful soul. This article offers advice for being beautiful from the inside out.

    Take moisturizer with you by filling a used lip gloss pot or sample jar. It will be easy to stick in your purse or a drawer at your desk. Apply moisturizer whenever your skin starts to feel dry.

    Before you go tanning, exfoliate skin. This will remove any dead skin and make your skin smooth. This will allow your artificial tan to look great and will also even it out. It also gives you a longer lasting tan.

    Baking soda can bring out the shine in your hair! Place a tiny quantity of baking soda in your palm and mix it thoroughly with the shampoo you’ll be using. Then you would wash your hair as normal. Doing so will help restore your hair’s natural shine and luster.

    Vaseline (or a non-petroleum based oil such as peanut oil) can be massaged into the cuticles at least once a week for an intensive beauty treatment. You are feeding the nail, so it promotes the growth process. When you polish your nails, make sure to use a top coat to prevent the polish from chipping.

    You can brush your skin before you take a shower to help it look its best. This helps stimulate your body’s natural oils. From feet to head, gently brush the skin using a circular motion, followed by a warm shower using a mild soap.

    Conceal imperfections by using a light coat of pink lipstick. Put the warm-tone pink lipstick on your lips and that’s what people will be looking at, not your imperfections. You can hide that blemish under a nice “popping” lip and a great concealer so that nobody notices.

    Make foundation last longer by mixing it with moisturizer. Also, with the foundation being slightly watered down, it will seem a lot less heavy. The added benefit is that you will now have sun protection in your foundation too if you used an SPF moisturizer.

    Use a teabag to help fix a torn fingernail. Before doing this, get rid of the leaves from the teabag. Then, cut a small patch from the teabag making sure your patch will cover the tear. Put this piece on the damaged part, then paint it with clear fingernail polish.

    If you want sparkly eyes, put eye drops in throughout the day. You can also help to prevent your eyes from drying out. If you stare at a television or computer screen for several hours a day, eye drops may be just what you need to feel better. Pack a small bottle to carry with you, and use it two to three times per day.

    Consider buying duplicates of your well-loved beauty products. Keep these products in places that you are always present, such as your office. By doing this, you are certain to be prepared to apply makeup at all times.

    While beauty is highly subjective, there are many traditional views on the subject. Start applying the useful tips you have learned and see what good they can do.

  351. What a great way to have fun and enhance your appearance! As you begin, you might feel lost as you are bombarded with information. The following article provides you with all the information you need to develop your regimen, and become your own personal beauty-care expert.

    If the consistency of your nail polish is off, try adding nail polish remover to fix the problem. You should just put a little then put the lid back on and shake it up. You can usually get about two more applications out of the bottle by using this technique.

    Sunscreen keeps your skin looking flawless. When selecting your sunscreen, make sure you choose one with healthy ingredients and antioxidants. These healthy ingredients protect and nourish the skin, keeping it youthful looking and supple.

    Symmetrical faces are rated as more attractive in scientific studies. If you want to be beautiful, you have to strive for symmetry. Keep your make up symmeteical and your facial hair.

    You should get rid of bodily hair a day before you put on any self tanner. You can either shave or wax, but in order to get the best results, you should make sure you wait at least 24 hours afterwards. Doing so will help the quality of your tan.

    Curl your eyelashes before you put on mascara. This increases their perceived length and brightens your eyes. Squeeze your lashes at the base and keep the curler there for a second. Next, move it outward slightly and squeeze and hold again. This helps make the curling angle more natural instead of abrupt.

    Use lukewarm water to cleanse your face when bathing. Hot water urges pores to open, and then natural oils escape. These oils are essential to keep your skin moisturized. Bath in warm water instead to ensure your skin will be soft and supple. It will also help you save on your heating bill.

    Drink milk each day to help with your appearance. Research has indicated that a glass of milk each day can help your skin and your bones. It is full of protein and it helps increase muscle mass. It can also help you maintain a lower weight. Drinking milk is an easy way to keep your body healthy, strong and beautiful.

    Use heat activated products when you are going to be using a heating tool to straighten or curl on your hair. Shampoo, conditioner and other styling products can easily be obtained in a ‘heat-activated’ formula. Regularly blow-drying or curling your hair without such products can cause significant damage. Help protect against damage by using heat-activated products, which will help with shine and softness.

    Replace your pricy toners, moisturizers, and cleansers with castile soap, witch hazel, aloe, and other natural materials. Natural products like these can dramatically improve virtually any skin type. If aloe does not provide enough moisture, add a little oil made of vitamin E. Should you wish to make it medicated, use tea tree oil.

    For a long-lasting manicure, a high-quality top coat is essential. After you receive a manicure, make sure to apply a top coat, so you can seal and cure it. Afterward, add thin coats to freshen the manicure every other day and to prevent chips and peels in the nail polish. Doing this can extend the beauty of your manicure by days.

    These tips should have helped you feel more relaxed and confident in making the proper choices in regard to your beauty care. Although it may be a lot of information to absorb, it should have provided you with some general ideas on how to start developing your own effective beauty regimen. And if you forget a few things, you can always come back here for reference.

  352. Beauty has inspired many famous quotes. Perhaps you have heard that beauty is subjective and yet we all strive to follow the same standards. True beauty is about being good on the inside as well as the outside. Beauty may attract people, but personality is what retains relationships. This article offers advice for being beautiful from the inside out.

    If your polish seems to be getting thick and sticky, put some remover in it. Only add a tiny bit, replace the lid and shake. This helps add a few additional applications for your nail polish.

    An application of white eyeshadow to the area above the middle of your upper lip will make the lips appear larger than they really are. Adding highlights to this part of your lip produces the illusion of fuller lips.

    Studies have shown that people find beauty in symmetry. When developing your own beauty routine, keep this in mind. Whether you’re putting on makeup, trimming a beard or whatever, you need to make sure you maintain symmetry.

    Make sure you aren’t allergic to eyelash adhesives before applying them. Put a small amount of the adhesive on another part of your body to check for allergies. It is vital to ensure the test area is well covered. This allows you to be sure how your skin will react.

    Consider a new hairstyle for a more narrow-appearing face. A haircut featuring sleek, long lines will help your face appear to be more slender. You can also add in face-framing highlights or lowlights. These jazz up the style even more and highlight the best parts of your face.

    Use lukewarm water to cleanse your face when bathing. Hot water opens up your pores, which means more essential skin oils come out. Then you’ll wash away the protection they offer. Bath and shower with warm or tepid water to maintain the soft and beautiful appearance of your skin. You will also save money by lowering your utility bill.

    Avoid hot water when bathing and showering. In hot water, your pores will open and your skin’s natural oils can escape. Then you’ll wash away the protection they offer. Try taking warm or lukewarm showers to retain your skin’s natural oils and keep it soft. This is also less expensive than bathing in hot water.

    Use a tiny bit of teabag to fix your torn nails. Empty the bag first. Then, cut a small piece from the teabag that will be big enough to fit on top of the nail. Then, put that on top of your nail and cover the whole thing with some clear nail polish.

    A healthy lifestyle will help you look your best. At a minimum, you need a moisturizer to keep your skin smooth and elastic, and a defoliator to remove dead skin. It is good habit to use a lotion on your body at least once a day. Use it twice if you have the time.

    Consider buying duplicates of your well-loved beauty products. Keep these products in places that you are always present, such as your office. By doing this, you are certain to be prepared to apply makeup at all times.

    As was mentioned before, there is more to beauty than physical appearance. Your personal beauty regime should focus on making you feel better about yourself. You can learn about the type of beauty you possess, and how to reveal it, if you apply the tips from this article.

  353. Most everyone is concerned about their beauty. Beauty is separated into two parts: inner and outer beauty. Even a small change in your appearance can radically change how others see you. There are certain changes that will help you to be more beautiful inside and out.

    Make sure you exfoliate before you use a fake tan. If you do this, your skin gets smoother and dead cells are removed. Also, you can make your tan look more realistic by doing this. It also gives you a longer lasting tan.

    Sunscreen keeps your skin looking flawless. When selecting your sunscreen, make sure you choose one with healthy ingredients and antioxidants. These healthy ingredients protect and nourish the skin, keeping it youthful looking and supple.

    Research has shown that most people find beauty in symmetry. That means that in order to look as beautiful as possible, it’s important to keep things symmetrical. This need for symmetry applies to many kinds of beauty interventions, including putting on makeup and trimming facial hair.

    Make sure you wash makeup off your face before sleeping. Use a gentle washcloth and warm water or a makeup remover solution. Then wash with a gentle cleanser and do your normal beauty routine. Make-up that isn’t removed in the right way can clog up your pores and acne may spring up.

    Use milk in your everyday routine. This product will help to strengthen your bones during the course of your life. It contains a lot of protein and encourages muscle-growth. Research has also shown that it can help lower your weight. Milk is an affordable beauty solution.

    A sharpened liner, whether for lip or eye, works best. This will also help you keep them clean. To make sharpening easier, chill them for 10 minutes or so in the refrigerator or freezer to harden them.

    When using fake eyelashes, you never want to realize that you have an allergic reaction to the adhesive. To test for allergies, dab a wee bit of it on your arm. Leave this for at least a day! If you do not have a rash, you will not have any issues.

    Sometimes our beauty is interrupted by a skin blemish such as a pimple. If this has happened to you, a quick home remedy is to put a small blot of regular toothpaste on it. Then let it sit for about ten minutes. This will help dry up your pimple and make it disappear.

    Use a dry, soft brush on your dry skin before showering to stimulate your oil glands. Use a circular motion starting at your feet and working up to your head. Finish by rinsing with gentle soap under a warm shower.

    For a long-lasting manicure, a high-quality top coat is essential. After you receive a manicure, make sure to apply a top coat, so you can seal and cure it. Afterward, add thin coats to freshen the manicure every other day and to prevent chips and peels in the nail polish. Doing this can extend the beauty of your manicure by days.

    After you read this article, you might want to try one or two of these tips, or all of them. In any event, you are bound to find out that even minor changes to your routine can have a great impact on how pretty you are and can become. In no time, you will be looking your best.

  354. Most people would like to look their best every day. It’s great to start the day thinking “I look great today!” This article contains all the advice you need to look your best.

    Prior to putting on your makeup, utilize a light moisturizer. Not only is moisturizer beneficial to your skin, it helps with your makeup application. It will increase your skin tone. When you want to look good all day long, this is the best step to start with.

    Apply Vaseline to your eyebrows before bed. This will enhance the appearance of your eyebrows. However, be careful with the Vaseline, as getting it elsewhere on your skin can lead to acne and clogged pores.

    Remove hair at least a day before applying a tanning product. You can wax or shave, but make sure the area is free of hair and wait 24 hours before applying the fake tan. This will help to ensure that the tan you apply is even and smooth.

    Eyeshadow can do so much in making eyes sexy, but if the eyes are red to begin with, it won’t make a difference. Stow away eye drops in whatever bag you are carrying. You can pull the bottle out to freshen up your eyes if you spend too much time in the ocean, or after logging a long afternoon at work, staring at a computer monitor.

    If you have a torn nail, use a small part of a bag of tea. You need to take the tea from the teabag first. Then, cut a small patch from the teabag making sure your patch will cover the tear. Put this piece on the damaged part, then paint it with clear fingernail polish.

    If money allows, purchase an extra of your basic beauty products, such as foundation, cream or lipstick, to keep handy at work. Place them in frequented areas at your home and office. This can keep you prepared should you need makeup.

    Curry leaves can fight off greying. Leaf chutney produces pigment forming cells which give you your hair color. One teaspoon and you can prevent those pesky grey hairs.

    Wash your makeup utensils to reduce blemishes on your skin. Fill a bowl with water and a gentle shampoo, and rub the bristles of the brushes together in the water. Rinse thoroughly and dry them on a clean paper towel. Doing so will minimize the chance that any makeup buildup or bacteria will collect in the brush and cause acne breakouts.

    It’s important to try to not wear makeup at least once every 30 days. This gives your face time to breathe, and helps maintain its health. You will find that your skin is more fresh a day later.

    Make use of eye drops throughout the day in order to have sparkling eyes. That way, you can stave off irritation and dryness as well. If you regularly engage in an activity that causes eye strain, like using a computer, eye drops will help. Just keep a bottle in your purse or your desk, and use it every 4 hours.

    It is not surprising that you may want to enhance your natural beauty. Try playing up your strengths instead of hiding your weaknesses. This article gave you some great tips to getting on the right beauty path for you. By practicing these tips you’ll be well on your way to looking more beautiful.

  355. Beauty is a simple thing to make improvements on regardless of the knowledge and skill with which you start. Don’t let all the buzz and hype that you see on T.V. about beauty fool you. Precision is not the be-all and end-all of beauty. Read through these tips to see the fun that can be had with it.

    Put some moisturizer in a sample jar. You could stash the portable container in a purse, travel bag or in a desk drawer at your work. Apply moisturizer whenever your skin starts to feel dry.

    You can adjust the style and color of your hair to flatter and slim your face. A cut that is long and sleek can do the trick. Use low-lights and highlights as appropriate to frame your face. These can be flattering and draw positive attention your features.

    Use a product called “hot spray” on your wet hair before blow drying it. You can find this type of product in the beauty section of Target or Walmart or even at Sally Beauty Supply. This spray is great at helping hair dry faster while preventing split ends. It seals in moisturizer and smells wonderful.

    Make sure that the eyeliner and lip liners that you are using are sharp. Not only does this make them easier to apply, it also makes sure they are clean for use. For best results when sharpening, use the freezer or refrigerator to cool them for around 10 minutes, then proceed to sharpen them.

    Using a rose or coral colored blush can help to soften your look, especially if you have a sharper square shaped face. Use your fingers to apply the cream to your cheeks. Next, use a gentle, pulling motion to blend the color up towards your temples.

    Wash makeup off thoroughly prior to going to bed. Use some warm water and a soft cloth; you can also use make up remover. Then wash with a gentle cleanser and do your normal beauty routine. When you leave make-up on, pimples and rashes can occur.

    Curry leaf chutney can stave off gray hair when you consume one teaspoon of it every day. This contains nutrients that your body needs to provide your hair’s pigment, and it helps you hair stay healthy. You can also put rosemary oil in your hair to keep the color.

    To achieve healthy skin, use a dry, soft brush on the surface of the skin prior to showering; this will stimulate your oil glands and help keep moisture in your skin. Brush in a circular motion, from your feet up to your face, and then finish off with a warm shower and gentle soap.

    Do you want to draw attention to your eyes? Use a waterproof, lengthening mascara to give your lashes more volume. There are many mascaras out there that claim they will give your lashes more volume and curl. The truth is that these products often just leave your lashes clumpy and flake off. They tend to weigh down the lashes and thus cause eye irritation. Try a moisturizing formula instead, which will not only make your lashes look fuller while you wear it, but will also help them grow. Your lashes will look thicker and have an upward curl to them.

    By using rosewater or cucumbers you can rid of the dreaded dark circles under your eyes. These will naturally cool and calm your eyes while lightening the skin underneath them. Relax for 15 minutes with cucumber or rosewater soaked pads covering your closed eyes.

    You can use these tips to help you create a beauty plan that is specifically suited to your needs. Do everything possible to discover what works best for you.

  356. The following article pertains to all things beauty. The following article has the beauty tips that you need to have. Looking good helps you feel good and these tips can help.

    Use coconut oil in lieu of spending a fortune for facial moisturizer. Virgin coconut oil easily penetrates the skin providing soothing moisture, while at the same time reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. As an added benefit, coconut oil has also been shown to help with psoriasis, acne and eczema.

    Every night, put a small amount of Vaseline onto your feet. You can get the same smooth, soft results of a professional pedicure this way. Do this every night as part of your routine, and it will be easy to remember. After applying the vaseline, take out a pair of socks and cover your feet before going to sleep.

    When you have gray or blue eyes, oranges and browns are your best choice for eyeshadow. Choose eyeliners and mascaras in dark brown with deep purple, brick or maroon highlights. You will make your blue eyes pop!

    Shimmer blush only works on people with perfect complexions. Shimmer blushes can bring out blemishes and imperfections like scars and acne. Using a matte blush can cover blemishes well and make your skin look flawless.

    Instead of paying high prices for fancy moisturizing products, consider trying coconut oil. Coconut oil provides you with a soothing moisture that easily goes through your skin. In addition, it also makes you look younger because it helps to eliminate lines and wrinkles. Not only that, but it can also help treat skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and acne thanks to its natural anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

    After you apply your lipstick, put your finger in your mouth, pull it out as you make an “O” with your mouth. Doing this enables you to clean lipstick traces from the corners of your mouth, preventing them from migrating to the teeth.

    Try not using hot water when you take showers. This makes your pores expand, which allows skin oils leave. You end up washing them away. Instead, use lukewarm water if you wish to have softer skin. Applying this tip can reduce your utility bills.

    Good quality makeup brushes are an invaluable part of your makeup kit. Although brushes can get quite pricey, they make a huge difference in the final quality of your appearance. If you don’t have a lot of money, you may be able to find top quality makeup brushes at a cheaper price online.

    If you want beautiful skin, consume more natural fruit juices. Fruits and vegetables as we all know are good for are overall health, but did you know they are also good for your skin? Fruit and vegetable juices are good for the skin, as well. Add them to your diet. You can replace your usual sweet drinks with juice, and you will be glowing in no time.

    Buy some high-quality makeup brushes. While good quality brushes tend to be a little costly they will greatly improve the application of your makeup. If you are on a budget, you can try searching online auction sites for great deals on high quality makeup brushes to save some money.

    In summary, you know now a bit more about beauty. You should now better understand how to properly apply beauty products so that you can look your best. That’s a good thing! Don’t forget to re-read the above tips on a regular basis so you don’t forget the procedures. Above all, enjoy yourself.

  357. The way you feel about yourself has a huge impact on the way others see and perceive you. If you feel that you are beautiful, you will think positively and feel confident. This makes others see you as beautiful, too. This article has what you need to know about looking and feeling great.

    Remember to exfoliate before applying fake tan to your skin. When you do this, you will remove any dead skin cells and make it smoother. This will make your artifical tan look smoother and more even. It will look like a natural sunkissed tanned body!

    Air dry your hair whenever possible to prevent exposing your hair to heat damage. All the heat from styling tools can do major damage to your scalp and hair. Put your hairdryer on the lowest setting to avoid damage to your hair. Taking good care of your hair will ensure that it is soft and healthy for many years.

    Consider a new hairstyle for a more narrow-appearing face. Try a long cut with sleek lines that falls between your shoulders and your jaw. Adding lowlights or highlights can help to frame your face. These are extremely flattering on almost all facial types.

    Do away with red eyes to let your pretty peepers shine. Try to have some eye drops handy so you’ll have them if you ever need them. Use eye drops to have a clear look to your eyes if you are tired or have spent some time out in the sun.

    If you have a square face you can use a rose or coral brush to make it more soft looking. Try applying your blush on the apples of your cheeks and fanning it out towards temples.

    If you plan to head out right after work, it is easy to get a fresh look by dusting some matte powder on oilier areas with a big brush. Add a bit of shimmer to your cheekbones to further enhance your nighttime look.

    Eating one teaspoon of curry-leaf chutney daily will help you ward off gray hair. This provides the pigment that colors your hair with the minerals and vitamins they need. Also try adding some scented rosemary essential oil to your hair, which similarly keeps your scalp and hair healthier and colored.

    Keep some of your beauty products in the refrigerator. Make a special effort to do this in the summer when it is hot outside. When it starts getting hot outside, put your liquid makeups in the fridge so that you can still put them on. The cooling sensation is sure to leave your skin feeling refreshed and chilled.

    Try not to use conditioner each day if your hair is fine. It would be more than enough to condition once, maybe twice weekly. Conditioner helps your hair, but also makes it heavier and flat. Limit conditioner use so that your hair remains light.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    Wanting to look better is one thing, but knowing how to achieve it is better. You can now apply your newly acquired knowledge either to making yourself feel more confident in your own body or to making other people take notice of you.

  358. It is only sensible to want to present your best possible appearance. No one decides to try for a poor appearance. There is a lot of beauty advice to improve one’s looks out there to help. The advice in this article will show you how to get the most out of your beauty routine.

    You can put your moisturizer in an empty jar or tube of lip gloss. This perfectly handy container can be kept anywhere, such your purse, travel bag, car or even the drawer of your work desk. Simply dab a drop of the moisturizer on your face whenever your skin begins to feel dry.

    Use an exfoliating product on your skin before applying spray-on tanning products. You will get rid of any dead skin that has been sitting on your face if you do this. This will make your artifical tan look smoother and more even. It will also look more real and last longer for you.

    Letting your hair dry naturally is the best way to prevent heat damage. Your hair and scalp can suffer immensely from the heat that is applied by the hair dryer, straightening iron and curling iron. Put your hairdryer on the lowest setting to avoid damage to your hair. This protects you hair and keeps it silky and soft.

    Using color to emphasize your eyes is an age old trick that women use with the application of eye shadow. If you have hazel or green eyes, apply color that brings out the best in your eyes. Try using silvery pewter, deep purples, lavender and light brown for this purpose.

    If your facial type is square, soften your look by applying creamy rose colored or coral colored blush. Apply the blush to your cheeks with your fingers and gently fan the color towards your temples.

    Curl your eyelashes before putting on your mascara. This increases their perceived length and brightens your eyes. When using an eyelash curler, start at the bottom of the lashes and squeeze for a single second. Move the curler closer to the tips of your lashes and repeat. This should result in a pleasing and natural looking curve.

    Some beauty products work best when chilled. In hot weather, cool products are especially soothing to the skin. If it is particularly hot outside you can keep your beauty products in the refrigerator. You will love the cool feeling on your skin.

    Set aside time every day for exercise. Keeping your body in constant motion will have you looking healthy and fit. Exercise is an essential part of your beauty routine. You only need to exercise for 15-20 minutes each day. Everyday activities like housework count as physical activity.

    Try not to use conditioner each day if your hair is fine. It would be more than enough to condition once, maybe twice weekly. Conditioner helps your hair, but also makes it heavier and flat. Limit conditioner use so that your hair remains light.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    As mentioned earlier, it is likely that you’ve walked passed many beauty counters in department stores without knowing that the sales associates can help you with your makeup if you ask them. This is an entertaining way to learn more about makeup and even snag a fast lesson about makeup application. Make use of this advice to ensure you know what you’re doing as you shop. You will be feeling fabulous on the way out!

  359. For many people, their feelings of self worth are often directly tied to their looks. If you project confidence to others, they will be confident in you as well, and you will be taken seriously. Be as beautiful outside as you are inside by applying these helpful tips to your lifestyle.

    Every night, put a small amount of Vaseline onto your feet. Your feet will be soft and smooth like they are after a pedicure. Try fitting this into your daily routine in order to get the most benefit from it and also to help you remember to do it. To reduce mess, put socks on after applying the Vaseline.

    To make your lips look bigger, apply shimmery white eyeshadow just above the cupid’s bow in the center of your top lip. The increase in fullness is an illusion that is created by the highlighted area of the lip reflecting light.

    No matter what skin type you have, you need to cleanse your face thoroughly with a cleanser that is mild up about a couple of times a day. Always remove all of your makeup in full before starting your skin care regimen. Not removing your makeup first can cause your pores to clog and acne to develop.

    If you are able to afford it, try buying two of all beauty products, no matter if it is lipstick, hand cream, or foundation. Keep one at home and another in your car or in a desk drawer at work. This is a good way to be prepared for beauty!

    When using a straight or curling iron, make sure you use a heat-activated shampoo and conditioner. Using these tools daily can damage your hair. By using these heat-activated products you are protecting your hair from heat damage and keeping it shiny and soft.

    If you eyes are red, no amount of eyeshadow or eyeliner can hide that, even if they give you striking eyes full of sexiness. Keep a bottle of Visine in your pocketbook. You can use these drops anytime your eyes feel a little dry and tired, due to environmental factors or lack of sleep.

    Always curl your eyelashes using an eyelash curler prior to the application of mascara. Using an eyelash curler can make a bigger impact that you realize, helping your lashes look longer, and also creating the visual illusion of lifting the entire area surrounding your eyes. Begin by squeezing the curler at the bottom of your lashes and holding it for a short time. Do it a second time at the tips of the lashes. This provides a natural look.

    Use foundation as a concealer. Use that concentrated product in place of concealer. It is the perfect concealer because it already matches your skin tone and is thick.

    You should always try and exercise everyday. Perpetual motion will have you feeling and looking younger, while also keeping your energy levels up. You need to keep it in your figurative beauty bag. You should aim for 15 to 20 minutes of some sort of physical activity each day. Whether it be vacuuming your abode, or walking a few blocks, you must keep active.

    To get long and nice nails, try putting Vaseline in your cuticles at least once a week. This feeds the nail bed, encouraging nail growth. Be certain to use top coats which will prevent nails from chipping, when you paint your nails.

    With the right information, regardless of your age, you can keep yourself beautiful. The tips shared here should help you start out with your beauty regimen without much trouble. You can look great at any age.

  360. Beauty most certainly isn’t judged objectively; what is considered beautiful will always vary from person to person. Yet, there are quite a few ways to increase your beauty. This article discusses several pieces of advice, so continue to read to find methods to enhance your beauty.

    Purchase an eyelash curler. A lot of people don’t think about how much better eyelashes look after curling them. Curling them help enlarge the eyes and make them appear brighter. If you want the curl to last longer, get a heated eyelash curler.

    Before you go tanning, exfoliate skin. This will remove any dead skin and make your skin smooth. This will allow your artificial tan to look great and will also even it out. It also gives you a longer lasting tan.

    To keep hair from turning gray, eat some curry leaf chutney, about a teaspoonful, every day. This contains nutrients that your body needs to provide your hair’s pigment, and it helps you hair stay healthy. You can also put rosemary essential oil on your locks to achieve a similar effect.

    Apply some kind of moisturizer to your face regularly. Moisturizers should be used on the face regardless of the skin type. During the day, make sure that your moisturizer contains an SPF rating.

    These processes open your follicles, and tanning during this time can cause issues. It can cause intense irritation, leading you to be extremely uncomfortable. Your skin is delicate after waxing or sugaring, and you should avoid products that contain harsh chemicals or fragrances that can cause discomfort.

    Set aside time every day for exercise. Keeping active will make you feel and look younger. This is critical to looking good. You need to exercise at least 15-20 minutes every day! Everyday activities like housework count as physical activity.

    A “hot spray” is a great investment if you wish to protect your hair from the harsh heat of hair dryers. This is sold in the beauty section of any big box store and many drug stores, and helps to prevent split ends. It also helps your hair dry more quickly. It seals in moisturizer and smells wonderful.

    To ward off gray hair, you can try an indian remedy of eating curry leaves or curry leaf chutney. Left chutney is a good and natural way to help your pigment forming cells gain pigment. You really just need to eat one teaspoon.

    Switch your beauty products for natural, inexpensive ones. These wholesome ingredients are great for all skin types. If you need a little more moisture than aloe provides, add a small drop of vitamin E oil. Tea tree oil can work as a medicated toner.

    Consider buying duplicates of your well-loved beauty products. Keep these products in places that you are always present, such as your office. By doing this, you are certain to be prepared to apply makeup at all times.

    At this point, you should feel much better prepared in the area of beauty. You’ll soon become an expert at making yourself look amazing. Hopefully the tips and tricks you read here offered some excellent insights to help you improve upon your own beauty routine.

  361. There was a time when beauty tips only concerned women who were past a certain age. Today though, women – and men – of all ages are realizing the value of advice in this area. After all, looking good is about a lot more than lucky genetics. Using these tips can produce great results.

    For a quick-fix, keep an empty jar filled with face moisturizer in your purse or car. Containers of this size can be easily carried wherever you go. When your face starts getting dry, add a small amount of moisturizer to it.

    Every night, put a small amount of Vaseline onto your feet. You can get the same smooth, soft results of a professional pedicure this way. Do this every night as part of your routine, and it will be easy to remember. After applying the vaseline, take out a pair of socks and cover your feet before going to sleep.

    Apply moisturizer to your face every day. Whether your skin is naturally dry, greasy or somewhere in between, it is important to use a moisturizer daily. Make sure to use one that has sunscreen in it.

    Sugaring and waxing cause your hair follicles to open, which can cause many skin problems when exposed to tanning. The combination can cause very painful irritation. Make sure you avoid products that contain fragrance after you have waxed because these types of products can cause irritation on your skin that is difficult to soothe.

    No matter what type of skin you’ve got, always cleanse your face daily with a gentle product, two times if necessary. Regardless of your personal beauty regimen, make a habit of always completely removing all your makeup prior to cleaning your face. If you do not do this you may clog your pores and get pimples.

    If you plan on going out on the town immediately after work, you can use a big fluffy brush to add a nice powdery finish over any oily places. You can make your cheekbones have some emphasis with a gentle application of shimmery powder on your cheek temples.

    You can use a kitchen sponge as a skin scrubber in the bathroom. Kitchen sponges work very well, and they are much cheaper than anything else in the store that can be used as a scrub.

    You don’t need to buy expensive beauty products. Use natural products like aloe vera and white vinegar. All of these natural solutions can be just as effective on your skin. You can increase the moisture that aloe provides by adding some vitamin E oil. Tea tree oil can work as a medicated toner.

    A good moisturizing cream every night can prevent the skin around the eyes from drying out. Keeping the skin there healthy will prevent dark circles, and will keep you from developing lines and wrinkles.

    Consider buying duplicates of your well-loved beauty products. Keep these products in places that you are always present, such as your office. By doing this, you are certain to be prepared to apply makeup at all times.

    This article has already shown that true beauty lies within. It is not about being perfect, but it is about being the very best you can be. By using the tips laid out here, you will realize all kinds of beauty in yourself and be able to show it off.

  362. Are you ready to create a beauty plan? Have no idea how to get started? How can you find the right lotions and potions that will work with your skin? This article is jam-packed with beauty tips and advice to help you out.

    Before bed, put a little natural oil, such as walnut oil, on your eyebrows. This will add shine to your eyebrows, and make them look better. Make sure the Vaseline doesn’t get on your skin, as this can cause acne breakouts.

    Drinking a lot of water is a good way to clear up your skin with minimal fuss. Water cleanses the body naturally by flushing toxins out of the body. This helps produce skin that is clear and gorgeous.

    Beauty can be considered relative. You can look for beauty everywhere. Maybe you find the trees on the block or your partner to be beautiful. Keeping an open mind to beauty means your heart can be filled with warmth whenever you find it. Optimists that always see beauty in the world tend to be among the happiest folks.

    Pimples can sometimes mar an otherwise lovely complexion. If you have experienced this, you can enjoy a quick fix by placing a tiny blot of toothpaste on the pimple. Let the toothpaste dry for about 10 minutes. This will reduce redness and make the pimple less noticeable.

    Mix your foundation with a moisturizer, as it will stretch the life of your foundation. This can also help your face to have a fresh look instead of a caked on look while providing important sun protection.

    Soften a square or angular face shape with a rose or coral cream blush. With your fingers, put the blush on the top of the cheek, then use a gentle tugging motion to spread out the color up toward your temples.

    You can make your foundation last longer if you mix it with moisturizer. Additional benefits to doing so include more SPF for your face, as well as a natural glow.

    Rejuvenate skin by gently rubbing it with a dry, soft bristled brush prior to showering. Not only will your oil glands be stimulated, your skin will remain moisturized for longer. You should brush your whole body in a circle. Once you’ve done this, take a shower using gentle soap.

    Use a teabag piece to protect a fingernail that rips off. Empty the bag first. Then, cut a small patch from the teabag making sure your patch will cover the tear. Then put the trimmed out piece over the tear, and use a clear nail polish to paint over the whole thing.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    Many people would like to improve their outward appearance. Instead of hiding any flaws, concentrate on highlighting your assets. Apply the advice from this article to help you accomplish this. Use the suggestions you have just read to help enhance your own beauty.

  363. Do not expect to find the perfect beauty regimen without doing any research. There are many resources available regarding ideal ways to maximize your appearance. To get a running start, follow the advice given in this article.

    If your favorite nail polish suddenly seems thicker, add a few drops of nail polish remover. Only add a tiny bit, replace the lid and shake. Doing this will extend the life of your nail polish.

    Washing with a mild cleanser at least once a day is key. Always keep in mind that you have to take off all your makeup before starting to clean your skin. If you don’t, you may experience acne complications.

    You can make your lips appear bigger by applying a shimmery white eye shadow in the middle of your upper lip. The light reflecting off the middle of your upper lip creates the illusion of a full upper lip.

    Take care to prepare your skin by removing unwanted hair or stubble the day before you plan to apply your faux tan. Shaving or waxing will give you the best results. Remember to wait a day or two before applying your tan. Doing this will ensure that your fake tan looks the absolute best that it can.

    You can create the illusion of bigger lips if you put just a bit of shiny white eye shadow on your cupid’s bow. The illusion of fuller lip is the result of the reflection of the light that this highlighting provides.

    If your facial appearance is more square-shaped, use a coral or creamy rose blush which make your face look softer and appear less angular. Try applying your blush on the apples of your cheeks and fanning it out towards temples.

    If you have the money for it, try to have two of each beauty item you use. The extras can be kept someplace convenient, like a drawer at your work station, and the others can be kept at your home. By doing this, you are certain to be prepared to apply makeup at all times.

    Along with your makeup supplies, make sure that you store cleansing wipes. The wipes can remove any mistakes quickly, allowing you to create the perfect look. These wipes are an affordable way to apply makeup like a pro. You should always have makeup remover handy.

    Keep wipes for removing makeup someplace handy, like right in with your lipstick and other must-have cosmetics. Beauty professionals keep these wipes around to re-do an application of makeup that goes wrong. This ensures you get the look you’re after. That’s why makeup removal wipes should be part of everyone’s beauty routine.

    Open your refrigerator door to find a great natural mask to tighten your facial skin. Whisk some egg whites and lemon juice together and apply it on your skin, after five minutes rinse it off and your face will be fresh and firm. It’s an excellent idea to give a try prior to a party or big date!

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    This article is for anyone looking to improve their appearance. The feeling of peace that comes from looking great is incomparable. Use the tips you’ve learned here and feel confident every time you look in the mirror.

  364. If you are in need of an exciting way to enhance your beauty routine or you feel like you need some help with a beauty problem, this article is for you. Learn how to make your outer beauty match that of your inner self by reading these tips.

    Wear sunscreen to keep your skin protected. While comparing products, look for sunscreens that use healthy ingredients and even contain antioxidants. These ingredients both protect and nourish your skin so that it doesn’t age as quickly.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is beauty to be found everywhere. Your loved ones are beautiful to you, or the beauty of nature may inspire your spirit. The objective is to find beauty in all things, which will help to yield a positive mindset in life.

    If you have a square face you can use a rose or coral brush to make it more soft looking. Place the blush on your cheek bones and then, using your fingers, spread it in an outward motion towards your temples.

    Change your hairstyle and hair color to positively alter the look of your face. Choose a cut with sleek, elongated lines, with the longest layers reaching somewhere between your jawline and shoulders. You can also use lowlights or highlights to frame your face. Asking your hair dresser to include these special touches to your next hair appointment will make you look more beautiful.

    Make sure your lip liner and eyeliner pencils are sharpened before you use them. They will then be clean and safe to use. To easily sharpen makeup pencils, put them in your freezer for around 10 minutes and then sharpen them.

    You can use dark colored mascara to open up your eyes and help to draw attention to the eyes. Make sure to have extra mascara wands to clean up your make-up after it has been applied.

    If you have the money for it, try to have two of each beauty item you use. The extras can be kept someplace convenient, like a drawer at your work station, and the others can be kept at your home. By doing this, you are certain to be prepared to apply makeup at all times.

    Your hair color and style can help your face look thinner. Try a long cut with sleek lines that falls between your shoulders and your jaw. Try putting in a few high lights that fall around your face. These look good and will make your face more attractive.

    Keep wipes for removing makeup someplace handy, like right in with your lipstick and other must-have cosmetics. Beauty professionals keep these wipes around to re-do an application of makeup that goes wrong. This ensures you get the look you’re after. That’s why makeup removal wipes should be part of everyone’s beauty routine.

    Place thin sliced potatoes over your eyes if they are puffy. Leave the slices in place for around 10 minutes. As alternatives, you can use a cucumber, teabags or a chilled teaspoon. These applications will show instant results, reducing puffiness and reducing the look of sleepyness.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    From the ideas above it is easy to see that there are many aspects to a beauty regiment that you have total control over. There is no better time to make the right choices that enhance your beauty, inside and out. After all, everyone deserves the right to look, feel and act their best every day. You can decide whether or not to enhance your beauty.

  365. Every woman wants to be beautiful. People are more receptive to a woman who is looking good; they will be more willing to assist her. Unfortunately, many women are unsure how to begin enhancing their natural beauty. Read on to find out how!

    Research has shown that most people find beauty in symmetry. You want to be symmetrical to be beautiful. This need for symmetry applies to many kinds of beauty interventions, including putting on makeup and trimming facial hair.

    Always protect your skin with sunscreen. While comparing products, look for sunscreens that use healthy ingredients and even contain antioxidants. This ensures skin looks great with no damage.

    Washing with a mild cleanser at least once a day is key. Regardless of your personal beauty regimen, make a habit of always completely removing all your makeup prior to cleaning your face. Not doing this can result in acne and clogged pores.

    Sunscreen is optimal to use each day to shield against the rays from the sun. Be sure to look for sunscreens with healthful ingredients and not too many deadly chemicals. These ingredients replenish the skin with needed nutrients and protect it to keep it looking young and supple.

    Your hair color and style can help your face look thinner. Try a hairstyle that features long and sleek lines. The length of it should land between your shoulders and jawline. Highlights or lowlights to frame your face can also be added. These can be flattering and draw positive attention your features.

    Coconut oil is a nice substitute for expensive moisturizing products. Coconut oil will help reduce wrinkles and provides moisture to your skin. As an added benefit, coconut oil has also been shown to help with psoriasis, acne and eczema.

    Consuming large quantities of water each day can help you keep your skin looking great without having to buy expensive products. Water cleanses your body and helps to remove toxins, which improves the health and appearance of your skin.

    Try and stay away from caffeine if you want to improve your beauty. It can make you appear tired and feel jittery, as well as age you. If you insist on drinking tea or coffee, try to limit it to one cup a day. If you can’t give them up entirely, try decaf coffee or a good green tea.

    Bristle brushes can help calm frizzy hair. A surprising number of people have issues with their hair becoming frizzy. Using your boar bristle brush when drying your hair can help you combat frizz. When running the brush through your hair, keep the hair dryer pointed downward.

    When applying eyeshadow, look downward and toward the mirror. Do your best to keep from putting pressure or pulling on your eyelids. Looking at a downward angle helps you get your eye shadow correctly applied the first time. Apply your shadow carefully, and you will not need to stretch your lid.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    Even though beauty is usually subjective, there are certain improvements you can make that are universal. Take advantage of these tips, and add them to your regular beauty routine.

  366. Your physical appearance may just be superficial, but it is the first thing that people see. Finding the right beauty secrets for improving your appearance can be hard. There are many different beauty products out there to choose ranging from lotions to makeup, in order to buy the right kind you need to understand which products are right for you. Here are some suggestions that you should use to help you build your own beauty regime.

    Rub petroleum jelly into your cuticles every week. This stimulates the nail bed and adds moisture, which keeps your nails splitting or peeling. In addition, your cuticles and nails will have a healthier appearance. Usually you will see results right away as the Vaseline goes to work extremely fast.

    Baking soda is a great home solution for making your hair shiny and smooth. Take a bit of baking soda and mix it in with your shampoo. Wash your hair as you normally would. Doing this will make your hair more radiant.

    As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Things exude their own beauty. You can find beauty in nature, art or your spouse. When you admire beauty, you’ll find you feel more beautiful yourself.

    Shimmer blush only works on people with perfect complexions. Shimmer blushes can bring out blemishes and imperfections like scars and acne. Using a matte blush can cover blemishes well and make your skin look flawless.

    Are you having issues with your nail polish chipping or smearing? A good top coat can help the life of your manicure. Although it might seem similar to clear nail polish, it is different, so don’t confuse the two products. Make sure you purchase top coat rather than clear polish.

    Set aside time every day for exercise. Keeping active will make you feel and look younger. This is critical to looking good. You need to exercise at least 15-20 minutes every day! Everyday activities like housework count as physical activity.

    Do you find scratches or chips on your nails immediately after painting them? Consider using a top coat which maintains their shine and gloss for a full week. Don’t confuse this with regular nail polish that is simply clear, as there is a tremendous difference between the two. Get the top coat, not the clear nail polish.

    You don’t need to buy expensive beauty products. Use natural products like aloe vera and white vinegar. All of these natural solutions can be just as effective on your skin. You can increase the moisture that aloe provides by adding some vitamin E oil. Tea tree oil can work as a medicated toner.

    Put a little pop in your beauty regimen by adding some shimmery eye shadow as part of your look. Shimmer eye shadow will give your eyes a glittery appearance and also help them look brighter! Choose shimmery shades that are similar to your skin tone. Play around a little and experiment with the colors and techniques for wearing it.

    Buy some high-quality makeup brushes. While good quality brushes tend to be a little costly they will greatly improve the application of your makeup. If you are on a budget, you can try searching online auction sites for great deals on high quality makeup brushes to save some money.

    This article has already shown that true beauty lies within. It is not about being perfect, but it is about being the very best you can be. By using the tips laid out here, you will realize all kinds of beauty in yourself and be able to show it off.

  367. You’ve most likely passed the beauty counters many times in department stores. Most folks don’t know that they can ask the sale associates to do their makeup on request. The following article will provide you with advice to help make your next visit to the beauty section an enjoyable one.

    Before going to bed, rub your eyebrows with Vaseline. The Vaseline will strengthen the hair in your brows, making them look shiny and more noticeable. You should be careful to only apply it to the eyebrows and not your skin, so as to avoid acne outbreaks.

    Whatever your skin type, your face should be thoroughly washed with a gentle cleanser once or twice every day. It’s vital to remove all traces of makeup from your face before you start using a cleanser. Not removing your makeup first can cause your pores to clog and acne to develop.

    Before applying a fake tan, make sure you remove unwanted hair at least 24 hours before doing this. Shave the hair off or wax it, but make sure to do this a day ahead of time. Doing so will help the quality of your tan.

    If you use a curling iron or other heat tool on your hair, be sure that the products you use for cleaning, conditioning and styling your hair are heat-activated. Using these heated appliances daily can damage your hair. Heat-activated products will give your hair protection from the heat and leave it soft and shiny.

    Try putting some of your beauty products in a cool place, like your refrigerator. In hot weather, cool products are especially soothing to the skin. You can use your various lotions and toners more easily in the heat of the summer if you keep them in the refrigerator. Your skin will relish the cooling sensation.

    Soften a square or angular face shape with a rose or coral cream blush. With your fingers, put the blush on the top of the cheek, then use a gentle tugging motion to spread out the color up toward your temples.

    Before going to bed, make sure you wash off all your makeup. Warm water and a soft washcloth is really all that’s needed; however, you could also use makeup remover. Afterward, wash your face with your normal skin care regimen. Make-up that stays on your face will clog your pores and cause acne.

    Your food choices affect the texture and tone of your skin and hair. Inner beauty has more than one meaning. Make sure your diet contains a variety of nutrients. For healthy and strong nails, skin and hair, make sure to include lots of whole grains, zinc, iron and proteins in your meals.

    Position the mirror below your face when you put on eyeshadow. Be gentle; don’t put pressure on your lids or pull on them. Look at down, and get your application correct the first time. This helps you see your eyelid without having to pull on it.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    Many people crave the power that comes from feeling and looking beautiful. However, many of us see our appearance and are unhappy with it. It’s a shame that beauty is so often neglected because there are numerous options available to help you, including works of literature. After reading the advice in this article, you should know how to make yourself more attractive.

  368. Beauty can mean many things depending on whom you ask. Everyone knows that the inside counts most, but you need not neglect your outer appearance. Use the advice below to be more beautiful on the outside as well.

    Baking soda is a great home solution for making your hair shiny and smooth. Mix baking soda with shampoo in your hand. Then normally was your hair. Your hair will be restored to a healthy and shining condition.

    Smear Vaseline onto your feet before you go to bed. This can make them smooth and soft, which is similar to a fresh pedicure. Make this part of your nightly beauty routine so you don’t forget. After applying the Vaseline, slip on a pair of cotton socks before going to bed.

    Put on some moisturizer before your makeup. It will help your makeup to go on smoothly. Using a moisturizer will avoid a blotchy or streaked look. This technique will allow you to have a beautiful, natural look.

    Curl your eyelashes before you put on mascara. Curling helps your eyelashes appear greater than their actual length, and this also contributes to a younger and livelier look to your eyes themselves. Start at the lash base and squeeze the curler, and then hold it just a second. Open it, bring it to the end of your eyelashes and squeeze one more time. Working in an upward motion will give your lashes a nice natural curve.

    You should always try and exercise everyday. Perpetual motion will have you feeling and looking younger, while also keeping your energy levels up. You need to keep it in your figurative beauty bag. No matter what, exercise at least 15 minutes a day. You could vacuum your home, walk around the block or whatever is exciting to you and gets you moving.

    Be careful with fake eyelashes; some people have allergies. Test for a reaction by placing a small amount of glue on the back of your arm. Cover the part of your skin that you tested.

    All the eyeliner and eyeshadow in the world will not do any good for your looks if your peepers are red and bloodshot. Stow away eye drops in whatever bag you are carrying. You can use these drops anytime your eyes feel a little dry and tired, due to environmental factors or lack of sleep.

    Experiment with shimmery eye shadows when choosing and applying makeup. Your eyes will seem bigger and brighter thanks to the glitter and sparkle. Make sure to choose shades that match your skin tone. Do not fear using different application techniques and colors in your routine.

    You must consistently wear sunscreen to protect your skin. It is important to apply sunscreen year round, not just in the summer. The face and hands are particularly vulnerable to skin damage during the winter months.

    Buy some high-quality makeup brushes. While good quality brushes tend to be a little costly they will greatly improve the application of your makeup. If you are on a budget, you can try searching online auction sites for great deals on high quality makeup brushes to save some money.

    Beauty is not just a matter of luck. With a bit of effort, you can greatly improve your own beauty. When a man or woman uses the methods described in this article, they will look their best. These tips should help you get the most out of your new beauty regimen.

  369. There was a time when beauty tips only concerned women who were past a certain age. Today though, women – and men – of all ages are realizing the value of advice in this area. After all, looking good is about a lot more than lucky genetics. Using these tips can produce great results.

    Keep your skin cells turning over with exfoliation. If you have dry or sensitive skin you should exfoliate up to three times each week. The top layer of dead cells need to be removed at least that often to reveal the healthy cells beneath. Exfoliating helps to clear away dead skin and other debris.

    For the healthiest skin, hair and nails, eat healthy foods. Your body needs the right kind of fuel to stay beautiful. Varied nutrients are a vital part of any healthy diet. Consume a wide variety of whole grains, protein, zinc, and iron to obtain healthy hair, nails, and skin.

    Use a creamy rose colored blush to soften the bone structure of your face. With your fingers, put the blush on the top of the cheek, then use a gentle tugging motion to spread out the color up toward your temples.

    Moisturizer should be applied in a thin coat before makeup. Moisturizers condition your skin and help protect it, but they are also helpful in getting makeup to spread evenly. Using a moisturizer will avoid a blotchy or streaked look. This technique will allow you to have a beautiful, natural look.

    These processes open your follicles, and tanning during this time can cause issues. It can cause intense irritation, leading you to be extremely uncomfortable. Your skin is delicate after waxing or sugaring, and you should avoid products that contain harsh chemicals or fragrances that can cause discomfort.

    Consider a new hairstyle for a more narrow-appearing face. A cut that is long and sleek can do the trick. Bangs and highlights can also do wonders. They are really flattering and pull attention to the features on your face.

    Avoid hot water when bathing and showering. In hot water, your pores will open and your skin’s natural oils can escape. Then you’ll wash away the protection they offer. Try taking warm or lukewarm showers to retain your skin’s natural oils and keep it soft. This is also less expensive than bathing in hot water.

    Use a teabag to help fix a torn fingernail. Before doing this, get rid of the leaves from the teabag. Then, cut a small patch from the teabag making sure your patch will cover the tear. Put this piece on the damaged part, then paint it with clear fingernail polish.

    A good moisturizing cream every night can prevent the skin around the eyes from drying out. Keeping the skin there healthy will prevent dark circles, and will keep you from developing lines and wrinkles.

    Consider buying duplicates of your well-loved beauty products. Keep these products in places that you are always present, such as your office. By doing this, you are certain to be prepared to apply makeup at all times.

    It’s true that inner beauty should triumph in terms of what “real” beauty is. Having said that, there is always room for improvement in your physical appearance. You can always make strides in making your physical beauty match your inner confidence, and with luck this article has helped you move closer to this.

  370. Merrillville man faced with a armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges happen to be filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is charged with robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d accepted trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together in college.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to check out the shoes. Because he searched the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to stop everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he would give Hammonds as well as the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the phone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage because man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 12 months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 1 year for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he’d decided to focus on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For around one month, the girl contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the woman her car had been stripped and offered her $350 for the car, but never gave her the money.
    In the court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and it was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working and had put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as being a misdemeanor under the agreement.

    Hobart man faced with public indecency

    A Hobart man having a history of convictions for sexual offenses has been charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, on the first block of Michigan Avenue, is faced with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police around 9:15 p.m. she went to clean the men¡¯s bathroom in the restaurant. Toney entered the restroom, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look with this.¡± The girl told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney said to ¡°look at this¡± again and might see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The woman said Toney tried the same at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to 3 years, with twelve months executed and two years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  371. Merrillville man faced with a armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges happen to be filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is charged with robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d decided to trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together at high school.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to check out these shoes. Because he searched the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to give up everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he was going to give Hammonds as well as the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the telephone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage as the man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets Twelve months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 12 months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he had decided to focus on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For about one month, the lady contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the lady her car ended up stripped and offered her $350 for your car, but never gave her the money.

    In court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working together put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as being a misdemeanor under terms of the agreement.

    Hobart man arrested for public indecency

    A Hobart man with a reputation convictions for sexual offenses may be charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, on the first block of Michigan Avenue, is faced with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police around 9:15 p.m. she traveled to clean the men¡¯s bathroom in the restaurant. Toney entered the restroom, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look at this.¡± The lady told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney informed her to ¡°look at this¡± a second time and could see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The girl said Toney had done the same principle at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to three years, with one year executed and two years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  372. Merrillville man involved in armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges have already been filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is charged with robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d accepted trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together in college.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to check out these shoes. Because he looked around the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to stop everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he was going to give Hammonds in addition to the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the telephone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage since the man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets Twelve months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 1 year for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he had accepted focus on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For about one month, the woman contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the woman her car had been stripped and offered her $350 for your car, but never gave her the money.
    In the court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and it was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working coupled with put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as the misdemeanor under the agreement.

    Hobart man faced with public indecency

    A Hobart man having a good reputation for convictions for sexual offenses may be charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, on the first block of Michigan Avenue, is charged with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police at about 9:15 p.m. she traveled to clean the men¡¯s bathroom inside the restaurant. Toney entered the restroom, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look with this.¡± The lady told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney told her to ¡°look at this¡± a second time and could see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The woman said Toney tried the same principle at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to a few years, with one year executed and two years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  373. Merrillville man charged with armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges have been filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is involved in robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d agreed to trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together at school.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to look at these shoes. As he searched the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to stop everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he would give Hammonds besides the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the telephone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage because man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets Twelve months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for Twelve months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he had decided to work on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For about one month, the girl contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the girl her car ended up stripped and offered her $350 for the car, but never gave her the money.

    In court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and it was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working and had put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as a misdemeanor under terms of the agreement.

    Hobart man arrested for public indecency

    A Hobart man having a history of convictions for sexual offenses has been charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, of the first block of Michigan Avenue, is charged with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police at about 9:15 p.m. she attended clean the men¡¯s bathroom within the restaurant. Toney entered the restroom, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look at this.¡± The girl told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney said to ¡°look at this¡± a second time and could see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The girl said Toney tried the same at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to 3 years, with twelve months executed and 2 years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  374. You can develop a routine that keeps you beautiful with a minimum of effort. There are many ways to quickly and easily improve your appearance. Read on for tips from the professionals in the beauty industry.

    If one of your polishes starts to get thick and sticky, add a bit of polish remover in the bottle. Use a little bit, put the top back on, and shake it. This may get you a few more applications of nail polish.

    Exfoliate your skin before you apply a fake tan. This eliminates your dead skin cells and smooths out your skin. As a result, your tan is going to appear more even and smoother. Use this process to extend the longevity of your fake tan.

    Research as shown that symmetrical faces seem to be the most beautiful. Taking steps to improve the symmetry of your face can make you appear more attractive. When you apply make-up or trim facial hair make sure each side is even.

    Take care to prepare your skin by removing unwanted hair or stubble the day before you plan to apply your faux tan. Shaving or waxing will give you the best results. Remember to wait a day or two before applying your tan. Doing this will ensure that your fake tan looks the absolute best that it can.

    Shimmer should only be used sparingly. This creates a pleasant glow effect. Highlight your cheekbones and the bridge of your nose and use loose powder to set it in place.

    Do you find scratches or chips on your nails immediately after painting them? Use a top coat; this will give your nails a shiny, glossy appearance for a week! Do not mix this up with your usual clear nail polish. Although you may not think there’s much of a difference between the two, there is. Purchase top coat at your favorite beauty supply store.

    Makeup brushes are the key to great coverage for your products. Although brushes can sometimes be very costly, they can dramatically improve the way your makeup is applied. If you cannot find them for a good price in a store try ebay!

    Buy more than one of your favorite makeup items at a time if finances will allow you to do so. Keep these in a place that is convenient, like your purse or at work. This is a way to stay prepared so you will not neglect to put on your makeup.

    Use liquid eyeliner when you want something more dramatic. You have more space for creativity with liquid and it will enhance your eyes. Use a small, angled brush for clean lines. This will give you beautiful results.

    Drinking an adequate supply of fresh water each day can improve the appearance of your skin and keep it healthy. Dehydration dries out skin and causes wrinkles. To avoid this situation, drink 56 ounces of water every day. If you are finding it difficult to drink eight glasses of water for lack of taste, add a little flavor with a splash of lemon or cranberry juice. This will help the general look and health of your skin.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    As previously mentioned, you have most likely sailed right by the beauty counter in your department store hundreds of times, oblivious to the fact that you can have your makeup done there if you ask. It can be a great way to learn a lot about applying makeup. Use these tips to make the most out of your beauty routine. You’ll come away from your shopping trip a winner.

  375. You may be lost as to where to begin with creating a beauty regimen since there are an incredible amount of products available on the market today. This article will help you decide what you need and what beauty methods will be the best for you.

    Vaseline is great to smooth all over your feet around bedtime. This will make them soft and smooth like you just had a pedicure done. Do this every night, and you’ll never need to pumice again. Put Vaseline on your feet and then place some socks on.

    Make sure you have Vitamin E around. You can use it for all sorts of things. It can help keep your skin healthy and soft. Use Vitamin E on finger and toe nails and they will be nice and smooth instead of rough.

    If your face is especially square shaped, you can soften the overall appearance and make it appear less angular by using a creamy rose or coral blush. Place the blush on your cheek bones and then, using your fingers, spread it in an outward motion towards your temples.

    Make sure to have Vitamin E readily available. This vitamin can be used in different ways. Vitamin E can help keep skin healthy and soft. If you apply it to your nails, your cuticles will look better.

    Before applying mascara, use an eyelash curler to curl your eyelashes. Curling your eyelashes can make them look longer and it can also make your eyes look younger too. Begin by squeezing the curler at the bottom of your lashes and holding it for a short time. Keep repeating as you work your way up to the tips of your lashes. This will give your lashes a natural-looking curve.

    Your food choices affect the texture and tone of your skin and hair. Beauty is rooted in the inside. Varied nutrients are a vital part of any healthy diet. Eating whole grains and proteins, among other things, can help the appearance of your skin, nails, and hairs.

    Before you get a fake tan, get rid of all unwanted body hair one day before the application. You can wax or shave, but make sure the area is free of hair and wait 24 hours before applying the fake tan. This will make your tan even all around.

    Along with your makeup supplies, make sure that you store cleansing wipes. The wipes can remove any mistakes quickly, allowing you to create the perfect look. These wipes are an affordable way to apply makeup like a pro. You should always have makeup remover handy.

    Use liquid eyeliner when you want something more dramatic. You have more space for creativity with liquid and it will enhance your eyes. Use a small, angled brush for clean lines. This will give you beautiful results.

    Drinking an adequate supply of fresh water each day can improve the appearance of your skin and keep it healthy. Dehydration dries out skin and causes wrinkles. To avoid this situation, drink 56 ounces of water every day. If you are finding it difficult to drink eight glasses of water for lack of taste, add a little flavor with a splash of lemon or cranberry juice. This will help the general look and health of your skin.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    As you can see, beauty and the application of its basic principles is something that is not just for experts who have had formal training. It doesn’t matter what your skill level is. The tips in the above article were created to assist people of all skill levels in looking as great as possible.

  376. Each person views beauty in their own way. It’s clear, though, that everyone can do something to make themself look better. This article contains several useful tips, so read on to find ways to make yourself even more beautiful.

    Before going to bed, rub your eyebrows with Vaseline. This conditions your eyebrows and helps them look lustrous. Be careful not to spread Vaseline elsewhere on your face to avoid acne breakouts.

    Prior to putting on your makeup, apply some light moisturizer. It will help your makeup to go on smoothly. You can prevent that fake, blotchy look with a light moisturizer treatment every morning. Your makeup will go on more smoothly and you will look refreshed.

    If you have the money, you may want to get another set of cosmetics that you normally use, like foundation, lipstick or lotion. You should keep this in locations that are convenient for you, which may include your work drawer or home drawer. That way you will be able to apply your makeup, even if you forget or run out.

    Moisturize the skin on your face. Moisturizers should be used on the face regardless of the skin type. Make sure your moisturizer has an SPF included.

    Plain baking soda can give you shinier hair. Mix a little baking soda with your regular amount of shampoo. Then you just wash it out of your hair as you would usually do. After you have finished your shampooing, your hair will have more luster than ever.

    Consuming curry leaf chutney can keep gray hair from cropping up. Leaf chutney produces pigment forming cells which give you your hair color. All you need is about one teaspoon a day.

    Do you end up chipping your nails after you have painted them? Consider using a top coat which maintains their shine and gloss for a full week. Ensure that you do not use clear nail polish instead! Don’t buy clear polish. You need the top coat.

    If you add moisturizer to your foundation, it will allow the foundation to last longer. This will help your skin to glow and add some SPF as well.

    Take a break from heat styling periodically to allow your hair to recover. Curling irons, straighteners, and blow dryers can cause breakage and significant damage to your hair. Not using these tools for a few days every week will give your hair time to recover.

    Use petroleum jelly on a regular basis to help soften your feet and toes. Coconut oil is a reasonably priced, all natural oil that soaks in clean and softens skin deeply. Apply the petroleum jelly three times a week to the balls, soles, and heels of your feet to maintain smooth and healthy skin there.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    These tips should help you improve your current beauty regime with new products or new techniques. The idea of these hints is not to completely change the way that you are, but more to make the most of the natural beauty that you already have within you.

  377. Yes, real beauty is more than skin deep, but everyone can use a few beauty ideas every once in awhile. Natural beauty can be enhanced. This article can help you bring out your natural beauty and show you how to really shine.

    Take moisturizer with you by filling a used lip gloss pot or sample jar. It will be easy to stick in your purse or a drawer at your desk. Apply moisturizer whenever your skin starts to feel dry.

    Allow your hair to dry naturally as much as you can to best protect it. When you are using a blow dryer combined with a straightening or curling iron, you are doing a lot of damage to your hair and scalp. If you must use a blow dryer, set it in the lowest, least damaging setting. By doing this, your hair will remain soft and silky.

    An eyelash curler can help to bring out the vibrance in your lashes. Lots of people forget the difference an eyelash curler can make. Curling eyelashes brightens and enlarges the eyes. If you want the curl to last longer, get a heated eyelash curler.

    Using eye shadow and liner are great ways to help your eyes look vibrant and standout, but when your eyes are bloodshot and unhealthy looking, your efforts will be useless. Keep a bottle of Visine in your pocketbook. You will be thankful to have them the next time your eyes scream for relief from staring at a computer screen or a day in the blinding sun.

    Consider a new hairstyle for a more narrow-appearing face. A haircut featuring sleek, long lines will help your face appear to be more slender. You can also add in face-framing highlights or lowlights. These jazz up the style even more and highlight the best parts of your face.

    You could help prevent your hair from getting gray; simply eat a teaspoonful of chutney made with curry leaf every day. This chutney has the nutrients your pigment needs to keep the color in your hair. Rosemary essential oil applied to your hair also keeps your scalp healthy and your hair colored.

    If you eyes are red, no amount of eyeshadow or eyeliner can hide that, even if they give you striking eyes full of sexiness. Always be prepared with drops for your eyes in your purse. Anytime your eyes are tired from staring at a computer screen for too long, or out in the sun too long, eye drops can provide a quick pick me up to bloodshot eyes.

    Curry leaf chutney can stave off gray hair when you consume one teaspoon of it every day. The nutrients in this promotes hair pigments to continue to color your hair and improves the health of your hair. You can also add to your hair some rosemary essential oil, which can also preserve your hair color and promote healthier scalp and hair.

    Try to find a way to implement your beauty practices into your normal schedule. Try scheduling 10 minute mini-care breaks throughout your days. If you attempt to do your entire routine in one day it might be too much for you.

    Buy some high-quality makeup brushes. While good quality brushes tend to be a little costly they will greatly improve the application of your makeup. If you are on a budget, you can try searching online auction sites for great deals on high quality makeup brushes to save some money.

    At this point, you should feel much better prepared in the area of beauty. You’ll soon become an expert at making yourself look amazing. Hopefully the tips and tricks you read here offered some excellent insights to help you improve upon your own beauty routine.

  378. Are you ready to get beautiful? You’ve made the right choice. There are some things you must learn first, but don’t worry, these ideas are presented in this article. Are you aware of the best approaches to get maximum performance from your products? If not, read on.

    Take moisturizer with you by filling a used lip gloss pot or sample jar. It will be easy to stick in your purse or a drawer at your desk. Apply moisturizer whenever your skin starts to feel dry.

    Smear Vaseline onto your feet before you go to bed. This can make them smooth and soft, which is similar to a fresh pedicure. Make this part of your nightly beauty routine so you don’t forget. After applying the Vaseline, slip on a pair of cotton socks before going to bed.

    Baking soda can bring out the shine in your hair! Place a tiny quantity of baking soda in your palm and mix it thoroughly with the shampoo you’ll be using. Then you would wash your hair as normal. Doing so will help restore your hair’s natural shine and luster.

    Your food choices affect the texture and tone of your skin and hair. Beauty is rooted in the inside. Nutrition is an important part of any diet, and you need to make sure your body is getting the proper amounts of minerals and vitamins it needs. Eating plenty of iron, whole grains, proteins and zinc will help your nails, skin and hair to be strong and healthy.

    Consider a new hairstyle for a more narrow-appearing face. A haircut featuring sleek, long lines will help your face appear to be more slender. You can also add in face-framing highlights or lowlights. These jazz up the style even more and highlight the best parts of your face.

    Consider a new hairstyle for a more narrow-appearing face. A cut that is long and sleek can do the trick. Bangs and highlights can also do wonders. They are really flattering and pull attention to the features on your face.

    When putting on eyeshadow, focus your eyes downward. Do not pull on your lids or apply pressure to them. You will be able to view your entire eyelid from this angle and minimize mistakes. This angle allows you to spread your makeup across your lid without having to use your fingers.

    When using a straight or curling iron, make sure you use a heat-activated shampoo and conditioner. Using these tools daily can damage your hair. Using heat-activated products will not only protect your hair from the heat, they also help to keep your hair soft and shiny.

    Shimmery eyeshadow definitely makes a statement. Glittery eye shadow provides a sparkling effect that makes your eyes stand out. When you are choosing the shade of shimmer eye shadow, it’s best to choose a shade that is within a shade of two of your own skin. Experiment with a variety of shades and different application techniques to find the most flattering looks.

    Consider buying duplicates of your well-loved beauty products. Keep these products in places that you are always present, such as your office. By doing this, you are certain to be prepared to apply makeup at all times.

    You can stay beautiful as you age as long as you know how to do it. Reading this article was certainly a good first step towards learning more about beauty and aging. Stop hiding behind your shyness and let your inner beauty be seen on the outside too.

  379. If you need some great tips to be more beautiful, keep reading. Continue reading to discover useful beauty tips that will make others turn heads when they see you.

    Fill an empty pot or a tiny jar with the moisturizer of your choice. This perfectly handy container can be kept anywhere, such your purse, travel bag, car or even the drawer of your work desk. Put a little bit of lotion on your face if you are feeling dry.

    Sometimes our beauty is interrupted by a skin blemish such as a pimple. If you get a breakout or any type of skin blemish, then a good home solution is to get some toothpaste and dab it on your skin. Allow the toothpaste to sit on the blemish for approximately 10 minutes. Wash off the toothpaste and notice how it reduces the size, puffiness and appearance of your pimple.

    A pimple can ruin your confidence in the way your skin looks. An effective home remedy for treating a pimple is to place a small dab of toothpaste on it. Don’t use the gel form – only regular toothpaste will work. Keep the toothpaste on for around ten minutes. You’ll find the pimple has both dried out and become less red in appearance.

    Do you, like many women, struggle with chipped and cracked nails after you give yourself a manicure? Use a clear top coat so that your nail polish stays fresh looking. Make sure you don’t mistake this for clear nail polish. Buy the top coat and not just clear polish.

    Use a teabag piece to protect a fingernail that rips off. The first thing you should do is empty the teabag. Cut a small piece of the teabag that will cover the part of your nail that is torn. Secure the piece of teabag over the nail and paint the entire nail with a coat of clear polish.

    Wear moisturizers or highlighters that have gold or pink undertones if you want to rejuvenate dull skin. A cosmetics sponge is key to applying makeup to your brows and your cheeks. Do not apply it anywhere else on your face. Using too much will give you a fake, shiny appearance.

    Caffeine is a culprit in the world of beauty. Caffeine can cause premature aging along with other side effects. Because of this, always try to keep your caffeine intake to one serving each day. This includes soda, coffee, or caffeinated tea. Drinking decaffeinated coffee or quality green tea is smarter than consuming some of the more popular beverages.

    Purified water and a bit of peppermint oil make a fantastic mouthwash. Just one small droplet of peppermint oil in an ounce of purified water is all you need. You want to make sure the water is boiled first and then measure the oil into a ceramic container. Pour in the previously boiled water. Use a cloth, such as a washcloth, to cover it and let it cool down. Pour the mixture into a sterile bottle and tightly screw on the lid. You now have a great mouthwash!

    Epsom salts are great as beauty treatments. They can help you relax your muscles or make skin look great. Try dissolving Epsom salts with lavender to make paste. Apply it to troubled skin. Leave for several hours or even overnight. You will have better skin by morning.

    Make use of eye drops throughout the day in order to have sparkling eyes. That way, you can stave off irritation and dryness as well. If you regularly engage in an activity that causes eye strain, like using a computer, eye drops will help. Just keep a bottle in your purse or your desk, and use it every 4 hours.

    Pay attention to your skin and hair, eat well, and engage in physical activity to look and feel great. The suggestions in this article are to help you get started on the proper regimen to help you look and feel the best.

  380. Merrillville man faced with armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges have been filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is involved in robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d accepted trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together in college.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to check out the shoes. While he looked around the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to quit everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he would give Hammonds in addition to the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the phone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage since the man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 12 months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 12 months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he’d consented to work on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For about one month, the woman contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the girl her car ended up stripped and offered her $350 for the car, but never gave her the money.

    In court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working and had put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as the misdemeanor under terms of the agreement.

    Hobart man charged with public indecency

    A Hobart man with a reputation convictions for sexual offenses has been charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, on the first block of Michigan Avenue, is charged with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police at about 9:15 p.m. she went to clean the men¡¯s bathroom in the restaurant. Toney entered the restroom, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look with this.¡± The girl told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney told her to ¡°look at this¡± a second time and could see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The lady said Toney tried the same thing at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to 3 years, with twelve months executed and 2 years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  381. Almost everyone wants to be attractive and look good. There isn’t a person in existence that wants to make themselves look unattractive. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to start looking stunning in a short amount of time. This article contains tips on how you should do this.

    Vaseline is great for your feet. This can make them smooth and soft, which is similar to a fresh pedicure. Vaseline is common in most homes, and you can do this treatment with your daily beauty ritual. Smooth Vaseline in a thick layer onto your feet right before bed, then put on socks.

    If you allow your hair to air dry as much as you can, your hair will not suffer from heat damage. Combined heating tools like hair dryers and flat/curling irons can majorly damage the scalp and hair. Put your hairdryer on the lowest setting to avoid damage to your hair. Your hair will retain a softer, silkier look for much longer.

    Exfoliate to remove the dead skin cells from your face. Exfoliation is a great technique to use in order to reveal the healthy skin layers that are hiding underneath the visible skin. If you have sensitive skin, you may not want to exfoliate every day, but you should still at least try to do it once or twice a week. This will give your face a fresh, radiant glow and will prevent your pores from becoming blocked by oils and dead skin cells.

    Make sure to have Vitamin E readily available. It has many different uses. It can keep your skin soft. Vitamin E can be used on the nails to prevent cracking and special creams fortified with the vitamin will soften the cuticles.

    Are you having issues with your nail polish chipping or smearing? Using a top coat can help you avoid this. Make sure you don’t mistake this for clear nail polish. Therefore, don’t purchase clear polish; use top coat.

    Before you turn in for the night, wash your makeup off to save your skin. Use a soft cloth dipped in warm water or a solution made for makeup removal. After removing the makeup, do the same skin care routine you always do. Failing to remove make-up thoroughly can lead to clogged pores and acne.

    In a pinch, the foundation from beneath the cap of your makeup can be used as concealer. Simply dip a cotton swab into the cap to collect this creamy makeup. You can use this makeup like a concealer, for it can cover up any imperfections.

    Don’t skimp when it comes to buying your makeup application brushes. The cost can be high, but they’ll make your makeup applications flawless. You may want to look for cheap makeup brushes on online auction websites if you want to save money.

    Consider using the following beauty tip! A brand of waterproof, lengthening mascara will increase the volume of your lashes. You may need to try several different brands to find the one you like. Sometimes these formulas are very heavy. They tend to weigh down the lashes and thus cause eye irritation. Try a mascara that is waterproof and has a lengthening formula. These formulas make your lashes appear longer, while curling them upward.

    Decrease the puffiness of your eyes by applying a thin potato slice to them. You should leave them on for 10 minutes or so. Besides potato slices, a teaspoon that has chilled in the freezer for a while, slices of cucumber and teabags also do the trick. These all draw down the puffiness of your eyes immediately, which gives you a more alert and rejuvenated look soon thereafter.

    This article is for anyone looking to improve their appearance. The sense of contentment you feel when you look good is unbeatable. Use a few of the ideas in this piece and get excited to look in the mirror every single day.

  382. It’s possible to become more beautiful, both on the inside and the outside. Following the specially selected tips here will help you enhance you looks. From little to large tips and tricks, you’ll find some great advice below.

    Your hair color and style can help your face look thinner. Your haircut should include sleek, long lines and the length should fall between your jawline and shoulders. You can even add lowlights and highlights that help frame the face. This will draw attention to these facial features.

    You can use Vaseline to keep cuticles healthy. This will make your nails grow faster because it feeds your nails. It will also improve their appearance. You will see a very quick improvement after application.

    If your eyes are green or hazel, find colors that emphasize the golds and greens in your eye. Colors such as lavender, pewter and purple, will enhance the gold and green in hazel eyes.

    To keep your skin looking its vibrant best, keep a good skin moisturizer on hand. Particularly in winter, skin cracks and breaks and creates an undesirable appearance. You will prevent this dryness and cracking by moisturizing well.

    To make a foundation last longer, and save a little money, mix it with a moisturizer. Your make up will have a lighter look and if the moisturizer has sunblock, it is added protection as well.

    Use a “hot spray” before you dry your hair. This product is available at generic stores like Wal-Mart or Target, and will help prevent split ends as it helps your hair dry quickly. It also usually smells awesome and helps your hair stay moisturized.

    If dramatic looks are what you crave, consider using liquid eyeliners. Your eyes can really dazzle and pop more with liquid eyeliner. Use a small, angled brush for clean lines. This will give you beautiful results.

    Include honey in your beauty regimen. In addition to eating it, there are many ways that it can improve the look of your skin. Try adding a little honey to some sugar for a handy exfoliating solution. Dropping some into a moisturizer helps your skin retain moisture for longer. This will also improve the quality of your shampoo and the look of your hair.

    Consider using the following beauty tip! A brand of waterproof, lengthening mascara will increase the volume of your lashes. You may need to try several different brands to find the one you like. Sometimes these formulas are very heavy. They tend to weigh down the lashes and thus cause eye irritation. Try a mascara that is waterproof and has a lengthening formula. These formulas make your lashes appear longer, while curling them upward.

    It is imperative that you work at having good posture, clothes, skin and stay fit when trying to enhance your appearance. By addressing these main issues, you can create a better, more beautiful person.

    Looking your best does not have to be difficult. Use this advice on a regular basis, and before long you will be prepared to take on the world.

  383. Merrillville man charged with armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges happen to be filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is involved in robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d agreed to trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together at high school.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to look at these shoes. While he looked around the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to give up everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he was going to give Hammonds besides the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the phone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage as the man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 12 months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 12 months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he had decided to work on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For around one month, the girl contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the girl her car have been stripped and offered her $350 for your car, but never gave her the money.

    In court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working coupled with put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as the misdemeanor under the agreement.

    Hobart man arrested for public indecency

    A Hobart man with a good reputation for convictions for sexual offenses has been charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, on the first block of Michigan Avenue, is charged with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police at about 9:15 p.m. she traveled to clean the men¡¯s bathroom inside the restaurant. Toney entered the restroom, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look only at that.¡± The lady told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney said to ¡°look at this¡± again and might see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The girl said Toney tried the same thing at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to three years, with twelve months executed and two years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  384. Beauty is a combination of many different factors. It is part personality and part physical features. It is a reflection of your confidence and how you deal with the people you meet. This article may help your natural beauty shine through and boost your confidence.

    It is imperative that you exfoliate before using self-tanning products. This takes off dead skin and smooths out your complexion. Thus, making your tan look even better. This also helps extend its longevity.

    A good skin care tip is to exfoliate your face. Dry or sensitive skin should be exfoliated between one and three times a week in order to reveal the healthy skin hiding underneath. Exfoliating will let your face look more fresh and radiant, and will help to prevent oil and dirt buildup.

    Utilize baking soda to make your hair shine! Simply put a little bit of baking soda in the shampoo you will use. Lather your hair as you usually do. Your hair’s natural sheen will be restored, giving it a healthy-looking luster.

    To keep your skin looking its vibrant best, keep a good skin moisturizer on hand. Particularly in winter, skin cracks and breaks and creates an undesirable appearance. You will prevent this dryness and cracking by moisturizing well.

    In winter time, it can be helpful to use moisturizers or highlighters that have warm tones like gold or pink. A cosmetics sponge is key to applying makeup to your brows and your cheeks. Make sure you stop here; any more application will cause you to appear shiny.

    By putting moisturizer in your foundation, it will last longer. It will also give you a healthy glow instead of a heavy makeup look and it will add more SPF to your face.

    Use a tiny bit of a teabag on a ripped fingernail to repair it. First, dump the tea leaves out of the teabag. Next, cut a small piece of the woven teabag approximately the size of the damaged nail. Finally, place this piece on top of the tear, and paint over it with clear nail polish.

    You should use a moisturizer at night in order to keep your skin near your eyes from drying out. Keeping the area moist will lessen the effects of aging and prevent dark circle from forming under the eyes.

    Purchase two containers of your favored beauty products. You should keep these in an accessible place, like on your bathroom counter. Doing this is an effective method of preparation so that you never neglect to apply your makeup.

    Decrease the puffiness of your eyes by applying a thin potato slice to them. You should leave them on for 10 minutes or so. Besides potato slices, a teaspoon that has chilled in the freezer for a while, slices of cucumber and teabags also do the trick. These all draw down the puffiness of your eyes immediately, which gives you a more alert and rejuvenated look soon thereafter.

    This article is for anyone looking to improve their appearance. The sense of contentment you feel when you look good is unbeatable. Use a few of the ideas in this piece and get excited to look in the mirror every single day.

  385. It’s possible to become more beautiful, both on the inside and the outside. Following the specially selected tips here will help you enhance you looks. From little to large tips and tricks, you’ll find some great advice below.

    If your polish seems to be getting thick and sticky, put some remover in it. Make sure to shake it up good, so that it mixes thoroughly. This may leave you with one or two additional coats of polish.

    You must always wash away all makeup prior to going to bed. Use warm water and a soft washcloth or a solution for taking off makeup. Then, you can begin your cleansing routine. Failing to remove make-up thoroughly can lead to clogged pores and acne.

    Utilize baking soda to make your hair shine! Simply put a little bit of baking soda in the shampoo you will use. Lather your hair as you usually do. Your hair’s natural sheen will be restored, giving it a healthy-looking luster.

    Using a “hot spray” before taking a blow dryer to your hair is a smart idea. This is sold in the beauty section of any big box store and many drug stores, and helps to prevent split ends. It also helps your hair dry more quickly. It works by keeping moisture in your hair, and also smells great!

    You can combine peppermint oil and purified water to make an alcohol free, all natural mouthwash. You will use one drop of oil per ounce of water. The water should be boiled first, and then you can measure the oil into a container that can hold boiling water, like ceramic or Pyrex. Pour in the previously boiled water. Then cover the container using a clean cloth, such as a handkerchief, and let the mixture cool. Pour the mixture into a bottle that you can close with a lid. Your mouthwash is ready for use!

    If you are going out immediately after you get off work for the night, you can freshen up your look by using a large, fluffy brush to dust on a matte powder over oily areas on your face. Use it on your cheeks to brighten your look.

    In a pinch, the foundation from beneath the cap of your makeup can be used as concealer. Simply dip a cotton swab into the cap to collect this creamy makeup. You can use this makeup like a concealer, for it can cover up any imperfections.

    Long, thick eyelashes enhance how your face looks. If you are going to use mascara, always make use of an eyelash curler beforehand. You’ll get that terrific curl that turns heads.

    Want to hide your imperfections? Pink lipstick will do the trick. Apply it to your lips to draw attention away from blemishes. The warm pink tones compliment almost every skin tone. Using a high-quality concealer and lipstick together will minimize the amount of attention the blemish gets.

    Decrease the puffiness of your eyes by applying a thin potato slice to them. You should leave them on for 10 minutes or so. Besides potato slices, a teaspoon that has chilled in the freezer for a while, slices of cucumber and teabags also do the trick. These all draw down the puffiness of your eyes immediately, which gives you a more alert and rejuvenated look soon thereafter.

    After digesting this advice, you might try it all or you might try just one or two things. Whatever the case my be, you can make small or large adjustments to how you look so you can feel better about yourself. Here’s to a better and more beautiful you!

  386. Looking good can be a full-time job, or you can stay beautiful the smart way. There are many ways you can boost your appearance without spending tons of money. This article will reveal some of the secrets of beauty professionals.

    Remove hair at least a day before applying a tanning product. You can wax or shave, but be certain to do that more than a day afterwards. This keeps your tan looking its best.

    Make your eyes pop with one or two coats of black or brown mascara in a waterproof formulation. Use disposable mascara wands for eliminating clumps and extra mascara from the outer edges of the eyes.

    Symmetry has been shown by several studies to be the most desirable aspect of beauty. This means you need to seek symmetry. This can apply to anything from application of makeup to trimming of facial hair. Just try and make both sides of your face look the same.

    Soften the angles of your face with a soft coral or creamy rose blush. Use the blush on your cheeks, applying it with your fingers. Then fan it out toward your temples in a soft, tugging motion.

    Consider a new hairstyle for a more narrow-appearing face. A haircut featuring sleek, long lines will help your face appear to be more slender. You can also add in face-framing highlights or lowlights. These jazz up the style even more and highlight the best parts of your face.

    Never go to bed without first removing all of your makeup. Use a solution that is geared to expel all of the makeup from your face. After removing the makeup, do the same skin care routine you always do. When left on the skin, make-up clogs pores and can cause skin problems, such as pimples and acne.

    Make a spot in your fridge for the beauty products that will be soupy in the heat. In summertime, this can be extra helpful. If it is particularly hot outside you can keep your beauty products in the refrigerator. Applying cool moisturizer or toner will also feel good on your skin, especially during a heat wave.

    You don’t need to buy expensive beauty products. Use natural products like aloe vera and white vinegar. All of these natural solutions can be just as effective on your skin. You can increase the moisture that aloe provides by adding some vitamin E oil. Tea tree oil can work as a medicated toner.

    A healthy lifestyle will help you look your best. At a minimum, you need a moisturizer to keep your skin smooth and elastic, and a defoliator to remove dead skin. It is good habit to use a lotion on your body at least once a day. Use it twice if you have the time.

    Buy some high-quality makeup brushes. While good quality brushes tend to be a little costly they will greatly improve the application of your makeup. If you are on a budget, you can try searching online auction sites for great deals on high quality makeup brushes to save some money.

    While beauty is highly subjective, there are many traditional views on the subject. Start applying the useful tips you have learned and see what good they can do.

  387. Are you ready to get beautiful? You’ve made the right choice. There are some things you must learn first, but don’t worry, these ideas are presented in this article. Are you aware of the best approaches to get maximum performance from your products? If not, read on.

    Wearing sunscreen is a fool-proof way to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. When sifting through the many sunscreen options, it makes sense to opt for ones with organic or healthy ingredients and antioxidants. These ingredients replenish the skin with needed nutrients and protect it to keep it looking young and supple.

    Always have moisturizer with you if you want your skin to be flawless. This is important if it is cold outside; skin tends to dry out in the winter. By having skin that’s moisturized, you won’t have to worry about it being dry, which helps it not to be too cracked or broken.

    If you want your face to look more narrow than now, you can adjust your hair styling and color. A cut with sleek long lines that lands below your jaw but above your shoulders works best. Highlights or lowlights will frame your face. They are really flattering and pull attention to the features on your face.

    If you want the vibrant looking skin you see on magazine covers, make sure you are always carrying a moisturizing lotion. Skin will break and crack and become unsightly. This is especially more likely to happen during the cold winter season. Using moisturizer will provide a quick fix and ensure your skin does not dry out or crack.

    Did you know that the foundation underneath your makeup cap can act as a concealer? If you’re out of concealer, use some of the foundation that’s under the cap. This works perfectly in a pinch.

    If you use a curling iron or other heat tool on your hair, be sure that the products you use for cleaning, conditioning and styling your hair are heat-activated. Using heated tools on daily basis can severely harm your hair. If you use heat-activated hair products, they will reduce the negative effects of the heat and improve hair texture.

    When putting on eyeshadow, focus your eyes downward. Do not pull on your lids or apply pressure to them. You will be able to view your entire eyelid from this angle and minimize mistakes. This angle allows you to spread your makeup across your lid without having to use your fingers.

    Although hot showers feel great, they don’t do your skin any favors. Hot water opens up your pores, which means more essential skin oils come out. They will then be washed away down the drain. Use lukewarm water to maximize skin beauty and softness. You will also save money by lowering your utility bill.

    Put a little pop in your beauty regimen by adding some shimmery eye shadow as part of your look. Shimmer eye shadow will give your eyes a glittery appearance and also help them look brighter! Choose shimmery shades that are similar to your skin tone. Play around a little and experiment with the colors and techniques for wearing it.

    Buy some high-quality makeup brushes. While good quality brushes tend to be a little costly they will greatly improve the application of your makeup. If you are on a budget, you can try searching online auction sites for great deals on high quality makeup brushes to save some money.

    These tips and advice should help you get a better idea of how to maximize your natural beauty. Lots of care and thought came into creating this article to ensure that a beginner can learn all he or she should know about beauty.

  388. Beauty is a huge factor when it comes to women these days. A woman who is beautiful finds that people pay attention to her words and actions, and are more apt to offer assistance when needed. The problem is, many women are unaware just how simple it is to appear more beautiful. Read on to find out how!

    Sticky, thick polish can be thinned with a little bit of nail polish remover. Use a little bit, put the top back on, and shake it. This can extend the nail polish and give you some additional applications.

    Purchase an excellent eyelash curler. It may not seem obvious, but curling your eyelashes is quick to do, and it looks beautiful. Curling your eyelashes leads to more expressive and impressive eyes. You can get heated eyelash curlers that make curls last longer, too.

    To make a foundation last longer, and save a little money, mix it with a moisturizer. Your make up will have a lighter look and if the moisturizer has sunblock, it is added protection as well.

    Beauty is certainly relative. Beauty is everywhere. For instance, the trees around your neighborhood may be amazingly beautiful or your loved one may constantly strike you as beautiful. Watching for moments of beauty is a great way to stay uplifted and maintain a successful way of life.

    Use milk in your everyday routine. This product will help to strengthen your bones during the course of your life. Also, you can gain a lot of muscle if you drink milk. It also assists in controlling your weight. Drinking a glass of milk daily is a simple step toward a more beautiful body.

    Use a skin moisturizer or highlighter with warm undertones to refresh and add color to dull skin. Too apply them and add a glow to your complexion, you would dab them onto your brow bones as well as the cheeks with a cosmetics sponge. Don’t add too much, if you do, it can make you look too shiny.

    Include honey in your beauty regimen. Aside from consuming honey, it can have great benefits when applied topically. Add it to your routine and mix it with some sugar to exfoliate your skin. Putting honey into your dry skin lotion will help to improve moisture retention. Adding honey to shampoo will actually create hair that is softer and shinier.

    Get daily exercise if you would like to look young and fit. Keeping active will make you feel and look younger. This is a must-have for any beauty routine. Get at least 15 to 20 minutes of exercise every day. Staying active can be as simple as walking a block or two and/or vacuuming your home.

    Curry leaf chutney is a great way to prevent your hair from going gray. The chutney is a safe, natural way to encourage growth of cells that form pigment, or color, for your hair. Try one teaspoon per day.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    There are many easy ways to help yourself look more beautiful and feel better about yourself. Apply the tips from this article to help you really look and feel your best.

  389. Your physical appearance may just be superficial, but it is the first thing that people see. Finding the right beauty secrets for improving your appearance can be hard. There are many different beauty products out there to choose ranging from lotions to makeup, in order to buy the right kind you need to understand which products are right for you. Here are some suggestions that you should use to help you build your own beauty regime.

    Exfoliate to remove the dead skin cells from your face. Exfoliate your skin every other day to keep the top layer looking fresh and smooth. Exfoliating helps to clear away dead skin and other debris.

    It doesn’t have to be a time-consuming process to freshen up after work and get ready for a night out. Giving your face a quick dusting with matte powder (a big fluffy brush works best) will make your skin look less oily or shiny. Add some shimmery powder to your cheeks to emphasize your cheek bones.

    Studies have shown that people find beauty in symmetry. When developing your own beauty routine, keep this in mind. Whether you’re putting on makeup, trimming a beard or whatever, you need to make sure you maintain symmetry.

    No matter what kind of skin you have, it is important to use a mild cleanser once or twice daily. Take off all of your makeup before cleaning your skin. Not doing this can result in acne and clogged pores.

    Baking soda can actually restore shine and luster to tired and dull hair! Place a tiny quantity of baking soda in your palm and mix it thoroughly with the shampoo you’ll be using. Work it in and rinse as usual. This will restore the luster to your hair.

    Set aside time every day for exercise. Keeping active will make you feel and look younger. This is critical to looking good. You need to exercise at least 15-20 minutes every day! Everyday activities like housework count as physical activity.

    You can enhance hazel or dark green eyes by using colors that bring out the golds and greens to appear like candlelight. These could include deep wines, shimmery purples, frosty gunmetal gray, or lighter golden brown tones.

    Use a teabag to help fix a torn fingernail. Before doing this, get rid of the leaves from the teabag. Then, cut a small patch from the teabag making sure your patch will cover the tear. Put this piece on the damaged part, then paint it with clear fingernail polish.

    Replace expensive, designer products with a gentle washcloth, a mild toner, castile soap, white vinegar or witch hazel, and some natural Aloe Vera gel for your moisturizer. These wholesome, natural products will work wonders for any type of skin. If you need a little more moisture than aloe provides, add a small drop of vitamin E oil. If you want a toner that is medicated, use tea tree oil.

    Consider buying duplicates of your well-loved beauty products. Keep these products in places that you are always present, such as your office. By doing this, you are certain to be prepared to apply makeup at all times.

    Beauty is something anyone can achieve regardless of what you feel you were bron with. You may think you are not very pretty, but you’ll be surprised what a few good tips can do. Also, bring out you inner beauty. Focus on all the great attributes that you have and you won’t think about all the negatives.

  390. Beauty can be a very rewarding activity that anyone can enjoy doing. Sadly, some people are scared of trying new things as they seem so intimidating. So, how does a beginner become educated? Pay close attention to the following tips to find out.

    Remove hair at least a day before applying a tanning product. You can wax or shave, but be certain to do that more than a day afterwards. This keeps your tan looking its best.

    It doesn’t have to be a time-consuming process to freshen up after work and get ready for a night out. Giving your face a quick dusting with matte powder (a big fluffy brush works best) will make your skin look less oily or shiny. Add some shimmery powder to your cheeks to emphasize your cheek bones.

    An eyelash curler is a super investment. This curler can help to increase the volume of your eyelashes for a beautiful effect. Doing this will make your eyes look brighter and much bigger. You can also find heated versions that say they allow curls to stay in longer.

    Try eating healthy for better skin, nails and hair! Beauty comes from within, in a number of ways. Always ensure the food choices you make are packed with the nutrients your body needs. Eat meals that have a lot of whole grains, zinc, proteins and iron. These nutrients will help you have beautiful skin and hair.

    Did you know that the foundation underneath your makeup cap can act as a concealer? If you’re out of concealer, use some of the foundation that’s under the cap. This works perfectly in a pinch.

    Prior to putting on your makeup, apply some light moisturizer. Moisturizing products are terrific for the skin and also allow makeup to go on more smoothly. It will prevent your makeup from looking blotchy. This is good if you want to stay looking fresh and keep your makeup on for a while.

    Many people find honey to be great for natural beauty treatments. It has many benefits when applied topically and eaten. Try putting some honey on your skin with some sugar for an exfoliant. Using honey in with your skin lotion will aid in moisture retention. Adding honey to shampoo helps your hair look shiny and soft.

    If you want to tame your frizzy hair, try a brush which has bristles made from boar hair. Many people have frizz issues. A good way to smooth hair is to pair a blow dryer with that boar bristle brush. Brush your hair as you direct the hair dryer downwards.

    Put a little pop in your beauty regimen by adding some shimmery eye shadow as part of your look. Shimmer eye shadow will give your eyes a glittery appearance and also help them look brighter! Choose shimmery shades that are similar to your skin tone. Play around a little and experiment with the colors and techniques for wearing it.

    Buy some high-quality makeup brushes. While good quality brushes tend to be a little costly they will greatly improve the application of your makeup. If you are on a budget, you can try searching online auction sites for great deals on high quality makeup brushes to save some money.

    When you know the right techniques, beauty is easy to achieve. Now you can use this information to be more beautiful and feel that way as well.

  391. Keep reading for some great timeless advice on how to make yourself look more beautiful. Here is advice along with secrets, information and tips that will help you present yourself in the most beautiful way possible.

    Keep your skin cells turning over with exfoliation. If you have dry or sensitive skin you should exfoliate up to three times each week. The top layer of dead cells need to be removed at least that often to reveal the healthy cells beneath. Exfoliating helps to clear away dead skin and other debris.

    Beauty can be considered relative. You can find beauty in a number of things. Maybe you find the trees on the block or your partner to be beautiful. Keeping an eye out for beauty will warm your heart and people that stay positive and see the beauty in everything, are generally the most successful.

    To keep skin looking vibrant, always moisturize. Particularly in winter, skin cracks and breaks and creates an undesirable appearance. By using that on-hand moisturizer, you can prevent dryness and the cracking or breaking of your skin during the winter months.

    Using eye shadow and liner are great ways to help your eyes look vibrant and standout, but when your eyes are bloodshot and unhealthy looking, your efforts will be useless. Keep a bottle of Visine in your pocketbook. You will be thankful to have them the next time your eyes scream for relief from staring at a computer screen or a day in the blinding sun.

    Always be sure to wash off your makeup prior to going to sleep. A bit of warm water and a soft cloth work very well. After, wash normally. Leaving on make-up can clog your pores and cause acne.

    Prior to putting on your makeup, apply some light moisturizer. Moisturizing products are terrific for the skin and also allow makeup to go on more smoothly. It will prevent your makeup from looking blotchy. This is good if you want to stay looking fresh and keep your makeup on for a while.

    You can use a kitchen sponge as a skin scrubber in the bathroom. Kitchen sponges work very well, and they are much cheaper than anything else in the store that can be used as a scrub.

    You don’t need to buy expensive beauty products. Use natural products like aloe vera and white vinegar. All of these natural solutions can be just as effective on your skin. You can increase the moisture that aloe provides by adding some vitamin E oil. Tea tree oil can work as a medicated toner.

    If you want beautiful skin, consume more natural fruit juices. Fruits and vegetables as we all know are good for are overall health, but did you know they are also good for your skin? Fruit and vegetable juices are good for the skin, as well. Add them to your diet. You can replace your usual sweet drinks with juice, and you will be glowing in no time.

    Buy some high-quality makeup brushes. While good quality brushes tend to be a little costly they will greatly improve the application of your makeup. If you are on a budget, you can try searching online auction sites for great deals on high quality makeup brushes to save some money.

    Beauty is something anyone can achieve regardless of what you feel you were bron with. You may think you are not very pretty, but you’ll be surprised what a few good tips can do. Also, bring out you inner beauty. Focus on all the great attributes that you have and you won’t think about all the negatives.

  392. Beautification is a process that can be rewarding for anyone, female or male, young or old. If you’re new to the whole thing, you might get confused, especially with all the products out there. How does a novice learn what they need to know about beauty products? Continue reading the tips below.

    Apply Vaseline to your feet before you go to bed. This makes your feet feel nice and soft, which is almost like a pedicure. Using this technique routinely every single night will ensure you don’t forget to do it. Smooth the Vaseline over your feet, and then slip on a pair of thick socks. The Vaseline will work on your feet as you sleep!

    Air dry your hair whenever possible to prevent exposing your hair to heat damage. All the heat from styling tools can do major damage to your scalp and hair. Put your hairdryer on the lowest setting to avoid damage to your hair. Taking good care of your hair will ensure that it is soft and healthy for many years.

    Make good use of light moisturizers prior to doing your makeup. Moisturizers are great for your skin but also help spread your makeup evenly. Without a moisturizer, your makeup could appear to be blotchy. Your makeup will last longer and your face will look fresh too.

    Always moisturize your face before applying any makeup. Moisturizers condition your skin and help protect it, but they are also helpful in getting makeup to spread evenly. Using a moisturizer will avoid a blotchy or streaked look. Your makeup will stay on longer and you will look fresher.

    If you have a square face you can use a rose or coral brush to make it more soft looking. Try applying your blush on the apples of your cheeks and fanning it out towards temples.

    Apply shimmer lightly and only then on parts of your face that light will actually hit. This causes a beautiful glow. Highlight your cheekbones and the bridge of your nose and use loose powder to set it in place.

    Drink enough water every day for healthy looking skin. When you skin is dehydrated, the stress will make it look wrinkled, dry and dull. You can fight this by getting in a minimum of eight daily servings of water. Use lemon or cranberry juice to flavor your water if you dislike plain water. Your skin will be happy when you do this!

    Use shimmery eye shadows in your beauty routine. The glittery eyeshadow makes eyes look bigger and brighter. Many eye shadows come with shimmery options. Chose colors you are comfortable wearing. You can also blend a shimmer shadow with matte shadows to highlight just the corners of your eyes.

    Incorporate a daily glass of milk into your beauty routine. Research indicates that drinking milk helps your bones as well as your skin. The high protein content in milk will help build muscle. It helps you to lose weight, too. A simple yet helpful beauty tool is milk.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    It is now easy to understand the many benefits of a beauty regime. It can be fun to work on your appearance. With these helpful tricks, you’ll be making yourself look amazing in no time!

  393. You want to be more beautiful, no? That is definitely a useful subject. There are a lot of ways to do this, but you have to be somewhat skilled. Do you have all of the knowledge you need to get the most out of your beauty products? If you answered no to this question, the tips and advice contained in this article will be of great help to you.

    Before bed, put a little natural oil, such as walnut oil, on your eyebrows. This will add shine to your eyebrows, and make them look better. Make sure the Vaseline doesn’t get on your skin, as this can cause acne breakouts.

    To avoid heat damage, air dry your hair. Your hair and scalp can suffer immensely from the heat that is applied by the hair dryer, straightening iron and curling iron. If you must dry your hair, use the low heat setting on the hair dryer. Minimizing heat damage will help keep your hair in good condition for years to come.

    If you use a blow dryer to style your hair, use a styling product that protects your hair from the heat. You can find this in generic stores like Wal-Mart or Target. It’s used to prevent split ends and help your hair dry quicker. It locks in moisture and even smells fantastic!

    Do away with red eyes to let your pretty peepers shine. Try to have some eye drops handy so you’ll have them if you ever need them. Use eye drops to have a clear look to your eyes if you are tired or have spent some time out in the sun.

    If you have the money, you should buy all your favorite beauty products in bulk, so that you always have them on hand. You should keep this in locations that are convenient for you, which may include your work drawer or home drawer. That way you will be able to apply your makeup, even if you forget or run out.

    To prevent your hair from going gray, eat a teaspoon worth of some curry leaf chutney daily. This contains nutrients that your body needs to provide your hair’s pigment, and it helps you hair stay healthy. You could also attempt adding scented rosemary oil on your hair. This also helps improve the health and color of your hair.

    To keep your skin looking fresh and flawless, make sure you drink plenty of water each day. Dehydration can leave your skin dry and wrinkly. Drink around eight, eight ounce glasses of H2O every single day. To jazz up what you drink, add a splash of juice or a lemon slice to the water. It will make your skin happier.

    Use shimmery eye shadows in your beauty routine. The glittery eyeshadow makes eyes look bigger and brighter. Many eye shadows come with shimmery options. Chose colors you are comfortable wearing. You can also blend a shimmer shadow with matte shadows to highlight just the corners of your eyes.

    Instead of using expensive products, try a simple soap, witch hazel, and aloe gel. Your skin will glow and look healthy with these natural beauty products. You can increase the moisture that aloe provides by adding some vitamin E oil. Tea tree oil is used as a toner for medicinal purposes.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    This article may have interested you, try out the tips and tricks you learned! This article probably taught you a few new things. Good! Be sure to go over the information here regularly to ensure you are doing things correctly. More than anything else, have fun with beauty.

  394. Are you ready to create a beauty plan? Have no idea how to get started? How can you find the right lotions and potions that will work with your skin? This article is jam-packed with beauty tips and advice to help you out.

    Purchase an excellent eyelash curler. Most people often forget how great their eyelashes look when they use an eyelash curler. This brightening effect will make your eyelashes look more healthy and glowing. You can also find heated versions that say they allow curls to stay in longer.

    It’s important that you figure out if you may have any allergies before you put on your artificial eyelashes. Use a small spot on the inside of your arm as your test area; apply a little bit of the glue to make sure you don’t have a reaction. Cover the area that you have applied the test glue.

    Dark mascara is a fantastic makeup to use if you want to make your eyes appear larger. Make sure to have extra mascara wands to clean up your make-up after it has been applied.

    Brush your skin with a dry soft brush before showering to stimulate oil production and improve the health of your skin. Brush circularly, starting at the feet and ending with your face; then, take a warm shower and use a gentle cleanser.

    To make your lips look bigger, apply shimmery white eyeshadow just above the cupid’s bow in the center of your top lip. A little highlight here makes your upper lip look larger.

    Apply shimmer lightly and only then on parts of your face that light will actually hit. This causes a beautiful glow. Highlight your cheekbones and the bridge of your nose and use loose powder to set it in place.

    Drink enough water every day for healthy looking skin. When you skin is dehydrated, the stress will make it look wrinkled, dry and dull. You can fight this by getting in a minimum of eight daily servings of water. Use lemon or cranberry juice to flavor your water if you dislike plain water. Your skin will be happy when you do this!

    Keep some of your beauty products in the refrigerator. Make a special effort to do this in the summer when it is hot outside. When it starts getting hot outside, put your liquid makeups in the fridge so that you can still put them on. The cooling sensation is sure to leave your skin feeling refreshed and chilled.

    If powdered mineral makeup makes your skin feel itchy, try to find one that has a formula which doesn’t contain bismuth oxychloride. This particular ingredient makes many women believe they can’t use mineral makeup because it causes irritation. However, lots of brands don’t have this ingredient.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    If you want to make yourself more attractive and turn heads, all you need to do is apply the practical tips you learned in this article. Apply these tips to help make yourself even more beautiful.

  395. If you desire to look and feel better, it’s vital that you begin a beauty regimen as soon as possible. Something else to consider is the selection process of both techniques and products that assist you in looking better. The following tips will help you immensely.

    Before going to bed, rub your eyebrows with Vaseline. The Vaseline will strengthen the hair in your brows, making them look shiny and more noticeable. You should be careful to only apply it to the eyebrows and not your skin, so as to avoid acne outbreaks.

    It’s important that you figure out if you may have any allergies before you put on your artificial eyelashes. Use a small spot on the inside of your arm as your test area; apply a little bit of the glue to make sure you don’t have a reaction. Cover the area that you have applied the test glue.

    Dark mascara is a fantastic makeup to use if you want to make your eyes appear larger. Make sure to have extra mascara wands to clean up your make-up after it has been applied.

    Make lips appear bigger by applying shimmering white shadow above the bow at the center of the top lip. By emphasizing this area, you can make your upper lip appear fuller than in actuality.

    In order to have fresh and flawless skin, always drink lots of water. Skin can look dull and dry if you don’t stay hydrated. Be certain to drink 64 ounces of pure filtered water daily for the best results. You can always add a hint of lime or lemon to make the water tastier. Your skin is going to be grateful you drank lots of water.

    Try putting some of your beauty products in a cool place, like your refrigerator. This is a great way to beat the summer heat. You can create a cooling effect on the hottest days by storing your facial toners, lotions and skin care products in the refrigerator. An added benefit to keeping your beauty products in the refrigerator is your skin will enjoy the cooling relief especially in the summertime.

    Apply shimmer with a light touch in carefully selected areas that will be exposed to light. It will create a flattering glow effect. When you use highlighter, put it on your brows, nose, and cheekbones; then set with loose powder.

    Your food choices affect the texture and tone of your skin and hair. Inner beauty has more than one meaning. Make sure your diet contains a variety of nutrients. For healthy and strong nails, skin and hair, make sure to include lots of whole grains, zinc, iron and proteins in your meals.

    Incorporate a daily glass of milk into your beauty routine. Research indicates that drinking milk helps your bones as well as your skin. The high protein content in milk will help build muscle. It helps you to lose weight, too. A simple yet helpful beauty tool is milk.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    It is now easy to understand the many benefits of a beauty regime. It can be fun to work on your appearance. With these helpful tricks, you’ll be making yourself look amazing in no time!

  396. There are a multitude of quotes about beauty. One common saying is that beauty is skin deep. To be truly beautiful, someone needs to be not just physically attractive, but also have an attractive personality. Exterior beauty is a great accessory to a beautiful soul. This article offers advice for being beautiful from the inside out.

    Use coconut oil in lieu of spending a fortune for facial moisturizer. Virgin coconut oil easily penetrates the skin providing soothing moisture, while at the same time reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. As an added benefit, coconut oil has also been shown to help with psoriasis, acne and eczema.

    Smear Vaseline onto your feet before you go to bed. This can make them smooth and soft, which is similar to a fresh pedicure. Make this part of your nightly beauty routine so you don’t forget. After applying the Vaseline, slip on a pair of cotton socks before going to bed.

    Baking soda can bring out the shine in your hair! Place a tiny quantity of baking soda in your palm and mix it thoroughly with the shampoo you’ll be using. Then you would wash your hair as normal. Doing so will help restore your hair’s natural shine and luster.

    If you want the vibrant looking skin you see on magazine covers, make sure you are always carrying a moisturizing lotion. Skin will break and crack and become unsightly. This is especially more likely to happen during the cold winter season. Using moisturizer will provide a quick fix and ensure your skin does not dry out or crack.

    Consider a new hairstyle for a more narrow-appearing face. A haircut featuring sleek, long lines will help your face appear to be more slender. You can also add in face-framing highlights or lowlights. These jazz up the style even more and highlight the best parts of your face.

    Use lukewarm water to cleanse your face when bathing. Hot water opens up your pores, which means more essential skin oils come out. Then you’ll wash away the protection they offer. Bath and shower with warm or tepid water to maintain the soft and beautiful appearance of your skin. You will also save money by lowering your utility bill.

    To prevent your hair from going gray, eat a teaspoon worth of some curry leaf chutney daily. This provides the vitamins and minerals your pigments need to continue coloring your hair and stay healthy. You may also use rosemary oil on your hair and scalp for similar reasons.

    Use cheap toilet paper to blot oil off your face. You may not know this, but the coarse and rough paper is great for blotting oily skin! Try using the toilet paper to blot your skin and in no time your skin will be oil free.

    If you want beautiful skin, consume more natural fruit juices. Fruits and vegetables as we all know are good for are overall health, but did you know they are also good for your skin? Fruit and vegetable juices are good for the skin, as well. Add them to your diet. You can replace your usual sweet drinks with juice, and you will be glowing in no time.

    Buy some high-quality makeup brushes. While good quality brushes tend to be a little costly they will greatly improve the application of your makeup. If you are on a budget, you can try searching online auction sites for great deals on high quality makeup brushes to save some money.

    When you know the right techniques, beauty is easy to achieve. Now you can use this information to be more beautiful and feel that way as well.

  397. Establishing your personal beauty routine can be a bit difficult and knowing where to start is usually the hardest part. Once you figure out what you need to buy and what techniques will work best for your skin and body type you will find the rest of the steps will go much more smoothly. The following tips will distill some of the basic knowledge into an easily digestible form so you can choose a beauty routine that fits your needs.

    Buying an eyelash curler is worth the investment. Many people forget about how fantastic they can make their eyelashes appear by using a curler. Using an eyelash curler will help make your eyes appear bigger and more expressive. You can also use heated eyelash curlers, which can increase the amount of time the curl lasts.

    Apply Vaseline to your feet before you go to bed at night. Using this will give your feet the appearance of a professional pedicure. If you do this every night along with your regular beauty routine, you will be less likely to forget. After you apply the Vaseline, don some socks before you tuck yourself in for the night.

    Apply shimmer lightly and only then on parts of your face that light will actually hit. That means you get a nice glow effect. Highlight your cheekbones and the bridge of your nose and use loose powder to set it in place.

    Before you do a fake tan, be certain to get rid of hair that is unwanted at least a day before tanning. Just as you should shave 24 hours before your fake tan application, you should wait 24 hours to shave again. Doing this means your false tan will apply smoothly.

    If you want to brighten up your skin, find a moisturizer with gold or pink undertones. Use a sponge to put makeup on the apples of the cheeks and on the brow bones. This will produce a glowing and radiant effect. Don’t overdo it though, because it’s easy to just make your face look shiny and oily.

    Drink enough water daily to naturally clear up your skin without needing to spend money on products. Water can help to purify and detoxify your skin from the inside out, and this process can help you attain luminous skin.

    Use a tiny bit of a teabag on a ripped fingernail to repair it. First, dump the tea leaves out of the teabag. Next, cut a small piece of the woven teabag approximately the size of the damaged nail. Finally, place this piece on top of the tear, and paint over it with clear nail polish.

    Before going to bed, make sure you wash off all your makeup. Gently scrub your face with a warm washcloth. Once you do this, wash your face normally. If you don’t remove your make-up, it can clog your pores.

    Try and stay away from caffeine if you want to improve your beauty. Too much caffeine consumption will make your skin look older. It can also give you the jitters and make you feel run down. Drink no more than one cup of coffee or tea per day. A good green tea or a cup of decaf coffee makes a good alternative if you can’t give it up entirely.

    It is imperative that you work at having good posture, clothes, skin and stay fit when trying to enhance your appearance. By addressing these main issues, you can create a better, more beautiful person.

    After digesting this advice, you might try it all or you might try just one or two things. Either way, you are sure to discover that even the smallest adjustment in your daily routine can make a major difference in the way you look and feel. You will look better and feel more confident in no time!

  398. The following article pertains to all things beauty. The following article has the beauty tips that you need to have. Looking good helps you feel good and these tips can help.

    Baking soda is a great home solution for making your hair shiny and smooth. Mix baking soda with shampoo in your hand. Then normally was your hair. Your hair will be restored to a healthy and shining condition.

    You should get rid of bodily hair a day before you put on any self tanner. Shave the hair off or wax it, but make sure to do this a day ahead of time. This will ensure your fake tan is smooth and even.

    Top makeup artists know that a strong lip color is an easy way to draw attention away from imperfections. Puffy red eyes and acne will be less noticeable.

    Restore shiny gloss to your hair with the use of baking soda. Mix baking soda with shampoo in your hand. Then normally was your hair. This will restore the luster to your hair.

    Sharpen your eyeliner and lip liner on a regular basis. By keeping them sharpened, they will be clean and ready to use. A good tip is to put them in your freezer for 10 minutes before sharpening.

    If you need to hide an imperfection, use a touch of pink lipstick. Don’t apply the lipstick to the problem area. The object is to draw the eye away from the flaw using a shade that matches all skin colors. If you apply your concealer correctly and have bright lips, no one will notice your imperfections.

    Be sure to exercise moderately every day. Daily activity is important to staying healthy and will help keep you looking youthful. You need to keep it in your figurative beauty bag. You should allow fifteen or twenty minutes a day for exercise. You could vacuum your home, walk around the block or whatever is exciting to you and gets you moving.

    Use a teabag to help fix a torn fingernail. Before doing this, get rid of the leaves from the teabag. Then, cut a small patch from the teabag making sure your patch will cover the tear. Put this piece on the damaged part, then paint it with clear fingernail polish.

    Replace expensive, designer products with a gentle washcloth, a mild toner, castile soap, white vinegar or witch hazel, and some natural Aloe Vera gel for your moisturizer. These wholesome, natural products will work wonders for any type of skin. If you need a little more moisture than aloe provides, add a small drop of vitamin E oil. If you want a toner that is medicated, use tea tree oil.

    Consider buying duplicates of your well-loved beauty products. Keep these products in places that you are always present, such as your office. By doing this, you are certain to be prepared to apply makeup at all times.

    At this point, you should feel much better prepared in the area of beauty. You’ll soon become an expert at making yourself look amazing. Hopefully the tips and tricks you read here offered some excellent insights to help you improve upon your own beauty routine.

  399. The following article pertains to all things beauty. The following article has the beauty tips that you need to have. Looking good helps you feel good and these tips can help.

    Keep your skin cells turning over with exfoliation. If you have dry or sensitive skin you should exfoliate up to three times each week. The top layer of dead cells need to be removed at least that often to reveal the healthy cells beneath. Exfoliating helps to clear away dead skin and other debris.

    Coat your feet with Vaseline at night. You will have soft and supple feet as if you just got a pedicure. You can add this to your nightly beauty ritual to make it easier to remember. Make sure that after you put on the Vaseline, you put on some socks.

    An eyelash curler can help to bring out the vibrance in your lashes. Lots of people forget the difference an eyelash curler can make. Curling eyelashes brightens and enlarges the eyes. If you want the curl to last longer, get a heated eyelash curler.

    Curl your eyelashes before you put on mascara. Curling helps your eyelashes appear greater than their actual length, and this also contributes to a younger and livelier look to your eyes themselves. Start at the lash base and squeeze the curler, and then hold it just a second. Open it, bring it to the end of your eyelashes and squeeze one more time. Working in an upward motion will give your lashes a nice natural curve.

    Always be sure to wash off your makeup prior to going to sleep. A bit of warm water and a soft cloth work very well. After, wash normally. Leaving on make-up can clog your pores and cause acne.

    If you plan on going out on the town immediately after work, you can use a big fluffy brush to add a nice powdery finish over any oily places. You can make your cheekbones have some emphasis with a gentle application of shimmery powder on your cheek temples.

    All the eyeliner and eyeshadow in the world will not do any good for your looks if your peepers are red and bloodshot. Stow away eye drops in whatever bag you are carrying. You can use these drops anytime your eyes feel a little dry and tired, due to environmental factors or lack of sleep.

    To ward off gray hair, you can try an indian remedy of eating curry leaves or curry leaf chutney. Left chutney is a good and natural way to help your pigment forming cells gain pigment. You really just need to eat one teaspoon.

    Even hair color and style can be altered to make fuller faces look narrower and slimmer. Try a long cut with sleek lines that falls between your shoulders and your jaw. You can even add lowlights and highlights that help frame the face. These are extremely flattering on almost all facial types.

    Consider buying duplicates of your well-loved beauty products. Keep these products in places that you are always present, such as your office. By doing this, you are certain to be prepared to apply makeup at all times.

    In summary, you know now a bit more about beauty. You should now better understand how to properly apply beauty products so that you can look your best. That’s a good thing! Don’t forget to re-read the above tips on a regular basis so you don’t forget the procedures. Above all, enjoy yourself.

  400. The following article pertains to all things beauty. The following article has the beauty tips that you need to have. Looking good helps you feel good and these tips can help.

    Rub petroleum jelly into your cuticles every week. This stimulates the nail bed and adds moisture, which keeps your nails splitting or peeling. In addition, your cuticles and nails will have a healthier appearance. Usually you will see results right away as the Vaseline goes to work extremely fast.

    Beauty can be considered relative. You can find beauty in a number of things. Maybe you find the trees on the block or your partner to be beautiful. Keeping an eye out for beauty will warm your heart and people that stay positive and see the beauty in everything, are generally the most successful.

    Symmetry has been shown by several studies to be the most desirable aspect of beauty. This means you need to seek symmetry. This can apply to anything from application of makeup to trimming of facial hair. Just try and make both sides of your face look the same.

    Vaseline (or a non-petroleum based oil such as peanut oil) can be massaged into the cuticles at least once a week for an intensive beauty treatment. You are feeding the nail, so it promotes the growth process. When you polish your nails, make sure to use a top coat to prevent the polish from chipping.

    Did you know that the foundation underneath your makeup cap can act as a concealer? If you’re out of concealer, use some of the foundation that’s under the cap. This works perfectly in a pinch.

    If you need to hide an imperfection, use a touch of pink lipstick. Don’t apply the lipstick to the problem area. The object is to draw the eye away from the flaw using a shade that matches all skin colors. If you apply your concealer correctly and have bright lips, no one will notice your imperfections.

    For a manicure that lasts all week, use a high-quality topcoat. The top coat should be applied right after your manicure, and keep applying thin touch-ups each day to prevent the polish from peeling or chipping. You can extend the life of your manicure by a few days through the application of a quality top coat.

    Use a brush with soft bristles on your skin to stimulate blood flow before the shower. Use circular motions when brushing, starting with your feet and moving up to your face. Finish it off with gentle soaping in a warm shower.

    Try to find a way to implement your beauty practices into your normal schedule. Try scheduling 10 minute mini-care breaks throughout your days. If you attempt to do your entire routine in one day it might be too much for you.

    Buy some high-quality makeup brushes. While good quality brushes tend to be a little costly they will greatly improve the application of your makeup. If you are on a budget, you can try searching online auction sites for great deals on high quality makeup brushes to save some money.

    Nobody has the same views of what beauty entails. What one person thinks is beautiful, another may not. This influences how people choose to present themselves to the world. These tips will help you get started.

  401. Are you ready to get beautiful? You’ve made the right choice. There are some things you must learn first, but don’t worry, these ideas are presented in this article. Are you aware of the best approaches to get maximum performance from your products? If not, read on.

    Here is a way to make your eyes attractive and appear larger: just brush on dark mascara. It is best to use a waterproof product. Invest in some disposable mascara wands; they’re great for clearing away clumps or adding definition to your lashes later in the night.

    If you want beautiful skin, consume more natural fruit juices. Fruits and vegetables as we all know are good for are overall health, but did you know they are also good for your skin? Juices that are fortified with these things is an excellent addition to your diet. Replace soda with fruit juice and your skin will thank you.

    To keep hair from turning gray, eat some curry leaf chutney, about a teaspoonful, every day. This contains nutrients that your body needs to provide your hair’s pigment, and it helps you hair stay healthy. You can also put rosemary essential oil on your locks to achieve a similar effect.

    Try using gold, yellow, or copper eyeshadow to bring out blue eyes. Look for eyeliners and mascara that are brown with touches of deep purple and maroon. These will accentuate the blue in your eyes.

    Make fitness a part of your everyday life. Daily exercise will keep you feeling young and healthy. This is critical to looking good. Every day, find fifteen or twenty minutes to do something active. You could vacuum your home, walk around the block or whatever is exciting to you and gets you moving.

    If you use a curling iron or other heat tool on your hair, be sure that the products you use for cleaning, conditioning and styling your hair are heat-activated. Using heated tools on daily basis can severely harm your hair. If you use heat-activated hair products, they will reduce the negative effects of the heat and improve hair texture.

    If your skin is less than perfect, select a matte blush instead of a shimmer bush. Shimmer blushes highlight blemishes like scars, bumps and acne. Using a matte blush can cover blemishes well and make your skin look flawless.

    Keep your eyebrows trimmed to enhance your appearance. A uni-brow is never attractive, so practice good brow hygiene. If they grow together, trim them in the middle, or if they are bushy, keep them trimmed down. It will improve your looks immeasurably.

    Exercise on a regular basis, preferably daily. Daily exercise will help you stay healthy and look fresh and young. This is a must-have for any beauty routine. No matter what, exercise at least 15 minutes a day. This can be as simple as vacuuming your home or taking a walk around the block, but you must move and stay active.

    Consider buying duplicates of your well-loved beauty products. Keep these products in places that you are always present, such as your office. By doing this, you are certain to be prepared to apply makeup at all times.

    You can stay beautiful as you age as long as you know how to do it. Reading this article was certainly a good first step towards learning more about beauty and aging. Stop hiding behind your shyness and let your inner beauty be seen on the outside too.

  402. Beauty on the inside is your most important beauty secret, but there is nothing wrong with doing your best for the outside too! Most people want to emphasize their natural features. This article can help you bring out your natural beauty and show you how to really shine.

    Fill an empty pot or a tiny jar with the moisturizer of your choice. This perfectly handy container can be kept anywhere, such your purse, travel bag, car or even the drawer of your work desk. A tiny drop of moisturizer to the face when your skin starts feeling dry is all you need.

    An odd but great trick is to apply Vaseline to your eyebrows right before you head to bed. This will nourish your hair and lead to shiny, healthy-looking brows. You should be careful to only apply it to the eyebrows and not your skin, so as to avoid acne outbreaks.

    Letting your hair dry naturally is the best way to prevent heat damage. Your hair and scalp can suffer immensely from the heat that is applied by the hair dryer, straightening iron and curling iron. Put your hairdryer on the lowest setting to avoid damage to your hair. This protects you hair and keeps it silky and soft.

    Do away with red eyes to let your pretty peepers shine. Try to have some eye drops handy so you’ll have them if you ever need them. Use eye drops to have a clear look to your eyes if you are tired or have spent some time out in the sun.

    If you have the money, you should buy all your favorite beauty products in bulk, so that you always have them on hand. You should keep this in locations that are convenient for you, which may include your work drawer or home drawer. That way you will be able to apply your makeup, even if you forget or run out.

    Make sure you only use a little bit of shimmer and only in the areas that light will hit. This will give you the beautiful look that you want without any excess. Highlight your cheekbones and the bridge of your nose and use loose powder to set it in place.

    Make sure your makeup pencils are sharpened. This helps keep them clean for the next use, and makes them easier to apply. To make sharpening easier, chill them for 10 minutes or so in the refrigerator or freezer to harden them.

    Include honey in your beauty regimen. Honey has many beauty benefits and is great for your skin. When exfoliating your skin, mix honey with sugar. Using honey in with your skin lotion will aid in moisture retention. A little bit of honey will leave hair looking and feeling great.

    Incorporate a daily glass of milk into your beauty routine. Research indicates that drinking milk helps your bones as well as your skin. The high protein content in milk will help build muscle. It helps you to lose weight, too. A simple yet helpful beauty tool is milk.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    Making beauty improvement plans can be exciting, especially since you are now better prepared to do so. Now that you are aware of what actually works well you should have the confidence to help make your appearance much more pleasing to other people.

  403. You want to be more beautiful, no? That is definitely a useful subject. There are a lot of ways to do this, but you have to be somewhat skilled. Do you have all of the knowledge you need to get the most out of your beauty products? If you answered no to this question, the tips and advice contained in this article will be of great help to you.

    Sticky, thick polish can be thinned with a little bit of nail polish remover. Use a little bit, put the top back on, and shake it. This can extend the nail polish and give you some additional applications.

    Sunscreen is necessary to keep your skin looking great. When deciding on which brand is right for you, look for a sunscreen with quality, natural ingredients that are beneficial to your skin like antioxidants and vitamins. You can keep your skin youthful and nourished with the use of these ingredients.

    Letting your hair dry naturally is the best way to prevent heat damage. Your hair and scalp can suffer immensely from the heat that is applied by the hair dryer, straightening iron and curling iron. Put your hairdryer on the lowest setting to avoid damage to your hair. This protects you hair and keeps it silky and soft.

    Using color to emphasize your eyes is an age old trick that women use with the application of eye shadow. If you have hazel or green eyes, apply color that brings out the best in your eyes. Try using silvery pewter, deep purples, lavender and light brown for this purpose.

    If your facial type is square, soften your look by applying creamy rose colored or coral colored blush. Apply the blush to your cheeks with your fingers and gently fan the color towards your temples.

    Soften a square or angular face shape with a rose or coral cream blush. With your fingers, put the blush on the top of the cheek, then use a gentle tugging motion to spread out the color up toward your temples.

    If you are truly focused on a healthy beauty routine, then you have to make the choice to cut caffeine out of your diet. You can be jittery and look tired if you getting too much caffeine, and extended overuse can make you look older than you are. Limit your intake of coffee or tea to a single cup per day. If you can’t give them up entirely, try decaf coffee or a good green tea.

    Does the paint on your nails chip shortly after painting them? Using a top coat can help you avoid this. Just remember that a top coat is not the same as regular clear nail polish. Choose a product which says “top coat” on it.

    If powdered mineral makeup makes your skin feel itchy, try to find one that has a formula which doesn’t contain bismuth oxychloride. This particular ingredient makes many women believe they can’t use mineral makeup because it causes irritation. However, lots of brands don’t have this ingredient.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    Wanting to look better is one thing, but knowing how to achieve it is better. You can now apply your newly acquired knowledge either to making yourself feel more confident in your own body or to making other people take notice of you.

  404. If you desire to look and feel better, it’s vital that you begin a beauty regimen as soon as possible. Something else to consider is the selection process of both techniques and products that assist you in looking better. The following tips will help you immensely.

    You can put your moisturizer in an empty jar or tube of lip gloss. This perfectly handy container can be kept anywhere, such your purse, travel bag, car or even the drawer of your work desk. Simply dab a drop of the moisturizer on your face whenever your skin begins to feel dry.

    Moisturizing your facial skin is very important. Use a moisturizer even if your skin is greasy and oily. Be sure to use a moisturizer with an SPF in it.

    Try putting Vaseline onto the nail cuticles every week. This stimulates the nail bed and adds moisture, which keeps your nails splitting or peeling. Also, your nails will look more vibrant, which can improve your appearance. In fact, you will see results the very first time you try this tip.

    If you use a curling iron or other heat tool on your hair, be sure that the products you use for cleaning, conditioning and styling your hair are heat-activated. Using these heated appliances daily can damage your hair. Heat-activated products will give your hair protection from the heat and leave it soft and shiny.

    Stay hydrated to help the youthfulness of your skin. Skin can look dull and dry if you don’t stay hydrated. You can combat this problem by making sure you drink at least eight glasses of water each day. If you don’t like the taste of water, try flavoring it with a slice of lemon or splash of cranberry juice to make it more palatable. You’ll look radiant in no time.

    You can make your own mouthwash from peppermint oil and purified water. To use this method, just put in a drop of oil for each ounce of water. To start, bring the water to a boil. Measure out the peppermint oil into a ceramic or glass container. Add the boiled water now. Using a clean cloth, such as a handkerchief, cover the container, then allow it to cool. Store the solution in a bottle that has a lid that fits tightly. You now have your own custom mouthwash!

    To keep your skin looking fresh and flawless, make sure you drink plenty of water each day. Dehydration can leave your skin dry and wrinkly. Drink around eight, eight ounce glasses of H2O every single day. To jazz up what you drink, add a splash of juice or a lemon slice to the water. It will make your skin happier.

    Rejuvenate skin by gently rubbing it with a dry, soft bristled brush prior to showering. Not only will your oil glands be stimulated, your skin will remain moisturized for longer. You should brush your whole body in a circle. Once you’ve done this, take a shower using gentle soap.

    Drink milk on a daily basis. Studies have shown that drinking milk daily has many benefits for your body, bones, and skin. It contains a lot of protein and encourages muscle-growth. It can also help you maintain a lower weight. Drinking milk is among the easiest ways to keep your body looking good.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    Many people realize that being beautiful is not something you were either born having or not having. Maybe you don’t think you’re as hot as you could be, but that article can make it easy for you to put your best foot forward. Stay positive and you’ll look and feel better in no time.

  405. What a great way to have fun and enhance your appearance! As you begin, you might feel lost as you are bombarded with information. The following article provides you with all the information you need to develop your regimen, and become your own personal beauty-care expert.

    Condition your eyebrows with Vaseline every night. The Vaseline will strengthen the hair in your brows, making them look shiny and more noticeable. Vaseline can cause unsightly acne, so try not to get it elsewhere on your face.

    If you want to brighten up your skin during the winter, consider a moisturizer or bronzer with warmer undertones. Both pink or gold ones work well. Apply the highlighter with a makeup sponge, dabbing it on your brows and fleshy part of your cheeks for a dewy look. Be careful not to over apply the product, as this will make your face look unnaturally shiny.

    No matter the type of your skin, you should make it a habit to wash your skin with a gentle cleanser once or twice a day. Always remove all of your makeup in full before starting your skin care regimen. If not, you may end up with pimples.

    Drinking water is one of the best ways to improve your skin’s appearance. Water will keep your whole body, including your skin, hydrated. It also can flush harmful toxins from the body, and this action gives you cleaner and healthier skin.

    To brighten up that dull winter skin, try moisturizers or highlighters that have warm pink or golden undertones. Use a cosmetics sponge to apply the product to your brow bones and the apples of your cheeks to add a glowing, radiant effect. Make sure you stop here; any more application will cause you to appear shiny.

    Shimmery eyeshadow definitely makes a statement. Because the shimmery particles in the makeup reflect light, these shadows can create the illusion of bigger, brighter eyes. Find something that is similar to your natural skin tone. Have fun exploring the many different ways of applying a vast multitude of shades.

    To make a foundation last longer, and save a little money, mix it with a moisturizer. Additional benefits to doing so include more SPF for your face, as well as a natural glow.

    Use heat activated products when you are going to be using a heating tool to straighten or curl on your hair. Shampoo, conditioner and other styling products can easily be obtained in a ‘heat-activated’ formula. Regularly blow-drying or curling your hair without such products can cause significant damage. Help protect against damage by using heat-activated products, which will help with shine and softness.

    Exercise every single day. Staying active will keep you healthy and youthful-looking. It is definitely essential for personal beauty. You should set aside at least 15 minutes each day for physical exercise. Staying active can be as simple as walking a block or two and/or vacuuming your home.

    By using rosewater or cucumbers you can rid of the dreaded dark circles under your eyes. These will naturally cool and calm your eyes while lightening the skin underneath them. Relax for 15 minutes with cucumber or rosewater soaked pads covering your closed eyes.

    Beauty is something that is fun for people of all ages. All that is required is some basic knowledge for good product application, but you need not become a pro to get results. Simply remember the tips and have fun!

  406. Merrillville man faced with armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges happen to be filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is arrested for robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d accepted trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together at high school.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to look at these shoes. Because he searched the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to stop everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he would give Hammonds besides the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the phone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage because man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets Twelve months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 1 year for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he’d decided to work with a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For about one month, the girl contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the woman her car had been stripped and offered her $350 for the car, but never gave her the money.

    In court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and it was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working coupled with put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as a misdemeanor under terms of the agreement.

    Hobart man charged with public indecency

    A Hobart man having a history of convictions for sexual offenses continues to be charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, of the first block of Michigan Avenue, is faced with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police at about 9:15 p.m. she traveled to clean the men¡¯s bathroom within the restaurant. Toney entered the lavatory, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look with this.¡± The lady told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney told her to ¡°look at this¡± again and could see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The girl said Toney had done exactly the same thing at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to 3 years, with one year executed and a couple years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  407. Merrillville man charged with armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges have already been filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is arrested for robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d accepted trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together at school.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to look at these shoes. Because he searched the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to quit everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he was going to give Hammonds besides the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the telephone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage as the man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 12 months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 12 months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he’d accepted work with a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. Around one month, the girl contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the girl her car have been stripped and offered her $350 for your car, but never gave her the money.
    In the court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working coupled with put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as the misdemeanor under terms of the agreement.

    Hobart man arrested for public indecency

    A Hobart man having a reputation convictions for sexual offenses continues to be charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, on the first block of Michigan Avenue, is faced with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police at about 9:15 p.m. she visited clean the men¡¯s bathroom in the restaurant. Toney entered the restroom, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look with this.¡± The woman told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney informed her to ¡°look at this¡± a second time and might see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The girl said Toney tried exactly the same thing at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to three years, with twelve months executed and 2 years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  408. Merrillville man faced with a armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges have been filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is arrested for robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d agreed to trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together at high school.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to check out the shoes. Because he searched the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to give up everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he would give Hammonds in addition to the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the telephone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage since the man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 12 months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for Twelve months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he had consented to work with a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For around one month, the lady contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the girl her car ended up stripped and offered her $350 for the car, but never gave her the money.
    In the court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and it was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working and had put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as the misdemeanor under the agreement.

    Hobart man faced with public indecency

    A Hobart man with a history of convictions for sexual offenses has been charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, of the first block of Michigan Avenue, is faced with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police at about 9:15 p.m. she traveled to clean the men¡¯s bathroom within the restaurant. Toney entered the restroom, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look only at that.¡± The lady told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney said to ¡°look at this¡± a second time and might see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The woman said Toney had done the same principle at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to a few years, with twelve months executed and a couple years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  409. Beautifying yourself is a wide-open field with lots of options. In this article, you will likely run across some advice that applies to your situation. There are many simple, yet effective professional tips that will be perfect for use in a daily routine for natural beauty.

    Before you do a fake tan, be certain to get rid of hair that is unwanted at least a day before tanning. It doesn’t matter if you wax or shave. Just ensure you do this 24 hours prior to applying the tan. Waiting 24 hours makes it much more likely that your tan won’t have noticeable blemishes or rough spots.

    Utilize baking soda to make your hair shine! Add a touch of baking soda and shampoo into your hand just as you are about to use it. Proceed with your normal hair washing routine. This strips away product build-up and leaves your hair looking shiny and clean.

    If you use a blow dryer to style your hair, use a styling product that protects your hair from the heat. You can find this in generic stores like Wal-Mart or Target. It’s used to prevent split ends and help your hair dry quicker. It locks in moisture and even smells fantastic!

    You can use eye color to play up the highlights in your eyes, making them appear almost candlelit. Some great highlight colors are silver, lavender and purple.

    Baking soda is a cheap alternative to helping your hair be shiny again. Mix a little bit of baking soda and shampoo in your hand. Then wash your hair normally. This will restore the luster to your hair.

    Check to see if you are allergic to fake eyelashes before using them. Add a small bit of glue to the bare skin of your forearm to see if any chemicals in the glue will cause a reaction. Carefully cover the area that you are using to perform the allergy test.

    For eyes that pop, use shimmering shadows. The shininess will help to give your eyes the appearance of being larger and brighter. Look for shades with flecks that are close to the color of your skin. Once you’ve used it for a while, you can branch out and try new colors and application methods.

    You should use a moisturizer at night in order to keep your skin near your eyes from drying out. Maintaining healthy skin around your eyes prevents dark circles, and it also keeps lines and wrinkles away.

    You could create your own mouthwash at home using a mixture of peppermint oil and purified water. Add a single drop of peppermint oil for each ounce of water used. The purified water should initially be boiled. Then place the number of drops of oil you require into a large glass or ceramic container. Next you are going to add boiling water. Keep the container covered with a clean handkerchief or other cloth while it cools. Decant into a bottle with a tightly fitting lid. Your mouthwash is ready for use!

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    This article will help you design a better beauty routine for yourself. Remember these tips when you are need of a complete makeover.

  410. A lot of people think that beauty is something you either possess or not possess. However, this is not true. This article will help you to enhance your natural beauty. It takes more than genetics to be beautiful.

    If one of your polishes starts to get thick and sticky, add a bit of polish remover in the bottle. After only adding a tiny bit, seal up the top and shake thoroughly. This helps add a few additional applications for your nail polish.

    To bring out the sparkle in green or hazel eyes, use colors that enhance the highlights in these colors. This can create a candlelit effect when done properly. Colors such as lavender, pewter and purple, will enhance the gold and green in hazel eyes.

    To make your lips look bigger, apply shimmery white eyeshadow just above the cupid’s bow in the center of your top lip. The illusion of fuller lip is the result of the reflection of the light that this highlighting provides.

    Do away with red eyes to let your pretty peepers shine. Try to have some eye drops handy so you’ll have them if you ever need them. Use eye drops to have a clear look to your eyes if you are tired or have spent some time out in the sun.

    Always keep a stash of vitamin E. Vitamin E can be used for several things. Vitamin E is wonderful for your skin; keeping it soft and fresh looking. When used on your nails, it helps cuticles look good and keeps them from becoming rough.

    Make sure you sharpen all of your makeup pencils. These makeup products are at their cleanest when they are sharpened. Before you attempt to sharpen one, allow the pencil to sit in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

    Expert make-up artists use the color pink all the time. It draws the eye away from problem areas. If you are fighting an outbreak or missed out on some sleep, use a bright lipstick to focus attention elsewhere.

    Always clean your brushes to keep them working the best. Use a mild cleanser and warm water, gently removing old makeup and skin cells from the bristles. Rinse your brushes thoroughly, and allow them time to air dry while laying on a towel. This prevents both caking of the makeup and build-up of bacteria on the brush.

    If powdered mineral makeup makes your skin feel itchy, try to find one that has a formula which doesn’t contain bismuth oxychloride. This particular ingredient makes many women believe they can’t use mineral makeup because it causes irritation. However, lots of brands don’t have this ingredient.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    There are many easy ways to help yourself look more beautiful and feel better about yourself. Apply the tips from this article to help you really look and feel your best.

  411. What a great way to have fun and enhance your appearance! As you begin, you might feel lost as you are bombarded with information. The following article provides you with all the information you need to develop your regimen, and become your own personal beauty-care expert.

    To protect your hair from heat damage, let it air dry as often as possible. The combined heat from the hair dryer, curling iron, and straightening iron can take a major toll on the hair and scalp. If you have to dry it, try to use the dryer on the lowest heat setting. Doing this ensures your hair will remain soft and smooth.

    Sunscreen keeps your skin looking flawless. When selecting your sunscreen, make sure you choose one with healthy ingredients and antioxidants. These healthy ingredients protect and nourish the skin, keeping it youthful looking and supple.

    Before going to bed, spread some Vaseline over your eyebrows. By putting Vaseline on your eyes before you go to bed, they will become shinier and better looking. Be careful not to spread Vaseline elsewhere on your face to avoid acne breakouts.

    Prior to using a fake tan, you should ensure any unwanted hair is removed 24 hours beforehand. Whether you decide to wax or shave you should do it 24 hours prior to tanning to ensure positive results. Doing this means your false tan will apply smoothly.

    Keep Vitamin E handy. Vitamin E has many purposes. It’s good for keeping your skin soft. Vitamin E can also be used on your cuticles to keep them from splitting and feeling rough.

    Use lukewarm water to cleanse your face when bathing. Hot water urges pores to open, and then natural oils escape. These oils are essential to keep your skin moisturized. Bath in warm water instead to ensure your skin will be soft and supple. It will also help you save on your heating bill.

    Make sure that the eyeliner and lip liners that you are using are sharp. This keeps them clean and ready to use. A good tip is to put them in your freezer for 10 minutes before sharpening.

    Try to stay away from caffeinated beverages if you’re looking to improve your beauty routine. Consuming caffeine can make you jittery, tired, and makes your age more readily apparent. Limit your intake of coffee and tea to one cup each day. Try going for a decaffeinated coffee or go with a better tea.

    A cheap kitchen sponge works just as well in the bathroom. Kitchen sponges clean bathroom surfaces as well as other types of sponges.

    By using rosewater or cucumbers you can rid of the dreaded dark circles under your eyes. These will naturally cool and calm your eyes while lightening the skin underneath them. Relax for 15 minutes with cucumber or rosewater soaked pads covering your closed eyes.

    As shown here, there is a wealth of knowledge available on the web to educate you on the products that are available to you as you develop your own personal beauty regimen. Do the necessary research to find the best products and procedures that will work best for your personal needs.

  412. Know what you are going to be looking for and what to expect from practicing a beauty routine. An understanding on how you can get advice on making your appearance better and who you can ask for help will make the job a little easier. You can get a fine foundation by reading the tips in this article.

    If you notice that your nail polish is becoming thick in the bottle or sticky, just add some acetone, or nail polish remover, into the bottle. You should just put a little then put the lid back on and shake it up. Doing this will extend the life of your nail polish.

    Most skin types benefit from a mild facial washing, no more than twice daily. Regardless of your personal beauty regimen, make a habit of always completely removing all your makeup prior to cleaning your face. If you don’t, you may end up with acne or clogged pores.

    Get rid of any hair you do not want at least a day in advance of a fake tan application. Whatever removal system you prefer, make certain that you are satisfied with the results and give your skin a bit of time before using your tanning product. This can improve the quality of your appearance after your tan is complete.

    The hair follicles are wide open and will cause problems. Irritation is a common side effect that happens shortly after waxing or sugaring. Because of irritation issues you should avoid scented products after sugaring or a wax.

    Many people find honey to be great for natural beauty treatments. Honey has multiple benefits to your skin, and some of these happen when you eat it. Mixing honey with sugar makes a fabulous skin exfoliator. You will retain more moisture in your skin if you add a bit of honey to your regular moisturizer. Adding a tiny bit honey in your shampoo can make your hair shiny and softer.

    You must always wash away all makeup prior to going to bed. Use a solution that is geared to expel all of the makeup from your face. Then wash with a gentle cleanser and do your normal beauty routine. Make-up left on your face can result in blemishes that are very unattractive.

    Use eye drops to help your eyes sparkle. Also, this prevents eye irritation and dryness. If you stare at a television or computer screen for several hours a day, eye drops may be just what you need to feel better. Keep a bottle of eye drops in your office for maximum results.

    Shadow and liner can do wonders to make your eyes sexy and striking, but it will all be for nothing if your eyes are red. Always carry eye drops with you. Drops come in handy for those situations that lend themselves to red eyes, such as prolonged exposure to sunlight or long periods of staring a computer screen.

    Do you want to draw attention to your eyes? Use a waterproof, lengthening mascara to give your lashes more volume. There are many mascaras out there that claim they will give your lashes more volume and curl. The truth is that these products often just leave your lashes clumpy and flake off. They tend to weigh down the lashes and thus cause eye irritation. Try a moisturizing formula instead, which will not only make your lashes look fuller while you wear it, but will also help them grow. Your lashes will look thicker and have an upward curl to them.

    For a long-lasting manicure, a high-quality top coat is essential. After you receive a manicure, make sure to apply a top coat, so you can seal and cure it. Afterward, add thin coats to freshen the manicure every other day and to prevent chips and peels in the nail polish. Doing this can extend the beauty of your manicure by days.

    These tips should have helped you feel more relaxed and confident in making the proper choices in regard to your beauty care. Although it may be a lot of information to absorb, it should have provided you with some general ideas on how to start developing your own effective beauty regimen. And if you forget a few things, you can always come back here for reference.

  413. Beauty is a huge factor when it comes to women these days. A woman who is beautiful finds that people pay attention to her words and actions, and are more apt to offer assistance when needed. The problem is, many women are unaware just how simple it is to appear more beautiful. Read on to find out how!

    Purchase an excellent eyelash curler. Most people often forget how great their eyelashes look when they use an eyelash curler. This brightening effect will make your eyelashes look more healthy and glowing. You can also find heated versions that say they allow curls to stay in longer.

    Purchase an excellent eyelash curler. It may not seem obvious, but curling your eyelashes is quick to do, and it looks beautiful. Curling your eyelashes leads to more expressive and impressive eyes. You can get heated eyelash curlers that make curls last longer, too.

    Dark mascara is a fantastic makeup to use if you want to make your eyes appear larger. Make sure to have extra mascara wands to clean up your make-up after it has been applied.

    Make sure that you are not allergic to your fake eyelashes. You should test the glue on your arm to see if you have an allergic reaction. Put a small amount of the glue on you arm and cover it.

    If you want to emphasize and play up your gorgeous hazel or deep green eyes, look for colors that will bring out the flecks of gold and green in a way that almost looks like candlelight. These highlighting colors include silvery pewter and deep purples; pale, shimmery lavender and light brown can also be used.

    Use a skin moisturizer or highlighter with warm undertones to refresh and add color to dull skin. Too apply them and add a glow to your complexion, you would dab them onto your brow bones as well as the cheeks with a cosmetics sponge. Don’t add too much, if you do, it can make you look too shiny.

    Apply shimmer with a light touch in carefully selected areas that will be exposed to light. It will create a flattering glow effect. When you use highlighter, put it on your brows, nose, and cheekbones; then set with loose powder.

    Your food choices affect the texture and tone of your skin and hair. Inner beauty has more than one meaning. Make sure your diet contains a variety of nutrients. For healthy and strong nails, skin and hair, make sure to include lots of whole grains, zinc, iron and proteins in your meals.

    Try using Epsom salts in your regimen. You can use Epsom salts for a laxative or to soothe your sore body. Make a special paste with Epsom salt, water and lavender. You can then apply that to problem areas and leave overnight. Your skin will look rejuvenated.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    If you are seeking a new way to go about changing up your beauty routine in order to have a different look, use the helpful tips from this article. Keep these useful pointers in mind next time you need a makeover.

  414. Beautification is a process that can be rewarding for anyone, female or male, young or old. If you’re new to the whole thing, you might get confused, especially with all the products out there. How does a novice learn what they need to know about beauty products? Continue reading the tips below.

    Slathering on sunscreen is the best thing that you can do to keep your skin safe from the sun. When sifting through the many sunscreen options, it makes sense to opt for ones with organic or healthy ingredients and antioxidants. This ensures skin looks great with no damage.

    Whatever your skin type, your face should be thoroughly washed with a gentle cleanser once or twice every day. It’s vital to remove all traces of makeup from your face before you start using a cleanser. Not removing your makeup first can cause your pores to clog and acne to develop.

    Dark mascara is a fantastic makeup to use if you want to make your eyes appear larger. Make sure to have extra mascara wands to clean up your make-up after it has been applied.

    Brush your skin with a dry soft brush before showering to stimulate oil production and improve the health of your skin. Brush circularly, starting at the feet and ending with your face; then, take a warm shower and use a gentle cleanser.

    To make your lips look bigger, apply shimmery white eyeshadow just above the cupid’s bow in the center of your top lip. A little highlight here makes your upper lip look larger.

    Make sure you sharpen all of your makeup pencils. These makeup products are at their cleanest when they are sharpened. Before you attempt to sharpen one, allow the pencil to sit in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

    Pink lipstick can help conceal a blemish! Don’t actually put lipstick on your flaw, but by wearing this lipstick that goes with everything, it will draw attention to your lips. With your lips highlighted and your blemish concealed, nobody will know the difference.

    Keep some of your beauty products in the fridge. This can be a refreshing tip, especially in the summertime. Keeping these products such as toners, lotions, and oils refrigerated can be refreshing when you apply them during hot weather. The cool, yet refreshing feeling will really be an enjoyable experience.

    Use a teabag piece to protect a fingernail that rips off. Empty the bag first. Then, cut a small patch from the teabag making sure your patch will cover the tear. Then put the trimmed out piece over the tear, and use a clear nail polish to paint over the whole thing.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    Many people would like to improve their outward appearance. Instead of hiding any flaws, concentrate on highlighting your assets. Apply the advice from this article to help you accomplish this. Use the suggestions you have just read to help enhance your own beauty.

  415. Do you believe beauty is superficial? This is true, but your appearance will definitely influence how people judge you. This is exactly why it’s important to look great. This article will show you how to look great!

    Using a facial moisturizer is a necessity. A facial moisturizer should be used, even if your skin is greasy or oily. It is important to utalize a moisturizer that contains an SPF as well.

    Exfoliate your skin before you apply a fake tan. This eliminates your dead skin cells and smooths out your skin. As a result, your tan is going to appear more even and smoother. Use this process to extend the longevity of your fake tan.

    If you’re planning on going out right after work or school, then you should try to use a good sized fluffy brush, and dust a fine layer of matte powder over oily areas. Emphasize your cheekbones by sparingly applying a bit of shimmery powder to the apples of each cheek.

    Change your hairstyle and hair color to positively alter the look of your face. Choose a cut with sleek, elongated lines, with the longest layers reaching somewhere between your jawline and shoulders. You can also use lowlights or highlights to frame your face. Asking your hair dresser to include these special touches to your next hair appointment will make you look more beautiful.

    Curl your lashes with an eyelash curler before you apply mascara. This will help to enliven your eyelashes so your whole appearance looks more energetic. Start at the lash base and squeeze the curler, and then hold it just a second. Keep repeating as you work your way up to the tips of your lashes. Doing this will provide a more natural curve than if you only apply it once.

    Staying hydrated is an important part of any skin care regimen. Water is nature’s cleanser, and it’s power to flush the body of harmful pollutants can result in more radiant and attractive skin.

    One cheap and all-natural way to improve your skin’s health is to get your full daily dose of water. Water flushes out harmful impurities from within your body. This cleansing process increases the luminosity of your complexion.

    When using fake eyelashes, you never want to realize that you have an allergic reaction to the adhesive. Try a drop on your arm first to be sure there isn’t an allergic reaction. Put some plaster over it and leave it be for at least a day. Without a rash, you will not have a problem.

    Use liquid eyeliner when you want something more dramatic. You have more space for creativity with liquid and it will enhance your eyes. Use a small, angled brush for clean lines. This will give you beautiful results.

    Open your refrigerator door to find a great natural mask to tighten your facial skin. Whisk some egg whites and lemon juice together and apply it on your skin, after five minutes rinse it off and your face will be fresh and firm. It’s an excellent idea to give a try prior to a party or big date!

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    Beauty is not only a science, but also it is an art. These tips will show you the science behind everything and also how to be creative in the process of looking better. Do not keep buying beauty products that claim to make you beautiful overnight.

  416. Everyone would like to be physically attractive. There is nothing like looking in the mirror knowing you will look fantastic. With the vast array of products on the market, beauty can be a little confusing. Here are some tips to help you.

    A coat or two of waterproof black or dark brown mascara is an easy way to open up the eyes and draw attention to them. Keep disposable mascara wands around to break up clumps and brush off extra mascara around the outer corners of your eyes.

    To plump your lips, use white eyeshadow just on top of the cupid’s bow on your top lip, in the center. When this area is highlighted, it will reflect the light and make your upper lip seem fuller.

    Research as shown that symmetrical faces seem to be the most beautiful. Taking steps to improve the symmetry of your face can make you appear more attractive. When you apply make-up or trim facial hair make sure each side is even.

    Artificial eyelashes should be applied only after testing for allergic reactions. You should test the glue on your arm to see if you have an allergic reaction. Put a protective strip over the test area.

    Shimmer should only be used sparingly. This creates a pleasant glow effect. Highlight your cheekbones and the bridge of your nose and use loose powder to set it in place.

    Drink a lot of water if you want your skin to stay beautiful. When you are dehydrated, your skin is the first organ that suffers. This can be prevented by drinking the recommended eight glasses of water every single day. You might add some lemon, lime or cranberry juice to your water if it will be more appealing to you that way. Your skin will benefit from this.

    Replace all your expensive products with natural castile soap, a mild natural toner like vinegar or witch hazel and a soft washcloth. Use aloe vera to moisturize. When you use organic, natural items, your skin will brighten up instantly. If you need a little more moisture than aloe provides, add a small drop of vitamin E oil. If you want a toner that is medicated, use tea tree oil.

    If you have found that mineral makeup powder irritates your skin, the culprit could be bismuth oxychloride. This irritates skin, so women think they can’t use this kind of makeup. However, a lot of brands don’t use that ingredient.

    Use liquid eyeliner when you want something more dramatic. You have more space for creativity with liquid and it will enhance your eyes. Use a small, angled brush for clean lines. This will give you beautiful results.

    When applying eyeshadow, look downward and toward the mirror. Do your best to keep from putting pressure or pulling on your eyelids. Looking at a downward angle helps you get your eye shadow correctly applied the first time. Apply your shadow carefully, and you will not need to stretch your lid.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    No matter what your feelings about beauty may be, you can certainly benefit from looking your best. Make certain that you take to heart as many of the ideas from this article that you can. As you begin to feel better about your outward appearance, you’ll also begin to feel better on the inside.

  417. The advice offered to you here will apply to any seemingly insurmountable beauty problems, from cultivating healthy skin to making your hair glow. You may be able to enhance your appearance and streamline your beauty routine by using the tips you’ll find below.

    Before bed, put a little natural oil, such as walnut oil, on your eyebrows. This will add shine to your eyebrows, and make them look better. Make sure the Vaseline doesn’t get on your skin, as this can cause acne breakouts.

    Use an exfoliating product on your skin before applying spray-on tanning products. You will get rid of any dead skin that has been sitting on your face if you do this. This will make your artifical tan look smoother and more even. It will also look more real and last longer for you.

    Consider a new hairstyle for a more narrow-appearing face. Try a long cut with sleek lines that falls between your shoulders and your jaw. Adding lowlights or highlights can help to frame your face. These are extremely flattering on almost all facial types.

    If you eyes are red, no amount of eyeshadow or eyeliner can hide that, even if they give you striking eyes full of sexiness. Stow away eye drops in whatever bag you are carrying. You will be thankful to have them the next time your eyes scream for relief from staring at a computer screen or a day in the blinding sun.

    To make your lips look bigger, apply shimmery white eyeshadow just above the cupid’s bow in the center of your top lip. A little highlight here makes your upper lip look larger.

    To prevent your hair from going gray, eat a teaspoon worth of some curry leaf chutney daily. This contains nutrients that your body needs to provide your hair’s pigment, and it helps you hair stay healthy. You could also attempt adding scented rosemary oil on your hair. This also helps improve the health and color of your hair.

    If you are truly focused on a healthy beauty routine, then you have to make the choice to cut caffeine out of your diet. You can be jittery and look tired if you getting too much caffeine, and extended overuse can make you look older than you are. Limit your intake of coffee or tea to a single cup per day. If you can’t give them up entirely, try decaf coffee or a good green tea.

    Always clean your brushes to keep them working the best. Use a mild cleanser and warm water, gently removing old makeup and skin cells from the bristles. Rinse your brushes thoroughly, and allow them time to air dry while laying on a towel. This prevents both caking of the makeup and build-up of bacteria on the brush.

    Try using Epsom salts in your regimen. You can use Epsom salts for a laxative or to soothe your sore body. Make a special paste with Epsom salt, water and lavender. You can then apply that to problem areas and leave overnight. Your skin will look rejuvenated.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    Many people realize that being beautiful is not something you were either born having or not having. Maybe you don’t think you’re as hot as you could be, but that article can make it easy for you to put your best foot forward. Stay positive and you’ll look and feel better in no time.

  418. Beauty on the inside is your most important beauty secret, but there is nothing wrong with doing your best for the outside too! Most people want to emphasize their natural features. This article can help you bring out your natural beauty and show you how to really shine.

    Remember to exfoliate before applying fake tan to your skin. When you do this, you will remove any dead skin cells and make it smoother. This will make your artifical tan look smoother and more even. It will look like a natural sunkissed tanned body!

    Moisturizing your facial skin is very important. Use a moisturizer even if your skin is greasy and oily. Be sure to use a moisturizer with an SPF in it.

    Apply black or brown mascara to your lashes to brighten up your eyes and draw all attention to them. Concentrate on the edges of your eyes by using mascara wands to open up masses of makeup that have clumped together.

    Beauty is certainly relative. Beauty is everywhere. For instance, the trees around your neighborhood may be amazingly beautiful or your loved one may constantly strike you as beautiful. Watching for moments of beauty is a great way to stay uplifted and maintain a successful way of life.

    Try putting some of your beauty products in a cool place, like your refrigerator. In hot weather, cool products are especially soothing to the skin. You can use your various lotions and toners more easily in the heat of the summer if you keep them in the refrigerator. Your skin will relish the cooling sensation.

    Use a skin moisturizer or highlighter with warm undertones to refresh and add color to dull skin. Too apply them and add a glow to your complexion, you would dab them onto your brow bones as well as the cheeks with a cosmetics sponge. Don’t add too much, if you do, it can make you look too shiny.

    Some beauty products work best when chilled. In hot weather, cool products are especially soothing to the skin. If it is particularly hot outside you can keep your beauty products in the refrigerator. You will love the cool feeling on your skin.

    Try using small pieces of any teabag for torn nails. To begin, take out the tea leaves from the bag. Then, cut a small section from the bag that is big enough for covering the damaged area on your nail. Carefully put the piece of teabag over the damage and seal it on firmly with a coat of clear nail polish, or the color of your current manicure.

    Curry leaf chutney is a great way to prevent your hair from going gray. The chutney is a safe, natural way to encourage growth of cells that form pigment, or color, for your hair. Try one teaspoon per day.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    This article may have interested you, try out the tips and tricks you learned! This article probably taught you a few new things. Good! Be sure to go over the information here regularly to ensure you are doing things correctly. More than anything else, have fun with beauty.

  419. Are you ready to create a beauty plan? Have no idea how to get started? How can you find the right lotions and potions that will work with your skin? This article is jam-packed with beauty tips and advice to help you out.

    An eyelash curler can help to bring out the vibrance in your lashes. Many people do not realize how wonderful an eyelash curler can make their eyelashes look. Eyelash curling makes your eyes look bigger and brighter. Heated curlers have a long-lasting effect.

    Purchase an excellent eyelash curler. It may not seem obvious, but curling your eyelashes is quick to do, and it looks beautiful. Curling your eyelashes leads to more expressive and impressive eyes. You can get heated eyelash curlers that make curls last longer, too.

    You should be sure to exfoliate. Exfoliation is a great technique to use in order to reveal the healthy skin layers that are hiding underneath the visible skin. If you have sensitive skin, you may not want to exfoliate every day, but you should still at least try to do it once or twice a week. This will give your face a fresh, radiant glow and will prevent your pores from becoming blocked by oils and dead skin cells.

    Curl your lashes with an eyelash curler before you put on mascara. Not only can curling your eyelashes help them look much longer than they really are, but it can also visually lift your entire eye area, helping your eyes look brighter, younger, and more alert. Apply the eyelash curler, starting from the base. Keep repeating as you work your way up to the tips of your lashes. This gives a nice natural curve.

    If you have a square face you can use a rose or coral brush to make it more soft looking. Try applying your blush on the apples of your cheeks and fanning it out towards temples.

    When applying makeup, make sure you have bought some excellent makeup brushes. They may be spendy but, good applicators are critical to create effective makeup applications. You may even consider searching auction sites to help you save money.

    For eyes that pop, use shimmering shadows. The shininess will help to give your eyes the appearance of being larger and brighter. Look for shades with flecks that are close to the color of your skin. Once you’ve used it for a while, you can branch out and try new colors and application methods.

    Honey is a beauty secret that every woman should know about. There are many benefits from honey, both when you put it on your skin and when you ingest it. Use honey as a natural exfoliant, by mixing it up with a bit of sugar. Adding honey to a lotion can also boost moisture. Make your hair soft and shiny by adding some honey to the shampoo you are using.

    Try not to use conditioner each day if your hair is fine. It would be more than enough to condition once, maybe twice weekly. Conditioner helps your hair, but also makes it heavier and flat. Limit conditioner use so that your hair remains light.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    If you are seeking a new way to go about changing up your beauty routine in order to have a different look, use the helpful tips from this article. Keep these useful pointers in mind next time you need a makeover.

  420. You can develop a routine that keeps you beautiful with a minimum of effort. There are many ways to quickly and easily improve your appearance. Read on for tips from the professionals in the beauty industry.

    Before using fake eyelashes, it is important to determine if you will have an allergic reaction to them. Add a small bit of glue to the bare skin of your forearm to see if any chemicals in the glue will cause a reaction. After applying the glue to your arm, make sure you keep it covered to see if you get a true reaction from it.

    You can use dark colored mascara to open up your eyes and help to draw attention to the eyes. Use a dry disposable wand to brush off excess mascara from the corner of your eyes.

    Vitamin E plays a vital role in beauty. You can use it for all sorts of things. It is helpful in making your skin soft. Vitamin E can also be used on your cuticles to keep them from splitting and feeling rough.

    Wear moisturizers or highlighters that have gold or pink undertones if you want to rejuvenate dull skin. Apply it with a cosmetics sponge on the brows and cheek bones to make your skin glow. Use a light touch and don’t overdo it; if you go overboard, you will look shiny instead of glowing.

    Curl your lashes with an eyelash curler before you apply mascara. This will help to enliven your eyelashes so your whole appearance looks more energetic. Start at the lash base and squeeze the curler, and then hold it just a second. Keep repeating as you work your way up to the tips of your lashes. Doing this will provide a more natural curve than if you only apply it once.

    Coconut oil is a nice substitute for expensive moisturizing products. Coconut oil will help reduce wrinkles and provides moisture to your skin. As an added benefit, coconut oil has also been shown to help with psoriasis, acne and eczema.

    If you can afford it, consider purchasing duplicates of the beauty products that you use religiously; whether it is a lipstick, foundation, or even hand cream. You should keep them somewhere you can get to them easy. That way you will be able to apply your makeup, even if you forget or run out.

    Watching a heart-wrenching movie? Keep those tears from dissolving your mascara. Do this by a tilt of your head that makes the tears run from the eye’s inner corner. This should help you not ruin your makeup.

    Drinking fruit juice can help your skin be more beautiful. Eating fresh produce is essential to a healthy body and skin. Drinking fruit and vegetable juices is a delicious way to get your recommended intake of these food types. Your skin will be lovely right away when you add ample amounts of fresh juice to your diet.

    Use a nourishing eye cream to prevent dry skin near your eyes. You can prevent wrinkles, lines, and bags under the eyes by paying attention to the health of this area.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    Even though beauty is usually subjective, there are certain improvements you can make that are universal. Take advantage of these tips, and add them to your regular beauty routine.

  421. Most people think that beauty if something you either have or don’t have. This simply isn’t true. This article will help you bring out the beauty you already posses. Remember to strive for inner beauty as well as outer beauty.

    Purchase an excellent eyelash curler. People tend to forget how amazing this product makes their eyelashes look. Your eyes look look bigger and brighter when you take the time to curl your lashes. Heated curlers are a great way to increase the longevity of this effect.

    If you want beautiful skin, consume more natural fruit juices. Fruits and vegetables as we all know are good for are overall health, but did you know they are also good for your skin? Juices that are fortified with these things is an excellent addition to your diet. Replace soda with fruit juice and your skin will thank you.

    Using a “hot spray” before taking a blow dryer to your hair is a smart idea. Every major store will have this in the beauty section. It is a great way to avoid split ends. It also keeps your hair from drying out, and is often scented!

    Using eye shadow and liner are great ways to help your eyes look vibrant and standout, but when your eyes are bloodshot and unhealthy looking, your efforts will be useless. Keep a bottle of Visine in your pocketbook. You will be thankful to have them the next time your eyes scream for relief from staring at a computer screen or a day in the blinding sun.

    Always be sure to wash off your makeup prior to going to sleep. A bit of warm water and a soft cloth work very well. After, wash normally. Leaving on make-up can clog your pores and cause acne.

    Be careful with fake eyelashes; some people have allergies. Test for a reaction by placing a small amount of glue on the back of your arm. Cover the part of your skin that you tested.

    Anytime you use shimmer, it’s important to lightly apply it and only apply it in the areas where light is going to hit it. This will give you a subtle glow. With some highlighter, use it on your cheekbones, brows and on your nose; brush with powder afterwards.

    Good quality makeup brushes are an invaluable part of your makeup kit. Although brushes can get quite pricey, they make a huge difference in the final quality of your appearance. If you don’t have a lot of money, you may be able to find top quality makeup brushes at a cheaper price online.

    Put a little pop in your beauty regimen by adding some shimmery eye shadow as part of your look. Shimmer eye shadow will give your eyes a glittery appearance and also help them look brighter! Choose shimmery shades that are similar to your skin tone. Play around a little and experiment with the colors and techniques for wearing it.

    Buy some high-quality makeup brushes. While good quality brushes tend to be a little costly they will greatly improve the application of your makeup. If you are on a budget, you can try searching online auction sites for great deals on high quality makeup brushes to save some money.

    In conclusion, beauty is an important part of your life and so is understanding different techniques to be the most attractive you that you can be. This information can help you to know what you need to do on a daily basis. The advice provided here will put you on the road to success.

  422. There was a time when beauty tips only concerned women who were past a certain age. Today though, women – and men – of all ages are realizing the value of advice in this area. After all, looking good is about a lot more than lucky genetics. Using these tips can produce great results.

    If your polish seems to be getting thick and sticky, put some remover in it. Only add a tiny bit, replace the lid and shake. This helps add a few additional applications for your nail polish.

    If you want beautiful skin, consume more natural fruit juices. Fruits and vegetables as we all know are good for are overall health, but did you know they are also good for your skin? Juices that are fortified with these things is an excellent addition to your diet. Replace soda with fruit juice and your skin will thank you.

    When you have gray or blue eyes, oranges and browns are your best choice for eyeshadow. Choose eyeliners and mascaras in dark brown with deep purple, brick or maroon highlights. You will make your blue eyes pop!

    Apply some kind of moisturizer to your face regularly. Moisturizers should be used on the face regardless of the skin type. During the day, make sure that your moisturizer contains an SPF rating.

    If you want better skin, brush your skin before you shower. Brush in a circular motion, from your feet up to your face, and then finish off with a warm shower and gentle soap.

    Consider a new hairstyle for a more narrow-appearing face. A cut that is long and sleek can do the trick. Bangs and highlights can also do wonders. They are really flattering and pull attention to the features on your face.

    Make a spot in your fridge for the beauty products that will be soupy in the heat. In summertime, this can be extra helpful. If it is particularly hot outside you can keep your beauty products in the refrigerator. Applying cool moisturizer or toner will also feel good on your skin, especially during a heat wave.

    Use a teabag to help fix a torn fingernail. Before doing this, get rid of the leaves from the teabag. Then, cut a small patch from the teabag making sure your patch will cover the tear. Put this piece on the damaged part, then paint it with clear fingernail polish.

    Replace expensive, designer products with a gentle washcloth, a mild toner, castile soap, white vinegar or witch hazel, and some natural Aloe Vera gel for your moisturizer. These wholesome, natural products will work wonders for any type of skin. If you need a little more moisture than aloe provides, add a small drop of vitamin E oil. If you want a toner that is medicated, use tea tree oil.

    Consider buying duplicates of your well-loved beauty products. Keep these products in places that you are always present, such as your office. By doing this, you are certain to be prepared to apply makeup at all times.

    This article has already shown that true beauty lies within. It is not about being perfect, but it is about being the very best you can be. By using the tips laid out here, you will realize all kinds of beauty in yourself and be able to show it off.

  423. The way a person approaches the matter of beauty speaks volumes about their philosophy. Applying makeup takes precise focus. Beauty need not be intimidating, especially once you read the following suggestions.

    Before using fake eyelashes, it is important to determine if you will have an allergic reaction to them. Add a small bit of glue to the bare skin of your forearm to see if any chemicals in the glue will cause a reaction. After applying the glue to your arm, make sure you keep it covered to see if you get a true reaction from it.

    Exfoliate your skin before you apply a fake tan. This eliminates your dead skin cells and smooths out your skin. As a result, your tan is going to appear more even and smoother. Use this process to extend the longevity of your fake tan.

    If you have the money, you may want to get another set of cosmetics that you normally use, like foundation, lipstick or lotion. You should keep this in locations that are convenient for you, which may include your work drawer or home drawer. That way you will be able to apply your makeup, even if you forget or run out.

    Before you get a fake tan, get rid of all unwanted body hair one day before the application. Whether you wax or shave, you will achieve the best results if you wait for 24 hours after. This will make your tan even all around.

    Shimmer should only be used sparingly. This creates a pleasant glow effect. Highlight your cheekbones and the bridge of your nose and use loose powder to set it in place.

    Consume nutritious foods if you want to enjoy healthy hair, skin and nails. When you do this, your beauty is influenced by what is on the inside, not only by what is on the outside. Your diet should consist of the nutrients you need to consume every day. To grow strong nails and healthy skin and hair, include whole grains in your diet to provide protein, iron and other minerals.

    Your hair follicles are very sensitive at this point because they are still open. If you do, you may experience extreme irritation. Also, avoid scented products after waxing or sugaring, as it can cause irritation as well.

    You can make your own alcohol-free mouthwash by combining peppermint oil with purified water. You need one drop of the peppermint oil for each ounce of water. The water should be boiled first, and then you can measure the oil into a container that can hold boiling water, like ceramic or Pyrex. Next, add the boiling water. Use a clean cloth to cover the container and let it cool. Pour the liquid into a bottle that has a lid that fits tightly. You now have a great mouthwash!

    Pineapple is the perfect food that can help you lose weight and still help you to stick with your diet. That wonderfully sweet fruit is good for those on a diet because it has a lot of bromelain. Bromelain helps digest fats, proteins, and starch. Improving digestion can speed up your metabolism.

    Place thin sliced potatoes over your eyes if they are puffy. Leave the slices in place for around 10 minutes. As alternatives, you can use a cucumber, teabags or a chilled teaspoon. These applications will show instant results, reducing puffiness and reducing the look of sleepyness.

    When you put on your lipstick put your finger in your mouth and make a ‘O’ and pull it out. This is an effective way to prevent any lipstick that ended up inside your mouth from getting on your teeth while leaving the lipstick on the outside of your mouth untouched.

    As you can see, beauty and the application of its basic principles is something that is not just for experts who have had formal training. It doesn’t matter what your skill level is. The tips in the above article were created to assist people of all skill levels in looking as great as possible.

  424. If you look good, you tend to feel good, as well. Feeling confident about your looks builds self-esteem. People respect and admire those who take good care of themselves and project self-confidence. Read this guide for strategies on how to stay beautiful from both the inside and out.

    If you do, it can lead to problems because the follicles on your skin are open. You may have intense irritation if you do this. It is also best to stay away from scented lotions and creams on the sugared or waxed areas to avoid further irritation.

    To make your lips look bigger, apply shimmery white eyeshadow just above the cupid’s bow in the center of your top lip. The increase in fullness is an illusion that is created by the highlighted area of the lip reflecting light.

    Instead of spending too much money on a moisturizer, you can use coconut oil. Coconut oils sink into the skin easily, hydrate thoroughly and minimize wrinkling and other imperfections. Not only that, but it can also help treat skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and acne thanks to its natural anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

    Put Vaseline on your eyebrows before you go to sleep. This moisturizes them and makes them appear shinier. Be careful you don’t get Vaseline anywhere else on your face, because it can lead to unwelcome breakouts of pimples.

    Use Vaseline for your eyebrows. Apply it just before bedtime. This will help your brows to be nice and shiny. Be sure to focus the Vaseline only on your brows, as getting this on your skin can cause acne.

    Using a “hot spray” before taking a blow dryer to your hair is a smart idea. This is sold in the beauty section of any big box store and many drug stores, and helps to prevent split ends. It also helps your hair dry more quickly. The spray locks in your hair’s natural moisture, and you’ll love its pleasant fragrance.

    Juice will help you get a healthier skin. You can also get these skin-friendly nutrients by eating whole fruits and vegetables. Drinking fruit and vegetable juices are a great way to get more vitamins and minerals into your diet. Replace the sugary sodas and coffee you drink with natural juices. Your skin will thank you.

    If you really want to have an effective beauty routine, it is necessary to avoid caffeine. Caffeine has a number of negative affects, such as making you jumpy and causing you to look old and tired. Don’t drink more than one cup of coffee or tea each day. If you still need a coffee fix, opt for decaf instead.

    It’s important to try to not wear makeup at least once every 30 days. This gives your face time to breathe, and helps maintain its health. You will find that your skin is more fresh a day later.

    Make use of eye drops throughout the day in order to have sparkling eyes. That way, you can stave off irritation and dryness as well. If you regularly engage in an activity that causes eye strain, like using a computer, eye drops will help. Just keep a bottle in your purse or your desk, and use it every 4 hours.

    Although beauty regimens may vary, certain aspects of them stay the same. While the products and techniques may differ somewhat, they are otherwise quite similar. If you know your needs, your budget and the amount of effort you’re willing to use, you should have no trouble picking the best beauty treatments by using just a modicum of common sense and research.

  425. If you need some great tips to be more beautiful, keep reading. Continue reading to discover useful beauty tips that will make others turn heads when they see you.

    Fill a tiny sample jar or empty pot of lip gloss with your favorite moisturizer. You can put this in your purse or travel bag. When your skin starts drying up, apply a drop of moisturizer.

    An application of white eyeshadow to the area above the middle of your upper lip will make the lips appear larger than they really are. When this area is highlighted, it will reflect the light and make your upper lip seem fuller.

    There is scientific evidence that people tend to prefer symmetry over asymmetry. That means that in order to look as beautiful as possible, it’s important to keep things symmetrical. You goal is to have both sides of your face be identical to each other.

    A “hot spray” can be used to protect hair from heat damage during blow drying. This product should be applied before using a blow dryer. Every major store will have this in the beauty section. It is a great way to avoid split ends. It seals in moisturizer and smells wonderful.

    If you are going out immediately after you get off work for the night, you can freshen up your look by using a large, fluffy brush to dust on a matte powder over oily areas on your face. Emphasize your cheekbones by sparingly applying a bit of shimmery powder to the apples of each cheek.

    Peppermint oil mixed with water makes a really good, natural and alcohol free mouthwash. For each ounce of water, add a single drop of oil. Measure your drops of peppermint oil into a high capacity ceramic container and boil your water. Add the boiled water now. Use a clean cloth to cover the container; then let it cool. Next, decant the mixture into an airtight bottle or container. Now you have mouthwash!

    Matte blush is more flattering than shimmer blush for most skin types. Blushes that incorporate shimmer draw attention to flaws like acne scarring, bumps and moles. You can keep an appearance of vibrant skin free of imperfections by masking blemishes with matte blushes.

    Is your manicure ruined almost immediately with chips and scratches? A top coat can help the look last as long as a week. This is not the same as regular clear nail polish, so do not confuse the two. Choose a product which says “top coat” on it.

    Petroleum jelly can make your feet and toes feel soft. It may sound old fashioned, but petroleum jelly is an inexpensive and time-tested skin softener. Applying it to heels, soles and the balls of your feet at least three times a week will keep the skin from chaffing and peeling to begin with, leaving you with smooth and healthy feet!

    Don’t use hot water in your showers and baths. Hot water can not only damage your skin, but also open your pores in a way that will cause your body’s natural oils to escape. The water will wash the good oils away. Use lukewarm water to maximize skin beauty and softness. Also, it will save you on your electricity bill.

    It is not surprising that you may want to enhance your natural beauty. Try playing up your strengths instead of hiding your weaknesses. This article gave you some great tips to getting on the right beauty path for you. By practicing these tips you’ll be well on your way to looking more beautiful.

  426. Merrillville man involved in armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges have been filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is arrested for robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d agreed to trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together at high school.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to look at these shoes. Because he searched the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to quit everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he was going to give Hammonds besides the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the phone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage as the man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 12 months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for Twelve months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he had consented to work on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For around one month, the lady contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the woman her car had been stripped and offered her $350 for your car, but never gave her the money.

    In court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working and had put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as the misdemeanor under the agreement.

    Hobart man arrested for public indecency

    A Hobart man having a history of convictions for sexual offenses continues to be charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, of the first block of Michigan Avenue, is charged with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police around 9:15 p.m. she went to clean the men¡¯s bathroom inside the restaurant. Toney entered the lavatory, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look with this.¡± The woman told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney told her to ¡°look at this¡± again and might see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The woman said Toney tried the same at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to a few years, with one year executed and two years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  427. Merrillville man faced with a armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges happen to be filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is arrested for robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d agreed to trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together at school.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to check out these shoes. As he searched the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to quit everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he was going to give Hammonds in addition to the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the telephone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage because man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 12 months for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 12 months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he had consented to work with a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. For around one month, the lady contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the woman her car had been stripped and offered her $350 for your car, but never gave her the money.
    In the court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working and had put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as being a misdemeanor under the agreement.

    Hobart man arrested for public indecency

    A Hobart man having a history of convictions for sexual offenses may be charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, on the first block of Michigan Avenue, is charged with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police around 9:15 p.m. she traveled to clean the men¡¯s bathroom inside the restaurant. Toney entered the restroom, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look only at that.¡± The lady told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney informed her to ¡°look at this¡± again and could see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The lady said Toney had done exactly the same thing at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to 3 years, with twelve months executed and two years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  428. Merrillville man charged with armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges have already been filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is involved in robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d decided to trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together in college.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to look at the shoes. While he searched the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to stop everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he would give Hammonds as well as the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the phone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage as the man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 1 year for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 12 months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he’d consented to work on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. Around one month, the woman contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the lady her car had been stripped and offered her $350 for the car, but never gave her the money.
    In the court on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and it was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working and had put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction like a misdemeanor under terms of the agreement.

    Hobart man charged with public indecency

    A Hobart man with a history of convictions for sexual offenses continues to be charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, on the first block of Michigan Avenue, is charged with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police at about 9:15 p.m. she attended clean the men¡¯s bathroom inside the restaurant. Toney entered the lavatory, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look with this.¡± The woman told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney said to ¡°look at this¡± a second time and might see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The lady said Toney had done the same at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to a few years, with twelve months executed and 2 years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  429. Merrillville man involved in armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges have been filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is involved in robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d decided to trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together in college.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to check out these shoes. Because he searched the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to give up everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he was going to give Hammonds as well as the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the phone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage since the man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 1 year for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for 12 months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he’d agreed to work on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. Around one month, the girl contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the girl her car ended up stripped and offered her $350 for the car, but never gave her the money.
    In the courtroom on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and it was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working together put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction as a misdemeanor under terms of the agreement.

    Hobart man faced with public indecency

    A Hobart man with a history of convictions for sexual offenses has been charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, of the first block of Michigan Avenue, is charged with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police around 9:15 p.m. she attended clean the men¡¯s bathroom in the restaurant. Toney entered the lavatory, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look at this.¡± The girl told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney said to ¡°look at this¡± again and might see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The girl said Toney tried the same at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to three years, with one year executed and two years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  430. You may think that beauty is a genetic luck of the draw that few people possess, but that is not entirely true. There are a great number of things you can do to enhance you looks, as well as techniques to conceal your shortcomings. We supply some tips here that can be used to develop this regimen toward increased beauty.

    You can draw attention to your eyes and make them look bigger by applying dark mascara. Brush away any stray crumbs of mascara and separate clumps with an inexpensive disposable mascara brush.

    Apply a token moisturizer prior to makeup. Not only is moisturizer beneficial to your skin, it helps with your makeup application. Your makeup will not look blotchy if you use a moisturizer. Your makeup will go on more smoothly and you will look refreshed.

    Always use a facial moisturizer. Even if you have oily or greasy skin, you should make sure you use a moisturizer on our face. Always make certain to select lotions or moisturizers that contain SPF.

    Use a skin moisturizer or highlighter with warm undertones to refresh and add color to dull skin. Carefully apply the product with a sponge to the brow and cheeks to give the illusion of warm, glowing skin. Be careful not to over apply the product, as this will make your face look unnaturally shiny.

    Even the color of your hair and its style can be changed to make a face seem narrow and slender. Long lines and a fair length can be very flattering. Also, use highlights to create a narrow and more defined appearance. These ultra-flattering highlights bring attention to your best features.

    Use a ‘hot spray’ on damp hair, prior to blow drying. These protectants can be easily found in the beauty department of most stores. They are incredibly useful in protecting your hair from the damage caused by heat when blow drying, curling, or straightening. It seals in moisturizer and smells wonderful.

    Drink a lot of water if you want your skin to stay beautiful. When you are dehydrated, your skin is the first organ that suffers. You can rehydrate your skin by consuming a minimum of 8 – 10 glasses of water daily. Try putting some lemon or juice in the water for a better taste. This is a tremendous gift to your skin.

    Use honey in your beauty regimen. Honey is beneficial to your beauty in many ways, whether eaten or not. Try adding a little honey to some sugar for a handy exfoliating solution. Massage honey into your facial skin for a natural skin cleanser, and wash it off with warm water afterward. You can make your hair softer and shinier by adding some honey to your regular shampoo.

    If you like how you look with powdered mineral makeup yet know that it makes you itch, try looking for a formula free of bismuth oxychloride. If you have had problem with itching or redness, seek out brands that do not contain this ingredient.

    Decrease the puffiness of your eyes by applying a thin potato slice to them. You should leave them on for 10 minutes or so. Besides potato slices, a teaspoon that has chilled in the freezer for a while, slices of cucumber and teabags also do the trick. These all draw down the puffiness of your eyes immediately, which gives you a more alert and rejuvenated look soon thereafter.

    With any luck, you now possess the keys to creating your perfect look. By using these tips, you should be able to come up with a beauty regimen that fits into your lifestyle.

  431. Keep reading for some great timeless advice on how to make yourself look more beautiful. Here is advice along with secrets, information and tips that will help you present yourself in the most beautiful way possible.

    Try rubbing Vaseline onto your cuticles every week. It will help your nails grow quicker as it feeds them. The look of your cuticles and nails will be more healthy as well. You will notice results after the first time your try this because it almost immediately makes your nails look better.

    Coat your feet with Vaseline at night. You will have soft and supple feet as if you just got a pedicure. You can add this to your nightly beauty ritual to make it easier to remember. Make sure that after you put on the Vaseline, you put on some socks.

    If you want to emphasize and play up your gorgeous hazel or deep green eyes, look for colors that will bring out the flecks of gold and green in a way that almost looks like candlelight. These colors include silvery pewter, shimmery lavender, light brown, and deep purple.

    Vaseline (or a non-petroleum based oil such as peanut oil) can be massaged into the cuticles at least once a week for an intensive beauty treatment. You are feeding the nail, so it promotes the growth process. When you polish your nails, make sure to use a top coat to prevent the polish from chipping.

    Restore shiny gloss to your hair with the use of baking soda. Take a bit of baking soda and mix it in with your shampoo. Then normally was your hair. This brings back shine to your hair.

    If you use a curling iron or other heat tool on your hair, be sure that the products you use for cleaning, conditioning and styling your hair are heat-activated. Using heated tools on daily basis can severely harm your hair. If you use heat-activated hair products, they will reduce the negative effects of the heat and improve hair texture.

    Keep a moisturizer on hand to keep your skin looking fresh. This is important if it is cold outside; skin tends to dry out in the winter. Keeping skin moisturized constantly can prevent dryness and any breaking or cracking.

    To ward off gray hair, you can try an indian remedy of eating curry leaves or curry leaf chutney. Left chutney is a good and natural way to help your pigment forming cells gain pigment. You really just need to eat one teaspoon.

    If you suffer from frizzy hair, a brush with boar bristles in it may be a good option for you. People who have naturally wavy or curly hair tend to have issues with frizz. By using a brush with boar bristle fibers during the drying of your hair, you will minimize frizz. Aim the air flow from your dryer downward while simultaneously brushing.

    Consider buying duplicates of your well-loved beauty products. Keep these products in places that you are always present, such as your office. By doing this, you are certain to be prepared to apply makeup at all times.

    Beauty is not just a matter of luck. With a bit of effort, you can greatly improve your own beauty. When a man or woman uses the methods described in this article, they will look their best. These tips should help you get the most out of your new beauty regimen.

  432. Anyone can stand to look better. But, for those who are just starting out in the world of beauty, you may get scared of everything that comes with it. So, how does a beginner become educated? Read and learn from the tips below!

    For a quick-fix, keep an empty jar filled with face moisturizer in your purse or car. Containers of this size can be easily carried wherever you go. When your face starts getting dry, add a small amount of moisturizer to it.

    An application of white eyeshadow to the area above the middle of your upper lip will make the lips appear larger than they really are. Adding highlights to this part of your lip produces the illusion of fuller lips.

    An eyelash curler is a super investment. This curler can help to increase the volume of your eyelashes for a beautiful effect. Doing this will make your eyes look brighter and much bigger. You can also find heated versions that say they allow curls to stay in longer.

    Using eye shadow and liner are great ways to help your eyes look vibrant and standout, but when your eyes are bloodshot and unhealthy looking, your efforts will be useless. Keep a bottle of Visine in your pocketbook. You will be thankful to have them the next time your eyes scream for relief from staring at a computer screen or a day in the blinding sun.

    Always be sure to wash off your makeup prior to going to sleep. A bit of warm water and a soft cloth work very well. After, wash normally. Leaving on make-up can clog your pores and cause acne.

    The eyeliners or lip liners that you use should be sharpened often. By keeping them sharpened, they will be clean and ready to use. For best results when sharpening, use the freezer or refrigerator to cool them for around 10 minutes, then proceed to sharpen them.

    Keep a moisturizer on hand to keep your skin looking fresh. This is important if it is cold outside; skin tends to dry out in the winter. Keeping skin moisturized constantly can prevent dryness and any breaking or cracking.

    Use a teabag to help fix a torn fingernail. Before doing this, get rid of the leaves from the teabag. Then, cut a small patch from the teabag making sure your patch will cover the tear. Put this piece on the damaged part, then paint it with clear fingernail polish.

    If you want beautiful skin, consume more natural fruit juices. Fruits and vegetables as we all know are good for are overall health, but did you know they are also good for your skin? Fruit and vegetable juices are good for the skin, as well. Add them to your diet. You can replace your usual sweet drinks with juice, and you will be glowing in no time.

    Consider buying duplicates of your well-loved beauty products. Keep these products in places that you are always present, such as your office. By doing this, you are certain to be prepared to apply makeup at all times.

    This article has already shown that true beauty lies within. It is not about being perfect, but it is about being the very best you can be. By using the tips laid out here, you will realize all kinds of beauty in yourself and be able to show it off.

  433. This article will help whether you want a whole new beauty routine or need help with a beauty problem. Learn how to make your outer beauty match that of your inner self by reading these tips.

    Your hair color and style can help your face look thinner. Your haircut should include sleek, long lines and the length should fall between your jawline and shoulders. You can even add lowlights and highlights that help frame the face. This will draw attention to these facial features.

    Regularly exfoliate your skin, especially your face. Dry or sensitive skin should be exfoliated between one and three times a week in order to reveal the healthy skin hiding underneath. You will ensure you face looks healthier and you will get rid of any dirt or oil build up.

    You should get rid of bodily hair a day before you put on any self tanner. Shave the hair off or wax it, but make sure to do this a day ahead of time. Your fake tan will be even, creating a smooth look.

    Make sure you aren’t allergic to eyelash adhesives before applying them. Do this by testing the glue you will be using on your skin, most likely your arm, and see if you have an adverse reaction. After applying the glue to your arm, make sure you keep it covered to see if you get a true reaction from it.

    The last thing you want, if you are going to use fake eyelashes, is to find you are allergic to the glue. To ensure you are not allergic to the glue, put some on your own arm. Now leave that on your arm for a full 24 hours. If your skin does not appear irritated or red, you should be fine.

    Eyeshadow and eyeliner can make your eyes look stunning. Make sure the whites of your eyes are not red and irritated. To help with red eyes, keep eye drops handy no matter where you are. You can pull the bottle out to freshen up your eyes if you spend too much time in the ocean, or after logging a long afternoon at work, staring at a computer monitor.

    Consider using shimmer eye shadow for your beauty plans. When glittery eye shadow is worn, a shiny effect is produced, which causes your eyes to seem much larger and brighter. Use a shimmer that is similar to your skin tone. Do not fear using different application techniques and colors in your routine.

    For eyes that pop, use shimmering shadows. Because the shimmery particles in the makeup reflect light, these shadows can create the illusion of bigger, brighter eyes. You should choose from shades that shimmer in a shade close to your own skin tone. Try something new and experiment to find what works for you!

    A healthy diet will help keep your skin, nails and hair in good shape. Your body needs the right kind of fuel to stay beautiful. Keep your diet balanced with a variety of good foods. Your meals should include lots of whole grains, zinc, iron and proteins for healthy hair, nails and skin.

    Decrease the puffiness of your eyes by applying a thin potato slice to them. You should leave them on for 10 minutes or so. Besides potato slices, a teaspoon that has chilled in the freezer for a while, slices of cucumber and teabags also do the trick. These all draw down the puffiness of your eyes immediately, which gives you a more alert and rejuvenated look soon thereafter.

    As previously stated, many things can affect your attractiveness. You can unleash all these facets when you use the ideas presented within this article. Beauty is not just on your outside; it also resides within.

  434. Every society consists of people wanting to be young and beautiful. Many people realize that beauty is found internally and externally. Sometimes small changes can have a terrific impact on your personal beauty. By making the effort to change small things in your life, you can look the way you want to look.

    If you do, it can lead to problems because the follicles on your skin are open. You may have intense irritation if you do this. It is also best to stay away from scented lotions and creams on the sugared or waxed areas to avoid further irritation.

    Your face needs to be moisturized. Use a moisturizer even if your skin is greasy and oily. Make sure you use a moisturizer that doubles as sunscreen.

    Keep moisturizer in your purse. Your skin is especially vulnerable to cold winter weather, when our skin easily cracks and breaks. This results is skin that is less than attractive. By keeping your skin constantly moisturized you will prevent the dryness, and its subsequent cracking and breaking.

    Staying hydrated is an important part of any skin care regimen. Water cleanses your body and helps to remove toxins, which improves the health and appearance of your skin.

    Try eating healthy for better skin, nails and hair! Beauty comes from the inside in many ways. A healthy diet needs to include all the right nutrients. Eating whole grains and proteins, among other things, can help the appearance of your skin, nails, and hairs.

    If you eyes are red, no amount of eyeshadow or eyeliner can hide that, even if they give you striking eyes full of sexiness. Make sure you have eye drops available away from home. Eye drops will provide instant relief when they are tired from too much computer time or being out in the sun.

    Purchase two containers of your favored beauty products. Keep one with you at work and one at home. This way, you’ll always be prepared for any situation that might require a touch-up.

    Use this beauty tip! Give your lashes plump volume with a lengthening mascara. Many mascaras claim to be able to increase the volume and curl of your lashes. Many of these are too heavy. They may actually add clumps and bulk to your lashes. You should instead try the waterproof, lengthening formula. A lengthening mascara will help your eyelashes have more volume and a beautiful curl.

    Keep makeup remover wipes in your makeup kit. Having wipes close at hand is how real experts do fast damage control when the application process starts to get messed up. These wipes are an affordable way to apply makeup like a pro. Keeping the wipes handy will improve your routine.

    To get long and nice nails, try putting Vaseline in your cuticles at least once a week. This feeds the nail bed, encouraging nail growth. Be certain to use top coats which will prevent nails from chipping, when you paint your nails.

    You should now have a better idea as to how to approach beauty. Even if you thought you already knew enough, now you are practically a professional! The advice from this article will help you create or improve your beauty regimen.

  435. Merrillville man involved in armed robbery, battery

    Armed robbery and battery charges happen to be filed in Lake Superior Court against a Merrillville man stemming from a June 17 robbery.

    Jonathan Peter Hammonds, 18, is arrested for robbing an acquaintance with whom he¡¯d agreed to trade some Nike Jordan shoes. The acquaintance told police he knew Hammonds because they¡¯d had classes together at high school.

    The victim said a friend drove him to Hammonds¡¯ residence in the 7500 block of Wright Street. When he saw a Nike Jordan shoe box on the table, he set his box next to it on the table and stepped back for Hammonds to think about the shoes. Because he looked around the house, the victim told police he saw a man coming up the stairs with a gun pointed at him. Hammonds then punched him twice and knocked him to the floor. Both men were standing over him shouting to quit everything he had. The man handed over his cellphone and the $25 he was going to give Hammonds in addition to the shoes. The man told police he was allowed to leave.

    Police arrested Hammonds, who said he sold the telephone at a wireless phone store. Police identified Hammonds on store surveillance footage since the man who sold the phone that same day.

    Gary man gets 1 year for auto theft

    Lake Superior Court Judge Clarence Murray placed a Gary man on probation for Twelve months for auto theft.

    Justin Edward Smith, 20, admitted he’d accepted work on a woman¡¯s 1988 Oldsmobile Alero, which on March 17, 2013, was towed to a garage in the area of 47th avenue and Roosevelt Street in Gary. Around one month, the lady contacted Smith numerous times regarding the status of her car repairs but never got her car back. On April 14, 2013, Smith told the woman her car ended up stripped and offered her $350 for your car, but never gave her the money.
    In the courtroom on Monday, when Smith pleaded guilty and was sentenced, his attorney, Roxanne Mendez Johnson, said Smith was working together put together the $350 in restitution outlined in his plea agreement.

    Smith pleaded guilty to a felony charge, but Murray entered judgment of conviction like a misdemeanor under terms of the agreement.

    Hobart man arrested for public indecency

    A Hobart man with a reputation convictions for sexual offenses may be charged in Lake Superior Court with public indecency and criminal recklessness after he allegedly exposed himself to a co-worker and grabbed her buttocks.

    Ashley Javon Toney, 22, of the first block of Michigan Avenue, is faced with exposing himself to a co-worker at Burger King, 715 N. Hobart Road, on May 12. The woman told police at about 9:15 p.m. she visited clean the men¡¯s bathroom in the restaurant. Toney entered the lavatory, stood to the side of her and asked her to ¡°look at this.¡± The lady told police she ignored Toney and continued cleaning. Toney said to ¡°look at this¡± again and could see him from the corner of her eye holding his penis in his hand, the probable cause affidavit states. Toney then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. The girl said Toney tried the same principle at least five times previously and reported the incident to her supervisor.

    In December, Judge Clarence Murray sentenced Toney to 3 years, with one year executed and two years suspended and served on probation for voyeurism and sexual battery. Toney also is on probation in Porter County for two counts of sexual battery, criminal confinement, public indecency and criminal recklessness.

  436. Beginners will benefit from a collection of beauty tips to help them create their own beauty routine. Below is just such a collection that will hopefully assist the eager novice into eventually becoming a pro when it comes to beauty.

    Fill an empty lip gloss pot or a miniscule sample jar with your preferred moisturizer. You can place this portable container in your car, at your desk drawer, purse or even in your travel bag. Simply dab a drop of the moisturizer on your face whenever your skin begins to feel dry.

    Apply some kind of moisturizer to your face regularly. Even those who have greasy or oily skin should use an oil-free moisturizer every day. Get a moisturizer that also has some SPF value as well.

    There is scientific evidence that people tend to prefer symmetry over asymmetry. That means that in order to look as beautiful as possible, it’s important to keep things symmetrical. You goal is to have both sides of your face be identical to each other.

    You should moisturize your face. Having greasy or oily skin doesn’t necessarily mean your skin is well moisturized, so make sure you still use a daily lotion. Get a moisturizer that also has some SPF value as well.

    Check to see if you are allergic to fake eyelashes before using them. Before you apply the glue to your eyes, test it on your arm first. Protect the test area with a piece of gauze or cloth.

    Stay hydrated to help the youthfulness of your skin. Dehydration taxes skin more than most parts of your body, as wrinkles and dryness are visually apparent. Drink around eight, eight ounce glasses of H2O every single day. You might add some lemon, lime or cranberry juice to your water if it will be more appealing to you that way. This is a tremendous gift to your skin.

    Your make-up removal wipes should be kept in the location that you store your make-up. Beauty experts rely on the removal wipes for making quick fixes if something goes amiss during make-up application. They will let you fix mistakes like an expert, cheaply and effectively. Every good beauty routine should incorporate these vital wipes.

    Use this beauty tip! Give your lashes plump volume with a lengthening mascara. Many mascaras claim to be able to increase the volume and curl of your lashes. Many of these are too heavy. They may actually add clumps and bulk to your lashes. You should instead try the waterproof, lengthening formula. A lengthening mascara will help your eyelashes have more volume and a beautiful curl.

    Consuming curry leaf is believed to be a remedy for grey hair. This ingredient is natural and will boost the cells that create the pigments in your hair. Consume one teaspoon of curry leaf chutney each day to avoid grey hair.

    Don’t use hot water in your showers and baths. Hot water can not only damage your skin, but also open your pores in a way that will cause your body’s natural oils to escape. The water will wash the good oils away. Use lukewarm water to maximize skin beauty and softness. Also, it will save you on your electricity bill.

    You should now have a better idea as to how to approach beauty. Even if you thought you already knew enough, now you are practically a professional! The advice from this article will help you create or improve your beauty regimen.

  437. Every society consists of people wanting to be young and beautiful. Many people realize that beauty is found internally and externally. Sometimes small changes can have a terrific impact on your personal beauty. By making the effort to change small things in your life, you can look the way you want to look.

    Put your favorite facial moisturizer in a sample jar, so you can carry it around with you where ever you go. These containers can be carried in your purse or travel bag. When your skin starts drying up, apply a drop of moisturizer.

    Get yourself an eyelash curler. Many people fail to realize how much better their eyelashes look with the use of a good eyelash curler. Curling your lashes will make them more attractive. You can even buy eyelash curlers that are heated, which claim that the curls last longer when you use them.

    A cheap and easy way to get clearer skin is to drink enough water daily. Water will keep your whole body, including your skin, hydrated. It also can flush harmful toxins from the body, and this action gives you cleaner and healthier skin.

    You should moisturize your face. Having greasy or oily skin doesn’t necessarily mean your skin is well moisturized, so make sure you still use a daily lotion. Get a moisturizer that also has some SPF value as well.

    When using a straight or curling iron, make sure you use a heat-activated shampoo and conditioner. Using these tools daily can damage your hair. By using these heat-activated products you are protecting your hair from heat damage and keeping it shiny and soft.

    Get rid of any hair you do not want at least a day in advance of a fake tan application. You can wax or shave, but make sure the area is free of hair and wait 24 hours before applying the fake tan. You will have a tan that is more natural looking and not so uneven.

    Only use shimmer in a few areas and only in places where you are sure it will be hit by light. It will create a flattering glow effect. Use highlighter on facial planes like your cheeks, brows and nose.

    Try to eat the best foods for you if you want the best looking hair, skin and nails. Beauty will come from the inside and work its way out! Be certain to include various nutrients in your diet. Eat a lot of whole grains and foods with protein, zinc, and iron for a healthy glow and good hair and nails.

    Use a loofah to get rid of any skin imperfections. You can get a smoother, younger look from a loofah, since you can exfoliate and buff problem parts of your skin. Using a loofah and a body scrub that exfoliates gives you twice the benefits! Use your loofah once or twice a week to stay baby smooth.

    Don’t use hot water in your showers and baths. Hot water can not only damage your skin, but also open your pores in a way that will cause your body’s natural oils to escape. The water will wash the good oils away. Use lukewarm water to maximize skin beauty and softness. Also, it will save you on your electricity bill.

    Pay attention to your skin and hair, eat well, and engage in physical activity to look and feel great. By using the advice this article has given you, you will begin feeling better about yourself soon.

  438. There are a number of ways to make yourself more beautiful. This means learning all you can on how this can be achieved. Here, you will find some great suggestions to improve your existing routine or to create a whole new one.

    Sticky, thick polish can be thinned with a little bit of nail polish remover. Use a little bit, put the top back on, and shake it. This can extend the nail polish and give you some additional applications.

    An odd but great trick is to apply Vaseline to your eyebrows right before you head to bed. This will nourish your hair and lead to shiny, healthy-looking brows. You should be careful to only apply it to the eyebrows and not your skin, so as to avoid acne outbreaks.

    Try using gold, yellow, or copper eyeshadow to bring out blue eyes. Look for eyeliners and mascaras that are very dark brown that have hints of dark violet, maroon or brick. These colors will make the blues stand out brightly.

    Curl your lashes with an eyelash curler before you put on mascara. Not only can curling your eyelashes help them look much longer than they really are, but it can also visually lift your entire eye area, helping your eyes look brighter, younger, and more alert. Apply the eyelash curler, starting from the base. Keep repeating as you work your way up to the tips of your lashes. This gives a nice natural curve.

    If you have a square face you can use a rose or coral brush to make it more soft looking. Try applying your blush on the apples of your cheeks and fanning it out towards temples.

    You can make your own mouthwash from peppermint oil and purified water. To use this method, just put in a drop of oil for each ounce of water. To start, bring the water to a boil. Measure out the peppermint oil into a ceramic or glass container. Add the boiled water now. Using a clean cloth, such as a handkerchief, cover the container, then allow it to cool. Store the solution in a bottle that has a lid that fits tightly. You now have your own custom mouthwash!

    Eating one teaspoon of curry-leaf chutney daily will help you ward off gray hair. This provides the pigment that colors your hair with the minerals and vitamins they need. Also try adding some scented rosemary essential oil to your hair, which similarly keeps your scalp and hair healthier and colored.

    Get daily exercise if you would like to look young and fit. Keeping active will make you feel and look younger. This is a must-have for any beauty routine. Get at least 15 to 20 minutes of exercise every day. Staying active can be as simple as walking a block or two and/or vacuuming your home.

    You could create your own mouthwash at home using a mixture of peppermint oil and purified water. Add a single drop of peppermint oil for each ounce of water used. The purified water should initially be boiled. Then place the number of drops of oil you require into a large glass or ceramic container. Next you are going to add boiling water. Keep the container covered with a clean handkerchief or other cloth while it cools. Decant into a bottle with a tightly fitting lid. Your mouthwash is ready for use!

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    As you have seen in the above tips, there is a lot of knowledge that you can acquire before choosing and purchasing products and then applying the techniques for use with your own beauty regimen. Do whatever it takes to discover the things that suit you best.

  439. There are a multitude of quotes about beauty. One common saying is that beauty is skin deep. To be truly beautiful, someone needs to be not just physically attractive, but also have an attractive personality. Exterior beauty is a great accessory to a beautiful soul. This article offers advice for being beautiful from the inside out.

    Fill an empty pot or a tiny jar with the moisturizer of your choice. This perfectly portable container can be stashed in your purse, car, travel bag or even your desk drawer at work. Simply dab a drop of the moisturizer on your face whenever your skin begins to feel dry.

    Baking soda is a great home solution for making your hair shiny and smooth. Take a bit of baking soda and mix it in with your shampoo. Wash your hair as you normally would. Doing this will make your hair more radiant.

    The eyeliners or lip liners that you use should be sharpened often. These makeup products are at their cleanest when they are sharpened. If you tend to break your eyeliners when you sharpen them, try placing them in the fridge for a few minutes.

    You can let your lips look larger with an application of shimmery white eyeshadow right above your top lip’s center cupid’s bow. This will give you a highlight so that the light catches it and your upper lip will seem a bit fuller.

    Make fitness a part of your everyday life. Daily exercise will keep you feeling young and healthy. This is critical to looking good. Every day, find fifteen or twenty minutes to do something active. You could vacuum your home, walk around the block or whatever is exciting to you and gets you moving.

    Sometimes our beauty is interrupted by a skin blemish such as a pimple. A popular home remedy for pimples is to apply a small dab of toothpaste on it. Do not wash off the toothpaste until approximately ten minutes has passed. This will reduce redness and make the pimple less noticeable.

    When putting on eyeshadow, focus your eyes downward. Do not pull on your lids or apply pressure to them. You will be able to view your entire eyelid from this angle and minimize mistakes. This angle allows you to spread your makeup across your lid without having to use your fingers.

    Keep your eyebrows trimmed to enhance your appearance. A uni-brow is never attractive, so practice good brow hygiene. If they grow together, trim them in the middle, or if they are bushy, keep them trimmed down. It will improve your looks immeasurably.

    You must consistently wear sunscreen to protect your skin. It is important to apply sunscreen year round, not just in the summer. The face and hands are particularly vulnerable to skin damage during the winter months.

    Consider buying duplicates of your well-loved beauty products. Keep these products in places that you are always present, such as your office. By doing this, you are certain to be prepared to apply makeup at all times.

    Now you know how much fun it is to be beautiful. There is a lot to learn and much to be gained when you rediscover your own look, improve upon it and learn to look your best. With this new found knowledge, you have what it takes to be an even more beautiful you!

  440. Are you ready to get beautiful? You’ve made the right choice. There are some things you must learn first, but don’t worry, these ideas are presented in this article. Are you aware of the best approaches to get maximum performance from your products? If not, read on.

    Rub petroleum jelly into your cuticles every week. This stimulates the nail bed and adds moisture, which keeps your nails splitting or peeling. In addition, your cuticles and nails will have a healthier appearance. Usually you will see results right away as the Vaseline goes to work extremely fast.

    Make your eyes pop with one or two coats of black or brown mascara in a waterproof formulation. Use disposable mascara wands for eliminating clumps and extra mascara from the outer edges of the eyes.

    As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Things exude their own beauty. You can find beauty in nature, art or your spouse. When you admire beauty, you’ll find you feel more beautiful yourself.

    Sugaring and waxing cause your hair follicles to open, which can cause many skin problems when exposed to tanning. The combination can cause very painful irritation. Make sure you avoid products that contain fragrance after you have waxed because these types of products can cause irritation on your skin that is difficult to soothe.

    You should always try and exercise everyday. Perpetual motion will have you feeling and looking younger, while also keeping your energy levels up. You need to keep it in your figurative beauty bag. No matter what, exercise at least 15 minutes a day. You could vacuum your home, walk around the block or whatever is exciting to you and gets you moving.

    Use a tiny bit of a teabag on a ripped fingernail to repair it. Discard the tea leaves from the bag. After taking the tea out you should use it to cover your nail tear. Last, put the material on the tear and apply clear nail polish.

    Make a spot in your fridge for the beauty products that will be soupy in the heat. In summertime, this can be extra helpful. If it is particularly hot outside you can keep your beauty products in the refrigerator. Applying cool moisturizer or toner will also feel good on your skin, especially during a heat wave.

    Keep your eyebrows trimmed to enhance your appearance. A uni-brow is never attractive, so practice good brow hygiene. If they grow together, trim them in the middle, or if they are bushy, keep them trimmed down. It will improve your looks immeasurably.

    A good moisturizing cream every night can prevent the skin around the eyes from drying out. Keeping the skin there healthy will prevent dark circles, and will keep you from developing lines and wrinkles.

    Consider buying duplicates of your well-loved beauty products. Keep these products in places that you are always present, such as your office. By doing this, you are certain to be prepared to apply makeup at all times.

    Beauty is not just a matter of luck. With a bit of effort, you can greatly improve your own beauty. When a man or woman uses the methods described in this article, they will look their best. These tips should help you get the most out of your new beauty regimen.

  441. Almost everyone wants to be attractive and look good. There isn’t a person in existence that wants to make themselves look unattractive. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to start looking stunning in a short amount of time. This article contains tips on how you should do this.

    Use petroleum jelly on your cuticles weekly. This will nourish your nails and promote their growth. It will also improve their appearance. In fact, you will see results the very first time you try this tip.

    On a weekly basis, apply Vaseline to the cuticles of your nails. This stimulates the growth of your nails and moisturizes the area. It will also make your nails and cuticles look healthier. It does not take long to improve the look of your nails. You will notice the difference right away.

    Studies have shown that people find beauty in symmetry. That means that in order to look as beautiful as possible, it’s important to keep things symmetrical. Keep your make up symmeteical and your facial hair.

    Apply a token moisturizer prior to makeup. Moisturizers are great for your skin but also help spread your makeup evenly. You can avoid having your makeup look blotchy when you utilize a moisturizer. This is a great way to make your makeup last longer and keep your face with a fresh look.

    Use a creamy rose colored blush to soften the bone structure of your face. Apply the blush to your cheekbones, then fan the color out and up toward your temples.

    Drink enough water daily to naturally clear up your skin without needing to spend money on products. Water can help to purify and detoxify your skin from the inside out, and this process can help you attain luminous skin.

    A nightly application of moisturizing cream can prevent dryness and irritation around your eyes. You can prevent wrinkles, lines, and bags under the eyes by paying attention to the health of this area.

    The oldest beauty secrets are often the best ones out there. For instance, you can use a facial masque made from lemon juice and egg white to tighten the skin on your face instantly. Whisk one egg white together with about one teaspoon of lemon juice. Massage into your face gently, and let it sit for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water. By doing this, your skin will be glowing almost immediately.

    If powdered mineral makeup makes you feel itchy, try to find one made without any bismuth oxychloride. It frequently causes wearers to feel itchy when using mineral products, but many brands do not contain this ingredient any longer.

    Decrease the puffiness of your eyes by applying a thin potato slice to them. You should leave them on for 10 minutes or so. Besides potato slices, a teaspoon that has chilled in the freezer for a while, slices of cucumber and teabags also do the trick. These all draw down the puffiness of your eyes immediately, which gives you a more alert and rejuvenated look soon thereafter.

    With all of this, you should now see how fun making yourself beautiful can be. Improving or re-creating your appearance can be loads of fun. Using such tips, it is possible to begin making yourself even more beautiful than you thought possible.

  442. Beauty is something that most people care about. These days, both women and men are interested in beauty tips. Looking attractive involves many things and not just your genetics. With a little effort on your part, any number of beauty tips can work in your favor.

    Prior to putting on your makeup, apply some light moisturizer. This tip can help to keep your skin healthy, and it makes it easier to apply an even coat of foundation. If you do not use a moisturizer, your makeup may look cakey and uneven. This is a great way to make your makeup last longer and keep your face with a fresh look.

    You should be sure to exfoliate. Exfoliating your face takes off the top layer of dead skin cells, revealing the smoother, healthier skin underneath. If your facial skin is especially dry, you can exfoliate a few times a week. Exfoliating will let your face look more fresh and radiant, and will help to prevent oil and dirt buildup.

    You can adjust your hair’s style and color to better accentuate the shape of your face. Your cut should be sleek and fairly long – falling just above shoulder length. Use low-lights and highlights as appropriate to frame your face. These are extremely flattering on almost all facial types.

    For your eyes, emphasize grays and blues by using copper, apricot and gold eyeshadow colors. Look for mascara and eyeliners that are dark brown with hints of brick, deep purple, or maroon. These darker colors will help your eyes stand out.

    If a social occasion is on your calendar right after work, refresh your face by using a fluffy brush for dusting matte powder on the oiliest parts of your face. Add some shimmery powder to your cheeks to emphasize your cheek bones.

    Check for allergies before applying fake eyelashes. Use a small spot on the inside of your arm as your test area; apply a little bit of the glue to make sure you don’t have a reaction. Protect the test area with a piece of gauze or cloth.

    Use petroleum jelly on a regular basis to help soften your feet and toes. Petroleum jelly is one of the cheapest, yet most effective ways to keep your feet hydrated and your skin soft. Applying it to heels, soles and the balls of your feet at least three times a week will keep the skin from chaffing and peeling to begin with, leaving you with smooth and healthy feet!

    Make sure that you do not use glue that gives you an allergic reaction when applying eyelashes. Test out the product on your arm first to determine if you are allergic. Put a plaster over it and leave it on for a day. If there is no rash after this period of time, you are probably not allergic.

    Replace expensive, designer products with a gentle washcloth, a mild toner, castile soap, white vinegar or witch hazel, and some natural Aloe Vera gel for your moisturizer. All of these natural solutions can be just as effective on your skin. If you need even more moisture, add some vitamin E. Add some tea tree oil if you want a toner that is medicated.

    For a long-lasting manicure, a high-quality top coat is essential. After you receive a manicure, make sure to apply a top coat, so you can seal and cure it. Afterward, add thin coats to freshen the manicure every other day and to prevent chips and peels in the nail polish. Doing this can extend the beauty of your manicure by days.

    The tip listed in the introduction is just one of many found here. Its a great way to discover the newest techniques and products offered. You’ll get your money’s worth a the beauty counter with these tips. You’ll feel great on your way out the door.

  443. What a great way to have fun and enhance your appearance! As you begin, you might feel lost as you are bombarded with information. The following article provides you with all the information you need to develop your regimen, and become your own personal beauty-care expert.

    Buy yourself a good eyelash curler. People tend to forget how amazing this product makes their eyelashes look. Curling eyelashes brightens and enlarges the eyes. It is also possible to buy heated eyelash curlers that are said to provide a long-lasting curl.

    Keep your skin cells turning over with exfoliation. Exfoliate your skin every other day to keep the top layer looking fresh and smooth. This can help you skin radiate with that fresh, clean feeling. It also prevents the buildup of harmful skin-clogging debris.

    You should always wash your skin with a gentle cleanser one or two times every day whatever your skin type is. It is crucial to completely remove your makeup when cleaning your face. If not, you’ll get acne and clogged pores.

    Soften the angles of your face with a soft coral or creamy rose blush. Apply the creamy blush to the apples of your cheeks with your fingers. Gently tug them and fan the color towards your temples.

    If you are going out immediately after you get off work for the night, you can freshen up your look by using a large, fluffy brush to dust on a matte powder over oily areas on your face. Try playing up cheek bones with shimmer powder on cheeks.

    Apply shimmer lightly and only then on parts of your face that light will actually hit. This will create a nice glowing effect. With highlighter, aim for the higher planes of your face, such as your cheekbones, nose and brows and then, set it with a loose layer of powder.

    Drink milk on a daily basis. This has been shown to help the entire body, including the skin and the bones. Milk has a lot of protein and builds muscles. It can help you maintain a more favorable body weight as well. Milk can help with your beauty, inside and out!

    Honey is a great tool to have in your beauty routine. You can benefit greatly from honey in your beauty routine. Use honey as a natural exfoliant, by mixing it up with a bit of sugar. You can retain more moisture in your skin by mixing honey with your moisturizing lotion. Adding honey in with your regular shampoo will leave it shiny, manageable and touchably soft.

    Use a dry, soft brush on your dry skin before showering to stimulate your oil glands. Use a circular motion starting at your feet and working up to your head. Finish by rinsing with gentle soap under a warm shower.

    For a long-lasting manicure, a high-quality top coat is essential. After you receive a manicure, make sure to apply a top coat, so you can seal and cure it. Afterward, add thin coats to freshen the manicure every other day and to prevent chips and peels in the nail polish. Doing this can extend the beauty of your manicure by days.

    These tips should have helped you feel more relaxed and confident in making the proper choices in regard to your beauty care. Although it may be a lot of information to absorb, it should have provided you with some general ideas on how to start developing your own effective beauty regimen. And if you forget a few things, you can always come back here for reference.

  444. Anyone loves being beautiful. But if you are new to the world of beauty, all the tools can seem overwhelming. What’s the best way for a beginner to get a grip on the beautification process? Continue reading the tips below.

    Take moisturizer with you by filling a used lip gloss pot or sample jar. It will be easy to stick in your purse or a drawer at your desk. Apply moisturizer whenever your skin starts to feel dry.

    Heat-activated styling products help protect your hair from damaging heat. Using these tools daily can damage your hair. By using these heat-activated products, you are protecting your hair from heat damage and keeping it shiny and soft.

    If you want to emphasize and play up your gorgeous hazel or deep green eyes, look for colors that will bring out the flecks of gold and green in a way that almost looks like candlelight. These colors include silvery pewter, shimmery lavender, light brown, and deep purple.

    To play up the color of your beautiful hazel or gorgeous green eyes, choose darker neutrals that create contrast against lighter eyes, shades that have a red base to bring out the green, or other complementary shades. Try silvery pewter, lavender, light brown, or a deep purple.

    Are you having issues with your nail polish chipping or smearing? A good top coat can help the life of your manicure. Although it might seem similar to clear nail polish, it is different, so don’t confuse the two products. Make sure you purchase top coat rather than clear polish.

    The eyeliners or lip liners that you use should be sharpened often. By keeping them sharpened, they will be clean and ready to use. For best results when sharpening, use the freezer or refrigerator to cool them for around 10 minutes, then proceed to sharpen them.

    You can enhance hazel or dark green eyes by using colors that bring out the golds and greens to appear like candlelight. These could include deep wines, shimmery purples, frosty gunmetal gray, or lighter golden brown tones.

    If your skin is not flawless, use matte blush. Shimmering blushes can accentuate flaws, including scars, moles and acne. You can keep an appearance of vibrant skin free of imperfections by masking blemishes with matte blushes.

    A good moisturizing cream every night can prevent the skin around the eyes from drying out. Keeping the skin there healthy will prevent dark circles, and will keep you from developing lines and wrinkles.

    Buy some high-quality makeup brushes. While good quality brushes tend to be a little costly they will greatly improve the application of your makeup. If you are on a budget, you can try searching online auction sites for great deals on high quality makeup brushes to save some money.

    After reading the advice offered in this article, you can see for yourself why beauty is such a fun activity. It inspires creativity and playfulness when one takes on the task of reinventing or reworking their personal style or appearance. So take a few of these tips to your vanity and improve your look today!

  445. You should start over in your beauty routine. Now’s the time! This article will help you learn what you need to do to achieve your goal. Below is some great advice to help you with your looks.

    If the consistency of your nail polish is off, try adding nail polish remover to fix the problem. You should just put a little then put the lid back on and shake it up. You can usually get about two more applications out of the bottle by using this technique.

    When you have gray or blue eyes, oranges and browns are your best choice for eyeshadow. When using eyeliner or mascara, you should look for deep brows with highlights of purple or red. These colors can enhance the appearance of your blue eyes.

    If you plan on going out for fun right after work, use a brush to dust matte powder on your face to get rid of oil. You can also enhance your cheekbones by using a small amount of shimmery powder on your cheeks.

    You can adjust your hair’s cut and color to slim a fuller face. A haircut with long streaks can help create a slender look for your appearance. Adding lowlights or highlights can help to frame your face. This will draw attention to these facial features.

    Keep some of your beauty products in the refrigerator. Make a special effort to do this in the summer when it is hot outside. By keeping cosmetics such as lotions and oils in your refrigerator, you can keep them from melting or thinning in hot weather. Your skin will also enjoy the cooling effect.

    Wash makeup off thoroughly prior to going to bed. Use some warm water and a soft cloth; you can also use make up remover. Then wash with a gentle cleanser and do your normal beauty routine. When you leave make-up on, pimples and rashes can occur.

    Drink milk on a daily basis. This has been shown to help the entire body, including the skin and the bones. Milk has a lot of protein and builds muscles. It can help you maintain a more favorable body weight as well. Milk can help with your beauty, inside and out!

    Put some honey in your makeup bag. There are many reasons to use honey in your diet and on your skin. Add it to your routine and mix it with some sugar to exfoliate your skin. Adding honey to a lotion can also boost moisture. Adding honey in with your regular shampoo will leave it shiny, manageable and touchably soft.

    If you wear makeup daily, try having one day a month where you go without. This can help your face breathe and look healthy. You will see that your face looks a lot better the following day.

    For a long-lasting manicure, a high-quality top coat is essential. After you receive a manicure, make sure to apply a top coat, so you can seal and cure it. Afterward, add thin coats to freshen the manicure every other day and to prevent chips and peels in the nail polish. Doing this can extend the beauty of your manicure by days.

    You can use these tips to help you create a beauty plan that is specifically suited to your needs. Do everything possible to discover what works best for you.

  446. Establishing your personal beauty routine can be a bit difficult and knowing where to start is usually the hardest part. Once you figure out what you need to buy and what techniques will work best for your skin and body type you will find the rest of the steps will go much more smoothly. The following tips will distill some of the basic knowledge into an easily digestible form so you can choose a beauty routine that fits your needs.

    Sunscreen is important for the health of your skin. When purchasing one, look for one with additional skin-friendly ingredients. These skin care ingredients give nourishment and protection to your skin, helping it maintain its suppleness and youthful look.

    As far as eyes go, colors like apricot and copper make blues and greys shine. Look for eyeliners and mascara that are brown with touches of deep purple and maroon. Colors in this range highlight the blues and cause them to stand out.

    Restore shiny gloss to your hair with the use of baking soda. Add a touch of baking soda and shampoo into your hand just as you are about to use it. Proceed with your normal hair washing routine. This helps restore the shine to your hair.

    Before you do a fake tan, be certain to get rid of hair that is unwanted at least a day before tanning. Just as you should shave 24 hours before your fake tan application, you should wait 24 hours to shave again. Doing this means your false tan will apply smoothly.

    If you do, it can lead to problems because the follicles on your skin are open. This can cause severe irritation. Also stay away from products that have a strong scent after you sugar or wax, they will also lead to irritation that can be hard to find relief from.

    Boar bristle brushes are great if you have frizz issues. A surprising number of people have issues with their hair becoming frizzy. To manage the frizz, use a brush made from boar bristles as you dry your hair. Aim the air flow from your dryer downward while simultaneously brushing.

    Consider using shimmer eye shadow for your beauty plans. When glittery eye shadow is worn, a shiny effect is produced, which causes your eyes to seem much larger and brighter. Use a shimmer that is similar to your skin tone. Do not fear using different application techniques and colors in your routine.

    When you want to clean the bathtub, use a kitchen sponge. Kitchen sponges work very well, and they are much cheaper than anything else in the store that can be used as a scrub.

    A healthy diet will help keep your skin, nails and hair in good shape. Your body needs the right kind of fuel to stay beautiful. Keep your diet balanced with a variety of good foods. Your meals should include lots of whole grains, zinc, iron and proteins for healthy hair, nails and skin.

    Decrease the puffiness of your eyes by applying a thin potato slice to them. You should leave them on for 10 minutes or so. Besides potato slices, a teaspoon that has chilled in the freezer for a while, slices of cucumber and teabags also do the trick. These all draw down the puffiness of your eyes immediately, which gives you a more alert and rejuvenated look soon thereafter.

    After digesting this advice, you might try it all or you might try just one or two things. Either way, you are sure to discover that even the smallest adjustment in your daily routine can make a major difference in the way you look and feel. You will look better and feel more confident in no time!

  447. You want to be more beautiful, no? That is definitely a useful subject. There are a lot of ways to do this, but you have to be somewhat skilled. Do you have all of the knowledge you need to get the most out of your beauty products? If you answered no to this question, the tips and advice contained in this article will be of great help to you.

    You can put your moisturizer in an empty jar or tube of lip gloss. This perfectly handy container can be kept anywhere, such your purse, travel bag, car or even the drawer of your work desk. Simply dab a drop of the moisturizer on your face whenever your skin begins to feel dry.

    It’s important that you figure out if you may have any allergies before you put on your artificial eyelashes. Use a small spot on the inside of your arm as your test area; apply a little bit of the glue to make sure you don’t have a reaction. Cover the area that you have applied the test glue.

    Always make sure that you are not allergic to the fake eyelashes you plan to wear. Put a little bit of the glue onto your arm to make sure you are not allergic to it. Cover the area when doing this test.

    If you plan on going out on the town immediately after work, you can use a big fluffy brush to add a nice powdery finish over any oily places. Add some shimmery powder to your cheeks to emphasize your cheek bones.

    To brighten dull dry skin in the winter, find a highlighter or moisturizer with just a hint of pink or gold shimmer to it. Use a sponge to put makeup on the apples of the cheeks and on the brow bones. This will produce a glowing and radiant effect. It can make you look shiny if you use too much.

    Use cucumbers or rosewater in order to eliminate under eye circles that are dark. These are natural treatments that will lighten and cool your skin. Simply dip a couple of soft cotton pads in rosewater or cucumber juice, and place each upon closed eyes for approximately 15 minutes.

    Drink enough water every day for healthy looking skin. When you skin is dehydrated, the stress will make it look wrinkled, dry and dull. You can fight this by getting in a minimum of eight daily servings of water. Use lemon or cranberry juice to flavor your water if you dislike plain water. Your skin will be happy when you do this!

    Get daily exercise if you would like to look young and fit. Keeping active will make you feel and look younger. This is a must-have for any beauty routine. Get at least 15 to 20 minutes of exercise every day. Staying active can be as simple as walking a block or two and/or vacuuming your home.

    Try not to use conditioner each day if your hair is fine. It would be more than enough to condition once, maybe twice weekly. Conditioner helps your hair, but also makes it heavier and flat. Limit conditioner use so that your hair remains light.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    Clearly, beauty routines are often far more complicated than some may believe. It requires knowledge and perseverance, but the results are worth the effort. Use what you have learned from the tips in this article to get a head-start on the attention and confidence that comes with being a beautiful person.

  448. The way you think about yourself plays a huge role in how others see you. If you feel you are beautiful, you project enthusiasm, confidence and positivity. Your inner state will affect your mood, your looks and even your chances for success in life. Continue reading to learn some excellent beauty tips so that you will look and feel great about yourself.

    Your hair color and style can help your face look thinner. Your haircut should include sleek, long lines and the length should fall between your jawline and shoulders. You can even add lowlights and highlights that help frame the face. This will draw attention to these facial features.

    You can use Vaseline to keep cuticles healthy. This will make your nails grow faster because it feeds your nails. It will also improve their appearance. You will see a very quick improvement after application.

    Restore shiny gloss to your hair with the use of baking soda. Add a touch of baking soda and shampoo into your hand just as you are about to use it. Proceed with your normal hair washing routine. This helps restore the shine to your hair.

    Before you do a fake tan, be certain to get rid of hair that is unwanted at least a day before tanning. Just as you should shave 24 hours before your fake tan application, you should wait 24 hours to shave again. Doing this means your false tan will apply smoothly.

    You can enhance hazel or dark green eyes by using colors that bring out the golds and greens to appear like candlelight. The most enhancing colors for hazel and green eyes are silvery and shimmery shadows in all hues of purple, silver, and light browns.

    Rather than purchasing expensive skin cleansers, moisturizers and exfoliants, consider using products such as pure castile soap, mild toners like witch hazel, and a soft washcloth. You’ll see wonderful results with these natural products. If you need even more moisture, add some vitamin E. For a medicated feel, some healing tea tree oil can also be added.

    Try and stay away from caffeine if you want to improve your beauty. Caffeine can cause you to be jittery, leads to wrinkles, and can exacerbate signs of aging. If you do drink coffee or tea, make sure you only have one serving per day. Good alternatives to many usual beverages are good-quality decaf coffee and green teas.

    When you want to clean the bathtub, use a kitchen sponge. Kitchen sponges work very well, and they are much cheaper than anything else in the store that can be used as a scrub.

    A healthy diet will help keep your skin, nails and hair in good shape. Your body needs the right kind of fuel to stay beautiful. Keep your diet balanced with a variety of good foods. Your meals should include lots of whole grains, zinc, iron and proteins for healthy hair, nails and skin.

    Decrease the puffiness of your eyes by applying a thin potato slice to them. You should leave them on for 10 minutes or so. Besides potato slices, a teaspoon that has chilled in the freezer for a while, slices of cucumber and teabags also do the trick. These all draw down the puffiness of your eyes immediately, which gives you a more alert and rejuvenated look soon thereafter.

    This article has given you some ideas on things you can do to improve your beauty in a day, a week, or a month. Keep in mind that these tips are for enhancing the beauty that was always there in your natural self. Show everyone your new confidence and be proud of the way you look.

  449. Working to improve your appearance is a good reason to begin learning the best ways to craft a solid beauty plan. You also have to do some shopping to find what works best for you. You can start by trying out these tricks.

    Don’t pay exorbitant prices for commercial facial moisturizer when coconut oil will do just as well. Coconut oil has an easier time penetrating deep into your skin and giving you that moisture you need, while also getting rid of those wrinkles and fine lines. In addition, it is useful in treating skin problems like eczema and acne due to its anti-bacterial properties.

    Moisturizing your facial skin is very important. Use a moisturizer even if your skin is greasy and oily. Be sure to use a moisturizer with an SPF in it.

    Baking soda is the secret to shiny hair. Mix a little baking soda with your regular amount of shampoo. Then you would wash your hair as normal. This will restore your hair’s luster.

    Curl your lashes with an eyelash curler before you put on mascara. Not only can curling your eyelashes help them look much longer than they really are, but it can also visually lift your entire eye area, helping your eyes look brighter, younger, and more alert. Apply the eyelash curler, starting from the base. Keep repeating as you work your way up to the tips of your lashes. This gives a nice natural curve.

    Always keep a stash of vitamin E. Vitamin E can be used for several things. Vitamin E is wonderful for your skin; keeping it soft and fresh looking. When used on your nails, it helps cuticles look good and keeps them from becoming rough.

    You can make your own mouthwash from peppermint oil and purified water. To use this method, just put in a drop of oil for each ounce of water. To start, bring the water to a boil. Measure out the peppermint oil into a ceramic or glass container. Add the boiled water now. Using a clean cloth, such as a handkerchief, cover the container, then allow it to cool. Store the solution in a bottle that has a lid that fits tightly. You now have your own custom mouthwash!

    Pink lipstick can help conceal a blemish! Don’t actually put lipstick on your flaw, but by wearing this lipstick that goes with everything, it will draw attention to your lips. With your lips highlighted and your blemish concealed, nobody will know the difference.

    Does the paint on your nails chip shortly after painting them? Using a top coat can help you avoid this. Just remember that a top coat is not the same as regular clear nail polish. Choose a product which says “top coat” on it.

    Try using Epsom salts in your regimen. You can use Epsom salts for a laxative or to soothe your sore body. Make a special paste with Epsom salt, water and lavender. You can then apply that to problem areas and leave overnight. Your skin will look rejuvenated.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    As you have seen in the above tips, there is a lot of knowledge that you can acquire before choosing and purchasing products and then applying the techniques for use with your own beauty regimen. Do whatever it takes to discover the things that suit you best.

  450. The way you feel about yourself has a huge impact on the way others see and perceive you. If you feel that you are beautiful, you will think positively and feel confident. This makes others see you as beautiful, too. This article has what you need to know about looking and feeling great.

    Apply Vaseline to your feet before you go to bed at night. Your feet will be soft and smooth like they are after a pedicure. Incorporating Vaseline use into the overall beautification process you go through every night will make you less likely to skip it. All you need to do is give your feet a coat of Vaseline and slip into a pair of socks before turning in for the night.

    Air dry your hair whenever possible to prevent exposing your hair to heat damage. All the heat from styling tools can do major damage to your scalp and hair. Put your hairdryer on the lowest setting to avoid damage to your hair. Taking good care of your hair will ensure that it is soft and healthy for many years.

    Make good use of light moisturizers prior to doing your makeup. Moisturizers are great for your skin but also help spread your makeup evenly. Without a moisturizer, your makeup could appear to be blotchy. Your makeup will last longer and your face will look fresh too.

    Always be sure to wash off your makeup prior to going to sleep. Use a soft cloth dipped in warm water or a solution made for makeup removal. After that, wash your face like normal with your usual routine. Make-up that isn’t removed in the right way can clog up your pores and acne may spring up.

    In winter time, it can be helpful to use moisturizers or highlighters that have warm tones like gold or pink. Get a natural glow by using a sponge to apply bronzer above cheekbones and brow bones. Then cease application, as using more will make you appear shiny.

    Use a skin moisturizer or highlighter with warm undertones to refresh and add color to dull skin. Too apply them and add a glow to your complexion, you would dab them onto your brow bones as well as the cheeks with a cosmetics sponge. Don’t add too much, if you do, it can make you look too shiny.

    Add honey to your beauty treatments. Aside from consuming honey, it can have great benefits when applied topically. Honey mixed with sugar is a great natural way to exfoliate your skin. Honey can also help your lotion to retain its moisture longer. Add honey to the shampoo for maximum softness and a nice shine.

    Your food choices affect the texture and tone of your skin and hair. Inner beauty has more than one meaning. Make sure your diet contains a variety of nutrients. For healthy and strong nails, skin and hair, make sure to include lots of whole grains, zinc, iron and proteins in your meals.

    Curry leaf chutney is a great way to prevent your hair from going gray. The chutney is a safe, natural way to encourage growth of cells that form pigment, or color, for your hair. Try one teaspoon per day.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    Many people realize that being beautiful is not something you were either born having or not having. Maybe you don’t think you’re as hot as you could be, but that article can make it easy for you to put your best foot forward. Stay positive and you’ll look and feel better in no time.

  451. Beautification is a process that can be rewarding for anyone, female or male, young or old. If you’re new to the whole thing, you might get confused, especially with all the products out there. How does a novice learn what they need to know about beauty products? Continue reading the tips below.

    There is scientific evidence that people tend to prefer symmetry over asymmetry. Taking steps to improve the symmetry of your face can make you appear more attractive. Whether you are applying makeup, doing your hair or trimming a mustache, be sure that both sides look very similar.

    To bring out the sparkle in green or hazel eyes, use colors that enhance the highlights in these colors. This can create a candlelit effect when done properly. Colors such as lavender, pewter and purple, will enhance the gold and green in hazel eyes.

    Baking soda is the secret to shiny hair. Mix a little baking soda with your regular amount of shampoo. Then you would wash your hair as normal. This will restore your hair’s luster.

    Always be sure to wash off your makeup prior to going to sleep. Use a soft cloth dipped in warm water or a solution made for makeup removal. After that, wash your face like normal with your usual routine. Make-up that isn’t removed in the right way can clog up your pores and acne may spring up.

    To make your lips look bigger, apply shimmery white eyeshadow just above the cupid’s bow in the center of your top lip. A little highlight here makes your upper lip look larger.

    When you use heated hair appliances, use hair products that are made specifically for use with these types of appliances. Applying intense heat to the hair on a regular basis can lead to damage, especially if you have a long hair style. Heat-activated products are properly formulated to help your hair stand up to heat treatments, and they improve the texture and shine of your hair, too.

    Eating one teaspoon of curry-leaf chutney daily will help you ward off gray hair. This provides the pigment that colors your hair with the minerals and vitamins they need. Also try adding some scented rosemary essential oil to your hair, which similarly keeps your scalp and hair healthier and colored.

    Try using a blush that is matte instead of a shimmery one. Blushes that incorporate shimmer draw attention to flaws like acne scarring, bumps and moles. Matte blushes, on the other hand, can camouflage blemishes, helping to give you the look of radiant, flawless skin.

    Position the mirror below your face when you put on eyeshadow. Be gentle; don’t put pressure on your lids or pull on them. Look at down, and get your application correct the first time. This helps you see your eyelid without having to pull on it.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    As mentioned earlier, it is likely that you’ve walked passed many beauty counters in department stores without knowing that the sales associates can help you with your makeup if you ask them. This is an entertaining way to learn more about makeup and even snag a fast lesson about makeup application. Make use of this advice to ensure you know what you’re doing as you shop. You will be feeling fabulous on the way out!

  452. You need to know what you can expect and do with a proper beauty routine. You must be aware of the resources that are out there for you, and which will provide the answers for improving your looks. The suggestions given here will help you find the information you need.

    Apply Vaseline to your feet before you go to bed. This makes your feet feel nice and soft, which is almost like a pedicure. Using this technique routinely every single night will ensure you don’t forget to do it. Smooth the Vaseline over your feet, and then slip on a pair of thick socks. The Vaseline will work on your feet as you sleep!

    Sunscreen keeps your skin looking flawless. When selecting which sunscreen to use, make sure you pay attention to the products which contain healthy antioxidants and other ingredients. These ingredients nourish the skin while protecting it, keeping it supple and youthful.

    Make good use of light moisturizers prior to doing your makeup. Moisturizers are great for your skin but also help spread your makeup evenly. Without a moisturizer, your makeup could appear to be blotchy. Your makeup will last longer and your face will look fresh too.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty can be found in many things. Perhaps you think that the trees on your street possess beauty, or you see the radiant beauty in your significant other. Keeping an open mind to beauty means your heart can be filled with warmth whenever you find it. Optimists that always see beauty in the world tend to be among the happiest folks.

    Sharpen your eyeliner and lip liner on a regular basis. A newly sharpened pencil is cleaner, and it applies much easier. To sharpen them easily, put them in your freezer for roughly 10 minutes.

    Try putting some of your beauty products in a cool place, like your refrigerator. This is a great way to beat the summer heat. You can create a cooling effect on the hottest days by storing your facial toners, lotions and skin care products in the refrigerator. An added benefit to keeping your beauty products in the refrigerator is your skin will enjoy the cooling relief especially in the summertime.

    Apply shimmer with a light touch in carefully selected areas that will be exposed to light. It will create a flattering glow effect. When you use highlighter, put it on your brows, nose, and cheekbones; then set with loose powder.

    You should use a moisturizer at night in order to keep your skin near your eyes from drying out. Maintaining healthy skin around your eyes prevents dark circles, and it also keeps lines and wrinkles away.

    If you wear makeup, invest in a proper set of brushes. Although brushes can get quite pricey, they make a huge difference in the final quality of your appearance. When you can’t afford a lot, check online to find sales and add the brushes to your collection as you can afford them.

    A good way to prevent dark circles under the eyes is with cucumbers or rosewater. Both of these have natural properties that will cool your eyes and lighten the skin beneath them. You can use this treatment by taking a cotton pad and dipping it in the liquid from either rosewater or cucumbers. Put this over your eyes for at least 15 minutes.

    Making beauty improvement plans can be exciting, especially since you are now better prepared to do so. Now that you are aware of what actually works well you should have the confidence to help make your appearance much more pleasing to other people.

  453. If you have not had a lot of practice with beauty tips, you may be a little intimidated. Do not let the vast amount of information and disinformation overwhelm you. The tips below will give you the straight facts, allowing you to create the best beauty routine possible.

    Condition your eyebrows with Vaseline every night. The Vaseline will strengthen the hair in your brows, making them look shiny and more noticeable. Vaseline can cause unsightly acne, so try not to get it elsewhere on your face.

    If you want to brighten up your skin during the winter, consider a moisturizer or bronzer with warmer undertones. Both pink or gold ones work well. Apply the highlighter with a makeup sponge, dabbing it on your brows and fleshy part of your cheeks for a dewy look. Be careful not to over apply the product, as this will make your face look unnaturally shiny.

    You can draw attention to your eyes and make them look bigger by applying dark mascara. Keep a few extra mascara wands to even out any leftover clumps or to brush off excess mascara around the eye corners.

    Rather than purchasing expensive skin cleansers, moisturizers and exfoliants, consider using products such as pure castile soap, mild toners like witch hazel, and a soft washcloth. All of these natural solutions can be just as effective on your skin. If aloe vera doesn’t provide you with enough moisture, try adding a little vitamin E oil. If you need a medicated toner, add a small drop of tea tree oil.

    Using a rose or coral colored blush can help to soften your look, especially if you have a sharper square shaped face. Use your fingers to apply the cream to your cheeks. Next, use a gentle, pulling motion to blend the color up towards your temples.

    Utilize baking soda to make your hair shine! Take a bit of baking soda and mix it in with your shampoo. Next, wash your hair as your normally do. Your hair will be restored to a healthy and shining condition.

    Curry leaf chutney can stave off gray hair when you consume one teaspoon of it every day. This contains nutrients that your body needs to provide your hair’s pigment, and it helps you hair stay healthy. You can also put rosemary oil in your hair to keep the color.

    Honey is a great tool to have in your beauty routine. You can benefit greatly from honey in your beauty routine. Use honey as a natural exfoliant, by mixing it up with a bit of sugar. You can retain more moisture in your skin by mixing honey with your moisturizing lotion. Adding honey in with your regular shampoo will leave it shiny, manageable and touchably soft.

    If you want to avoid dryness around your eyes, you should use a moisturizing cream specifically made for eyes every night. Wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes can be prevented by keeping the skin healthy and moisturized.

    By using rosewater or cucumbers you can rid of the dreaded dark circles under your eyes. These will naturally cool and calm your eyes while lightening the skin underneath them. Relax for 15 minutes with cucumber or rosewater soaked pads covering your closed eyes.

    Techniques are plentiful for looking great. When you apply the ideas presented in this article to your daily beauty regimen, you are going to look better than ever and find the confidence you need in life.

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  463. There are plenty of approaches to boost your fitness and never have to join a fitness center. You can go for a stroll, pattern with your community, or perhaps enroll in a community sports activities staff. These are typically efficient ways to meet new keep, socialise and people in shape.

    Some great benefits of simply being energetic

    You’re making sure that your joints and body organs are kept in good working order, by keeping physically active. Exercise will also help take care of your body weight in a wholesome stage and can shield you from getting coughs and colds. Other benefits iclude an increase in your energy level and brain action. You can even rest much better and be able to manage far better with anxiety and stress. Understanding that you’re feeling and looking excellent could also give yourself-assurance a real increase.

    How much exercise do you really need?

    If you’re under 18, you should try to do a total of 60 minutes of physical activity every day. In chunks of at least 10-15 minutes throughout the day, although you don’t have to do it all in one go. This can include everything from seeing the gym to strolling up stairs instead of utilizing the lift up. The activity should increase your heart rate and make you feel warmer. That is the key thing.

    If you’re over 18, aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise at least five days a week.

    You should try out a whole range of physical activities to see what you enjoy the most if you do want to start exercising and get fit. As soon as you’ve determined which actions you prefer, it is possible to plan what sort of exercise you’re gonna do and once.

    Before starting

    It’s important to see your doctor for an examination if you’ve decided to start an exercise routine. Your medical professional can give you advice about how much exercise you ought to be performing for starters. They’ll also let you know if you have any medical conditions, like knee or back pain, that can limit the type of exercise you do.

    Physical fitness at no cost

    Getting fit isn’t about gyms – some sorts of exercise won’t cost a cent and many kinds could be slotted into a active life-style without having to find an extra several hours inside your working day.

    Think about:

    1¡¢walking – a healthy method of exercise that may squeeze into everyday life

    2¡¢cycling to institution, university or work

    3¡¢jogging as well as running around the obstruct several times every week can enhance your level of fitness

    4¡¢checking out your discretion establishments supplied by your nearby authorities – there could be basketball hoops, tennis courts and basketball pitches that you can use totally free

    Crew sports

    Getting fit isn’t just something you should do by yourself. Actively playing a group sport activity like soccer, ice hockey or netball is great exercising which is usually more pleasurable when you’re with a team of buddies.

    Your college, college or university might run sessions later in the day, or you might like to become involved in a nearby group. You can find specifics of nearby organizations on the web, from the phone directory or at the local leisure centre. The local authorities can also give you details of sporting activities in your neighborhood.

  464. There are plenty of strategies to boost your fitness without needing to enroll in a fitness center. Apply for a stroll, cycle within your local area, or perhaps enroll in a community sports activities staff. These are typically great ways to meet up with new socialise, keep and people match.

    Some great benefits of getting productive

    You’re making sure that your joints and body organs are kept in good working order, by keeping physically active. Exercising can also help sustain your body weight at the wholesome level and can shield you against getting colds and coughs. Other positive aspects iclude a rise in your energy level and brain action. You may even rest far better and manage much better with stress and anxiety. Knowing that you’re feeling and looking excellent may also give on your own-confidence a genuine boost.

    Just how much exercise do you really need?

    You should try to do a total of 60 minutes of physical activity every day if you’re under 18. You don’t have to do it all in one go, but in chunks of at least 10-15 minutes throughout the day. Including from seeing the gym to jogging up stairways rather than taking the lift up. The activity should increase your heart rate and make you feel warmer. That is the key thing.

    If you’re over 18, aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise at least five days a week.

    If you do want to start exercising and get fit, you should try out a whole range of physical activities to see what you enjoy the most. After you’ve decided which routines you enjoy, you may strategy what type of physical exercise you’re going to do and when.

    Before you start

    If you’ve decided to start an exercise routine, it’s important to see your doctor for an examination. Your personal doctor can advise you how much exercising you have to be doing to start with. If you have any medical conditions, like knee or back pain, that can limit the type of exercise you do, They’ll also let you know.

    Physical fitness free of charge

    Getting into good shape isn’t exactly about fitness centers – some forms of exercising won’t cost a cent and a lot kinds may be easily slotted in to a busy lifestyle without having to locate an added couple of hours with your day time.

    Think about:

    1¡¢walking – a proper method of physical exercise which can go with daily life

    2¡¢cycling to college, college or job

    3¡¢jogging and even walking around the prohibit several times per week can increase your level of fitness

    4¡¢checking out the leisure services supplied by your neighborhood authority – there can be basketball hoops, football courts and soccer pitches that can be used free of charge

    Group sports activities

    Getting into good shape isn’t just something you have to do on your own. Taking part in a team activity like basketball, ice hockey or netball is excellent workout which is frequently more fun when you’re with a group of close friends.

    Your institution, college or university might run classes in the evening, or you might want to get involved with a neighborhood team. You will discover information on local organizations on the net, inside the phone book or on your closest discretion middle. Your local authorities can also offer you information and facts of sports activities in your area.

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    the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and
    it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I
    know this is totally off topic but I hhad to tell someone!

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  483. When buying the latest handbag this season, cosider your body type. Not every handbag is perfect for each woman. Follow these suggestions to get the perfect handbag for yourself.
    Generally speaking when it comes to handbags, the opposite shape of your body type is the most flattering. When shopping, head to the dressing room, carry the bag just like you normally would and check it out from all angles in the mirror.

    Female with handbags

    Pick handbags with a short, slouchy shape like the hobo. Avoid shoulder bags with a short strap as they could make you look even taller. Choose handbags which can be wider than they are tall. A clutch is an excellent choice.

    Regardless of what you see in Hollywood, oversized bags aren’t for small ladies. Large hand bags usually bombard your frame. Avoid shoulder bags with a long strap as they will weigh you down, making you look even shorter.

    PLUS-SIZEChoose a large structured or boxy bag to balance your curves. Don’t use a bag that is too small as it will make you look larger. If you love prints, keep away from tiny patterns.

    If you are splurging on an expensive handbag, make a choice that you’ll be able to wear often. There’s no need to spend $500 or higher on a bag which will rarely allow it to be out of your closet. When you are purchasing several low-priced hand bags instead, choose one basic everyday bag in brown or black. Then, try fun, funky styles and metallics for the other bags.

    If you aren’t sure about the different types of purses and bags, on the next page are some general guidelines to help you along the way.

  484. When buying a new handbag this season, cosider your body type. Not every handbag is perfect for each lady. Remember these instructions to chose the perfect handbag to suit your needs.In general when it comes to handbags, the opposite shape of your body type is the most flattering. When you shop, head to the dressing room, carry the bag as you normally would and check it out from all angles in the mirror.

    Female with bag

    Pick handbags by using a short, slouchy shape like the hobo. Avoid shoulder bags with a short strap as they will make you look even taller. Choose handbags which are wider than they are tall. A clutch is an excellent option.

    Regardless of what you see in Hollywood, oversized hand bags aren’t for small women. Big hand bags tend to bombard your frame. Keep away from shoulder bags with a long strap as they will weigh you down, making you look even shorter.

    PLUS-SIZESelect a large structured or boxy bag to balance out your curves. Don’t carry a bag that is too small as it will make you look larger. If you like prints, steer clear of tiny styles.

    If you are splurging upon an high-priced handbag, select one that you will be able to wear often. There’s no need to spend $500 or more on the handbag that will rarely make it out of your closet. If you are getting several cheap hand bags instead, select one basic everyday bag in black or brown. Then, experiment with fun, funky styles and metallics for the other hand bags.

    If you aren’t sure about the different types of purses and bags, on the next page are some general guidelines to help you along the way.

  485. When buying a new handbag this season, think about your body type. Not every handbag is perfect for each lady. Remember these instructions to discover the perfect handbag for yourself.
    Generally speaking when it comes to handbags, the opposite shape of your body type is the most flattering. When you go shopping, go to the dressing room, carry the bag just like you normally would and check it out from all angles in the mirror.

    Woman with bag

    Pick handbags by using a short, slouchy shape such as the hobo. Avoid shoulder bags with a short strap as they will make you look even taller. Select handbags which are wider than they are tall. A clutch is a great choice.

    In spite of what you see in Hollywood, large bags aren’t for small ladies. Large bags tend to bombard your frame. Steer clear of shoulder bags with a long strap as they will weigh you down, making you look even smaller.

    PLUS-SIZELook for a large structured or boxy bag to balance out your curves. Don’t have a bag that is too small as it will make you look larger. If you love prints, keep away from tiny patterns.

    EVERYONEWhen you’re splurging on an high-priced handbag, select one you are able to wear often. There’s no need to spend $500 or higher on a bag which will rarely make it out of your closet. If you are getting several cheap bags instead, find one classic everyday bag in brown or black. Then, try out fun, funky styles and metallics for the other bags.

    If you aren’t sure about the different types of purses and bags, on the next page are some general guidelines to help you along the way.

  486. When shopping for a whole new handbag this season, think about your body type. Not every handbag is perfect for every woman. Remember these instructions to discover the perfect handbag for you.In general when it comes to handbags, the opposite shape of your body type is one of flattering. When you shop, go to the dressing room, carry the bag just like you normally would and check it out from all angles in the mirror.

    Female with bag

    Select handbags by using a short, slouchy shape like the hobo. Avoid shoulder bags with a short strap as they could make you look even taller. Select handbags that are wider than they are tall. A clutch is an excellent option.

    In spite of what you see in Hollywood, big hand bags aren’t for small women. Big bags tend to overcome your frame. Steer clear of shoulder bags with a long strap as they will weigh you down, making you look even smaller.

    PLUS-SIZELook for a big structured or boxy bag to balance out your curves. Don’t use a bag that is too small as it will make you look larger. If you enjoy prints, keep away from tiny designs.

    EVERYONEIf you’re splurging with an high-priced bag, make a choice that you will be able to wear often. You don’t need to spend $500 or even more on the handbag which will rarely allow it to be out of your closet. If you’re getting several low-priced bags instead, choose one basic everyday bag in brown or black. Then, try fun, funky styles and metallics for your other bags.

    If you aren’t sure about the different types of purses and bags, on the next page are some general guidelines to help you along the way.

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